Make api explorer private - google-cloud-endpoints

Is it possible to either turn off the api explorer completely or limit the access to it?
I noticed some logs in my app that come from failed requests executed from a browser. My api is only consumed by an Android app so the only place where they can come from is the api explorer. Also the api access is limited to 1 web and 1 android client id.

Unfortunately no. The API explorer works by using the Discovery Service associated with your API, which is not actually part of your backend, so you can't specify auth or visibility for those URIs.
The list method from the Discovery service is used to generate the list on the APIs Explorer app using your app as base:
When someone clicks one of the APIs from the list, the full discovery document is retrieved for that apiName and apiVersion using the getRest method from the Discovery service:

If you are looking for ways to prevent the executing of the API, check out Cloud Endpoints: Control who can execute API through API Explorer

endpoints makes auth easy and you can get the current user. You should use auth to ensure people don't mess with your private apis - otherwise people could trace what kind of post or get requests you're sending anyway - auth is always a good idea rather than trying to keep your apis secret.
If you're building a secret product and you don't want your competitor to find out, you could perhaps use some obfuscation method on the backend and on your client which makes the apis unreadable.
Also a user messing with your apis shouldn't break your database - or if it does - it should only break it for the user that was being foolish. Having logic in your client for how apis are used so that the backend doesn't break is a bad idea - the backend apis should take care of themselves and not worry about how or why they are used and who by for what purpose.


Send conversion event to Google Ads from NodeJs backend (AWS)

I have a website hosted in AWS with a NodeJS backend.
I have Google Ads conversion events being sent from the frontend using gtag.js, but I noticed missing events and a lot of duplication (even if I use transaction IDs with my events)
I has similar issues with Facebook Pixel and was able to resolve the problem by sending simple vanilla http calls from the backend.
Is it possible to do the same with Google Ads? I have not been able to find any documentation for server side APIs for Javascript.
This documentation here seems promising, but no Javascript SDK exists. That's is why I would like to know what vanilla http calls to make.
I have seen documentation about GTM server side, but it seems I need to host a GTM container (server?) which I would prefer not to have to. Unless I misunderstood what hosting a GTM container means in the context of a AWS cloud solution.
In addition to the native, gRPC-based Ads API there's also a REST alternative which can be used if there's no native client library, such as for NodeJS.
The endpoint relevant for your use case is customers.uploadClickConversions, which allows you to register a conversion given a specific click ID.
Keep in mind that you'll need to apply for API access in order to be able to use the Ads API (aside from accessing test accounts).

Drive API OAuth2 with HTTPS Only

I have been studying the DriveAPI for a while now and can't seem to find a simple way to get it to work just for MY needs only...
I would like to use the DriveAPI only with just the REST API (HTTPS).
There are many things like token, clientid, apikey, secrets, etc.
All I need, is to search MY OWN GDrive files (FULLTEXT CONTAINS) and get a result from the API but I can't get it to work.
Please remember, this is for my own needs only and I would like to bypass the verification (login) window and get some kind of token, that lasts forever, so I can implement this in my own tool.
So, how can I authenticate and use the DriveAPI with just plain HTTPS?
My efforts so far:
I have already made a client ID and a client KEY for a sample project in the dashboard. I have also an Google Drive API KEY. From this point, I don't really know where and what to send.
As I mentioned in my comment, there is no "bypass" for the OAuth 2.0 authentication (that's why there is authentication enforced in the first place). Have you done any coding for this that you can share? For most REST API's OAuth 2.0 authentication is required. Your application must be able to request the token and use it to make the requests.
Google API's use Google Identity service to provide the tokens. In the following document there are many examples of how this implementation should be done in different programming languages:

Is it possible to enable using Google Cloud Endpoints Portal without granting extra permissions to access GCP projects on client side?

I have successfully deployed a Google Cloud Endpoints Developer Portal for my API running on Endpoints. I would like to provide access to testing to people outside my organisation that are not using GCP in their projects.
Login to the portal works correctly if I enable the Service Consumer role for these people (on per-email basis). However, when they open it for the first time, they are being asked to grant some extra permissions to the portal:
This form can create totally unnecessary security concerns. Does anyone know, why is it needed?
I only would like my clients to be able to test my API using a GUI, before they could start connecting their projects (not necessary on GCP) to mine. This seems to be a valid use case for me, however I might be misunderstanding some basic concepts.
Or should I submit a feature request to Google about a new role that only enables the access to the portal, and nothing else, so no such forms are shown?
Since Endpoints APIs must be explicitly shared with customers, the portal needs to verify that the logged-in user has permission to view that Endpoints API. So the short answer is that these scopes are being requested primarily so the portal can check the user's access to this API.
Longer answer is that we (the Endpoints team) are looking into if it's possible to build narrower OAuth scopes that would correspond to the access checks we perform. We agree that it's unnecessarily broad of an access request and are hoping to improve this in the future. Thanks for your comment!

How to (can you) configure Azure API Management for Auth0 single page application

Scenario: Auth0 Single Page application client. .NET Web API and Angular SPA both configured to use this client. Works great.
I'd like to add Azure API Management as a layer in front of the API. Have set up the API in the Management Portal, updated SPA to call API, tested calls from SPA, works great.
Now, I'd like to configure API Management Portal with the right security settings such that people can invoke API calls from the Developer Portal. I've used this [] as a guide.
Where I'm at:
From the Developer portal, I can choose Authorization Code as an Auth type, go through a successful sign-in process with Auth0 and get back a Bearer token. However, calls made to the API always return 401. I think this is because I'm confused about how to set it up right. As I understand it:
either I follow the instructions and setup a new API client in Auth0, but if that's the case then surely it's not going to work, because tokens generated from one client aren't going to work against my SPA client? (or is there something I need to change to make it work)
or, how should I configure Azure API Management to work with a SPA application. (this would be my preferred method, having two clients in Auth0 seems 'messy'). But, don't I need an 'audience' value in my authorization endpoint URL? How do I get that?
If anyone has done this, would very much appreciate some guidance here.
Well, I didn't think I'd be back to answer my own question quite so soon. The reason is mostly rooted in my general ignorance of this stuff, combined with trying to take examples and fuse them together for my needs. Posting this to help out anyone else who finds themselves here.
Rather than take the Single Application Client in Auth0 and make it work with Azure API Management, I decided to go the other way, and make the non-interactive Client work with my SPA. This eventually 'felt' more right: the API is what I'm securing, and I should get the API Management portal working, then change my SPA to work with it.
Once I remembered/realised that I needed to update my audience in the API to match the audience set in the Client in Auth0, then the Management Portal started working. Getting the SPA to work with the API then became a challenge: I was trying to find out how to change the auth0 angular code to pass an audience to match the one the API was sending, but it kept sending the ClientID instead. (by the way, finding all that out was made easier by using to decrypt the Bearer tokens and work out what was happening - look at the 'aud' value for the audience.
In the end, I changed my API, in the new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions object, the TokenValidationParameters object (of type TokenValidationParameters) has a property ValidAudiences (yes, there is also a ValidAudience property, confusing) which can take multiple audiences. So, I added my ClientID to that.
The only other thing I then changed (which might be specific to me, not sure) is that I had to change the JsonWebToken Signature Algorithm value in Auth0 for my non-interactive client (advanced settings, oAuth tab) from HS256 to RS256.
With all that done, now requests from both the API Management Portal, and my SPA work.
Curious to know if this is the "right" way of doing it, or if I've done anything considered dangerous here.
Since you're able to make the validation of the jwts with the .Net API work, Only few changes are actually necessary to get this working with Azure API Management.
In API management,
Create a validate-jwt inbound policy on an Operation (or all operations)
set the audiences and issuers the same as what you've used with your .NET web api. (you can check the values in Auth0 portal if you don't know this yet)
The important field that is missing at this point is the Open ID URLs since auth0 uses RS256 by default. The url can be found in you Auth0 portal at: Applications -> your single page application -> settings -> Scroll down, Show Advanced Settings -> End points. Then copy the OpenID Configuration
Here's the reference for API management's requirement for JWT tokens
optional reading

Asking the user for settings when enabling an Alexa Skill

I am working on an alexa skill which uses an external web service which requires an API key.
I can't find for the life of me where I can add this property in so that when the user enables the Alexa skill (I haven't got as far as publishing yet but I assume there is a property I can set somewhere as well for testing) they can add their API key and I receive this within my node.js lambda function and extract it and use it for my post request to the web service.
I know there is an Amazon Account Linking Service, but the web service I am using doesn't support this type of login I believe, their API is only accessed by sending a header containing the API key. Therefore I need a way for the user to be able to store somewhere their API key so I can then post this to the web service from the lambda code.
I'm not clear on how you expect the user to 'add their API key'.
The only built-in UI is the cards that your skill can push to a user but these are very limited and can't request information from the user.
Amazon does not show the user any sort of configurable settings for the skills.
And you have noted account-linking and that it does not address your needs.
So you could either ask the user to say the API key, which would be much too error prone unless it is unusually short, or you will need to direct the user (probably via a card) to your own website where they will provide their API key.
