Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 CSS Changes - css

I recently updated a Joomla website from 1.5 to 2.5. The theme on 1.5 was a customized version of the Beez template. I converted the template to 2.5, and have everything working except the main content blocks, which look like the CSS isn't there for them.
The site is
The main article (Welcome to NOCBOR) used to be in its own separate box, and the articles used to be side by side.
Is this caused by upgrading the template and possible breaking the CSS? Or is there something I need to change in the admin panel from 1.5 to 2.5?

The default layouts for Joomla 2.5 are different from 1.5, just inspect the html in your browser and you will find some differences up the tree i.e. a missing div or a div named "item" which became an ... just take those differences into account and update your css accordingly.


Owl carrousel setup incorrectly

an agency installed in a wordpress website a new theme with everything new, and unfortunatelly Im not familiar enough with css coding to understand what happened. The website works.
The thing is I try to add more images to a carousel that is not installed trough a plug in and its coded to show that way.
The problem is that the new pictures are not formated at all.
Slide 1 Correct (done by agency) with 4 images inserted in that slide
Slide 2 Only set up for 2 images and the other images added after those are shown in 1 slide each with a 2x2 layout.
Where can I setup this? (I know coding and I understand what needs to be changed (I think)) but I cannot find where to change this. It is not on the block on the page in wordpress
Here is a small video link of what is happening:
The problem not in CSS section. Owl intagrated just by library css + js files.
So problem at the php + html area in the section where images are getted from the page custom fields. InTo the <div class="item"> must be placed two images at once. Owl Carousel just animate all of them.
Or You do not follow some special instructions for adding pictures to this section. You may need to read the documentation for the theme. Maybe you must set special names fore img files...

bootstrap integration with wordpress and datatable changes whole wp-admin background as white?

I am using DataTables 1.10 and bootstrap downloaded from Datatables CDN link source.When I am integrating both with wordpress plugin, bootstrap changes the background color as white(#ffffff) for the whole wordpress admin panel and plugin page by default.Not getting why this happened ? This should not happen as i have seen in the examples.Please help me to sort this out. Thanks in advance
I believe you are probably enqueuing the CSS for whole WP admin, rather than just that specific plugin settings page. Also, if the background for body / container is changed, probably you are enqueuing some generic styles file (which sets style for body element). It's the easiest to see why this happens from Chrome's console (or Firebug or similar tool) - click "Inspect element" on the changed background, and see what CSS file does it come from.
Also you might want to check this free WordPress plugin that integrates DataTables in WordPress:

WP 4.0 - Image placements in posts (place by margins, pixels, admin GUI)

Since I upgraded my wordpress installation to 4.0 (from an old 3.x version) the option to place images in posts/pages (in admin/backend-mode) by pixels disappearded? (margin-left/right/top/bottom) I want to place images individually (not by classes) instead by inline styling.
Is there a way to do that in the new version, or is there any good plugin which solved this problem for me that you know about?
I can be done by this plugin:

using custom css from bootstrap 2 for pelican-bootstrap 3

I am very new to both CSS and pelican !
basically, I would like to have a static website using pelican that looks like the website X which is made based on Bootstrap 2. I have installed and now using pelican-bootstrap 3 them (again, I am using bootstrap 3). I have inspected the website X and I can see the "style.css".
I believe I need to utilize this file somehow in my pelican blog. therefore, I have created a folder called, "css" inside the content folder, and put the style.css over there.
In the, I have made these changes,
THEME = '/home/mysite/pelican-bootstrap3'
PYGMENTS_STYLE = 'simplex'
CUSTOM_CSS = 'css/style.css' ##
STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'css/style.css'] ##if I am not mistaken I am specifying the address inside my content folder.
however, I don't see changes, and when I inspect my blog element, the style.css is something different (probably its written based on simplex)
my questions are here
1) are the config parameters correctly set ?
2) does it sound reasonable to copy and paste the other css file from bootstrap2 into this theme ? (I understand I would need to tweak it a little bit).
3) I appreciate any comment
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the pelican-bootstrap3 theme for Pelican.
If I understand correctly, you want your Pelican-based site to look like a Bootstrap 2 site. If that is indeed the case, it makes no sense to use pelican-bootstrap3, because as the name implies, it is based on Bootstrap 3, which looks different than Bootstrap 2. Moreover, in order for the CUSTOM_CSS variable to work at all in the theme, you must also tell Pelican where to copy the css file, like so:
'extra/custom.css': {'path': 'css/custom.css'}
And even if you do that, you will still not get the looks of "website X", as you call it, because the HTML in Bootstrap 3 (on which the theme is based) is differently structured than the HTML in Bootstrap 2.
My advice: use one of the few Bootstra 2 based themes available in the pelican-themes repository.

How to make a custom layout in a subtheme from omega 4 Drupal show in appearance settings?

I've started working with the omega 4 theme in drupal, switching from omega 3. I've created a subtheme succesfully, and according to the documentation I want to make my own layout. I've copied over the "Simple" layout from omega to my subtheme folder, as well as the required css and sass files. I've renamed all instances of Simple to Grid (my layout name).
That all seems fine, but when I go into my drupal installation, appearance -> settings -> layouts I still only see the four main omega layouts (simple, divine, hero, off canvas). It claims to show any layout from omega or installed subthemes. Why won't my layout show up for selection?
Additionally: Is it possible to use a different layout for the front page than the rest of the site?
I had the same problem myself and it turned out that in I forgot to changhe the value
template = simple-layout
template = MY-layout
pamatt: BONUS! I was having the same problem. This fixes it.
A little more detail:
If you follow the directions here it's possible you might miss this explicit reference. I'm updating that page now.
Go to your
file (of course, substitute "themename" and "layoutname" with the appropriate names) and look for a line that starts with "template" i.e.,
template = simple-layout
change "simple-layout" to your whatever you named your tpl file, minus the ".tpl.php" part.
I'm coming back to this question since after a long absense of coding I came back to it this weekend and had the exact same problem! Above answers are correct.
Another issue I had was that I had to clear the cache from Drupal -> Configuration -> Performance and not just my browser cache. After clearing the cache it showed up.
