how do I enable digital delivery in the new paypal sandbox - paypal-sandbox

I'm recreating my test environment. I created new business and buyer accounts. I setup the business account as best as I remember including the IPN info.
I attempt to make a purchase using ExpressCheckOut and I get back an error message:
You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.
We are selling a subscription so we are in fact performing a digital delivery. Seems like I remember having to get a PayPal CS person to enable this feature on our live account. Is there something special I need to do in the sandbox?
I opened a new PayPal account to replace my developer account. It doesn't seem like a good idea to use the company live account. Is this unexpected?

The setting needs to be enabled via PayPal agents. Go ahead and send me an email via my profile details including your test account email address and I will enable this for you.


Standard PayPal Sandbox Error Issue in Woocommerce

I have configured WooCommerce in WordPress and enabled PayPal Standard Sandbox with a client PayPal account email Id.
When I purchase 3 downloadable products for a Total amount of USD 3.25 with PayPal Standard payment gateway, I got this error:
"Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later."…
I checked PayPal settings, it is attached with bank and credit card.
Remember: As can check its not business account nor I filled "API credentials".
WooCommerce Paypal Settings screenshot:
What I am doing wrong?
If you enable Paypal Sandbox option, you need to get a testing developer account (as specified in related settings… see below):
This testing account doesn't need to be attached with bank and credit card.
That's why it doesn't work…
The developer account provide (for testing):
Admins account (where you will get transactions, notifications, errors)
Fake customers account for fake purchases.
Once registered your developer account, you will need to create a pair of admin + customers account for one URL shop.

PayPal dummy accounts

This is completely new territory for me. I'm in the process of getting up to speed with WordPress with the aim of using it as a resource to raise funds for charities. I've been looking at links such as:
together with a number of other resources, but I need to know exactly where to start from scratch.
Basically I would like to set up a test PayPal account which can accept dummy credit card numbers for both dummy deposits and withdrawals in order to test it out in such a way that from a WordPress theme I can make mock donations, then check that the "balance" has been credited, then be a dummy charity that can make mock withdrawals.
Presumably there are free test accounts that can do this with documentation. I've looked at some of the documentation, but it would be nice to know where to start, as there is so much.
Looking forward to some friendly and helpful reply.
Christopher Sharp
To answer this question simply, use
If you want to manage all your sandbox accounts, you will need to create the accounts within PayPal Developer.
Visit PayPal Developer and sign up for a PayPal account or login to an existing one.
To access PayPal Developer site, you need to login with a real PayPal account (non-sandbox).
Create a sandbox account after logging into PayPal Developer.
You will be creating a testing account you will use when logging into the testing environment.
After creating all the accounts you need, ie. receiving side (you) & sending side (donator), you can use these accounts to make sandbox transactions.
Basically, production is and sandbox (testing) is
As with PayPal integration with WordPress, there should be a lot of plugins for this. You can even just generate a HTML donate button from within your PayPal account to create a donate button that will send donation to that account which generated the button.

PayPal Sandbox - Invalid Billing Address

I'm trying to test a purchase on a website I'm developing which uses WooCommerce. So, when I proceed to checkout and chose to pay without a PayPal account (this payment method still runs through PayPal's system) and use a credit card. I'm using a fake credit card that I generated in PayPal sandbox. When I type in all the correct details and attempt to continue with the payment, it returns an error that the billing address I used is invalid (the billing address I'm using is the address that PayPal Sandbox generated for me. I'm not sure how to fix this.
Kindly contact PayPal Merchant Technical Services for further assistance on this issue.

How do I link PayPay Standard on Website to PayPal Account?

I have Cube Cart V5 installed and have activated PayPal Standard as payment method. On a test sale, the PayPal screen comes up and asks 1) Login to your PayPal Account, 2) Use your credit card. How do I link this to my PayPal account so that purchases are registered to my PayPal account?
I am not familiar with Cube Cart but in the most basic way as a paypal merchant you are issued a merchant username and password that represents you and in your management tools for your cart you can cut and paste those values in there that will take care of transactions.
When a payment is initialized it is normally passes values through a URL string. Your merchant information will be in that string so it can match up to an account to receive money.
Paypal has integration documentation, but the people that support the Cart should be able to help you more efficiently. See if they have a forum if you don't get direct support.
I'm not sure what you're asking. Paypal works this way, by connecting you directly to paypal and allowing you to sign in and make your payment on their website. When your customer makes a payment, the money goes into your paypal account which you entered into cube during the setup process.
If you prefer to use paypal's api key, you can learn more about it at this link:

New PayPal Developer problems

We are trying to test PayPal functionality in a dev environment but it has changed in the last few days and our "dev" login is no longer valid.
It looks like we now have to create sandbox accounts from within an actual registered business account. While this in itself is not a problem (annoying because we have to chase people around to set it up for us), the real problem is that you can't login to sandbox to place a test order without first being logged-in to PayPal Developers with our company's business account.
This is absolutely unacceptable... We, as developers, do not have access to the company's business account.
We also tried adding a user to the business account (with locked-down privileges), but it won't allow us to login to Developers with it.
Can someone please clarify the new process and how we can go about a) setting up sandbox accounts and b) placing test orders via PayPal's sandbox.
You will have to create a live PayPal account in order to log in with your developer account. Once you log in with a PayPal account, you will see an option to import your previous developer account information from the 'application' tab. If the business you are working with does not want to grant you access to log in, you will have to test using your own live account.
Once you have imported your sandbox account information, you should be able to log into any of your test accounts to make test purchases.
