Internal Link Resolution Issue - tridion

I am getting a freak behavior as stated below (The environment is SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 with HotFix Rollup applied):
I have a page - Page 1 - with say following components on it associated thru' different static Templates:
1) Component 1
2) Component 2
3) Component 3
I have another page - Page 2 - with Component 4 on it. Component 4 is having an internal link to Component 1.
Both the pages are published multiple times.
Now my expectation is that the internal link on Page 2 should get resolved at run time to link to Page 1. but this is not happening - This might be simple to crack if this is the only issue - but now the real trouble - If Component 4 on Page 2 is edited to have internal link to Component 2 then everything works fine and internal link on Page 2 correctly points to the Page 1.
Any suggestion or data point that could check?
One thing that I have done is that I have re-positioned the Page from one structure group to another structure group after un-publishing it followed by the publishing of it.
Please note:
1) All the pages and structure group hierarchy is published multiple times
2) All other internal links are working fine
3) If I see the preview mode of these pages, they generate the expected code including the one for internal linking
Any help will be appreciated.

You might need to check your Compoennt Template priorities. Are Components 1 & 2 using the same Component Template on Page 1. Make sure they are not set to "Never Link"

phew...Finally I was able to resolve the issue after checking that everything was correct.
Logically everything seems I went the illogical way....removed all the reference from pages, re-create the specific component and re-link them in the pages...publish them...and woo starts working....remembered the Microsoft way..If your Windows is giving problem...just re-start it :( ... I would love to explore the reason though :(


Tag not working only in live landing page subdomain

I have these 2 tags that works properly except for the landing pages hosted by our LP builder provider RDStation. One sends the conversion to Google Analytics and the other to Facebook. Both are triggered by one element visibility. What I'm tracking is a Form engagement with 3 steps. I'm expecting an event on GA and FB after the completion of the first step.
These tags work on the preview mode and both Pixel and Tag Manager are present in the live pages. The Form in other pages outside this host is the same code. I've tried to move code around, edit the form, edit and recreate tags and triggers. With no success. For some reason, very occasionally the tags work. I wasn't able to isolate the cause tho.
Stuck in this for 2 days, any ideas?
If you have published the GTM with updated tags in my opinion the problem may be due to the way your page is made. If you look at the source of page you can see that the Tag Manager snippet is there 2 times, you have 2 times the head tag and 2 times the body tag ... Probably some conflict may be due to this, so first fix the page correctly and then try again. web form app does not start on default.aspx

I am debugging a web form application using Microsoft Visual Studio. Normally there are a number of pages displayed, starting with default.aspx, in sequence after certain buttons have been pressed on each. The default page has been set to default.aspx.
When I start the application using the debugger it brings up the third page in the sequence rather
than starting at default.aspx.
Is some information being stored in the background that influences which pages are presented first?
Check the web tab of your project. During working and debugging, I MUCH perfer that VS launches the page I am working on. (what else would one want it to do????).
I mean, in some cases, sure, the page and testing of code must start from a known page. Then of course the user does things, sesson() vars etc. get set, and thus just "jumping" right into a page does not really allow you to correctly test your code or even launch that page out of sequence - so I well get this part and issue.
However, once logged in, (and the site remembers me), there is OFTEN a major page or part of some sub form that makes sense for me to startout on. And often a LOT of the pages I am working on "can" be launched without starting 5 web pages back.
So in "most" cases? I make some changes to code - whack the F5, and the code is compiled, and then VS launches the page I am on. This is without question what want to occur in 9 out of 10 times. And I often place in some respones.Redirects() in the page load event, since it NOT ONLY ME that has a problem by jumping to the wrong page. What if your users type in that URL too? They are free to do so!!! So, if YOUR development process is messed up by staring out on the page you are working on? Then 99% of the time, the your USERS ALSO can launch that web page and ALSO get messed up!
So, developing on a given page, hitting F5 to launch that page? It is a great default since you then over the development cycle get to catch funny errors when launching a page that you normally would not launch as your starting point.
And, as noted, often it might take 5 clicks and you traversing 5 pages to GET to the current page you are working on. If that page "can" be launched out of sequence, then you save buckets of pain during the development process.
So common is the above? Well, not only does hitting F5 just "start" your current page?
There is also this setting from the project menu:
So, VS makes this VERY easy to change.
But, the F5 behavior (current page you are developing on?) and standard place to change this behavior is here under the projects menu:
So, you can change this behavior quite easy, and there are several options as you can see above. You can even choose to not start a page.
So, the default is the current page you are working on, and in most cases this is what most developers prefer. However, as above shows, you have several options to change this.

Xamarin.Forms 4 URI Route Navigation

I'm trying to get a head start with the pre-releases of Xamarin.Forms 4 and I've hit a road block with some of the Navigation features that have been included. From the Microsoft Docs it states:
Shell includes a URI-based navigation experience. URIs provide an improved navigation experience that permits navigation to any page in the application, without having to follow a set navigation hierarchy. In addition, it also provides the ability to navigate backwards without having to visit all of the pages on the navigation stack.
I have been able to setup my Shell file and set my Route names. The following code works as expected and navigates me to the appropriate Page:
private async void NavigateToAbout_Execute()
await (App.Current.MainPage as Shell).GoToAsync("app://Testapp/Test/modal");
The Problem:
Once I have successfully navigated to this Page, it seems I have no way of navigating away from the Page. In the quote above it states that we should have the ability to navigate backwards (to the previous Page) but I can't see any way of achieving this. Has anyone had some experience with this yet? I appreciate it's a pre-release so I may not get a response but any thoughts would be helpful.
I had the same question. It seems now to be ok. This work for me :
await Shell.Current.Navigation.PopAsync();
You can also have a look at this variable :
It's a list with all the detail pages that were pushed above/onto the pages defined in the shell. I've seen that the 0 index in this list is always null. It represents the last page of the shell. The "detail" pages added onto the shell with shell.Current.GotoAsync("detailpage") comes from index 1 to n in the NavigationStack.

Drupal Embedded views not working correctly

I recently took over a site from someone else at a new company. Having never used Drupal before, updating things has been a bit cumbersome. There were some outstanding security updates that I applied(but I haven't updated the core yet). Anyway, after doing this, the calls to views_embeded_view have not been working. For example:
print views_embed_view('news_block');
Will break the links(by using the title, rather than alias for the link), or it will link correctly, but not follow the paging rules I have set(show 1 page, 6 items per page) instead it shows 10 items and has links for other pages.
I am not sure if the update has anything to do with it, but it seems likely. Would updating the core resolve this issue potentially?
The first argument of views_embed_view is view name, the second one is display id. If display_id is not provided, 'default' is used. Make sure that you are displaying the correct display. (i.e. default can be configured differently than some other display which you actually wish to see)

drupal views arguments - local vs global

I am working on the drupal frontend. I want to be able to set an argument for a drupal 6 view which will show up in one display but not in an other aka- make it local not global. Is this possible? Every time I try it keeps adding the argument to all of the displays of the view.
yes this is possible: you need 2 displays (type page) with different URI`s
watch this
youtube video: basic drupal views introduction
If it wont help, please provide screen shoots of your current view configuration
