Generic Spring MVC Controller with Inheritance - spring-mvc

Can I do the following in Spring MVC
Suppose I have the Base GenericController as follows with one request mapping "/list"
public class GenericController<T>{
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/list")
public #ResponseBody List<T> getMyPage(){
// returns list of T
Below are my two controllers
#Controller(value = "/page1")
public class Page1Controller extends GenericController<Page1>{
#Controller(value = "/page2")
public class Page2Controller extends GenericController<Page2>{
Now will i be able to access the url "/page1/list" and "/page2/list" where first goes to Page1Controller and second goes to Page2Controller.

That's not possible and was already rejected, see SPR-10089. I think this would be somewhat confusing and in addition, it is very unlikely that those method behave exactly the same besides the different mapping.
But you can use delegation instead:
public class BaseController<T> {
public List<T> getPageList(){
// returns list of T
#Controller(value = "/page1")
public class Page1Controller extends BaseController<Page1>{
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/list")
public #ResponseBody List<Page1> getMyPage() {
return super.getPageList();
#Controller(value = "/page2")
public class Page2Controller extends BaseController<Page2>{
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/list")
public #ResponseBody List<Page2> getMyPage() {
return super.getPageList();

For those looking for something similar with Spring Framework 4.x, the class hierarchy provided by the OP is possible. A sample application is available on Github. It allows users to view a list of books or a list of magazines as JSON.


How to detect if an integer is passed to the #PathVaraible annotation in SpringBoot

I am trying to validate that an integer value has been passed to the #PathVariable annotation. I have set up the following configuration file:
public class SpringConfiguration {
public MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor() {
return new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
And then I have the following in my Controller
public class UserController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/users/{userID}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<User> get(
#PathVariable #NumberFormat(style = Style.NUMBER) int id) {
///Code here
What annotation can I use to detect if an integer value has been passed? I have tested the #Min and #Range annotations and they work correctly.
Thanks in advance.
Managed to find a solution on how to validate the path variable
.Using the following:
#Pattern(regexp = "\\d{9}", message = "Bank shoud be identified by exactly 9 digits")

#ModelAttribute("classname") dynamic paramater binding

spring mvc
How to make the argument "classname" a dynamic one ?
Whatever comes from view can get appended there.
Instantiation of the command object is the only place where Spring needs to know a command class. However, you can override it with #ModelAttribute annotated method:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void show(HttpServletRequest request,
#ModelAttribute("objectToShow") Object objectToShow)
public Object createCommandObject() {
return getCommandClass().newInstance();
By the way, Spring also works fine with the real generics:
public abstract class GenericController<T> {
public ModelAndView edit(#ModelAttribute("t") T t) { ... }
#Controller #RequestMapping("/foo")
public class FooController extends GenericController<Foo> { ... }

Creating a custom controller parameter automatically populated with HttpServletRequest?

Using a strictly annotation-based/Java-only Spring MVC 3.2.2 configuration, I'm trying to create a controller method with a custom class (I'll call it Context) as a parameter. I want to have Context constructed with knowledge of the current HttpServletRequest and then passed along to the controller method. In essence, I want to create my own custom wrapper around the request object before it's sent to the controller. e.g. I want to accomplish this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public class MainController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public #ResponseBody
String process(HttpServletRequest request) {
Context context = new Context(request);
automatically like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public class MainController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public #ResponseBody
String process(Context context) {
Is this possible? I looked into implementing a HandlerMethodArgumentResolver as a #Bean in my WebMvcConfigurerAdapter but I don't think that's the correct route to take. I've tried adding #AutoWired to Context (as a #Bean) to no avail as well. I imagine there's WebMvcConfigurerAdapter or possibly in a AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer?
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver and WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is certainly a right way to achieve your goal.
In order to register custom argument resolver you need to make your #Configuration extend WebMvcConfigurerAdapter and override its addArgumentResolver() method.

Spring MVC - PropertyEditor not called during ModelAttribute type conversion

Using Spring 3.2.3, I'm trying to implement a simple CRUD controller that handles REST-ful URLs. It relies on a PropertyEditor to convert a path variable to a BusinessService entity by loading it from an application service. Code is as follows:
public class BusinessServiceController {
private BusinessServiceService businessSvcService;
public BusinessServiceController() {
public void initBinder(final WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(BusinessService.class, new BusinessServicePropertyEditor(businessSvcService));
#RequestMapping(value = "/ui/account/business-services/{businessSvc}", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public ModelAndView update(#ModelAttribute("businessSvc") #Valid final BusinessService businessSvc, final BindingResult result,
final RedirectAttributes redirectAttribs) throws UnknownBusinessServiceException {
ModelAndView mav;
if (result.hasErrors()) {
mav = new ModelAndView("/business-service/edit");
else {
businessSvcService.updateBusinessService(XSecurity.principal().getId(), businessSvc);
mav = new ModelAndView("redirect:/ui/account/business-services");
redirectAttribs.addFlashAttribute("message","businessService.updated", businessSvc.getTitle()));
return mav;
public class BusinessServicePropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private final BusinessServiceService businessSvcService;
public BusinessServicePropertyEditor(final BusinessServiceService businessSvcService) {
this.businessSvcService = businessSvcService;
public String getAsText() {
final BusinessService svc = (BusinessService) getValue();
return Long.toString(svc.getId());
public void setAsText(final String text) {
final BusinessService svc = businessSvcService.getBusinessService(Long.parseLong(text));
According to SPR-7608, starting from Spring 3.2, #ModelAttribute method argument resolution checks if a path variable by the same name exists (it does here), in which case it tries to convert that path variable's value to the target parameter type through registered Converters and PropertyEditors. This is not what I'm experiencing. When I inspect what ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor does, it clearly uses the request DataBinder's ConversionService to perform type conversion, which does not consider registered PropertyEditors, and hence BusinessServicePropertyEditor#setAsText is never called.
Is this a configuration problem or an actual bug?
Thanks for your help!
Spring's ConversionService and Converters are replacement for standard Java Beans PropertyEditors.
You need to implement Converter instead of PropertyEditor if this feature is based purely on conversion service.
To register your custom converters in WebDataBinder you might use ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer or #InitBinder method.

spring MVC extended controllers don't resolve

I have the following:
public class AdminController extends BaseHtmlController{
protected DeviceCustomerMap deviceCustomerMap;
protected CustomerDao customerDao;
String layout = "template/admin";
#RequestMapping(value="/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String login(ModelMap model) {
model.addAttribute("meta", meta);
String view = "login";
return view;
public class AdminCustomerController extends AdminController{
#RequestMapping(value="/customer/mapping", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String customerMapping(ModelMap model, #RequestParam(required=false) boolean refresh) throws Exception {
if (refresh){
model.addAttribute("meta", meta);
model.addAttribute("view", "customer/mapping");
model.addAttribute("customers", deviceCustomerMap.getCustomerMap());
return layout;
However, the extended controller doesn't resolve the requests, but when they're in the base controller, they're resolved just fine, I've poked around several threads but couldn't find a solution, any idea?
Is the problem that you are able to get a response when executing a request to the /admin/login resource, but not to /admin/customer/mapping resource, unless you move the customerMapping() method to the AdminController class?
The solution is to annotate the AdminCustomerController class with the #Controller annotation. Without a stereotype annotation (and appropriate component scanning), Spring will not recognise the class as a Spring bean.
