Using tuples in definitions - isabelle

I want to create a definition which has a tuple as its argument.
definition my_def :: "('a × 'a) ⇒ bool" where
"my_def (a, b) ⟷ a = b"
However, this is not accepted. The error message is
Bad arguments on lhs: "(a, b)"
The error(s) above occurred in definition:
"my_def (a, b) ≡ a = b"
Using fun instead of definition works but this is not what I want. The following notation also works but is somewhat ugly:
definition my_def :: "('a × 'a) ⇒ bool" where
"my_def t ⟷ fst t = snd t"
What is the best way to use tuples as arguments in a definition?

Using fun is probably the least painful way to do this, the definition package doesn't recognise patterns on the left hand side.
Another option is to use tuple patterns for lambda expressions:
my_def ≡ %(a,b). a = b


Isabelle labeled graph definition

I am trying to define some vertex labels in Isabelle HOL and have a problem with the successor definition:
record ('v,'w) graph =
nodes :: "('v×'w) set"
edges :: "(('v×'w) × ('v×'w)) set"
definition succ :: "('v,'w) graph ⇒'v ⇒ ('v,'w) set"
where "succ G v ≡ {(v',w). ((v,w),(v',w))∈edges G}"
It says "Bad number of arguments for type constructor: "Set.set"", does anyone know how to fix this?
succ shall probably return a set of vertex-label pairs 'v × 'w, so want to write
definition succ :: "('v,'w) graph ⇒'v ⇒ ('v × 'w) set"

Preimage of a function in Isabelle

I made this:
abbreviation "preimage f y ≡ { x . f x = y }"
Isn't there a built-in definition I could be using instead? How would I find that?
f -` {a}
vimage f {a}
I found by searching for theorems with the name image in it and hoping to find the right one with the symbol:
find_theorems name:image
I was lucky enough that it appeared in the first theorems... In general, a better approach is have an idea of the type and use find_consts:
find_consts "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'b set ⇒ 'a set"

Isabelle unification error

I am new to Isabelle and this is a simplification of my first program
theory Scratch
imports Main
record flow =
Src :: "nat"
Dest :: "nat"
record diagram =
DataFlows :: "flow set"
Transitions :: "nat set"
Markings :: "flow set"
fun consume :: "diagram × (nat set) ⇒ (flow set)"
"(consume dia trans) = {n . n ∈ (Markings dia) ∧ (∃ t ∈ trans . (Dest n) = t)}"
The function give the error:
Type unification failed: Clash of types "_ ⇒ " and " set"
Type error in application: operator not of function type
Operator: consume dia :: flow set
Operand: trans :: (??'a × ??'a) set ⇒ bool
What should I do for the the code to compile?
First of all, you give two parameters to your consume function, but the way you defined its type, it takes a single tuple. This is unusual and often inconvenient – defined curried functions instead, like this:
fun consume :: "diagram ⇒ (nat set) ⇒ (flow set)"
Also, trans is a constant; it is the property that a relation is transitive. You can see that by observing that trans is black to indicate that it is a constant and the other variable is blue, indicating that it is a free variable.
I therefore recommend using another name, like ts:
"consume dia ts = {n . n ∈ (Markings dia) ∧ (∃ t ∈ ts . (Dest n) = t)}"

How to generate code for reverse sorting

What is the easiest way to generate code for a sorting algorithm that sorts its argument in reverse order, while building on top of the existing List.sort?
I came up with two solutions that are shown below in my answer. But both of them are not really satisfactory.
Any other ideas how this could be done?
I came up with two possible solutions. But both have (severe) drawbacks. (I would have liked to obtain the result almost automatically.)
Introduce a Haskell-style newtype. E.g., if we wanted to sort lists of nats, something like
datatype 'a new = New (old : 'a)
instantiation new :: (linorder) linorder
definition "less_eq_new x y ⟷ old x ≥ old y"
definition "less_new x y ⟷ old x > old y"
instance by (default, case_tac [!] x) (auto simp: less_eq_new_def less_new_def)
At this point
value [code] "sort_key New [0::nat, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2]"
yields the desired reverse sorting. While this is comparatively easy, it is not as automatic as I would like the solution to be and in addition has a small runtime overhead (since Isabelle doesn't have Haskell's newtype).
Via a locale for the dual of a linear order. First we more or less copy the existing code for insertion sort (but instead of relying on a type class, we make the parameter that represents the comparison explicit).
fun insort_by_key :: "('b ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list"
"insort_by_key P f x [] = [x]"
| "insort_by_key P f x (y # ys) =
(if P (f x) (f y) then x # y # ys else y # insort_by_key P f x ys)"
definition "revsort_key f xs = foldr (insort_by_key (op ≥) f) xs []"
at this point we have code for revsort_key.
value [code] "revsort_key id [0::nat, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2]"
but we also want all the nice results that have already been proved in the linorder locale (that derives from the linorder class). To this end, we introduce the dual of a linear order and use a "mixin" (not sure if I'm using the correct naming here) to replace all occurrences of linorder.sort_key (which does not allow for code generation) by our new "code constant" revsort_key.
interpretation dual_linorder!: linorder "op ≥ :: 'a::linorder ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" "op >"
"linorder.sort_key (op ≥ :: 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) f xs = revsort_key f xs"
proof -
show "class.linorder (op ≥ :: 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) (op >)" by (rule dual_linorder)
then interpret rev_order: linorder "op ≥ :: 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" "op >" .
have "rev_order.insort_key f = insort_by_key (op ≥) f"
by (intro ext) (induct_tac xa; simp)
then show "rev_order.sort_key f xs = revsort_key f xs"
by (simp add: rev_order.sort_key_def revsort_key_def)
While with this solution we do not have any runtime penalty, it is far too verbose for my taste and is not easily adaptable to changes in the standard code setup (e.g., if we wanted to use the mergesort implementation from the Archive of Formal Proofs for all of our sorting operations).

How can I remove all elements in a list with a certain property?

I want to match and remove those elements in l :: 'a list that match the predicate P :: ('a => bool)
What is the best way to accomplish such a task? How can I find out about existing functions that might help me?
One way to find functions you expect to exist is the document What's in Main from the Isabelle documentation. It gives a quick overview of the main types, functions and syntax provided by the theory Main of Isabelle/HOL.
If you look at the List section in ths document, you find the function filter which seems to have the correct type.
Short Story: Use find_consts
Long Story:
This a How-To to conquer such problems.
In Main, there is List.dropWhile
List.dropWhile :: "('a => bool) => 'a list => 'a list"
However, it only removes from the beginning. This may not be the intended function.
value "List.dropWhile (λ x. x = ''c'') [''c'', ''c'', ''d'']"
value "List.dropWhile (λ x. x = ''c'') [''d'', ''c'', ''c'']"
"[''d'', ''c'', ''c'']"
Manual Approach
We can write a function ourselves which removes all occurrences
fun dropAll :: "('a => bool) => 'a list => 'a list" where
"dropAll P [] = []"
| "dropAll P (x # xs) = (if P x then dropAll P xs else x # (dropAll P xs))"
Searching the Library
However, this function is equivalent to filtering with ¬ P
How can we find such library functions?
If we know the signature of what we want to do, we can use find_consts
find_consts "('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list"
It returns 3 functions from Main, with that signature: List.dropWhile, List.filter, List.takeWhile
Now, let's show that we don't need dropAll but can do the same with filter.
lemma "dropAll P l = filter (λ x. ¬ P x) l"
apply(induction l)
by simp_all
It is advisable not to implement things like dropAllyourself but rather use filter. Thus, all lemmata proven for filter are usable.
Hint: we can use the convenient list comprehension syntax to write e.g. filter expressions
lemma "filter (λ x. ¬ P x) l = [x ← l. ¬ P x]" by simp
