Why can't I access my Drupal6 admin or pages? - drupal

I am reactivating an old Drupal project that was created by a past employee. He left no instructions on how to access Drupal. I gained access to the postgres database Drupal is using and changed everyone's password. I also made sure all users had administrator role and that administrator role has all permissions. When I log in with any of the users, I simply get "Access denied" for every page I try to go to. I've tried /admin, /user, /node, and several other pages. Changing the password definitely reset their password because I'm not getting an invalid login message, just an access denied message. The site is first being authenticated through apache using LDAP, and I made sure there are apache users that match the Drupal users. I am totally stumped. As I said, the person who did this project initially is gone and can't be reached. I have looked at several similar topic threads and can't figure this out.

have you enabled the ldap mod in apache?
try /?q=user
is phpMyAdmin installed? Check users there as well.


access denied on member signup with civicrm for anonymous

My question has to do with Civicrm member signup page. I am getting an error for anonymous users that they are not allowed access to the page.
I am using Drupal 7 and CiviCRM 5.3. I am relatively new to Drupal. The site is located on a domain that is being used simply for testing purposes.
I have researched this already and have not received much in the way of finding anyone with a similar issue. Other then seeing posts about user 0. I checked and user 0 is there and seems fine.
As part of trying to resolve the issue I also setup a mock event. Same thing happens on that also. An anonymous user can see the event but as soon as the registration page is clicked it gives the access denied message.
I have also checked the permissions and roles and anonymous is allowed to access the pages. In other words sign up for events and make contributions is checked.
Here is the page for the member signup.
Event info page : https://hebrewburialofnewhaven.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=1
Event registration page : https://hebrewburialofnewhaven.org/civicrm/participant/add?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone&eid=1
This is the actual site https://hebrewburialofnewhaven.org
Please keep in mind this is only a development site and not a production site. We are testing using Drupal with Civi. Because wordpress has really become very resource intensive and seems to have a lot of issues running civi cleanly.
I thank everyone for any help or guidance on this. It is probably something stupid I am missing or didn’t configure.

Not able to log into wordpress website.... self hosting on Azure

When I try to sign into my websites wp-admin login screen it refreshes and redirects me to the login page. After researching this issue it looks like deactivating the plugins should fix the issue. However, when I try doing this from phpmyAdmin, it tells me that the UPDATE command is denied to user.
I have tried using the FTP client 'Fire FTP' to try and access my files but I do not know which username and password needs to be used (I have about a million at this point).
Is there somewhere in the Azure portal where I can edit my files and deactivate the plugins?
Other information: I accidentally deleted the file the had my Wordpress admin password, but I am able to log into Azure, and phpmyAdmin. I also have my cPanel login information but I cannot figure out how to access that either. I am also using a Mac.
Please help! I have a basic understanding of web development but not much and I have worked incredibly hard on my website business but this has been a rough setback.
Looking at your problem, FTP is your best option. You can define the user/password at the portal in your app service blade:
Login into the portal: https://portal.azure.com
Navigate to your app service blade
Look for Deployment Credentials and set your username/password.
I was able to resolve this. Turns out I had exceeded my database storage. Simply upgrading my plan fixed the issue. So if anyone sees this and has the same problem, make sue that your SQL db has enough storage available.
The plugins made me exceed my storage but I did not need to deactivate them.

Drupal account registration

I have installed Drupal 7.42 and am using it with Xampp server with PHP version 5.5.27 and server version 5.6.25. I want to access the Drupal admin page or dashboard but I can't because when I create a new account it asks me to select a username and then asks for my email. I provide both of these and then get a message saying that I should check my mail for further instructions to activate the account.
The problem is I am not getting any such mail even after several attempts. My junk folder too has nothing in it. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Thank you.
See in database the table users and follow this post Recovering the administrator password

WordPress Active Directory Plugin - Can't Recognize Groups

I've installed WordPress 3.9 on a Linux server and installed/activated the Active Directory Integration plugin.
I am able to pull users from the AD Server, but when I try to authorize by group I keep getting the same error message: [WARN] Authorization by group failed. User is not authorized. It's as if the plugin can't recognize any of the groups on the AD server.
Granted the plugin was created back in 2011, and has shown very little up-keep since then, but I'm hoping someone a bit more familiar with LDAP and Active Directory will be able to offer some insight.
I recently had difficulty working with the Active Directory Integration plugin. In my case I needed to modify the way the plugin selected the user from LDAP because, even though it would sign in, it wouldn't be able to authenticate based on groups.
I've posted a modified version of the plugin so you can see what I changed link to the files.

Redirect loop on non-admin login

I'm getting a redirect loop on a Drupal 7 install. Whenever a non-admin user logs in, the site will enter a redirect loop on the user profile URL; for example, http://example.com/?q=user/testuser.
This URL is accessible with no issues by the superuser account, and attempting to access this URL while logged out returns a 403 Access Denied as expected.
When logged in as a non-admin user, attempting to access any URL at all will redirect to the user profile page, which will then redirect onto itself, causing the redirect loop to start anew.
I have found that if I give a specific user the "administrator" role, the redirect loop will cease for that user, and the page will no longer try to redirect to user/%username on login.
I have also found that if I give users the "administer users" permission that the redirect loop will cease, but will still redirect the user to user/%username on login.
Obviously neither of these solutions are possible as giving regular users administrator roles or the ability to administer users is a huge security risk.
Does anyone know of a fix for this, or a way to get around this with an override related to user role?
Installed modules: Block, Color, Comment, Contextual links, Dashboard, Database logging, Field, Field SQL storage, Field UI, File, Filter, Help, Image, List, Menu, Node, Number, Options, Overlay, Path, RDF, Search, Shortcut, System, Taxonomy, Text, Toolbar, Update manager, User, Chaos tools (7.x-1.0-alpha4), Page manager, Devel, Theme Developer, Fieldgroup, IMCE, Pathauto, Token, Taxonomy Menu, IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge, Wysiwyg, Webform, and several custom modules which i) provide blocks 2) provide custom pages and 3) modify the default search behaviour (splits search results by node type). None of my custom modules ever interface with the user management system, permissions system or use any of the functions provided by the user module.
I had an identical problem... spurred on by the fact I wasn't the only one faced with this issue I dug around a bit more. It was your update that gave it away - the Custom Theme.
I'm sure this could be caused by lots of different factors, but in my case and potentially yours, it was my template.php that was at fault.
I was using a custom MYTHEME_preprocess_page() to make some custom variables available in my templates. One of the variables was obviously a bit funky because when i removed it the problem disappeared. Turns out it was some left over code from when I was trying to get the user registration form into the page. It never worked and I forgot to remove it!
Hope this helps someone out there get back on track.
I haven't solution, but you can investigate in next way:
1. Goto http://SITE/admin/config/development/devel for devel module settings.
2. Check "Display redirection page" and save settings.
3. Goto http://SITE/admin/people/permissions
4. Check "Access developer information" for anon and other roles, and save.
5. Try login, it should stop on redirection pages and show where it try to redirect, so you can detect, what modules call looping.
I also had a problem with redirect-loops randomly occurring for non-admin users. Looking at /admin/reports/dblog revealed a permission problem with several nodes. I fixed it by flushing the node permissions (see /admin/reports/status/rebuild). Now everything is fine again.
Same problem for me, after hours and hours of debug and forum/blog navigation I finally found what was going on my site...
If you force login block in all pages, even if user is already logged in, only admin can navigate pages.
This is one of the possibles causes, I hope can help someone!
I had the same problem because i was loading the login form even when the user was logged in. fix it by not asking for the form only if the user is anonymous.
from https://www.drupal.org/node/1793230
Run these SQL queries in your MySQL database. If you have drush installed, you can just "drush sqlc" from your settings directory to get into a MySQL command line. Otherwise you can use PHPMyAdmin, MySQL workbench, or some other client tool to connect and run these:
Show records to be deleted:
SELECT r.rid, r.language, r.source, r.redirect FROM redirect r INNER JOIN url_alias u ON r.source = u.alias AND r.redirect = u.source AND r.language = u.language;
Then, to delete redirects shown in above query - try going to the pages shown in the row. Chances are you will get a redirect loop. Then, try again after backing up db and running the delete below. You have to turn off safe mode in MYSQL Workbench to run it, so BACKUP:
DELETE r FROM redirect r INNER JOIN url_alias u ON r.source = u.alias AND r.redirect = u.source AND r.language = u.language;
Fixed my problem, and found other pages that had loops which I didn't even realize!
