linked in IN.API.Raw - linkedin

the above search gets me all my connections when it is just suppost to get the ones in retail.
this does the same...
I am glad that I get 'a' result but why aren't params working?

I think it's "keywords" plural. Does that fix things?


#JMS\Exclude only if a property is empty

I am using JMS\Serializer in my project and I want to ignore one property only if the array in it is empty.
I tried something like :
#JMS\Exclude(if="count('$this->required') === 0")
but got a syntax error.
Can anyone help me on this?
What you need was implemented recently and it is in release-1.7 so you might as well wait for it. It is called #SkipWhenEmpty
#SkipWhenEmpty This annotation can be defined on a property to
indicate that the property should not be serialized if the result will
be "empty".
This is the bug related it.
You need this one:

What is the RKUIManager?

I get an error with RKUIManager, or more precisely:
Could not invoke RKUIManager.manageChildren
It appears for example when I'm using firebase with React Native and try to set a reference in the constructor of a component with a prop. For ex:
messagesRef = FBRef.child("Messages").child(this.props.currentMeetingID)
If I change it to the following it works, and yes, I have checked if this.props.currentMeetingID is a legitimate value.
messagesRef = FBRef.child("Messages").child("123456789")
I can't seem to locate the problem nor reproduce it perfectly. I'm just trying to figure out if it's my machine or some kind of bug elsewhere.
Right now I'm just looking for info about what RKUIManager actually is.
If I nullcheck this.props.currentMeetingID I fix it, easy fix but nowhere to be found on the internet so I'll leave it here for anyone passing by. Probably me in a couple of weeks...

How can I except some kind of errors on sass-lint?

I've been refactoring the CSS with sass on our project.
So I wanna fixing by the sass-lint, but it's so hard cause it have so many errors.
For example, 'Avoid using id selectors' or 'Selector 'mainFooter' should be written in lowercase with hyphens' like that.
These things can't be fixed now.
So I've found the document below, but they have only about 'BorderZero', 'StringQuotes' and 'all'.
How can I except my errors?
and where is the document about keywords list of sass-lint disable?
Oh, I found it!
// scss-lint:disable IdSelector, SelectorFormat
Thanks :)

Use two taxonomy terms in one URL WP-API

At the moment I'm calling taxonomy term data using URL's like this -[listing_area]=northwest
Is there a way I can call two taxonomy terms at the same time, something like this? -[listing_area]=northwest&filter[listing_area]=northeast
I've read through all documentation but I'm struggling to find a solution, andy help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
Without knowing the full code in place its hard to be 100% but try...[listing_area][]=northwest&filter[listing_area][]=northeast
By adding [ ] to the end of each reference to listing_area you are now passing through an array of values. Otherwise you just pass through the last value in the query string.

Error while posting Purchase Packing Slip Through X++

I have been trying to post packing slip from code. I have tried several ways but unfortunately without success.
My code is below:
purchTable = PurchTable::find('PO0012555');
purchFormLetter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip);
numberSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(PurchParameters::numRefPurchPackingSlipId()).num();
"14",// numberSeq, //this is coming out blank
When I tried to execute, I was getting this error:
Inventory is closed for physical and financial transactions until
Do you have any idea? Any help will be appreciated.
My guess: your transDate variable does not have a valid date.
Using the cross reference you see the error only occurs in the checkOpen method of the table InventClosing.
Feel free to add a breakpoint here!
The method will fail if called with a blank transaction date.
Are you posting to a closed period? What is transdate? Check (General Ledger>Setup>Periods>Periods)
Thanks to masters who tried to help me but I figured out my problem. There is no problem about my code or anywhere.
We are working on this project with another consulting company. Somehow, one of developer who works other company remarked (commented) transdate line at PurchFormLetter class without any information.
So, when I tried to set transdate value at "purchFormLetter.transDate(transDate)" line, PurchFormLetter could not able to set the value cause of remarked line.
I uncommented the line and the code worked like a charm.
