This isn't exactly homework but I need to understand it for a class. Language doesn't really matter, psuedocode would be fine.
Write a recursive member function of the “static K-ary” tree class that counts the number of nodes in the tree.
I'm thinking the signature would look like this:
int countNodes(Node<AnyType> t, ctr, k){}
I don't know how to look through k children. In a binary tree, I would check for left and right. Could anyone give me an example of this?
You can think of the recursive equation like:
The total number of nodes starting at a node is 1 + number of total children.
Then total number of nodes can be found as follows:
def count(node):
numOfNodes = 1
for child in node.children:
numOfNodes += count(child)
return numOfNodes
result = 1
for each child node k
result = result + count(k)
return result
So I have a problem and I have the Algorithm for it, but I just can't seem to be able to turn it into code in C.
Problem: Given an AVL tree, return the next minimum natural value that's not in the tree.
Example: if 2 is the minimum in the tree, I should find out whether or not 3 is one of the nodes in the tree, if it is not, I should return the value 3, if it is, I should see if 4 is in the tree, and so on...
Algorithm to the problem that works in O(logn) (when n is the Number of nodes found in the tree):
first, we check if node->size = node -> key - TreeMinimum
if yes, go to the right side of the tree.
if no, then go to the left.
when we reach NULL, we should return the value of the last node we visited plus 1.
SIZE of the node is the number of nodes that are under this node, including the node itself.
I wrote this code in c but it doesn't seem to work :
int next_missing( AVLNodePtr tnode )
int x,y;
return (tnode->key)+1;
if(tnode->size == tnode->key - FindMin(tnode))
x = next_missing(tnode->child[1]);
if(tnode->size != tnode->key - FindMin(tnode))
y = next_missing(tnode->child[0]);
if(x>y) return y;
else return x;
Any help/tips on how to fix the code would be appreciated.
I have this following type of graph which I get using this query:
MATCH (p:Person)-[:REPORTS_TO *]->(c:Person) WHERE"F"
WITH COLLECT (c) + p AS all
UNWIND all as p MATCH (p)-[:REPORTS_TO]-(c)
1. I want to find what level is a node at with respect to node F?
Example :
Node `D`, `E` are direct child of `F`, hence they are at level 1
Node `A,B,C` are childs of `D` (which is child of `F`) hence level 2
Node `X` is child of `A' (which is at level 2), hence level 3
and so onnnnn....
I tried to solve this by introducing a variable i and increment it with each iteration (but it didn't worked).
MATCH (p:Person)-[:REPORTS_TO *]->(c:Person) WHERE"F"
WITH COLLECT (c) + p AS all ,i:int=0
UNWIND all as p MATCH (p)-[:REPORTS_TO]->(c)
RETURN p,c, i=i+1;
2. Given two nodes find relation between then
e.g Find relation between F and X?
Expected answer = 3 (as it is at level 3)
How should I proceed to solve these use-cases?
Note : Graphical response from Neo4j server isn't necessarily needed , Json response will also be fine.
UC1 Use Path and length(p) function
MATCH p=(root:Person)-[:REPORTS_TO *]->(child:Person)
RETURN nodes(p)[-2], nodes(p)[-1],length(p)
This will find all paths from root node, and return pairs of second to last and last nodes + level you want.
nodes(p) - list of nodes on path p
[-2] - second node from the end of the list
UC2: use shortestPath function:
MATCH (p1:Person),(p2:Person)
WHERE = '..' AND = '...'
MATCH p=shortestPath((p2)-[:REPORTS_TO*]->(p2))
RETURN length(p)
This is a somewhat beginner question. I have been trying to validate the following type of FamilyTree. I can't find a simple way to do this. All help would be appreciated.
type BirthYear = int;;
type Tree = Person of BirthYear * Children
and Children = Tree list;;
I want to validate a given family tree such that every Person is older than their Children and furthermore check if the list of Children is sorted in order of their age (eldest first). Preferably done with a function that return a boolean. Something along the lines of this:
let rec validate (Person(x,child)) =
let vali = child |> List.forall (fun (y,_) -> y < x)
I'd do something like this:
let rec checkAges minBirth = function
| Person(b, _) :: t -> b >= minBirth && checkAges b t
| [] -> true
let rec validate (Person(b, c)) =
List.forall validate c && checkAges (b + minParentAge) c
where minParentAge is set to a reasonable minimum age to have children at.
I'd expect checkAges to be the more difficult part here: the function checks whether the first child it sees is younger than the limit it is given, then recursively checks the next child, with the current child's age as the new limit.
Note some techniques:
The function that checks child ages takes the minimum birthday as input; this is used to validate that the parent is old enough for the first child to be reasonable.
List.forall checks a predicate for all items in a list, and early-outs if a predicate is not fulfilled
function is a shorthand to create a function that does pattern matching on its parameter. Therefore, checkAges actually has two arguments.
Here's a very simple solution using a single recursive function. It's not relying on built-in functions like List.forall but I think it's very declarative and (hopefully) easy to follow.
Rule 1: Every Person is older than their Children
Rule 2: List of Children is sorted in order of their age (eldest first)
let rec isValid = function
| Person ( _ , []) -> true // Person alone without childs -> always valid
| Person (minYear, Person (year, childs) :: brothers) ->
year > minYear && // Validate Rules (either 1 or 2)
isValid (Person (year, childs)) && // Enforce Rule 1
isValid (Person (year, brothers)) // Enforce Rule 2
I personally don't feel List.forall fits well here, it helps to solve a part of the problem but not the whole, so you need to combine it with more stuff (see the other answers) and in the end you can't avoid a recursive function.
List functions are good for lists but for trees I feel recursion more natural unless your tree provides already a way to traverse it.
Here's a way to do it. Perhaps spending some time analyzing how this works will be helpful to you.
let rec check (Person(age, children)) =
match children with
| [] -> true
| Person(eldest, _)::_ ->
Seq.pairwise children |> Seq.forall ((<||) (>))
&& age > eldest
&& List.forall check children
Maybe this question does not belong as this is not a programming question per se, and i do apologize if this is the case.
I just had an exam in abstract data structures, and there was this question:
the rank of a tree node is defined like this: if you are the root of the tree, your rank is 0. Otherwise, your rank is the rank of your parents + 1.
Design an algorithm that calculates the sum of the ranks of all nodes in a binary tree. What is the runtime of your algorithm?
My answer I believe solves this question, my psuedo-code is as such:
int sum_of_tree_ranks(tree node x)
if x is a leaf return rank(x)
else, return sum_of_tree_ranks(x->left_child)+sum_of_tree_ranks(x->right_child)+rank(x)
where the function rank is
int rank(tree node x)
if x->parent=null return 0
else return 1+rank(x->parent)
it's very simple, the sum of ranks of a tree is the sum of the left subtree+sum of the right subtree + rank of the root.
The runtime of this algorithm I believe is n^2. i believe this is the case because we were not given the binary tree is balanced. it could be that there are n numbers in the tree but also n different "levels", as in, the tree looks like a linked list rather than a tree. so to calculate the rank of a leaf, potentially we go n steps up. the father of the leaf will be n-1 steps up thats n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+1+0=O(n^2)
My question is, is this correct? does my algorithm solve the problem? is my analysis of the runtime correct? and most importantly, is there a better solution to solve this, that does not run in n^2?
Your algorithm works. your analysis is correct. The problem can be solved in O(n) time: (take care of leaves by yourself)
int rank(tree node x, int r)
if x is a leaf return r
return rank(x->left_child, r + 1)+ ranks(x->right_child, r + 1) + r
rank(tree->root, 0)
You're right but there is an O(n) solution providing you can use a more "complex" data structure.
Let each node hold its rank and update the ranks whenever you add/remove, that way you can use the O(1) statement:
return 1 + node->left.rank + node->right.rank;
and do this for each node on the tree to achieve O(n).
A thumb rule for reducing Complexity time is: if you can complex the data structure and add features to adapt it to your problem, you can reduce Complexity time to O(n) most of the times.
It can be solved in O(n) time where n is number of Nodes in Binary tree .
It's nothing but sum of height of all nodes where height of root node is zero .
Input binary tree with left and right child
output sum
if(root==NULL) return 0;
return PrintSumOfrank(root->lchild,sum+1)+PrintSumOfRank(root->Rchild,sum+1)+sum;
This can be also solved using queue or level order of traversal tree.
Algorithm using Queue:
int sum=0;
int currentHeight=0;
Node *T;
Node *t1;
while(Q is not empty) begin
currentHeight:currentHeight+1 ;
for each nodes in Q do
t1 = deque();
enque(t1->lchild);sum = sum+currentHeight;
end if
enque(t1->rchild);sum = sum+currentHeight;
end if
end for
end while
print sum ;
I am working on a problem (from Algorithms by Sedgewick, section 4.1, problem 32) to help my understanding, and I have no idea how to proceed.
"Parallel edge detection. Devise a linear-time algorithm to count the parallel edges in a (multi-)graph.
Hint: maintain a boolean array of the neighbors of a vertex, and reuse this array by only reinitializing the entries as needed."
Where two edges are considered to be parallel if they connect the same pair of vertices
Any ideas what to do?
I think we can use BFS for this.
Main idea is to be able to tell if two or more paths exist between two nodes or not, so for this, we can use a set and see if adjacent nodes corresponding to a Node's adjacent list already are in the set.
This uses O(n) extra space but has O(n) time complexity.
boolean bfs(int start){
Queue<Integer> q = new Queue<Integer>(); // get a Queue
boolean[] mark = new boolean[num_of_vertices];
mark[start] = true; // put 1st node into Queue
int current = q.remove();
HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); /* use a hashset for
storing nodes of current adj. list*/
ArrayList<Integer> adjacentlist= graph.get(current); // get adj. list
for(int x : adjacentlist){
if(set.contains(x){ // if it already had a edge current-->x
return true; // then we have our parallel edge
else set.add(x); // if not then we have a new edge
if(!marked[x]){ // normal bfs routine
}// assumed graph has ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> representation
// undirected
Assuming that the vertices in your graph are integers 0 .. |V|.
If your graph is directed, edges in the graph are denoted (i, j).
This allows you to produce a unique mapping of any edge to an integer (a hash function) which can be found in O(1).
h(i, j) = i * |V| + j
You can insert/lookup the tuple (i, j) in a hash table in amortised O(1) time. For |E| edges in the adjacency list, this means the total running time will be O(|E|) or linear in the number of edges in the adjacency list.
A python implementation of this might look something like this:
def identify_parallel_edges(adj_list):
# O(n) list of edges to counts
# The Python implementation of tuple hashing implements a more sophisticated
# version of the approach described above, but is still O(1)
edges = {}
for edge in adj_list:
if edge not in edges:
edges[edge] = 0
edges[edge] += 1
# O(n) filter non-parallel edges
res = []
for edge, count in edges.iteritems():
if count > 1:
return res
edges = [(1,0),(2,1),(1,0),(3,4)]
print identify_parallel_edges(edges)