TinyMCE 3.5.8: Detailed Steps for Creating a Button that Acquires a Value from User and Inserts it Between a Pair of Tags - button

TinyMCE 3.5.8
I merely need to create a button (and module) that acquires a user-entered value from a popup and places it between two tags, e.g., [bib][/bib]
I am having trouble finding a "step-by-step" for doing this, including what files, where code goes, etc. This must be rather simple?
I have replaced all of the occurrences of "example" with my module name in the "Example" module, but that is where my information ends.
If someone would be so kind !
P.S.: It would be even better if the form field would javascript validate for "integer", but maybe I ask too much?

download the tinymce development version
use tiny_mce_dev.js instead of tinymce.js for developement in order to get more usefull error messages
create an own tinymce plugin (this is not that difficult) that opens a popup
get the content of a popup field
insert it at the right place in the editor
You should have a look at other tinymce plugins (in the plugins directory under the tiny_mce dir) to get to know how some things work. There are many plugins, some of them use popups.
I.E. the searchreplace popup


2sxc allowing Javascript on wysiwyg editor

We want to move away from DNN html/text and replace with with 2sxc-Content.
But in some pages, it require to have javascript injected into the content.
Exp case: tracking user when clicking the Link on content.
TinyMCE had option for allowing Javascript:
tinymce.init({ ..... extended_valid_elements : "script[language|type|src]" });
But we cannot found any information on 2sxc-documentation for configure it, we need it to allowing insert Javascript to wysiwyg.
Right now, we change the Input Type from wysiwyg editor into string/text, and it doesn't look nice for user.
I believe I know what you're trying to do but it's quite dangerous (XSS, etc.), so let me suggest some alternatives:
Use the Snippet App to just inject JS Snippets where needed
Create a convention placeholder like ENABLETRACKING and make your razor-code replace this when rendering the HTML.
I highly suggest you use the snippet app - see https://2sxc.org/apps/app/snippet-inject-v3-hybrid-for-dnn-and-oqtane

How to make sure changes to a Wordpress plugin won't be lost on plugin update?

I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that you can actually move the main plugin *.php file to somewhere else (I assume under your theme directory) to have it safe in case you made changes to it and your plugin updates. I tried Google but I can't find anything. Google page with good results will suffice.
I've just experienced a situation where my 2 plugins which had its layout changed and accommodated my needs and I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Apart from having the main file in another location, is there a way to move along any CSS and JS files as well?
In Concrete5 CMS there is a nice way of doing this, by creating a new folder inside a block of an addon (may be regarded as a WP plugin), inside of which you can create copies of main file, any CSS and JS files and then you can simply edit them and choose that template for a page location you are using that block in.
I assume there is no such thing in Wordpress but how close can I get?
UPDATE: I found where I applied that advice on creating a new instance of the file then moving it to the theme directory.
The plugin in question was HL-Twitter. These are the plugin files:
Now, this is the top contents (commented out) of the hl_twitter_widget.php:
Widget Theme for HL Twitter
To change this theme, copy hl_twitter_widget.php
to your current theme folder, do not edit this
file directly.
Available Properties:
$num_tweets: how many tweets to show
$tweets: array of $tweet
$tweet: object representing a tweet
$user: represents the Twitter user (ONLY SET IF SHOWING A SINGLE USERS TWEETS!)
So I was wrong about copying the main file (in this case hl_twitter.php), but still - this enabled me to edit the file outside the plugin directory and the system somehow checks for its existence and picks it up if exists.
If this behavior something that is natively supported by Wordpress or it has been integrated in the plugin itself?
With themes, Wordpress has a concept of "child themes" which allows exactly that: to keep changes separate from main theme, in case it changes.
I haven't yet found a way to do this with plugins.
I'm using a few tactics myself:
I bump plugin version to a very high number like 99.9. This way Wordpress won't ever update the plugin.
Store my plugins in version control (i use git, but it doesnt matter), this allows you to update the plugin, run the 'diff' tool and see what changes happend. If you don't like you just revert like it would be a bad code you've written. But this approach requires a bit of skill.
Are you talking about running parts of a modified 3rd party plugin, and an updated version, at the same time?
That's not going to be possible. There is no magical method of "preserve my changes and transfer them into the new version automatically". The way to go here is doing a diff between the edited version and the update, and integrating the changes in the actual source files.
The bottom line is, if you manually edit a third party plugin, you're in for manual review (and possibly rework) once an update takes place. That's why it's usually not a good idea to extensively modify third party plugins.
Well in fact, yes! There is some kind of way.
You have to remove the to be modificated plugin's original actions/filters and then add your altereted actions/filters.
If the desired plugin is even coded in OOP you can just inherit the whole class and rewrite the wanted functions (oh sorry: "methods". we're talking about OOP ;) ). Instantiate your inherited class and rest as above.
Maybe there are better ways! I already search for a method so that the original class won't even get loaded but our altered one instead but I'm no John Carmack.

Aptana Studio 3 - code coloring like in Dreamweaver

I'm trying to use Aptana Studio 3 instead of phpEd. But I'd like to have the code coloring like in Dreamweaver. I made these changes in phpEd, but I can't find where to change it in Aptana.
Also, I installed the jquery bundle, but I can't to get it working...
Thanks for your help.
Preferences:Aptana:Themes. Figuring out what keyword corresponds to what display object can be a bit tricky, but it is all there.
There's actually a ticket already filed to add a theme that matches Dreamweaver: https://aptana.lighthouseapp.com/projects/35272/tickets/1508-create-dreamweaver-color-theme
I'm looking at it now, but I'm running into some internal bugs (namely https://aptana.lighthouseapp.com/projects/35272-studio/tickets/2357-scope-selectors-with-portion-prefix-match-arent-matching-properly) that I need to fix before I can finish. In any case it should be in Studio 3.0.2 and hopefully I'll fix it today and it'll be in tomorrow's nightly (here's how to get nightly builds: http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/Changing+the+Update+Type).
As for editing themes yourself, you can see the current scope at the cursor by doing Commands > Bundle Development > Show Scope. Then use scope selectors that match that sort of scope (we adopt Textmate's scoping/theming rules: http://manual.macromates.com/en/scope_selectors)
Could you finally get your theme?
If you want to create your own theme then first go to: Window->Preferences->Aptana Studio->Themes
To create a new theme just click on the "+" sign next to the themes
To add elements to your new theme right click the text in your
editor and click Commands->Bundle Development->Show scope.
Copy the last section you see to the right of the hint window that
In the themes elements list click the "+" located at the bottom of
the dialog box (next to "Scope selector")
Give a friendly name to your new element.
Assign foreground/background colors to your new element.
Paste the element's scope in the "Scope selector" input box (make
sure your new element is selected, if not, click on it).
I created a theme for PHP, CSS, HTML, JS and XML editors, similar to the old aptana 2 colors. If you want to get it you can write me to jgarcias.cr at gmail dot com.

Drupal views add form to add record

I have some view which lists my module table entries.
What is the most elegant way to attach a form below the view to add record?
Waht I am trying to do know is:
I created dedicated form in my module:
function my_module_form_add_record($form_state) {
form fields.....
I added to the view theme file:
$add_form = drupal_get_form('my_module_form_add_record');
print $add_form;
But I do not like this solution for at least 2 reasons:
I does not work ...
2. Even if it worked - it is depended on the theme file! So if I change the theme - functionality is crashed.
I would like to find more elegant solution to attach form from custom module to the view.
I know of the existence of the "Views Attach" module but it has no option of adding custom forms.
I know also of the existence of the Views Embedded form (and I am usig it) but it is only useful if you want to add form to the every row.
Seems the must be some solution to add record from the view page!
Thanks you for help.
you could use hook_views_pre_render:
This hook is called right before the render process. The query has been executed, and the pre_render() phase has already happened for handlers, so all data should be available.
Adding output to the view can be accomplished by placing text on $view->attachment_before and $view->attachment_after. Altering the content can be achieved by editing the items of $view->result.

Views, blocks and template?

I have a block view called: "MYVIEW"
And I have a region on my template called: "right".
What must I call the template file to edit this?
The following does not work.
When you are editing a view in Drupal's administration, you have something like "Thème: Informations" (my install is in french, so it might be a bit different for yours) in the section of the screen that correspond to "base parameters" (same remark) ; it's the section of the left of the screen, and that entry is near the bottom of the options you can configure.
If you click on the "informations" link, it will display a list of all names you can use for templates files related to that view ; you mimght way to try using one of those ;-)
The module Theme developper might also help you with that kind of stuff, btw.
