How to integrate the ASP.NET thread model and ZeroMQ sockets? -

I'm building an ASP.NET service (a simple aspx) that requires a REQ call to a ZeroMQ REP node.
So I've to use the REQ/REP pattern, but I can't figure out the proper way to initialize the ZeroMQ context in the ASP.NET pipeline.
Moreover, can I share a single connection among the different ASP.NET threads and if so how?
edit: After some study it looks to me that an inproc router in a dedicated thread should be the way to go, since it would handle sincronization.
But more questions arise:
The other end of such an inproc node should be a DEALER? If so, should it connect to the REQ node? Or it should bind to a tcp port and I should code the REP server node to connect to it (the latter would be a bit cumbersome, since I could have different servers exposing the service)?
As an alternative, is it correct to build an inproc node bound to a ROUTER socket at one end, and connecting with REQ on the other? If so, should I code the node so that it handles a manual envelop of each message just to be able to send responses back to the correct requesting thread?
Is Application_Start the correct pipeline point to initialize the thread handling such router?
At the moment a ROUTER/DEALER inproc node that connect to the REQ server looks like the best option, but I'm not sure that it's possibile to connect from a DEALER socket. But this is still just a speculation and could be entirely wrong.

The zmq_socket manual states:
ØMQ sockets are not thread safe. Applications MUST NOT use a socket
from multiple threads except after migrating a socket from one thread
to another with a "full fence" memory barrier.


Python ZeroMQ : connecting two different clients together in a ROUTER and a REP configuration

I have a configuration with the following server/clients :
One server with two bound sockets, a REP and a ROUTER
A client (we will call it a worker) that stays connected to the ROUTER socket
Another (real) client that connects on the REP socket.
I want the server to be able to tell the real client to connect (directly or somehow through the server) to a websocket, opened on the worker client. But it seems, I cannot retrieve the worker's IP-address from a ZeroMQ socket.
How could I achieve this, without some dirty IP-address retrieve hacks?
How could I achieve this, without some dirty IP-address retrieve hacks?
The best would be to use an explicitly communicated IP-address dialogue / handshaking between the server and the worker which would take place upon their setup / initialisation, in which the worker adviced these configuration details to server, upon having been asked to provide a such answer.
Given that, the "new"-real-client .connect()-s it's REQ onto the server's REP, and asks the server about where to go next, the server thus can answer this and the "new"-real-client will get received this way a legitimate IP-address:port# and any additionally needed details for any additional TCP/IP-L3 service establishment and use.
That simple :o) distributed-system
Design-side Epilogue:Because there are some further, design-side implications, hardwired inside of each type of the ZeroMQ sockets' Access-Point, it might be found more appropriate to serve a separate REP-AccessPoint on the server side, so as not to subordinate each "new"-real-client to become dependent upon a presence of events outside of the domains of control of both the server and such "new"-real-client, but to rather allow both such REQ/REP-endpoints to enjoy the independence of anything but their temporally (semi-)private details (re-)negotiation(s).

retrieve dynamically assigned tcp port from remote

My job is to write a distributed client/server application with some concurrent tasks. So i decided to use for the concurrency issues. To implement the ipc between server and client akka remote is used. For some reasons there may run more than one client of the same type on a workstation. So i configured these clients for dynamic assignment of a tcp port. This worked fine for sending messages to the server.
My problem is to push some information to the clients. To accomplish this task an actor on the client exist. Now the server creates a reference for this actor. Therefor it needs the port the client is listening on . My idea is to send the tcp port the client uses to the server in some sort of connection procedure using a actor on the server.
After searching for some hours I didn't find any hint where to find the dynamically assigned tcp port. So how would the client get the assigned tcp port?
Ok, I could use akka.cluster. But using akka.cluster is breaking a fly on the wheel, I think. And if it solves my issue reamins to be seen.
Two suggestions, assuming that it is your client that makes the first contact with the server.
I'd have the server keep track of which clients are connected. I'd probably have a heartbeat message that gets sent once every few seconds from each client system. This way you can store an IActorRef for each alive client and send messages back without the need for finding the port. IActorRefs are preferable wherever possible for location transparency.
If you actually need to explicitly find the port, you may be able to extract it from the Path property of the IActorRef of one of the actors on the client system.
Thanks to patricks suggestions my issue is solved.
The solution is to extract the needed information from the senders path available while executing the hello message. With this information the server is able to maintain a list of all connected clients and theire network address.
Thanks a lot # patrick.
Regards Gregor

How can I have my ZeroMQ app reject additional connections?

I have a C++ 0MQ application that does a bind() and sends messages using a PUSH socket. I want to ensure that these messages get sent to no more than one client.
Is there a way to allow just one client to .connect(), and then reject connections from all subsequent clients?
If your server application uses a ROUTER socket instead of PUSH, it has more control over the connections. The first frame of each message contains the id of the sender, so the server can treat one connection specially.
To make this work, the protocol has to be a little more complicated than a simple PUSH/PULL. One way is for the connections to be DEALER sockets, whose first action is to sent an "I'm here" message to the server. The server then knows the id of the connections, and treats the first one specially. Any other connections can be rejected with a "You shouldn't be here" message to the other connections, which of course they must understand and act on it by disconnecting themselves.
After the first "I'm here" message, the clients do not need to send any more messages. They can just sit there waiting for messages from the server, exactly the same as PUSH/PULL.
Yes, there is
While the genuine ZeroMQ messaging framework has lot of built-in features, it allows to integrate additional abstract layers, that can solve your task and many other, custom-specific, needs. So do not worry that there is not a direct API call for doing what you need.
How to do it?
Assuming your formal architecture is given, the viable approach would be to re-use networking security trick known as "port-knocking".
This trick adds an "introduction" phase on a publicly known aPortToKnockAt, after which ( upon having successfully met the condition(s) -- in your case being the first client to have asked for / to have completed a .connect() -- another, working, port is being used privately for a "transport" phase ( and in your case, the original port is being closed ).
This way your application does not devastate either local-side, or the remote-side resources as aPortToKnockAt provides means to protect soliton-archetype only handshaking and forthcoming attempts to knock there will find just a .close()-ed door ( and will handle that remotely ), so a sort of a very efficient passive reject is being achieved.

What are the different approaches in developing a web-server?

What are the different approaches in developing a web-server?
So I guess there are (1) multi-thread (2) event-loop, is there anything else? What would be the pros/cons of each approach? when would you use each? can you list specific impl' for each approache
Different approach can be:
Single threaded: All connections are handled by a single thread that
"listens" for and awaits for connections and processes requests.It
is simple to implement but it is the most useless server as it can
only serve request at a time
Multithreaded:The server listens for requests and each incoming
request is allocated to a new thread to handle it.So each client
connection is handled by its dedicated thread. This approach(unlike
1) supports concurrent processing of client requests but does not
scale well since each new request creates a new thread at the server
and this takes a lot of resources.Eventually the server will hit a
Multithreaded-Pools:Same idea as (2) but instead of creating a new
thread to handle each incoming request a thread from a thread-pool
is used.I.e. threads are created and placed on a pool for later
reuse.This scales very well supporting multiple client requests and
it is the standard approach.E.g. Tomcat works like this.
Event-Queue:Each incoming request is placed into a queue and is
processed by a background thread taking requests of the queue. It is
non-blocking and this type of asynchronous processing also scales
well.To be honest I am not sure if it is better than (3) in
performance.I think that tomcat can be configured for this using the
NIO architecture
You should add non-blocking I/O. Have a look at Netty.
Some servers like G-WAN mix Multithreaded-Pools and Event-Queues, letting the server saturate CPU Cores with each thread processing many connections.
Disclamer: I am involved in the development of this project.

Erlang accept incoming tcp connections dynamically

What I am trying to solve: have an Erlang TCP server that listens on a specific port (the code should reside in some kind of external facing interface/API) and each incoming connection should be handled by a gen_server (that is even the gen_tcp:accept should be coded inside the gen_server), but I don't actually want to initially spawn a predefined number of processes that accepts an incoming connection). Is that somehow possible ?
Basic Procedure
You should have one static process (implemented as a gen_server or a custom process) that performs the following procedure:
Listens for incoming connections using gen_tcp:accept/1
Every time it returns a connection, tell a supervisor to spawn of a worker process (e.g. another gen_server process)
Get the pid for this process
Call gen_tcp:controlling_process/2 with the newly returned socket and that pid
Send the socket to that process
Note: You must do it in that order, otherwise the new process might use the socket before ownership has been handed over. If this is not done, the old process might get messages related to the socket when the new process has already taken over, resulting in dropped or mishandled packets.
The listening process should only have one responsibility, and that is spawning of workers for new connections. This process will block when calling gen_tcp:accept/1, which is fine because the started workers will handle ongoing connections concurrently. Blocking on accept ensure the quickest response time when new connections are initiated. If the process needs to do other things in-between, gen_tcp:accept/2 could be used with other actions interleaved between timeouts.
You can have multiple processes waiting with gen_tcp:accept/1 on a single listening socket, further increasing concurrency and minimizing accept latency.
Another optimization would be to pre-start some socket workers to further minimize latency after accepting the new socket.
Third and final, would be to make your processes more lightweight by implementing the OTP design principles in your own custom processes using proc_lib (more info). However, this you should only do if you benchmark and come to the conclusion that it is the gen_server behavior that slows you down.
The issue with gen_tcp:accept is that it blocks, so if you call it within a gen_server, you block the server from receiving other messages. You can try to avoid this by passing a timeout but that ultimately amounts to a form of polling which is best avoided. Instead, you might try Kevin Smith's gen_nb_server instead; it uses an internal undocumented function prim_inet:async_accept and other prim_inet functions to avoid blocking.
You might want to check out and use the handle_connection function to convert the process you get to a gen_server.
You should use "prim_inet:async_accept(Listen_socket, -1)" as said by Steve.
Now the incoming connection would be accepted by your handle_info callback
(assuming you interface is also a gen_server) as you have used an asynchronous
accept call.
On accepting the connection you can spawn another ger_server(I would recommend
gen_fsm) and make that as the "controlling process" by calling
"gen_tcp:controlling_process(CliSocket, Pid of spwned process)".
After this all the data from socket would be received by that process
rather than by your interface code. Like that a new controlling process
would be spawned for another connection.
