Xcode 4: "No Filter Results" when attempting to add a target dependency - xcode4

I'm attempting to figure out how to use Libraries in Xcode following this tutorial. Everything seems straightforward up to the point of adding the target dependencies. Whenever I click "+" to add a target dependency in "Build Phases", my project briefly flashes into view then disappears behind a view that says "No Filter Results".
There are no white spaces in my project directory tree all the way back to root. I'm using Xcode 4.6.1. I've tried typing my project name in the search pane and adding the files to my project a bunch of different ways, all with the same results. Is this a known bit of weirdness in Xcode or am I doing something wrong?

This question is a bit old, but I just stumbled on the same problem. Xcode's navigator was displaying "No filter results" instead of the project structure. I closed Xcode and re-opened and this did not solve the problem.
What solved was to go to Navigate > Reveal in Project Navigator. After this, the structure appeared again.

Eventually figured this out on my own. The solution, when Xcode gets into this state, is to close it and restart and adding target dependencies works as expected.

This problem remains at Xcode 11.1 .
I used another approach, I've been deleting my source project .xcworkspace, after that is just use the pod commands: pod deintegrate and pod install; Open your "new .xcworkspace". It's done !
You don't need commit any new thing that will show up on git status (.project or whatever), discard if you wish and lets code!


Qt : no rule to make target after deleting picture

I accidentally permanently deleted one of my picture files today (it was added to the Qt resource file earlier) through File Explorer (not deleting it via Qt Creator). Now whenever I try to build my project, I keep getting a message that says:
No rule to make target "mypic.png" needed by "qrcfile.cpp". Stop
What can I do to fix this problem ?
So I think I found the solution to this. All I did was clicking Clean all, then Build All, then Run qmake. After those steps, I tried running the project and it worked!

Using CocoaPods breaks build

I took a fully working Xcode project and added a Podfile to it. After doing the pod install, opening the newly created workspace and trying to build, it no longer works. When I compile now I get errors from a couple system header files. For example, NSFetchRequestExpression.h tells me:
Attempting to use the forward class 'NSExpression' as superclass of 'NSFetchRequestExpression'
I manually went in and added $(inherited) to the front of the "Framework Search Paths" and "Other Linker Flags" build settings. Any ideas on what I need to change to make this work?
Finally figured this out. CocoaPods actually changes the way includes work. I had a core data entity called Time, which creates and NSManagedObject subclass called Time.h. When CocoaPods mucks with the header include search paths, suddenly the system files which asked for found my time file instead. I renamed that class (which I shouldn't have had to do!) and now everything works fine.

ParseKit framework in Xcode is red, won't build

I'm trying to add ParseKit to a new command line project in Xcode, but the framework shows as red in the Project Navigator. When I try to build, I get this error
error: /Users/acdlite/Xcode/Chemistry Parser/../parsekit-trunk/build/Debug/ParseKit.framework: No such file or directory
I've followed the directions given by the developer in this answer: How to embed ParseKit as a private framework in a Mac App bundle.
To my knowledge, red indicates that the file is not at the specified location. The file inspector says it should be located at /parsekit-trunk/build/Debug/ParseKit.framework, which actually doesn't exist if I try to navigate there in the Finder. So then where is it located? I have no idea.
I've followed all the steps from scratch like a dozen times now, including checking out the code via SVN. It's driving me crazy, and I feel like an idiot. I wish I could be more specific but I am truly lost as to where to go from here.
Alright, after at least 20 attempts I eventually got it working. Mostly, I followed the steps given by the developer in this answer: How to embed ParseKit as a private framework in a Mac App bundle
However, following the steps exactly didn't work. For the life of me, I couldn't get the ParseKit framework to show up as an option when I attempted to add it as a dependency of my Target. Xcode would just say "No filter results found." So I skipped that step. I also did not add a "Copy Files" build phase. Doing so resulted in a dependency error.
This was way harder than it should have been, and I don't know if that's because I'm stupid or Xcode is poorly designed. Probably a combination of both.
By the way, I'm using Xcode version 4.6.1 (4H512).

Xcode 4 stuck on "Scanning for working copies"

I just archived and submitted a project. When I go back to open the project it hangs on "scanning for working copies." I can navigate around but am unable to view the project files.
It is really just a linking problem.
Select your project and make sure you have 'Identity and Type' open. This is in the right side Editor bar(toggle open and closed with 'View' button).
You can change your Location and Full Path there. You just need to check that your project is linked to the correct directories.
Hope this helps anyone.
Copy and delete the whole file and paste it in some other directory (or I guess you can put in same directory). Now open it again. I also had same problem. Actually my project was in SVN, so I deleted the directory and again checked out the entire file and opened it again. Now at least that error message is gone.
I am also new to xcode(4.3) .. sorry if my english is not good ...
Open up a more trusted Source Control App, like SourceTree, and refresh all of your working copies, then Xcode, will behave.
The problem seems to result from incorrect linking or damage to the version control repository. Other answers suggested deleting the repository or removing it from xcode under the Window -> Organise menu. I suggest you try these options and the suggestions in the other answers. However none of these worked for me and my xcode was still displaying the "scanning for working copies" message and intermittently locking up.
Deleting xcode from the Applications folder and reinstalling it from the app store then importing my project fixed the issue for me. I also suggest you dont use version control for your project unless you really need it.

How to fix XCode 4 error: app depends on itself. This target might include its own product...?

How to fix XCode 4 build and clean error: "XXX.app depends on itself. This target might include its own product"...?
Upgraded my dev environment to latest Xcode 4.
Opened an existing project previously built and cleaned in XCode 3.x.x.
Attempted to clean: Clean failed with the same error "target might include..."
Attempted to build for debug on simulator. Build failed with the same error.
I've been stumped by this one. The responses to correct this have all been around Xcode 3.x.x
I thought others might run into this and want an answer.
After much gnashing of teeth, I found an answer (there may be other more elegant ways to fix this):
Go to Project Navigator.
Scroll down the list of Classes, Resources and find the PRODUCT group. The actual product in the group may display in red if you previously cleaned it in XCode 3.x.x.
DELETE the entire PRODUCT group.
You can then re-run your clean or build action.
Hope this helps others and prevents alot of frustration.
Click Products/***.app file.
and you can see the file info in Utilities Window.
Uncheck Target! That's it!
Just delete product.app from Copy Bundle resources. Its under Targets->Build Phases->Copy Bundle Resources. Also make sure to create a snapshot of a working project before making any significant changes. Happy Coding...
