Qt Creator 2.6.2 and Qt 4.8.4: Qt version is not properly installed - qt

Windows 7: I have installed Qt 4.8.4 Win and Qt Creator 2.6.2 Win, VS2010 (from here). When I try to open a project (previously compiled with Qt 4.8.3 / Creator 2.5.2), it says I need a kit (no valid kit) and eventually I end up at Qt version is not properly installed. All is shown in the screenshots below.
I have checked some solutions:
SO QT version is not properly installed, please run make install is for Linux
Some say, I need to install Qt SDK, but where do I find this (this one contains older Creator / Qt versions), and what sense would the individual installers make if I need SDK?
Some say, I need to add Qt to path, but what exactly? Creator? The Qt 4.8.4, the qmake dir?
Somehow I fail with this make install, nothing happens.
I have installed the 5.0.1 including Creator 2.6.2 as one installation, this works. But when I then download 4.8.4. and try to add it as QT Version, same issue: Qt version is not properly installed
Any idea what I would need to do or install.
-- Edit -- List of trials ---
Added my Qt 4.8.4 and its qmake dir to PATH
Re-installed Qt in different order: Qt 4.8.4 first / Creator 2.6.2 thereafter
Opened Qt CMD Prompt qmake install (as in the suggestions): 4.8.4\install:1: Parse Error ('INSTALLING Qt Source Package Version 4.8.4.') Error processing project file: install
qmake install from Qt CMD. Runs 20 minutes, Laptop gets extremly hot, then it crashes
P:\Qt\Libs\4.8.4>qmake\qmake.exe install
QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced.
Error processing project file: install

I had the same problem. Try to choose "qmake.exe" from the BIN folder, not the qmake folder, so in your case probably P:\Qt\Libs\4.8.4\bin\qmake.exe

Based on SO: How to install Qt on Windows after building? I eventually got to http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/install-win.html
Simply running configure solved it for me, I did not build, nothing else. The installer did apply several patches, so I still do not get why I have to run configure.


Full & complete uninstall QT Creator

How to uninstall QT Creator from Linux machine?
I have a corrupted install on a Debian Jessie machine. I have tried reinstalling, fixing, etc. and with no luck. I was advised to uninstall completely, grab the newest version and reinstall.
The problem is that I'm not sure how to do this and every time I try, QT keeps coming back with the same exact issues, I'm assuming because of some config files that are not getting deleted in the removal process.
Running qmake --version gives me this output:
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.6.2 in /home/greg/anaconda2/lib
Running pkg-config --modversion QtCore gives me this output:
Package QtCore was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `QtCore.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'QtCore' found
The problem is that I've got several versions installed, in different folders and I want to completely start over with a fresh install of QT Creator. Version 5.10 was installed yesterday via the QT maintenence tool, but for some reason won't run. I just need to remove it and start over. QT 5.9.3 and 5.10 are installed at /home/greg and you can see 5.6.2 is installed in my anaconda2 folder. Not sure how this happened. I'm still a newb so still learning.
How can I do a complete/full uninstall and removal of ALL QT creator files without deleting other QT files, such as KDE dependencies, etc., so that I can do a fresh install with new config settings????
Qt Creator creates some configuration files and subdirs in ~/.config/QtProject/ (also check ~/.config/Nokia/), which aren't cleaned up by removing the package (in general that's the case with all personal settings in your home directory). Removing them manually should solve that issue, if your diagnosis is right and it's not a more general problem of your system or setup.

Choosing the right version of QT

On my Ubuntu 16.04, I have some packages installed (through Synaptic) that have QT version 5.5.1. And they seem to be needed by software that I have (TeXstudio, for instance).
But as a developer I am trying to use Qt 5.9.1, which I installed by downloading it from the QT website (like this). But when I run qmake, it runs the wrong version. How can I choose which version I want to use?
$ qmake --version
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.5.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
But I want this one:
~/lib/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.9.1 in /home/diego/lib/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/lib
I would like that all that when I'm building software or running software I have built (instead of software installed on the system) it uses 5.9.1. How can I do this?
You should run qmake with its full path:
$ ~/lib/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake
If you don't want to type full path, you could prepend your local Qt directory to PATH environment variable. In order for runtime linker to find right libraries, you can add Qt directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You could set QTDIR too, so tools like CMake find right Qt:
You could put following line in ~/.bashrc:
export QTDIR="~/lib/Qt5.9.1/5.9.1/gcc_64/"
export PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH"

Compiling third party libraries with Qt

I've been using OpenCV and Marble libraries compiled and linked with Qt. Every time I do it I have problems running cmake to make these libraries. it seems paths in the qt cmake files to other qt cmake files are incorrect. I get errors like:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:67 (find_package):
By not providing "FindQt5DBus.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5DBus", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5DBus" with any
of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "Qt5DBus" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"Qt5DBus_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"Qt5DBus" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.
I can fix this in Ubuntu by running
sudo apt-get install qt5-default
This is fine in Ubuntu, but now I am trying to compile these libraries on mac and windows now. Anyone know a way to get a Qt with all of these paths already correct? tried the installer on windows and mac, and brew on mac. I don't really have time to play with fixing each one of these errors one by one
At least Qt 5.5 on Windows (using the Qt installer) should work out of the box. It has DBus included. Which Qt version are you using currently?

QT 5.2 has no kit or qmake with MingW after installation

I downloaded the QT 5.2 build for MingW/OpenGL build and installed it. When I run QTCreator and try to create a project, I can't set it up because there is no kit available to choose from. I have MingW installed, so I tried to point QT to this installation, but there is qmake as well missing. I'm not sure if the manual configuration of the compiler would suffice to have a kit to choose from, but that would be my expectation.
So the question is, how do I setup QT properly that it recognizes my MingW installation and how do I get qmake to continue with QT? After downloading a 600MB package I would have expected that it works out of the box.
OS is Windows 7 and my MingW uses gcc 4.8 so it should be the same version that QT brings in it's package as well.

Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in kit options

I just installed Qt 5.2 package on ubuntu. I simply created a Qt widget application, and when I tried to build it, I got the following message:
Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in
kit options
I have tried several things, all of which were unsuccessful. I tried setting the compiler kit to
Desktop Qt 5.2.0 GCC 32bit (default)
However it didn't work
After that I set the compiler to
GCC (x86 32bit in use/bin)
However that didn't work either.
I also tried adding gcc manually and gave it the path
but it still didn't work.
This is what appears in there Qt Version tab
This is what I get when I remove the .pro.user file and restart the IDE, Whats the difference between configuring a project as Desktop and Desktop Qt 5.2.0 GCC 32bit?
Qt Creator needs a version of tools that are able to link against the Qt binaries that the downloaded package contains. In your case, the local toolchain and the binaries don't match. That means that you would actually have to build the Qt with your toolkit and make sure that QtCreator can find the built binaries.
The simpler way for Ubuntu is to use the packaged version of the tools; they play well with the already delivered binaries. Use sudo apt-get install qtcreator to install it with all the dependencies.
