Disallow search engine crawlers but allow google analitics - google-analytics

It looks like my Google Analytics doesn't work because I have blocked all user-agents. My site is still in beta version, so I don't want to be visible to search engines, but I still want to watch my site analytics data.
How can I just allow Google Analytics in my robots.txt?

You don't need to specify Google Analytics in your robots.txt.
Since Google Analytics is called for via javascript (the code you copy / paste) to your file, whenever somebody visits your page, it connects to the google analytics and registers the visit.
Robots.txt is only if you want to block Google bot from indexing your website (crawling it and posting it to google).


can I embed Google Analytics dashboards on my website.?

I have enabled Google Analytics on my website, I can also view dashboards made by Google at analytics.google.com. I want to know if I can embed those dashboards into my own custom site such as mycompany.com.au
I don't think google allows you to have an iframe on their analytics page, but you can set up events to go to Big Query, then access Big Query to create your own sites
You cant directly.
What you can do is use the Google analytics embedded api to which will allow you to show a users google analytics accounts nicely, but your going to have to design all the requests yourself to mirror the Google analytics reports, this also only works with UA analytics not GA4
Byond that you could use the Google analytics api, to request the data yourself and use google charts and graphs to display it nicely on your website.
I guess what I am saying there is nothing out of the box that will do this for you Its something your going to have to code yourself. I have done it for serval clients it can be done very elegantly.

Google Analytcis Track Hash Links in one page website

I'm trying to track hash links with google analytics. And I just tried to configure google tag manager with this configuration.
But still I can't track my website.

Google Analytics: How can I track my website being a referral path to other websites?

I have some links to other websites on my website and I would like to create reports on when they've been clicked on. I haven't been using Google Tag Manager or do not have any trackers in place. Is there a way to get still get such historical data?

Best way how to track iframe separately from the site on the same domain

On my site I have feature for users, that they can embed video on their page with iframe. Now I'm tracking classic page view and iframe view same way. So my analytics stats are not correct. I wanna separate this tracking to know how much of visitors I have on page and how much of them on iframe. I'm using google analytics.
I'm looking forward what do you suggest.
BTW: I am using special url for embeded video but still on the same domain.
Since you've got a special URL for the embedded video, you could use filters to include or exclude that URL for a Google Analytics profile, and keep the same analytics code on every page.
I'd recommend:
Keeping one profile unfiltered, showing all traffic
One profile that filters out the iframe URL
One profile that only shows the iframe URL
More info about Google Analytics accounts & profiles
Can you add a simple GET-Parameter in your URLs? For example: http://www.website.com/video.flv?type=embedded
Unfortunately I don't know exactly, how Google Analytics handles same URLs with various GET-Parameter.
Other way is using a simple redirect script or htaccess rule.

iOS & Google Analytics: Does pointing to an rss feed register in web analytics?

If an iPhone application has a blog section which parses and displays individual pages from a feedburner feed, will those hits show up in the web Google Analytics?
If not, if I add Google Analytics to the iOS application itself, is there a way to combine the data?
You track the app usage of the blog using the feedburner statistics.
What do you mean by combine the data?
Could you not make a request to the site or blog every time the user opens the blog view to force analytics to count the web hit? Parse the rss feed and then do this.
