How does these Pascal Triangle functions work? - recursion

I'm reading Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, and there's a code at the beginning that I just cannot understand no matter how hard I try.
declare Pascal AddList ShiftLeft ShiftRight
fun {Pascal N}
if N==1 then [1]
L in
L = {Pascal N-1} % Recursion
{AddList {ShiftLeft L}
{ShiftRight L}}
fun {ShiftLeft L}
case L of H|T then
H|{ShiftLeft T} % Recursion
else [0]
fun {ShiftRight L}
0 | L
fun {AddList L1 L2}
case L1 of H1|T1 then
case L2 of H2|T2
H1+H2|{AddList T1 T2} % Recursion
else nil
I kind of get the language constructs (this is the introduction to it), but the thing that really stands in my way is the recursion.
I'm trying to put a label on each recursion call that will abstractly say what goes in here, but I just can't figure it out.
What I ask for is a clear and easy explanations of how these functions work.

Start with N == 1: This is simple. The result is just [1].
Now check for N == 2:
First we calculate L = {Pascal N-1} = {Pascal 2-1} = {Pascal 1} = [1]
Now shifted to the left: [1 0]
Shifted to the right: [0 1]
AddList just adds elementwise. So the result for {Pascal 2} is [1 1].
Now for for N == 3:
{Pascal 2} = [1 1]
Shifted left: [1 1 0]
Shifted right: [0 1 1]
Added: [1 2 1]
Of course the program works the other way around: It starts with some larger N. But at the beginning of the Pascal function the program recurses repeatedly until the parameter N has become 1. Something like this:
{Pascal 3}
{Pascal 2}
{Pascal 1}
[1 1]
[1 2 1]
Edit: There are actually to kinds of recursion in the program. The first one in Pascal starts with some integer N and recurses down to 1.
The other (in the helper methods) starts with a list consisting of a head and a tail and stops as soon as the list is empty, i.e. cannot be split anymore. (This is using so-called cons lists, an intrinsically recursive data type.)

wmeyer's explanation is very nice. I just want to add a possibly helpful 'visualization' -->
First of all, I'm using the original version of the book (PDF), I beleive, and the functions look like this -->
declare Pascal AddList ShiftLeft ShiftRight
fun {Pascal N}
if N==1 then [1]
{AddList {ShiftLeft {Pascal N-1}} {ShiftRight {Pascal N-1}}}
fun {ShiftLeft L}
case L of H|T then
H|{ShiftLeft T}
else [0] end
fun {ShiftRight L} 0|L end
fun {AddList L1 L2}
case L1 of H1|T1 then
case L2 of H2|T2 then
H1+H2|{AddList T1 T2}
else nil end
Imagine that you want to see row eight of Pascal's triangle. You are going to enter:
{Browse {Pascal 8}}
i.e. you want to display the result of feeding 8 to the function Pascal as defined in the book/here.
First the function tests to see if the value it was just passed is 1 (which will not be true until the LAST iteration of the recursion (or the final recursive call(s)) at which time that [1] (from if N==1) will be returned as the output of THAT CALL OF Pascal and passed back up the 'chain' of executions (of Pascal) to the next most recent call first (where that result, [1], is added to the result of the matching ShiftLeft or ShiftRight, and then THAT result is sent back up the chain, and on and on, until it reaches the first one (Pascal 8). So the calls go 8 levels deep, then pass the answers back up those levels until you get the final answer... but I've jumped ahead.
Ok, since you fed an 8, the test N==1 fails, and therefore instead of being able to shift 'the lists' and add them together in the else clause right away, the function not being able to do that with undefined terms in the 'equations' says "I'll try N - 1! Maybe THAT will be the final answer!!" (for ShiftLeft AND ShiftRight - so this branching occurs each time the recursino happens)
So, the function waits for that answer from Pascal N-1 inside ShiftLeft and ShiftRight... waiting, waiting...
Well, {Pascal 7} won't be true for N==1 either, so the newer calls ("calls", 2nd AND 3rd calls, left and right!) of Pascal will BOTH also ask "What is Pascal N - 1" (7-1 this time) and they will both wait for the answer...
This goes on and on and on and on.... oh wait, until N==1!
Then [1], a list, is returned BACK UP THE CHAIN... so, each successive waiting function call, most recent first (keep in mind all these happen more and more on the way down to get here to the 'bottom' where N==1 as the splits increase (by calling ShiftLeft and ShiftRight at one time each call)) can finally make it's AddList calculation with the answers it has been waiting on from it's own personal, private calls to ShiftLeft and ShiftRight.
Everything goes all the way down to the bottom, splitting into more and more function calls, then we come back to the top and finally can get an answer returned. That final answer is the else clause of the first call to the Pascal function, {Pascal 8}, which now, inside, (since the 8th row of Pascal's triangle is [1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1]) will look like:
{AddList [1 7 21 35 35 21 7 0] [0 7 21 35 35 21 7 1]} <-- at least I think that's what the final lists to be added look like
Which once added is the one list returned as the final answer and displayed: [1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1]


Strange dimension change of a nested array after readline and sympify operation?

If I understand correctly, in Julia m = [[1,2],[3,4]] is a two-dimensional vector with each vector of two elements. And this fact won't change after the operation of sympify
ms = sympy.sympify(m)
The output will still be (2,), as expected.
However, if I create a file test.txt with just one line [[1,2],[3,4]] and run
using SymPy
open("test.txt") do io
while ! eof(io)
m = readline(io)
ms = sympy.sympify(m)
The output will be
Sym[1 2; 3 4]
Namely, now ms suddenly changes to a two-by-two matrix! I really cannot understand this (since the dimension of m after readline stays to be (2,) as before). Could someone explain this for me?
As a workaround, you can define your own parsing function to read lines from a file into the vector of vectors:
function myparse(T::Type, s::String)
[[parse(T, c) for c in element if isnumeric(c)] for element in split(s, "],[")]
Then, you can simply do:
using SymPy
m = open("test.txt") do io
myparse(Int, readline(io))
println(typeof(m)) # Vector{Vector{Int64}} (alias for Array{Array{Int64, 1}, 1})
julia> ms = sympy.sympify(m)
2-element Vector{Sym}:
[1 2]
[3 4]

smlnj - Function That Adds Even and Odd Elements In An Int List

I am fairly new to functional programming and I do not understand my error here. I am trying to make a function that takes an integer list and returns both the sum of the even elements and the sum of the odd elements. The error I am getting is in line 1, and it states: "Error: right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with function result type [overload conflict] ...". I don't understand the error, and I would appreciate any help in understanding my error.
fun add(nil) = 0
| add([x]) = x
| add(x :: xs) =
val evenList = xs;
val oddList = x :: xs
(hd evenList + add(tl(tl(evenList))), hd oddList + add(tl(tl(oddList))))
The reason for the type error is that the function should return a pair, but your base cases don't.
I suspect you got to that code by thinking about skipping every other element, dividing the list by skipping.
There's a different way to approach this.
Consider the list [a,b,c,d].
Counting from 1, the elements are numbered
1 2 3 4
a b c d
Now consider the positions in the tail of the list.
They are
1 2 3
b c d
That is, odd positions in the tail are even positions in the entire list, and even positions in the tail are odd in the entire list.
This means that if we recursively compute "odds and evens" in the tail, we will get the sums from the tail, where its "odds" is our "evens", and if we add our head to the tail's "evens", we will get the "odds" we want.
All we need now is a good base case – and the sums of an empty list must be (0, 0).
Something like this:
fun add [] = (0,0)
| add (x::xs) = case add xs of
(odds, evens) => (x + evens, odds)
or, you can deconstruct the recursive result with a let-binding instead of case:
fun add [] = (0,0)
| add (x::xs) = let val (odds, evens) = add xs
(x + evens, odds)

How to prevent close!-ing before put-ing in onto-chan

I'd like to run a code like
(->> input
(partition-all 5)
(map a-side-effect)
asynchronously dividing input and output(a-side-effect).
Then I've written the code to experiment below.
;; using boot-clj
(set-env! :dependencies '[[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.374"]])
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! <!! >! >!!]])
(let [input (range 18)
c (async/chan 1 (comp (partition-all 5)
(map prn)))]
(async/onto-chan c input false)
(async/close! c))
explanation for this code:
Actually elements in input and its quantity is not defined before running and elements in input is able to be taken by some numbers from 0 to 10.
async/onto-chan is used to put a Seq of elements (a fragment of input) into the channel c and will be called many times thus the 3rd argument is false.
prn is a substitute for a-side-effect.
I expected the code above prints
[0 1 2 3 4]
[5 6 7 8 9]
[10 11 12 13 14]
[15 16 17]
in REPL however it prints no characters.
And then I add a time to wait, like this
(let [c (async/chan 1 (comp (partition-all 5)
(map prn)))]
(async/onto-chan c (range 18) false)
(Thread/sleep 1000) ;wait
(async/close! c))
This code gave my expected output above.
And then I inspect core.async/onto-chan.
And I think what happend:
the channel c was core.async/close!ed in my code.
each item of the argument of core.async/onto-chan was put(core.async/>!) in vain in the go-loop in onto-chan because the channel c was closed.
Are there sure ways to put items before close!ing?
write a synchronous version of onto-chan not using go-loop?
Or is my idea wrong?
Your second example with Thread.sleep only ‘works’ by mistake.
The reason it works is that every transformed result value that comes out of c’s transducer is nil, and since nils are not allowed in channels, an exception is thrown, and no value is put into c: this is what allows the producer onto-chan to continue putting into the channel and not block waiting. If you paste your second example into the REPL you’ll see four stack traces – one for each partition.
The nils are of course due to mapping over prn, which is a side-effecting function that returns nil for all inputs.
If I understand your design correctly, your goal is to do something like this:
(defn go-run! [ch proc]
(async/go-loop []
(when-let [value (<! ch)]
(proc value)
(let [input (range 18)
c (async/chan 1 (partition-all 5))]
(async/onto-chan c input)
(<!! (go-run! c prn)))
You really do need a producer and a consumer, else your program will block. I’ve introduced a go-loop consumer.
Very generally speaking, map and side-effects don’t go together well, so I’ve extracted the side-effecting prn into the consumer.
onto-chan cannot be called ‘many times’ (at least in the code shown) so it doesn’t need the false argument.
taking megakorre's idea:
(let [c (async/chan 1 (comp (partition-all 5)
(map prn)))
put-ch (async/onto-chan c (range 18) false)]
(async/alts!! [put-ch])
(async/close! c))

List comprehensions and tuples in Julia

I am trying to do in Julia what this Python code does. (Find all pairs from the two lists whose combined value is above 7.)
def sum_is_large(a, b):
return a + b > 7
l1 = [1,2,3]
l2 = [4,5,6]
l3 = [(a,b) for a in l1 for b in l2 if sum_is_large(a, b)]
There is no if for list comprehensions in Julia. And if I use filter(), I'm not sure if I can pass two arguments. So my best suggestion is this:
function sum_is_large(pair)
a, b = pair
return a + b > 7
l1 = [1,2,3]
l2 = [4,5,6]
l3 = filter(sum_is_large, [(i,j) for i in l1, j in l2])
I don't find this very appealing. So my question is, is there a better way in Julia?
Using the very popular package Iterators.jl, in Julia:
using Iterators # install using Pkg.add("Iterators")
is an iterator producing the pairs. So to get the same printout as the OP:
l3iter = filter(x->sum(x)>7,product(l1,l2))
for p in l3iter println(p); end
The iterator approach is potentially much more memory efficient. Ofcourse, one could just l3 = collect(l3iter) to get the pair vector.
#user2317519, just curious, is there an equivalent iterator form for python?
Guards (if) are now available in Julia v0.5 (currently in the release-candidate stage):
julia> v1 = [1, 2, 3];
julia> v2 = [4, 5, 6];
julia> v3 = [(a, b) for a in v1, b in v2 if a+b > 7]
3-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64},1}:
Note that generators are also now available:
julia> g = ( (a, b) for a in v1, b in v2 if a+b > 7 )
Another option similar to the one of #DanGetz using also Iterators.jl:
function expensive_fun(a, b)
return (a + b)
Then, if the condition is also complicated, it can be defined as a function:
condition(x) = x > 7
And last, filter the results:
>>> using Iterators
>>> result = filter(condition, imap(expensive_fun, l1, l2))
result is an iterable that is only computed when needed (inexpensive) and can be collected collect(result) if required.
The one-line if the filter condition is simple enough would be:
>>> result = filter(x->(x > 7), imap(expensive_fun, l1, l2))
Note: imap works natively for arbitrary number of parameters.
Perhaps something like this:
julia> filter(pair -> pair[1] + pair[2] > 7, [(i, j) for i in l1, j in l2])
3-element Array{Tuple{Any,Any},1}:
although I'd agree it doesn't look like it ought to be the best way...
I'm surprised nobody mentions the ternary operator to implement the conditional:
julia> l3 = [sum_is_large((i,j)) ? (i,j) : nothing for i in l1, j in l2]
3x3 Array{Tuple,2}:
nothing nothing nothing
nothing nothing (2,6)
nothing (3,5) (3,6)
or even just a normal if block within a compound statement, i.e.
[ (if sum_is_large((x,y)); (x,y); end) for x in l1, y in l2 ]
which gives the same result.
I feel this result makes a lot more sense than filter(), because in julia the a in A, b in B construct is interpreted dimensionally, and therefore the output is in fact an "array comprehension" with appropriate dimensionality, which clearly in many cases would be advantageous and presumably the desired behaviour (whether we include a conditional or not).
Whereas filter will always return a vector. Obviously, if you really want a vector result you can always collect the result; or for a conditional list comprehension like the one here, you can simply remove nothing elements from the array by doing l3 = l3[l3 .!= nothing].
Presumably this is still clearer and no less efficient than the filter() approach.
You can use the #vcomp (vector comprehension) macro in VectorizedRoutines.jl to do Python-like comprehensions:
using VectorizedRoutines
Python.#vcomp Int[i^2 for i in 1:10] when i % 2 == 0 # Int[4, 16, 36, 64, 100]

Nested list comprehensions in Julia

In python I can do nested list comprehensions, for instance I can flatten the following array thus:
a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
[i for arr in a for i in arr]
to get [1,2,3,4,5,6]
If I try this syntax in Julia I get:
julia> a
julia> [i for arr in a for i in arr]
ERROR: syntax: expected ]
Are nested list comprehensions in Julia possible?
This feature has been added in julia v0.5:
julia> a = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
julia> [i for arr in a for i in arr]
9-element Array{Int64,1}:
List comprehensions work a bit differently in Julia:
> [(x,y) for x=1:2, y=3:4]
2x2 Array{(Int64,Int64),2}:
(1,3) (1,4)
(2,3) (2,4)
If a=[[1 2],[3 4],[5 6]] was a multidimensional array, vec would flatten it:
> vec(a)
6-element Array{Int64,1}:
Since a contains tuples, this is a bit more complicated in Julia. This works, but likely isn't the best way to handle it:
function flatten(x, y)
state = start(x)
if state==false
push!(y, x)
while !done(x, state)
(item, state) = next(x, state)
flatten(item, y)
flatten(x)=flatten(x,Array(Any, 0))
Then, we can run:
> flatten([(1,2),(3,4)])
4-element Array{Any,1}:
You can get some mileage out of using the splat operator with the array constructor here (transposing to save space)
julia> a = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
julia> [a...]'
1x9 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Any reason why you're using a tuple of vectors? It's much simpler with arrays, as Ben has already shown with vec. But you can also use comprehensions pretty simply in either case:
julia> a = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]);
julia> [i for i in hcat(a...)]
9-element Array{Any,1}:
The expression hcat(a...) "splats" your tuple and concatenates it into an array. But remember that, unlike Python, Julia uses column-major array semantics. You have three column vectors in your tuple; is that what you intend? (If they were row vectors — delimited by spaces — you could just use [a...] to do the concatenation). Arrays are iterated through all elements, regardless of their dimensionality.
Don't have enough reputation for comment so posting a modification #ben-hammer. Thanks for the example of flatten(), it was helpful to me.
But it did break if the tuples/arrays contained strings. Since strings are iterables the function would further break them down to characters. I had to insert condition to check for ASCIIString to fix that. The code is below
function flatten(x, y)
state = start(x)
if state==false
push!(y, x)
if typeof(x) <: String
push!(y, x)
while (!done(x, state))
(item, state) = next(x, state)
flatten(item, y)
flatten(x)=flatten(x,Array(Any, 0))
