Replace NSLog in the whole project files - xcode4.5

As all iOS projects, mine has a ton of NSLogs. I want to switch to DLog since I use a macro for Debug mode. How can I replace NSLogs in the whole project by DLog? is there any shortcut in Xcode to do so? Thanx.

Use perl from the command line (
$ cd /path/to/project/source
$ perl -pi -e 's/NSLog/DLog/' *.m *.mm


Executing an executable must be done using a path. Why?

In the following:
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Code robertnash$ mkdir Flag
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Code robertnash$ cd Flag/
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Flag robertnash$ swift package init --type executable
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Flag robertnash$ swift build
Compile Swift Module 'Flag' (1 sources)
Linking ./.build/debug/Flag
In order to execute the executable, it must be a path, like so
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Flag robertnash$ .build/debug/Flag
Hello, world!
If I go to where 'Flag' is located, the command cannot be run by simply typing 'Flag'.
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:Flag robertnash$ cd .build robertnash$ cd debug
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:debug robertnash$ Flag
-bash: Flag: command not found
It must be a path, like so.
Roberts-MacBook-Pro:debug robertnash$ ./Flag
Why is that ?
If you run export PATH="$PATH:." then it will add the current working directory to your path and you won't need the ./ prefix. (Most (all?) shells accept just a trailing colon without the dot, but I find it's more explicit about what it does.)
This isn't present by default because it is a security risk: a malicious script could be named as something missing from your path, like nmap or even as a typo like sl, and placed in a directory in the hopes that you run it. Forcing you to prefix ./ is a good way of avoiding that.

Accurev binaries and recursive keep

My problem is in two parts:
My team and I are using an Test Design Studio to write .vbs files in a Accurev Workspace. The problem is that Accurev recognize them as binaries instead text/ptext files... which causes problems when merging. Is there a setting in Accurev I can change to force it to recognize .vbs files as text/ptext?
All those binaries that are already in the stream, I need solution to convert them all into text/ptext. I've given up on the Client UI, because it means I'd have to go in the Workspace explorer and go through every single folder, one by one, and keep those binaries. Then I thought of the commands. I tried
2.1. accurev keep -c "keep ptext" -n -E ptext -R target_folder
2.2. accurev keep -c "keep ptext" -n -E ptext -R .
2.3. But I get a No Element Selected. That's because the "-n" flag is required for recursive, but it means it'll ignore non-modified files... and most of my files are backed and not modified... otherwise I can't even select the directory for keeping (I'll report "can't keep a directory"). I could create a file-list, but it would take as long as manually keeping all the files one by one. I also tried if I could work directly in the stream (since it has another empty stream above, it lists all it's files as outgoing), but I do not have the keep option in the stream. Is there an easy way to convert all files in stream/workspace as text/ptext?
Yes, you will need to enable a pre-create-trigger using the script found in "accurev install dir/examples" on your server. Inside the elem_type file, you will see the directions for setting this trigger.
Yes, run the following command to generate a list of all the files in your workspace.
"accurev stat -a -ffl > list.txt"
Then run the this command to convert the files to ptext:
"accurev keep -c "ptext conversion" -E ptext -l list.txt"
Then you can promote those files.
Check the files with a hex editor to see if there are any non-ASCII characters.
If there's binary content in the file AccuRev will see those files as binary.
Overwrite the keep as jstanley suggested to change the type.
On the add use "accurev add -E ptext -c "your favorite comment" file.vbs

How to copy/update resources, frameworks or plugins to the (Mac OS X) "app bundle" with Qt Creator or qmake

I've been reading for a couple days on how to copy/update external resources, plugins or frameworks to my App's Mac Bundle using Qt creator or qmake.
Right now I have found two main solutions. One is to use qmake together with some commands on the ".pro" file. The other one is to do a "Custom Deployment Step" script.
I was hoping to use the second option cause I already had a small make script that did what I wanted. The problem is that Qt Creator offers so little variables to work with that the script lost its usefulness. For instance, my script uses the "Target App Path" as a parameter so it can do all its work from there. But please correct me if I'm wrong, Qt Creator only offers %{buildDir} and %{sourceDir} variables...
The other option is using qmake. These are the things that I have tried so far on my ".pro" file:
1) Using the INSTALL command. I did a small test where I tried copying some files this way:
MediaFiles.path = test/media
MediaFiles.files = media/*
INSTALL += MediaFiles
And basically nothing happend. I was hopping to find the same "media" folder on the "test" folder but nothing. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong.
Please note that the "media" folder is beside the "test" folder and the ".pro" file. (They all have the same hierarchy position.)
2) Then I tried QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA:
MediaFiles.path = Contents/MacOS
MediaFiles.files = media/*
But this gave me the following error:
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file target_file
cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file ... target_directory
make: *** [PathToApp] Error 64
None of the solutions seem to be pleasing so far. If I wanted to do a good custom make script I will need to hardcode every target path separately. In my case I have 8 different target path depending on some "CONFIG" variables.
I'm sure the qmake solution are the official way of doing this. If someone can point me out the solution to the Error 64 would be cool.
Some further question:
Do I have to do a qmake every time I want to update my bundle?
Can I execute my make script with the qmake?
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA started working flawlessly after putting the command on the end of the .pro script.
MediaFiles.files = media
MediaFiles.path = Contents/MacOS

Change Qt install path after building?

how can I change Qt install path after I building it ?
Example : qmake.exe search binaries to original install path, how can I change/redefine it ?
Edit : I finally found this patch to apply to Qt :
I was looking into this and found a way that works (in qt 4.7.2) by customizing qt with a qt.conf file.
In my case, I added a qt4-4.7.2/bin/qt.conf (I think it must be in the same place as the qmake executable)
With the following contents:
Prefix = c:/my_path/to/qt4-4.7.2
and the qmake -query started returning the proper paths!
See: for more details
You can change path to binaries and many other hardcoded paths in qmake using qmake -set command.
See Configuring qmake's Environment for details.
I can answer it for windows, not so sure about others. Remove the path variables if any present in the environmental variable PATH.
In Qt-Creator goto,
Tools->Options->Qt4->Qt Versions
In the right hand side area, you will find Auto- Detected and Manual. Under Manual add a new entry by clicking the + symbol in the far right. Specify the QMake location by clicking Browse . Change the Default Qt Version to your newly specified Version. Of course, you have to re -build the application. Hope that it helps.
On Unix/Linux:
You can also use LD_LIBRARY_PATH+PATH for workarounds. But still, some defaults are hardcoded in the code, yes. A rebuild is a must.
On unix you can make a symbolic link, otherwise you probably need to rebuild it
This worked for me with Qt 5.15.2:
cd ~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/QtProject
grep -inr '<olduser>' | cut -d: -f1 | xargs sed -i 's/<olduser>/<newuser>/g'
Replace <olduser> and <newuser> obviously.

How to find path from where current process/executable is running?

I am running some executables while connected to a local unix server box.
Say, I'm trying to run an executable 'abc'. Now the server might have provided an alias for 'abc'.. How do I get to know of this path? As in, if I invoke 'abc', it might actually run it from, say, /opt/corp/xyz/abc .. How do I get to know from what path I'm invoking the executable?
By the way I'm running on HP-UX :D
"which abc" to show which abc you would be calling
or "alias" to list aliases
perhaps "echo $0" from inside a script, or retrieving argv[0] some other way.
If you are running using the PATH environment variable, you could try:
$ which abc
$ whereis abc
If there is a symbolic link for the command and you want to know the "real" target, you can use something like:
$ readlink /opt/corp/xyz/abc
I do not have access to an HPUX system in front of me right now, but this should work:
$ ls -l /opt/local/bin/wish
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 22 Feb 3 21:56 /opt/local/bin/wish# -> /opt/local/bin/wish8.5
$ readlink /opt/local/bin/wish
If the command is based on an alias, the following will reveal the alias definition.
$ alias abc
depending on how your system is configured, the above commands should provide answers to multiple variations of your question.
in Perl:
$running_script = $0;
from Python, see SO How to get filename of the __main__ module in Python?
Does HP-UX have the "which" command? Run:
which abc
If you have it, the which command will tell you which abc program will run from your $PATH.
Thanks all!
'which' was the commmand I was after! I'm facepalming myself now as I had already known the command (in Ubuntu)..
And it does work like a charm in HP-UX!
EDIT : 'whereis' suggested by popcnt is even more appropriate!
Thanx a lot man!
From a command line terminal:
$ which abc
The correct way to get the path of a script on Unix is:
dir=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
Background: $0 is the filename+path of the script relative to the current directory. It can be absolute (/...) or relative (../, dir/...). So the $(dirname "$0") returns the path (without the filename). Mind the quotes; "$0" can contain spaces and other weird stuff.
We then cd into that directory and pwd will return the absolute path where we end up.
Works for ksh and bash.
In a C program, you should check argv[0]. I'm not sure whether the shell will put the complete path in there. If you have trouble, I suggest to wrap your executable in a small script which prepares the environment and then invoke your executable with:
exec "$dir/"exe "$#"
