Why does my ASP.NET keep-alive logic not work? - asp.net

In order to ensure that my session always stays on, I created a simple stayalive.aspx page. The header of the page contains metadata to refresh the page every 5 minutes.
In my page-load logic, I simply set a value into session.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Alive"] = 1;
My understanding is that as long as you keep putting a value in the session, the session will continue to stay alive. However, this does not seem to be working. I still get a session timeout in about 30 minutes.
I am wondering if anyone has any insight on why is not working.
Note that the sessionstate as well as forms authentication timeout values in web.config are set to 300 (5 hours).
One thought I had was, instead of setting the same value on the session, I set a different value each time:
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Alive"] = DateTime.Now;
Do you think this would help?

Adding a value in to the session is not required to session alive. If you keep on refreshing the aspx page, session should automatically extend.


ASP.net: How to list a WebApplication All users Session

I want to know my website memory usageļ¼Œfirst i want to know Session detail of all users,this will help me decide whether to change sessionState Mode to "SqlServer" or "StateServer".
How can i do?
For website memory usage, I would look at perfmon. If I really wanted to count how much memory I was using in each user session, I would do that count when adding not when abandoning the session. This could be tricky if you've got Session["foo"]=bar all over the place, it needs to be wrapped up somehow.
If you do change to out of process session state, you will need to test everything that touches the session. Your session variables are crossing process boundaries, they need to be serializable and there are definitely some things that don't work.
I am not sure if this will help you solve the problem but you can try this piece of code in Session_End event... Assuming that this event is fired from your logout process..
This is the last of the events where Session Variable is available.
protected void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strMessage = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Session.Count; i++)
strMessage += string.Format("Session of {0} Value is {1}", i.ToString(), this.Session[i].ToString());
strMessage += "/n";
this.Session.Count should give you the number of sessions in the server for the application. This solution may hold good only if your application is hosted in single web server and not on a web server farm. I am ignorant of how sessions are handled in a web server farm.

Is setting the value of Server.ScriptTimeout enough to prevent page timeouts?

On an administrative page with a long running process we're setting the following:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Server.ScriptTimeout = 300;
//other code
Is this enough that should prevent that page from timing out as it does what it needs to? I have no control over the process and how long it runs but we've found that 5 minutes is more than enough time, yet we're still getting intermittent errors of:
System.Web.HttpException: Request timed out.
We've tried upping the value to 600 with really no difference and in any testing we've done we can never get the actual process to run for that long. Is there elsewhere that we need to be setting timeout values that won't affect the entire application and only the specific page we need the longer timeout value on?
I think you should never have a "script" that can take up to 5 min to run in Web App ,expecially into the page load! Why don't you create a web service or somethig that wrap this process? then you can use any Async pattern to invoke it avoiding to make the page stack on one the same call
anyway have a look at the link below for more detail about the Default server time out

ASP.NET variable scope

im really new to ASP.Net and still havnt got my head round most of the concepts, im really having problems with variable, when creating a desktop application, any variable created in code for example
int n = 10;
this variable will be there until the program is running right. but in asp iv created variables which are supposed to last until the user gets of that page, so for example say i have a page which takes the users value ( call this variable n say the user type in 10) and every time the user presses the next button the code add 10 to this value. so the first time the user presses the next button
n= n + 10;
what i have found is no matter how many times i press the next button n will always equal 20, because the previous value is not saved !!
these values are populated the first time the user enters that page, once the user clicks the next button the content of these values disappear! how can stop this from happening ??
hope this makes sense !!
Every time you refresh page (click also refreshes page) new instance of Page class is created. This means that all your fields become empty.
You can try to use ViewState to persist data between refreshes. But you should be care as this will increase page size. So best practice is to minimaze data in view state.
Another options is SessionState, but in this case you will keep data even between pages.
Hope this helps.
Each time the user requests the page, it receives the request, is initialized, processed, and then rendered (read about the Asp.Net Page Life Cycle here.). So, on each page request, your variables are being created, initialized, and then assigned your values - each page load is a new life cycle. If you want values to persist betwen page life cycles, then you need to use one of the available methods (ViewState, Session, QueryString, Post, ....) to pass the values to the "next" request.
Variables don't automatically maintain state across page calls in ASP.NET. Asp.Net Page has a life cycle and being stateless, the information is lost at the end of this cycle, after a request has been served on the client side. There are several solution for this.
hidden fields
Here is hidden field example.
In HTML, you simply create:
<input type="hidden" id="myHiddenVar">
To set it's value in javascript:
document.getElementById("myHiddenVar").value = "myValue"
In ASP.NET code-behind, you use the Request object to retrieve the value.
string myHiddenVar = (string)Request.Params["myHiddenVar"];
Variables in ASP.NET work exactly the way that variables in Windows Forms work:
public class MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page
private int n = 0;
public void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
n = n + 1;
public class MyForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private int n = 0;
public void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
n = n + 1;
So, why is it with the page, that the old value of "n" is gone the next time you hit the page?
Because HTTP is a request/response protocol. Each request creates a new instance of your MyPage class, each with its own copy of "n". In a Windows Forms application, you're probably not creating a new instance of your form on every button click!

how to display something one time every hour in asp.net?

how to display something one time every hour in asp.net ?
example for show messeage in Begining hour one time only?
i use for asp.net ajax timer control?
protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["playsound"] = 1;
but alway null?
Message from webpage
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Sounds like your session might have timed out. If, between AJAX calls, your session expires on the server, then the ToString invocation may be operating on a null reference:
This would appear to coincide with what the AJAX client script is attempting to tell you.
This could also be the result of Session["playsound"]; being uninitialised.
The default session expiry duration for ASP.NET is 20 minutes, which you should be mindful of if you're executing an hour long timer.
You can use the
It calls a function repeatedly, with a fixed time delay between each call to that function.
intervalID = window.setInterval(func, delay[, param1, param2, ...]);
Read more info
On the client?
The only way I know to do this is via a javascript timer.
One way of doing this could be to have an session variable with NextTime to show the item on the page. If its null one could display the item now (or get the NextTime scheduled). On every page refresh, if the current time is after the Next Time, show the item and reset the NextTime session variable to the next Hour.
This would only work if the user is navigating the site and the page is being refreshed.
You can use the javascript variable window.name which keeps its value between page refreshes.
You could store a 'last checked time' in there and compare it with the current time.
If the user navigates to another site and that site clears this variable then your back to square one.
An easy answer would be to use a small cookie to store the original time and then query it every so often (~5 min?) this way the session won't run out and you're not SOL if the user leaves the page (if that's what you want).
DISCLAIMER: I haven't really dipped my toes into AJAX yet even though I've been programming ASP.net all summer, so excuse me if this isn't possible.

How does one discard a session variable while closing Web Page?

We are following a procedure in our work while developing a web page, is to bind page to one or more session variables, these session variables are used only for that page, to hold current processing objects, so while closing page no need for them.
How could I discard these session variables while closing page?
Any suggestions regarding that technique or how to solve that problem?
There is no server-side event that is raised when a page is left/closed. Also the Session_End event (mentioned in other answers) is not called when a page is left, since the user might navigate to other pages of the same web application (and therefore the session will continue to exist).
I can think of 3 possible ways to solve (or work around) this issue:
1 - use ViewState to store data with page-scope. This is what ViewState is made for, and unless you have a lot of data, it should not be a problem. If you have a lot of data, remember, that it will be serialized/deserialized and sent to the client/back to the server for every request (which may result in large requests and therefore bad performance).
2 - instead of putting the data into the session, put it into the Cache (with a low sliding expiration timeout). On your page, you can access your data in the same way as from the session, i.e. data = Cache["data"], but you have to be prepared that the data was removed from the Cache (you have to re-load it again from DB for example), if the time between two requests was bigger than the expiration time.
3 - use the client-side (javascript) onUnload event, and trigger some action (e.g. a ajax callback) to remove the data from the session. But I think the onUnload event is not reliable (it will not be fired in any case, e.g. when the browser is terminated by a crash or with the task manager, or if javascript is disabled).
If you use variables for only that page, store them in viewstate. ViewState is suitable for page scoped variables.
If you are using ASP.NET sessions (which you probably are), you can add a global.asax file to your soluting. In there this event-delegate is to be found (if not, create it):
protected void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
.. In here you can clear your session collection.
protected void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
This will be fired when the session expires or when a user clicks logout :)
