No log output Qt Creator - qt

A few days ago my Qt Creator stopped to display log output. I didn't change any settings and it seems to be a proplem with the whole project, as my teammates had the same issue after checking out the latest version from GIT. Changing back to a former version does not solve the issue! Any suggestions?

I has same issue. My answer is very simple...
Make sure your selected build kit is Debug not Release :)

Check whether stderr/stdout have been redirected anywhere in the program. I have code that does that intentionally using freopen for my error handler to redirect stderr to a text file since I have no console.
While in debug mode, I make sure to print both to the Qt Creator console and to the text file.


VSIX with IWizard extension debug code out of sync

I am trying to figure out how my VSIX project stopped working [VS2022]. following this article, I was able to run and debug my VSIX project with an IWizard implementation. Something changed, I'm not sure what. I can F5-run and everything works but the code executing is not the latest code and I'm unable to hit any breakpoints (VS says No Symbols have been loaded for this document). I can tell its not the latest code because of the debug console messages and the UI is an older version.
I've tried a number of things including
Clean install
Made sure I'm in debug
Removed the extension from VS, and just tried running debug from VS
Verified compiled output is in AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_c281014fExp\Extensions\ {myextension}
Property settings are set
Assets have not changed
I did mess around adding additional install targets but I don't think this caused any issues
Any ideas how the the project can be out of sync with the code?
I could go back to the start and implement a new project but hoping someone out there can help resolve this issue. Appreciate the help.
I figured this out. I don't know why it works the way it does, but this definitely fixed the problem.
I removed ALL extensions from VS using the extensions manager interface. So, all old instances are gone (but are they?)
In my VSIXProject I would do a clean solution, rebuild, run. I verified that the latest DLL's were being output to
C:\Users{user}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_c281014fExp\Extensions{username}\Acme Project Template\1.0\VSIProject1.dll - VS Build output went here
In the debugger, when my little windows form loaded, I could tell it was old code and caught the reference in the output windows that it was loading an older version of the package.
C:\Users{user}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_c281014fExp\Extensions{username}\Multi Project Name\1.0\VSIProject1.dll - debugger loaded this
C:\Users{user}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_c281014fExp\Extensions{username}\Acme Project Name\1.0\VSIProject1.dll - debugger loaded this after deleting above
C:\Users{user}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_c281014fExp\Extensions{username}\Acme Project Template\1.0\VSIProject1.dll - VS Build output went here
After I deleted all the previous extensions in file explorer and re-ran my project, the right code executed and debugging was enabled. IDK why the older versions were picked during debugging but it's fixed. HTH someone.

Qt Creator closed because of a problem with the "CppTools" plugin

I made a wrong manoeuvre on Qt MaintenanceTool so I uninstalled QtCreator and installed it again, and now when I launch Qt a window appears on which it's written the following message:" Qt Creator closed because of a problem with the "CppTools" plugin,temporarily disable the plugin ?"
Then I can't open or create a c project anymore.
Would you have any suggestion ?
I created an issue here and with the advice I got I managed to solve it. It was a problem with my user settings. You can start QtCreator with "temporary clean settings":
open <path-to>/Qt/Qt\ --args -tcs
If that works, clear your Qt user settings persistently:
mv ~/.config/QtProject ~/.config/QtProject.bak
Now you have a blank slate, and might have to reconfigure your projects etc.
Note that this is for macOS, the commands will differ for other platforms.

Qt : no rule to make target after deleting picture

I accidentally permanently deleted one of my picture files today (it was added to the Qt resource file earlier) through File Explorer (not deleting it via Qt Creator). Now whenever I try to build my project, I keep getting a message that says:
No rule to make target "mypic.png" needed by "qrcfile.cpp". Stop
What can I do to fix this problem ?
So I think I found the solution to this. All I did was clicking Clean all, then Build All, then Run qmake. After those steps, I tried running the project and it worked!

Error building QtCore

I am trying to build QtCore.lib and I get this weird error.
PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "MOC kernel\qtimer.cpp"
I am able to build qtmain.lib but not able tp go any further.
moc.exe is available in bin folder and the path is added to my PATH.
kernel\qtimer.cpp file is also present in corelib folder.
Any help in this regard will be appreciated. I am building with Qt-4.5.2 source.
In Qt 4.5.2 moc.exe has some issues. An email I sent to Qt Support mentions it moc'ing files that were not modified. It could have further issues, which could be related to what you are experiencing.
Sorry I can't recall the exact details. To make things worse the link Qt Support had sent me at the time is broken.
They had suggested using 4.5.3. I think we ended up staying on 4.5.1, which we are still using today, although the move to 4.7.x. is occurring as I write this. :)

Problem installing QT on Vista

I have downloaded QT SDK LGLP (Creator + libraries) 4.6 and I am having problems compiling projects. After install I have added C:\Qt\2010.02\qt;C:\Qt\2010.02\qt\bin to PATH and added QTDIR env varaible containing C:\Qt\2010.02\qt, the I run "configure -platform win32-g++" to compile it. Everything went good.
I the tried to use QT Creator to create and compile a project.
The problem is everytime I try to compile I get the following error message:
No valid Qt version set. Set one in Tools/Options
Error while building project GUITest
When executing build step 'QMake'
Canceled build.
When I go to Tools/Options the manual version is set to v4.6.2, Location c:\qt\2010.02\qt\bin\qmake.exe. The auto detected version is set to even though I have added the dirs in Path. Is there something I am doing wrong here? Has anyone encountered this problem in Vista.
I have been working on this for 2 days, change configurations, reinstalled etc...
The QtDir value is compiled into the
qmake-binary. You can only change this
by recompiling qmake and passing on a
different value to qt-configure (I'm
not sure which setting or variable is
passed on to qmake) When using
precompiled, downloaded binaries,
you'll have to keep the QtDir at
What I said was incorrect. The locations of qmake, moc,... are located in the file:
Try uninstalling/reinstalling qt creator
But i highly suspect you didnt compile qt properly as this problem seems really odd. I had alot of problems compiling so i know myself from the past mistakes.
Make sure you carefully reread install instructions for your environment, also if you have visual studio you need to follow procedure to install it in compliance with it. Same if you use another c compiler
If nothing goes right, the easiest way to install qt imo is directy from their git hub, chec installin qt from git, on their git site there is wiki that explains how to do it
its really easy and after that all you need to do is add the qt to creator
Hey, it QT emulators have lot of problems in vista, i have tried several times,it didnt work for me.. it works well with windows XP. though ill tell you in brief what you need to do
1)install latest perl
2)install carbide c++ editor
3)install Qt SDK
4)install s60 or N97 emulators
make sure that except perl all the items which are mentioned above will be in same drive,and also
make sure that folder names which you give while installation should not have spaces at all..
i.e suppose if you are going to place any of the above items in a folder whose name is having spaces it will not work.
if you have any doubts feel free to ask.
