Prevent rendering of user control -

in our webforms application, we dynamically load usercontrols into placeholders. In order to retain changes across post-backs, our page-life-cycle is a little more complex than usual. We ALWAYS restore the previous control structure in pageInit in order to successfully load our viewstate. Only then do we clear the placeholder and load a new control into it.
This unfortunately means an entire life-cycle both for the old AND the new usercontrol, including server-side-processing of the old module's entire .ascx markup-file.
Now my question: Is there any possibility to minimize server-side processing of the old module, as it never gets sent back to the client (i.e. it's server-side rendering is completely unnecessary). What I'd ideally want to achieve is a sort of "light-weight" loading of a usercontrol, when it's only purpose is restoring vewstate information without it ever reaching the client.
The goal of the exercise is performance optimization.
Any hints, ideas or suggestions appreciated!

I have resolved code running in webcontrol lifecycle events of dynamically added controls by simply checking if the control was visible (
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Visible)
//Your code here
If you have any methods that aren't triggered by a page lifecycle event, and have to be triggered by a user action, such as-
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Do something
This can safely be left as is, the method code will not be run until the control is added to the page and the action is triggered.
Although the visibility check doesn't feel especially elegant, it's probably the best way to deal with auto wired events on dynamically loaded controls.


Checking user authentication in Page_Load()... anywhere else?

For each page in my ASP.Net WebForms app I check the user's access like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!UserCanAccessPage())
// < if user has access, set up the page >
My question is, is that single check enough or should I check at all other handlers:
protected void seriousDeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// < do stuff that only some users have access to >
I know under a normal page lifecycle the Page_Load() should always be called before the event handlers, but I'm wondering if there's a tricky way to hit other ASP.NET endpoints with curl or mucking around with javascript or something.
(I'm only talking about regular WebForms-style postbacks, no explicit AJAX stuff. But of course UpdatePanel uses asynchronous javascript and I'm sure other controls do to.)
Yes, it is enough, because Page_Load will be called every time a user requests a new page or posts back the page. You do not need to check again in button click events.
However, it is fine with a website with a couple of pages. In other words, if you have multiple pages, maintenance is will be nightmare.
Normally, you want to use Form Authentication, and restrict acesss to pages by using web.config.

Page_Load Vs Page_InitComplete in ASP.Net

I've seen programmers writting in Page_Load like
protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
So that the codes will be worked only once.
If so, why don't we put that code in Page_InitComplete? Since Page_InitComplete is done only once.
What are the pros and cons by doing so?
I don't see any advantage to what you're suggesting but I can see problems with it. For one thing, server controls do not yet have their data loaded during InitComplete. For another thing, code in this event executes regardless if whether or not it's a postback.
Use the Load event. That's what it's for. It only executes once per request. If you want to restrict code to only run on postbacks, or only run during non-postback requests, test IsPostBack.
Perhaps you can answer your own question reading through the ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Overview. The InitComplete is triggered only once but on each post back just like the Load event.

Page_Load or Page_Init

Let's take a really simple example on using jQuery to ajaxify our page...
$.load("getOrders.aspx", {limit: 25}, function(data) {
// info as JSON is available in the data variable
and in the ASP.NET (HTML part) page (only one line)
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="getOrders.aspx.cs" Inherits="getOrders" %>
and in the ASP.NET (Code Behind) page
public partial class getOrders : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string lmt = Request["limit"];
List<Orders> ords = dll.GetOrders(limit);
WriteOutput( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ords) );
private void WriteOutput(string s)
my question is
Should it be
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
So we can save some milliseconds as we don't actually need to process the events for the page, or will Page_Init lack of some sorting of a method by the time it is called?
P.S. Currently works fine in both methods, but I just want to understand the ins and outs of choosing one method over the other
Basic page life cycle will answer your question Full article :
check same question answer : Page.Request behaviour
Either one would work, because you're essentially throwing out the page lifecycle by calling response.Clear() and response.End(). Technically you could even go as far as putting that code in prerender and it would work. By accessing the Response object you're basically going over the head of the page and cutting it off mid-stride so that you can perform a much simpler task.
I assume you simply do not want the page lifecycle at all and simply want to return JSON from this page? If so, I highly recommend implementing it as a Generic Handler (ashx). In this case you'd simply use context.Request["limit"] and context.Response.Write in your Process method. The benefit of doing this is that you don't have all the overheads of .NET preparing the page class and starting the page lifecycle, and are instead using a file intended for the task you're doing.
It is nice to understand the page lifecycle, as shown in other answers, but realistically you're not using it at all and you'd be better off moving away from the page class entirely.
Page life-cycle only has meanings in context of page elements (controls), so i don't see any differences in your case, since you don't have any other child controls in your page - this is totally irrelevant.
But here is the real question: if you don't have any rendering of html in your page (only data serialization), why you have choose to work with regular .aspx page?
Web service is ideal candidate for this scenario. And you'll be surprised how much performance improvement you'll gain in the end.
You can very well use the Page Init method. But if you have controls in your page and want to access any property of those controls then better to use the Page load event, but in your case you don't need to use page load event.
You can go through the Asp.Net Page Life cycle here to better understand which event to use.

Where should stuff be done in an ASP.NET page?

I'm very new to ASP.NET and, after beating my head on a few problems, I'm wondering if I'm doing things wrong (I've got a bad habit of doing that). I'm interested in learning about how ASP.NET operates.
My question is: Where can I find documentation to guide me in deciding where to do what processing?
As a few specific examples (I'm interested in answers to these but I'd rather be pointed at a resource that gives more general answers):
What processing should I do in Page_Load?
What processing should I do with the Load event?
What can I do in Page_Unload?
What order do things get done in?
When is each event fired?
What is the page life-cycle?
edit: this question might also be of use to some people.
The links posted by various folks are very helpful indeed - the ASP.NET page life cycle really isn't always easy to grok and master!
On nugget of advice - I would recommend preferring the overridden methods vs. the "magically" attached methods, e.g. prefer the
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
over the
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Why? Simple: in the overridden methods, you can specify yourself if and when the base method will be called:
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// your stuff
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// your stuff
or even:
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// some of your stuff
// the rest of your stuff
or even:
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// your stuff
// not call the base.OnLoad at all
You don't have that flexibility in the Page_Load() version.
The first thing you need to learn to be able to understand the the questions you just asked is: PAGE LIFE CYCLE. It is a bitch sometimes, especially the ViewState part.
•What processing should I do in Page_Load?
•What processing should I do with the Load event? = Page_load
•What can I do in Page_Unload? Clean up
•What order do things get done in? PAGE LIFE CYCLE
•When is each event fired? PAGE LIFE CYCLE
•What is the page life-cycle?
Edit: Image source:
More info:
Here are some good links to get you started. Understanding how the ASP.NET life-cycle fits together is critical to understanding how your code will interact with it.
ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Overview:
When an ASP.NET page runs, the page
goes through a life cycle in which it
performs a series of processing steps.
These include initialization,
instantiating controls, restoring and
maintaining state, running event
handler code, and rendering. It is
important for you to understand the
page life cycle so that you can write
code at the appropriate life-cycle
stage for the effect you intend.
Additionally, if you develop custom
controls, you must be familiar with
the page life cycle in order to
correctly initialize controls,
populate control properties with
view-state data, and run any control
behavior code. (The life cycle of a
control is based on the page life
cycle, but the page raises more events
for a control than are available for
an ASP.NET page alone.)
The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle:
When a page request is sent to the Web
server, whether through a submission
or location change, the page is run
through a series of events during its
creation and disposal. When we try to
build ASP.NET pages and this execution
cycle is not taken into account, we
can cause a lot of headaches for
ourselves. However, when used and
manipulated correctly, a page's
execution cycle can be an effective
and powerful tool. Many developers are
realizing that understanding what
happens and when it happens is crucial
to effectively writing ASP.NET pages
or user controls. So let's examine in
detail the ten events of an ASP.NET
page, from creation to disposal. We
will also see how to tap into these
events to implant our own custom code. page lifecycle
I would definitely recommend you reading this:
If you're new to you'll have some trouble getting all of that, but really, I have yet to find such a detailed document on the topic comming from ms documentation or any ms employee blog.
I did it the hard way and followed every path I could using disassembled code but that guy really took the time to write it.
Basically try and do it in Page_Load and if that doesn't work, try it in either Page_Init or Page_Render. Normally one of them works :) That's the scientific approach.

At what point should I call base methods of ASP.NET events?

In ASP.NET, if I override a page lifecycle event, should I call its base method before or after doing my work? Does it even matter?
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
// My code goes here
// Or here
Yes you should care. Let's say for a moment that you need to insert a new base class in all of those pages. To me it's easier to just go ahead and call the base methods than have to do a lot of refactoring later.
Then again, maybe you don't need to do that.
Based on the edit to the question here's some more info:
Yes, you should care. Sometimes you want the base classes method to fire before yours (in case of constructors), and sometimes you want it to fire after yours (destructors).
It may mean the difference between whether a property or object is available or not at the time your code gets to it.
The "OnEvent" methods in the event model merely wrap the actual event calls (in this case, the "PreRender" event). So the only thing you need to decide is "do I need to call the event before or after I do my work"?
The answer is, it depends on what the code is doing as to if it should go before or after.
As another said, if it is constructor stuff it should go before. Destructor should go after. To give a more concrete example, if you have code that processes the page and loads content, fills drop downs, and fills labels and such then you would want that to happen before any code that looks at what is pre-populated and determines visibility or business rule logic that has to do with the data on the page.
I think it's a good idea to call them just on principle. It may be true that in the framework version you're currently using there's no code in the base class methods, but who knows about future versions. Also, separation of concerns would dictate that code you write that derives from Page not assume the Page class doesn't do anything but raise the PreRender event in its OnPreRender method.
There is no single rule. I can provide you an example. My webapp uses a NHibernate transaction opened by the master page and commited/roll-backed by it when the page ends.
Well, I MUST initialize the transaction as early as possible in the OnInit method (Master has no OnPreInit like Page), otherwise user controls cannot access the transaction until Page.Load.
The same rule applies for commit. Controls may want to update objects in the last phases of their life-cycles, then I must close the transaction as latest as possible in the Unload method, or even in the disposer!
So... in my case...
void OnInit(EventArgs e) {
transaction = session.BeginTransaction();
void OnUnload(EventArgs e) {
} catch {}
void OnError(EventArgs e) {
I would suggest you a general rule: if your page's design contract involves creating and destroying resources to be used by controls between a certain event range (ie. after Load and before PreRender), init the resource as late as possible before the event is fired, and destroy it as early as possible after the final event is fired
If you're going to call the page base methods anyway, you can use
protected void Page_PreRender (object sender, EventArgs e) {...}
rather than
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) {
