I have some computation intensive tasks, which are now only running on 1 core, so 1/8th of my machine capacity. At the end of each task, I write a log in a file.
What would be the most graceful way to handle this IO using parallel tasks ?
Having my write be itself async ?
Sending messages to an agent who'd process the write sequentially ?
let boom () =
let tasks = [1 .. 10]
|> Seq.map (fun components -> async { //do compute intensive stuff
use writer = new StreamWriter("samefile")
writer.WriteLine "toto" }
tasks |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously
I ended up doing this, and replacing the new Stream in my async to be code by synchronous call to the agent.
let pasBoom () =
let tasks = [2 .. 2 .. 17]
|> Seq.map (fun components -> async { //do compute intensive stuff
//use writer = new StreamWriter("samefile")
use writerhanlde = repoFileHandle.PostAndReply(fun replyChannel -> GetFile(#"samefile", replyChannel))
printfn "%A" (writerhanlde.getWriter().ToString())
writerhanlde.getWriter().WriteLine "toto" }
tasks |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously
and the agent (there might be bugs please be careful, I just need something quick myself)
type IDisposableWriter =
inherit IDisposable
abstract getWriter : unit -> StreamWriter
type StreamMessage = | GetFile of string * AsyncReplyChannel<IDisposableWriter>
let repoFileHandle =
let writerCount = new Dictionary<string, int>()
let writerRepo = new Dictionary<string, StreamWriter> ()
Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
async { while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| GetFile(filename, reply) ->
if not (writerRepo.ContainsKey(filename)) then
writerRepo.[filename] <- new StreamWriter(filename,true)
writerCount.[filename] <- 0
writerCount.[filename] <- writerCount.[filename] + 1
let obj = {new IDisposableWriter with
member this.getWriter () = writerRepo.[filename]
member IDisposable.Dispose() =
writerCount.[filename] <- writerCount.[filename] - 1
if writerCount.[filename] = 0 then
writerRepo.Remove(filename) |> ignore
reply.Reply(obj) })
and to avoid concurrent write
type WriteToStreamMessage = | WriteToStream of string * string
let fileWriterAgent =
Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
async { while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| WriteToStream(filename, content) ->
use writerhanlde = repoFileHandle.PostAndReply(fun replyChannel -> GetFile(filename, replyChannel))
writerhanlde.getWriter().WriteLine content
Can you change your computation to return the message to be logged instead of writing it to a file? Then you could use PSeq in PowerPack, which is a thin wrapper over TPL:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
let work n = sprintf "running task %d" n
let msgs = PSeq.init 10 work |> PSeq.toList
use writer = System.IO.StreamWriter(#"C:\out.log")
msgs |> List.iter writer.WriteLine
So, I've been fighting with the compiler on a type error.
This code was working as of a couple days ago.
Type misMatch for App level message
App.fs snippets
module App =
type Msg =
| ConnectionPageMsg of ConnectionPage.Msg
| CodeGenPageMsg of CodeGenPage.Msg
let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) =
match msg with
| ConnectionPageMsg msg ->
let m, cmd = ConnectionPage.update msg model.ConnectionPageModel
{ model with ConnectionPageModel = m }, cmd
| CodeGenPageMsg msg ->
let m, cmd = CodeGenPage.update msg model.CodeGenPageModel
{ model with CodeGenPageModel = m }, cmd
let runner =
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> XamarinFormsProgram.run app
I've added explicit aliases and the original error :
Type mismatch. Expecting a
'App.Msg -> App.Model -> App.Model * Cmd<App.Msg>'
but given a
'App.Msg -> App.Model -> App.Model * Cmd<Msg>'
The type 'App.Msg' does not match the type 'Msg'
Became these:
App.fs(50,50): Error FS0001: The type 'PocoGen.Page.ConnectionPage.Msg' does not match the type 'PocoGen.Page.CodeGenPage.Msg' (FS0001) (PocoGen)
App.fs(32,32): Error FS0001: Type mismatch.
Expecting a 'App.Msg -> App.Model -> App.Model * Cmd<App.Msg>'
but given a 'App.Msg -> App.Model -> App.Model * Cmd<Msg>'
The type 'App.Msg' does not match the type 'Msg' (FS0001) (PocoGen)
Other remarks
Right before these errors started appearing I was working on converting a blocking syncronous call to a async command in the ConnectionTestPage and removed the calling code for the cmd hoping that would fix it. (It did not)
ConnectionPage.fs Messages
type Msg =
| UpdateConnectionStringValue of string
| UpdateConnectionStringName of string
| TestConnection
| TestConnectionComplete of Model
| SaveConnectionString of ConnectionStringItem
| UpdateOutput of string
ConnectionPage.fs update
let update (msg : Msg) (m : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| UpdateConnectionStringValue conStringVal ->
{ m with
ConnectionString =
{ Id = m.ConnectionString.Id
Name = m.ConnectionString.Name
Value = conStringVal }
CurrentFormState =
match hasRequredSaveFields m.ConnectionString with
| false -> MissingConnStrValue
| _ -> Valid }, Cmd.none
| UpdateConnectionStringName conStringName ->
{ m with
ConnectionString =
{ Id = m.ConnectionString.Id
Name = conStringName
Value = m.ConnectionString.Value }
CurrentFormState =
match hasRequredSaveFields m.ConnectionString with
| false -> MissingConnStrValue
| _ -> Valid }, Cmd.none
| UpdateOutput output -> { m with Output = output }, Cmd.none
| TestConnection -> m, Cmd.none
| TestConnectionComplete testResult -> { m with Output = testResult.Output + "\r\n" }, Cmd.none
| SaveConnectionString(_) -> saveConnection m, Cmd.none
I've played with the Fsharp Version (because incidentally I did update to 4.7.2 a bit before getting this error)
The Full Repo:
The two branches of the match inside App.update have different types. The first branch has type App.Model * Cmd<ConnectionPage.Msg> and the second page has type App.Model * Cmd<CodeGenPage.Msg>.
You can't generally do that. This, for example, wouldn't compile:
let x =
match y with
| true -> 42
| false -> "foo"
What type is x here? Is it int or is it string? Doesn't compute. A match expression has to have all branches of the same type.
To convert Cmd<ConnectionPage.Msg> into a Cmd<App.Msg> (by wrapping the message in ConnectionPageMsg) you can use Cmd.map:
let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) =
match msg with
| ConnectionPageMsg msg ->
let m, cmd = ConnectionPage.update msg model.ConnectionPageModel
{ model with ConnectionPageModel = m }, Cmd.map ConnectionPageMsg cmd
| CodeGenPageMsg msg ->
let m, cmd = CodeGenPage.update msg model.CodeGenPageModel
{ model with CodeGenPageModel = m }, Cmd.map CodeGenPageMsg cmd
I can't figure out why I'm receiving the following error when setting the ItemsSource property on a picker control:
"Object must implement IConvertible."
My XAML is as follows:
** Error: "Object must implement IConvertible." **
<Picker ItemsSource="{Binding Roles}" />
What's interesting, is that I can set the ItemsSource property for a listview control with no issues in the same file.
Different control but same ItemsSource binding in same XAML file:
** This works! **
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Roles}" />
In conclusion, why do I only receive an exception when setting the ItemsSource for a Picker but not for a ListView control?
// Initializing viewmodel instance
var viewmodel = new Dashboard(user, _account.Query);
var page = new DashboardPage() { BindingContext = viewmodel };
await viewmodel.LoadAsync();
// Viewmodel definition
type Dashboard(user:AuthenticatedUser, query:Query) =
inherit ViewModelBase()
let mutable name = sprintf "%s %s" user.FirstName user.LastName
let mutable primaryRole = user.Role
let mutable roles = seq []
let mutable role = ""
let mutable positions = seq []
let mutable position = ""
let mutable incidents = seq []
let mutable incident = ""
let mutable accountabilities = seq []
let mutable accountability = ""
member x.Name with get() = name
and set(v) = name <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Name #>)
member x.PrimaryRole with get() = primaryRole
and set(v) = primaryRole <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.PrimaryRole #>)
member x.Roles with get() = roles
and set(v) = roles <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Roles #>)
member x.Role with get() = role
and set(v) = role <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Role #>)
member x.Positions with get() = positions
and set(v) = positions <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Positions #>)
member x.Position with get() = position
and set(v) = position <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Position #>)
member x.Incidents with get() = incidents
and set(v) = incidents <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Incidents #>)
member x.Incident with get() = incident
and set(v) = incident <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Incident #>)
member x.Accountabilities with get() = accountabilities
and set(v) = accountabilities <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Accountabilities #>)
member x.Accountability with get() = accountability
and set(v) = accountability <- v
base.NotifyPropertyChanged(<# x.Accountability #>)
member x.LoadAsync() =
async {
do! async {
match! user |> query.Roles with
| Error _ -> failwith "Query for 'roles' failed"
| Ok result -> x.Roles <- result
do! async {
match! user |> query.Positions with
| Error _ -> failwith "Query for 'positions' failed"
| Ok result -> x.Positions <- result
do! async {
match! user |> query.Incidents with
| Error _ -> failwith "Query for 'incidents' failed"
| Ok result -> x.Incidents <- result
do! async {
match! user |> query.Accountabilities with
| Error _ -> failwith "Query for 'accountabilities' failed"
| Ok result -> x.Accountabilities <- result
} |> Async.StartAsTask
I had to use an ObservableCollection instead of IEnumerable (i.e. seq).
Note: I'm not sure why ListView worked without this.
let mutable roles = ObservableCollection<string>() // Updated
member x.LoadAsync() =
async {
do! async {
match! user |> query.Roles with
| Error _ -> failwith "Query for 'roles' failed"
| Ok result -> x.Roles <- ObservableCollection<string>(result) // Updated
I am trying some async ops in f# but w/o much luck. I am trying to grab records from the db and perform operations on each record in Parallel.
let IsA1 companyId =
query { for comp in db.Company do
join cc in db.CC on (comp.CompanyId = int(cc.CompanyId))
join pp in db.PP on (cc.PartId = pp.PartId)
join tl in db.TL on (pp.CompanyId = tl.CompanyId)
where (comp.CompanyId = companyId)
select (comp.CompanyId > 0)
|> Seq.length |> fun len -> len > 0
let IsA2 companyId =
query { for t in db.Title do
join pp in db.PP on (t.Tid = pp.Tid)
join comp in db.Company on (pp.CompanyId = comp.CompanyId)
where (comp.CompanyId = companyId)
select (comp.CompanyId > 0)
|> Seq.length |> fun len -> len > 0
let GetAffiliations id =
async {
if (IsA1 id) then return "AffilBBB"
elif (IsA2 id) then return "AffilCCD"
else return Unknown
let ProcessCompany (company:dbSchema.ServiceTypes.Company) =
async {
let grp = GetAffiliations company.CompanyId
let result = { Id=company.CompanyId; Name=company.Name; Affiliations=grp; ContactType="ok"; }
return result
let GetCompanyNames =
let companies = db.Company |> Seq.distinctBy(fun d -> d.CompanyId)
|> Seq.map(fun co -> ProcessCompany co)
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
When I run the above code, I get error:
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
The error is occurring as a result of another function call inside async { }:
let grp = GetAffiliations company.CompanyId
I am sure its a newbie issue, but I am not sure what the issue is. I even tried making the call inside of the async{ } another async call and used let! grp = (GetAffiliations company.CompanyId) but that does not resolve.
Because the two concurrent queries are sharing the same context, when the second result is added to the same context, you get an error saying that the context already has an item with the same key.
Using distinct instances of the 'db' context for each of the queries, should solve your issue.
I try a concurrent download with limited number of Workers using the AsyncSeq module.
Based on the FSharpX example of https://github.com/fsprojects/fsharpx/blob/master/samples/Crawler.fsx
let rec concurrentDownload concurrentWorkers download transform (urls:string list) =
asyncSeq {
let requests = BlockingQueueAgent<_>(1000)
let results = BlockingQueueAgent<_>(50)
let worker() = async {
while true do
let! url = requests.AsyncGet()
let! doc = download url
match doc with
| Some txt -> do! results.AsyncAdd( transform txt )
| _ -> ()
// fill in all the requests
for url in urls do
do! requests.AsyncAdd url
// create the workers and start them
for i in 1 .. concurrentWorkers do
worker() |> Async.Start
// get the results and yield them in the asynchronous sequence
while requests.Count > 0 && results.Count > 0 do
let! res = results.AsyncGet()
yield res
let rand = new System.Random()
let rnd() = rand.Next(0,4000)
// a simulated download, sleep time depends on random number
let download str = async {
let name = "dl " + str
let payload = rnd()
printfn "Started : %s (payload=%d)" name payload
do! Async.Sleep(1000 + payload)
printfn "Finished: %s" name
return Some name
let urls = [1..10] |> List.map (sprintf "URL %d")
let concurrentWorkers = 5
let transform = id
let ret = concurrentDownload concurrentWorkers download transform urls
//ret // val it : AsyncSeq<string> = Microsoft.FSharp.Control.FSharpAsync`1[FSI_0012.FSharp.Control.AsyncSeqInner`1[System.String]]
let z =
|> AsyncSeq.toBlockingSeq
|> Seq.toList
I assumed that z gets something like seq ["dl URL 3"; "dl URL 5"; ... ]
because 'download' returns Some content.
The workers on the blocking queues working as expected:
Started : dl URL 1 (payload=2281)
Started : dl URL 3 (payload=741)
Started : dl URL 4 (payload=3283)
Started : dl URL 5 (payload=1117)
Started : dl URL 2 (payload=2435)
Finished: dl URL 3
Started : dl URL 6 (payload=263)
Finished: dl URL 5
Started : dl URL 7 (payload=1115)
Finished: dl URL 6
Started : dl URL 8 (payload=1041)
Finished: dl URL 1
Started : dl URL 9 (payload=959)
Finished: dl URL 2
Started : dl URL 10 (payload=604)
Finished: dl URL 7
Finished: dl URL 4
Finished: dl URL 10
Finished: dl URL 8
Finished: dl URL 9
The problem is, why is z an empty list?
And not as exprected seq ["dl URL 3"; "dl URL 5"; ... ]?
As a reference, here is the toBlockingSeq function:
// FSharpX AsyncSeq.toBlockingSeq
let toBlockingSeq (input : AsyncSeq<'T>) =
// Write all elements to a blocking buffer and then add None to denote end
let buf = new BlockingQueueAgent<_>(1)
async {
do! iterAsync (Some >> buf.AsyncAdd) input
do! buf.AsyncAdd None
} |> Async.Start
// Read elements from the blocking buffer & return a sequences
let rec loop () =
seq {
match buf.Get() with
| None -> ()
| Some v ->
yield v
yield! loop()
loop ()
I am new to F# and I have frankensteined the code below from various examples I found online in an attempt to get a better understanding of how I can use it. Currently the code below reads in a list of machines from a file and pings each of the machines. I had to divide the initial array from the file up into a smaller arrays of 25 machines to control the number of concurrent actions otherwise it takes far to long to map out the list of machines. I would like be able to use a threadpool to manage the threads but I have not found a way to make it work. Any guidance would be great. I am not able to make this work:
let creatework = FileLines|> Seq.map (fun elem -> ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(dowork), elem))
Here is the complete code:
open System.Threading
open System
open System.IO
let filePath = "c:\qa\machines.txt"
let FileLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
let count = FileLines.Length/25
type ProcessResult = { exitCode : int; stdout : string; stderr : string }
let executeProcess (exe,cmdline) =
let psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(exe,cmdline)
psi.UseShellExecute <- false
psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
psi.RedirectStandardError <- true
psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
let p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi, EnableRaisingEvents = true)
let output = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
let error = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
p.OutputDataReceived.Add(fun args -> output.AppendLine(args.Data)|> ignore)
p.ErrorDataReceived.Add(fun args -> error.AppendLine(args.Data) |> ignore)
{ exitCode = p.ExitCode; stdout = output.ToString(); stderr = error.ToString() }
let dowork machinename=
let exeout = executeProcess(#"c:\windows\system32\ping.exe", "-n 1 " + machinename)
let exelines =
if exeout.stdout.Contains("Reply from") then Console.WriteLine(machinename + " " + "REPLY")
elif exeout.stdout.Contains("Request timed out.") then Console.WriteLine(machinename + " " + "RTO")
elif exeout.stdout.Contains("Ping request could not find host") then Console.WriteLine(machinename + " " + "Unknown Host")
else Console.WriteLine(machinename + " " + "ERROR")
printfn "%A" (System.DateTime.Now.ToString())
for i in 0..count do
let x = i*25
let y = if i = count then FileLines.Length-1 else (i+1)*25
printfn "%s %d" "X equals: " x
printfn "%s %d" "Y equals: " y
let filesection = FileLines.[x..y]
let creatework = filesection |> Seq.map dowork |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously|>ignore
printfn "%A" (System.DateTime.Now.ToString())
printfn "finished"
The code below works and provides a framework for what I want to do. The link that was referenced by Tomas Petricek did have the bits of code that made this work. I just had to figure which example was the right one. It is within 3 seconds of duplicate framework written in Java so I think I am headed in the right direction. I hope the example below will be useful to anyone else trying to thread out various executables in F#:
open System
open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics
let filePath = "c:\qa\machines.txt"
let FileLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
type Process with
static member AsyncStart psi =
let proc = new Process(StartInfo = psi, EnableRaisingEvents = true)
let asyncExit = Async.AwaitEvent proc.Exited
async {
proc.Start() |> ignore
let! args = asyncExit
return proc
let shellExecute(program : string, args : string) =
let startInfo =
new ProcessStartInfo(FileName = program, Arguments = args,
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true)
let dowork (machinename : string)=
let nonbtstat = "NONE"
use! pingout = shellExecute(#"c:\windows\system32\ping.exe", "-n 1 " + machinename)
let pingRdToEnd = pingout.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
let pingresults =
if pingRdToEnd.ToString().Contains("Reply from") then (machinename + " " + "REPLY")
elif pingRdToEnd.ToString().Contains("Request timed out.") then (machinename + " " + "RTO")
elif pingRdToEnd.ToString().Contains("Ping request could not find host") then (machinename + " " + "Unknown Host")
else (machinename + " " + "PING_ERROR")
if pingresults.ToString().Contains("REPLY") then
use! nbtstatout = shellExecute(#"c:\windows\system32\nbtstat.exe", "-a " + machinename)
let nbtstatRdToEnd = nbtstatout.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split('\n')
let nbtstatline = Array.tryFind(fun elem -> elem.ToString().Contains("<00> UNIQUE Registered")) nbtstatRdToEnd
return Console.WriteLine(pingresults + nbtstatline.Value.ToString())
else return Console.WriteLine(pingresults + " " + nonbtstat)
printfn "%A" (System.DateTime.Now.ToString())
let creatework = FileLines |> Seq.map dowork |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously|>ignore
printfn "%A" (System.DateTime.Now.ToString())
printfn "finished"
The main problem with your code is that executeProcess is a synchronous function that takes a long time to run (it runs the ping.exe process and waits for its result). The general rule is that tasks in a thread pool should not block for a long time (because then they block thread pool threads, which means that the thread pool cannot efficiently schedule other work).
I think you can solve this quite easily by making executeProcess asynchronous. Instead of calling WaitForExit (which blocks), you can wait for the Exitted event using Async.AwaitEvent:
let executeProcess (exe,cmdline) = async {
let psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(exe,cmdline)
psi.UseShellExecute <- false
// [Lots of stuff omitted]
let! _ = Async.AwaitEvent p.Exited
return { exitCode = p.ExitCode
stdout = output.ToString(); stderr = error.ToString() } }
This should unblock threads in the thread pool and so you'll be able to use Async.Parallel on all the URLs from the input array without any manual scheduling.
EDIT As #desco pointed out in a comment, the above is not quite right if the process exits before the AwaitEvent line is reached (before it may miss the event). To fix that, you need to use Event.guard function, which was discussed in this SO question:
Need help regarding Async and fsi