autohotkey wildcard read loop - wildcard

I want one script to command several computers to break up a highly distributable workload. In order to distribute the workload I put half of the task labels in one file, and half of the tasks in another file that i distribute to the computers with google drive (which is why i need different file names). So C:\googledrive\task1.txt and C:\googledrive\task2.txt
The autohotkey command looks like:
loop, read, c:\googledrive\task*.txt
But instead of reading task1.txt, it appears to try to read "task*.txt" as a literal file name, fails, and ends the loop.
Ideas? Thanks.
OK, tried ensuring everything was running with administrator rights (they are) and ensured that the files exist (they do) and no typos in the file path (everything good there). Still wont actually read the file.
There is one bit that I didn't include in the original post part of the file name is actually a variable, so the loop command is actually like:
loop, read, c:\googledrive\%task%*.txt
I just figured that bit was inconsequential.
If i save a different script for each computer, i can go ahead and replace the wildcard with the actual bit, and it works.
so... Im just going to name each file with the computer's name in the file, and change the command to:
loop, read, c:\googledrive\%task%%A_ComputerName%.txt

I do it this way....
Loop, C:\Temp\Source\*.txt ; Lists the next file as A_LoopFileName
Loop, read, C:\Temp\Source\%A_LoopFileName% ; process current file
IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, abc


is there a way to read the contents of the last jupyter markdown cell as a string?

I'm using jupyter and pandas read_sql, this works fine but looks ugly.
for instance I have a query:
FROM table_a AS a
I could show it nicely in a markdown cell as so:
``` mysql
FROM table_a AS a
and I could execute it in a code cell as so:
pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM table_a AS a LIMIT 10;', conn)
this involves copy/paste and displaying the query twice (not too good if I want to simply export my notebook to a pdf report)
is there a way to avoid the duplication by reading the markdown text into a string python variable, or any other way?
The cellmagic answer cited by #Micah Kornfield in the question comments may be a good fit for many situations. In the question however it is said that it is desirable to avoid duplicates. Let's imagine that the SQL is huge and we don't want see the same query more than once.
Unfortunatelly right now in 2021 there's no easy solution for this. In a jupyter notebook there are two worlds, the backend which is the kernel and in our case runs python, and the frontend which runs javascript. Only javascript sees the markdown cells. It is possible to make the backend and frontend communicate with each other, those methods are usually a little hacky, but anyway we will rely on some of them.
I have written a script that does our job in two different ways, which will probably bring similar results. I will call those methods the file read method and the javascript method.
First, please save the following file in the same folder as the ipython (we are using a separate file because you specified that your notebook willl eventually go to a report and it is undesirable to have this script together with the notebook):
from IPython.display import Javascript
from urllib.parse import unquote
from json import loads as jsonloads
def markread(cellnumber,notebookname=None,callbackvar=None):
if type(cellnumber) is int:# maybe check if (varname in globals()):
if callbackvar is not None and type(callbackvar) is str:
return Javascript("const mdtjs = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().filter(c=>c.cell_type==\"markdown\")["+str(cellnumber)+"].get_text(); IPython.notebook.kernel.execute(\"mdtp = unquote('\"+encodeURI(mdtjs)+\"');mdtp=mdtp[mdtp.find('\\\\n',mdtp.find('```'))+1:min(mdtp.rfind('\\\\n'),mdtp.rfind('```'))].strip();"+callbackvar+"=mdtp;del mdtp\");")
if notebookname is not None and type (notebookname) is str:
if not notebookname.endswith('.ipynb'):
notebookname += '.ipynb'
with open(notebookname) as f:
j = jsonloads(
mdts = [''.join(c['source'][1:]).strip().strip('`').strip() for c in j['cells'] if c['cell_type']=='markdown']
return mdts[cellnumber]
return None
return None
Now back to the notebook, to load the script, you have to import it:
from markdown import markread, unquote
The unquote is needed to use the javascript method, otherwhise you can skip it.
1. File read method:
marktext = markread(2, notebookname='mynotebookname')
Here marktext will get the value from the third markdown cell in the mynotebookname (third because we live in a zero-indexed world, so 2 means third; if you skip '.ipynb' extension in the notebookname as in this case it will be automatically appended). Important - this method reads the notebook file writen on disk and not the hot state of things. If you changed anything since last save, things may go wrong.
2. Javascript method:
markread(1, callbackvar='marktext')
Here we write the value of our second markdown cell to a variable called marktext. Javascript method is trickier - it is async, so we have to send the name of the variable that we want to write to (must be a string representing its name, not the variable itself). Is is important to know also that markread must be the last command in the cell due to a limitation in javascript invoking.
How it works
Internally, the file read method just reads the notebook file which is json, picks the value from 'cells' and filters out the ones which are markdown.
The javascript method however is more complex. It invokes JS because JS has access to the cells including markdown, so JS reads cells values (from the Jupyter.notebook.get_cells), filters the markdown ones, invoke python back and send back those markdown cells - url enconded. Those encoded cells are decoded back and assigned to the callbackvar. In both methods I made some assumptions that may not be correct about trimming the start and the end of the cell value (the ``` and whitespaces).
There are ways to improve the code, for example making it auto detect the notebook name for the file read method, but it involves even more hacks, relying again on javascript to get the notebook name or making an call to the api on port 8888, but having to deal with session password. I believe the most important is covered already by our script. If one method does not work, you will probably still have the other.

Batch file write to txt

I want to make a batch file that will ask user for input, than write that input to a specific position in an already written txt file(called commands.txt which contains query) and call sqlite3 < commands.txt
I need this so inside the commands.txt where the query is, in LIKE 'userinput' i will add the users choice (parameter)
Although your question is not really specific enough and verging on the kind of inappropriate question that for stackoverflow (it does not include code), as hinted at by the comment, I'll take it at face value and assume there is much you need help with.
First let me deal with the question "I need to make a batch file"
A batch file is a simple text file with the extension .bat. You can create it with a text editor like notepad. We do not know what kind of system you have (Windows, linux, Mac etc) but lets assume Windows as you asked for a batch file. We do not know which version of windows (7 or 8 etc), So I'll try and be generic.
All windows machines come with a simpe text file editor called notepad. You can open this by typing notepad into the search box on windows 7 or 8. Lets start with a simple batch file:
:: This is a batch file
#echo off
echo Hello World
exit /b
Type (or paste) those 4 lines into notepad. Now select the file menu and select Save As, now in the Save As Type: selector choose All Files. In the File name: box type the desired name with the bat extension, such as doit.bat. Ensure you choose a suitable directory to place your new batch file. Leave the encoding as ASCII. Click Save. You have now made your first batch file.
Now you need to execute that batch file. Using the Windows File Explorer find the folder where you saved that batch file. While viewing the folder, hold down the shift key on the keyboard and then right click in the background of the folder and select Open Command window here. You will now have a command prompt window. You can now execute your new batch file by typing its name doit. It will display:
Hello World
OK - Now you have created your first working batch file.
Now for the next part; Asking the user for input. This is done with the set /p command. Add this to your batch file (before the exit line):
Set /P Like="Give me your input: "
echo Your input was: %Like%
That has solved the second part. Now the third part, edit the commands.txt file. If you do an internet search for a similar problem (editing files in batch files) you might find this help page: This shows a generic way of changing any text string to any other in a file using EDLIN from a batch file; unfortunately EDLIN (and EDIT) are no longer included in windows so these batch files are not much help.
A search of stackoverflow finds similar queries which contain an answer for you.
So now you have all the parts of the answer:
How to make a batch file
How to prompt the user for input
How to replace lines of text in the commands.txt
You should be able to put it together and get it to work....

How to get and set the default output directory in Robot Framework(Ride) in Run time

I would like to move all my output files to a custom location, to a Run directory created based on Date time during Run time. The output folder by datetime is created in the TestSetup
I have function "Process_Output_files" which will move the files to the Run folder(Run1,Run2,Run3 Folders).
I have tried using the argument-d and used the function "Process_Output_files" as suite tear down to move the output files to the respective Run directory.
But I get the following error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process". I know this is because the Robot Framework (Ride) is currently using this.
If I dont use the -d argument, the output files are getting saved in temp folders.
My question is, Is there a way to get move the files to custom location during run time with in Robot Framework.
You can use the following syntax in RIDE (Arguments:) to create the output in newfolders dynamically
--outputdir C:/AutomationLogs/%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2% --timestampoutputs
The above syntax gives you the output in below folder:
Output: C:\AutomationLogs\20151125\output-20151125-155017.xml
Log: C:\AutomationLogs\20151125\log-20151125-155017.html
Report: C:\AutomationLogs\20151125\report-20151125-155017.html
Hope this helps :)
I understand the end result you want is to have your output files in their custom folders. If this is your desire, it can be accomplished at runtime and you won't have to move them as part of your post processing. This will not work in RIDE, unfortunately, since the folder structure is created dynamically. I have two options for you.
Option 1: Use a script to kick off your tests
RIDE is awesome, but in my humble opinion, one shouldn't be using it to run ones tests, only to build and debug ones tests. Scripts are far more powerful and flexible.
Assuming you have a test, test2.txt, you wish to run, the script you use to do this could be something like:
from time import gmtime, strftime
import os
#strftime returns string representations of a date-time tuple.
#gmtime returns the date-time tuple representing greenwich mean time
dts=strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S", gmtime())
cmd="pybot -d Run%s test2"%(dts,)
As an aside, if you do intend to do post processing of your files using rebot, be aware you may not need to create intermediate log and report files. The output.xml files contain everything you need, so if you don't want to create superfluous files, use --log NONE --report NONE
Option 2: Use a listener to do post processing
A listener is a program you write that responds to events (x_start, x_end, etc). The close() event is akin to the teardown function and is the last thing called. So, assuming you have a function moveFiles() you simply need to create a listener class (myListener), define the close() method to call your moveFiles() function, and alert your test that it should report to a listener with the argument --listener myListener.
This option should be compatible with RIDE though I admit I have never tried to use listeners with the IDE.
At least you can write a custom run script that handles the moving of files after the test case execution. In this case the files are no longer used by pybot.

Fix serialized data broken due to editing MySQL database in a text editor?

Background: I downloaded a *.sql backup of my WordPress site's database, and replaced all instances of the old database table prefix with a new one (e.g. from the default wp_ to something like asdfghjkl_).
I've just learnt that WordPress uses serialized PHP strings in the database, and what I did will have messed with the integrity of the serialized string lengths.
The thing is, I deleted the backup file just before I learnt about this (as my website was still functioning fine), and installed a number of plugins since. So, there's no way I can revert back, and I therefore would like to know two things:
How can I fix this, if at all possible?
What kind of problems could this cause?
(This article states that, a WordPress blog for instance, could lose its settings and widgets. But this doesn't seem to have happened to me as all the settings for my blog are still intact. But I have no clue as to what could be broken on the inside, or what issues it'd pose in the future. Hence this question.)
Visit this page:
On that page you should see this sample serialized string: a:1:{s:4:"Test";s:17:"unserialize here!";}. Take a piece of it-- s:4:"Test";. That means "string", 4 characters, then the actual string. I am pretty sure that what you did caused the numeric character count to be out of sync with the string. Play with the tool on the site mentioned above and you will see that you get an error if you change "Test" to "Tes", for example.
What you need to do is get those character counts to match your new string. If you haven't corrupted any of the other encoding-- removed a colon or something-- that should fix the problem.
I came to this same problem after trying to change the domain from localhost to the real URL. After some searching I found the answer in Wordpress documentation:
I will quote what is written there:
To avoid that serialization issue, you have three options:
Use the Better Search Replace or Velvet Blues Update URLs plugins if you can > access your Dashboard.
Use WP-CLI's search-replace if your hosting provider (or you) have installed WP-CLI.
Run a search and replace query manually on your database. Note: Only perform a search and replace on the wp_posts table.
I ended up using WP-CLI which is able to replace things in the database without breaking serialization:
I know this is an old question, but better late than never, I suppose. I ran into this problem recently, after inheriting a database that had had a find/replace executed on serialized data. After many hours of researching, I discovered that this was because the string counts were off. Unfortunately, there was so much data with lots of escaping and newlines and I didn't know how to count in some cases and I had so much data that I needed something automated.
Along the way, I stumbled across this question and Benubird's post helped put me on the right path. His example code did not work in production use on complex data, containing numerous special characters and HTML, with very deep levels of nesting, and it did not properly handle certain escaped characters and encoding. So I modified it a bit and spent countless hours working through additional bugs to get my version to "fix" the serialized data.
// do some DB query here
while($res = db_fetch($qry)){
$str = $res->data;
$sCount=1; // don't try to count manually, which can be inaccurate; let serialize do its thing
$newstring = unserialize($str);
if(!$newstring) {
# preg_match_all("/s:([0-9]+):(\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\")(?=;)/u",$str,$m); // alternate: almost works but leave quotes in $m[2] output
# print_r($m); exit;
foreach($m[1] as $k => $len) {
/*** Possibly specific to my case: Spyropress Builder in WordPress ***/
$m_clean = str_replace('\"','"',$m[2][$k]); // convert escaped double quotes so that HTML will render properly
// if newline is present, it will output directly in the HTML
// nl2br won't work here (must find literally; not with double quotes!)
$m_clean = str_replace('\n', '<br />', $m_clean);
$m_clean = nl2br($m_clean); // but we DO need to convert actual newlines also
$m_new = $m[0][$k].';'; // we must account for the missing semi-colon not captured in regex!
// NOTE: If we don't flush the buffers, things like <img src="http://whatever" can be replaced with <img src="//whatever" and break the serialize count!!!
ob_end_flush(); // not sure why this is necessary but cost me 5 hours!!
$m_ser = serialize($m_clean);
if($m_new != $m_ser) {
print "Replacing: $m_new\n";
print "With: $m_ser\n";
$str = str_replace($m_new, $m_ser, $str);
$m_len = (strlen($m[2][$k]) - substr_count($m[2][$k],'\n'));
if($len != $m_len) {
echo "Replacing: {$m[0][$k]}\n";
echo "With: $newstr\n\n";
$str = str_replace($m_new, $newstr, $str);
print_r($str); // this is your FIXED serialized data!! Yay!
A little geeky explanation on my changes:
I found that trying to count with Benubird's code as a base was too inaccurate for large datasets, so I ended up just using serialize to be sure the count was accurate.
I avoided the try/catch because, in my case, the try would succeed but just returned an empty string. So, I check for empty data instead.
I tried numerous regex's but only a mod on Benubird's would accurately handle all cases. Specifically, I had to modify the part that checked for the ";" because it would match on CSS like "width:100%; height:25px;" and broke the output. So, I used a positive lookahead to only match when the ";" was outside of the set of double quotes.
My case had lots of newlines, HTML, and escaped double quotes, so I had to add a block to clean that up.
There were a couple of weird situations where data would be replaced incorrectly by the regex and then the serialize would count it incorrectly as well. I found NOTHING on any sites to help with this and finally thought it might be related to caching or something like that and tried flushing the output buffer (ob_end_flush()), which worked, thank goodness!
Hope this helps someone... Took me almost 20 hours including the research and dealing with weird issues! :)
This script ( can help to update an sql database with proper URLs everywhere, without encountering serialized data issues, because it will update the "characters count" that could throw your URLs out of sync whenever serialized data occurs.
The steps would be:
if you already have imported a messed up database (widgets not
working, theme options not there, etc), just drop that database
using PhpMyAdmin. That is, remove everything on it. Then export and
have at hand an un-edited dump of the old database.
Now you have to import the (un-edited) old database into the
newly created one. You can do this via an import, or copying over
the db from PhpMyAdmin. Notice that so far, we haven't done any
search and replace yet; we just have an old database content and
structure into a new database with its own user and password. Your site will be probably unaccessible at this point.
Make sure you have your WordPress files freshly uploaded to the
proper folder on the server, and edit your wp-config.php to make it
connect with the new database.
Upload the script into a "secret" folder - just for security
reasons - at the same level than wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes. Do not forget to remove it all once the search and
replace have taken place, because you risk to offer your DB details
open to the whole internet.
Now point your browser to the secret folder, and use the script's fine
interface. It is very self-explanatory. Once used, we proceed to
completely remove it from the server.
This should have your database properly updated, without any serialized data issues around: the new URL will be set everywhere, and serialized data characters counts will be accordingly updated.
Widgets will be passed over, and theme settings as well - two of the typical places that use serialized data in WordPress.
Done and tested solution!
If the error is due to the length of the strings being incorrect (something I have seen frequently), then you should be able to adapt this script to fix it:
foreach($strings as $key => $str)
try {
} catch(exception $e) {
foreach($m[1] as $k => $len) {
if($len != strlen($m[2][$k])) {
echo "len mismatch: {$m[0][$k]}\n";
echo "should be: $newstr\n\n";
$strings[$key] = str_replace($m[0][$k], $newstr, $str);
I personally don't like working in PHP, or placing my DB credentials in an public file. I created a ruby script to fix serializations that you can run locally:
Context Edit:
I approached fixing serialization by first identifying serialization via regex, and then recalculating the byte size of the contained data string.
$content_to_fix.gsub!(/s:([0-9]+):\"((.|\n)*?)\";/) {"s:#{$2.bytesize}:\"#{$2}\";"}
I then update the specified data via an escaped sql update query.
escaped_fix_content = client.escape($fixed_content)
query = client.query("UPDATE #{$table} SET #{$column} = '#{escaped_fix_content}' WHERE #{$column_identifier} LIKE '#{$column_identifier_value}'")

System::IO::Directory::GetFiles in c++

I am having trouble in storing the files in a string array from a directory in c++, using System::IO::Directory::GetFiles in c++
Also would like to know if we could copy an entire folder to a new destination/ in c++ like given in for c#
You can store the file names from a directory in a managed array like this:
System::String ^path = "c:\\";
cli::array<System::String ^>^ a = System::IO::Directory::GetFiles(path);
As for how would you copy an entire folder... Simply recurse from a given root directory creating each directory and copying the files to the new location. If you are asking for code for this, then please say so, but at least try to figure it out for yourself first (i.e. show me what you have so far).
Check out the file listing program in Boost::FileSystem: They iterate over all files, printing the paths, but it's trivial to store them instead.
Assuming you're on Win32, you're looking for the FindFirstFile and FindNextFile APIs.
C/C++ does not define a standard way to do this, though Boost::Filesystem provides a method if you need cross platform support.
