Perform service interception with Fabric3 - soa

I´m doing a POC with Fabric3 (Service Component Architecture Framework) and would like to know if there is some native way to proceed interception in my Services? Something like #Interceptors of EJB or a Filter of a web environment.

There are a couple of ways to do this depending on your requirements. One is via binding handlers and the other is by writing a custom interceptor.
We'd be happy to help you further and walk you through this. Could you post a brief description of your requirements to the user list? Instructions for doing so can be found on our support page:


PLONE to call and perform REST API calls on another application

we are developing a plone interface to consume REST API services from a web application.
Users login to plone and be able to access the REST API & perform some actions on the "Another Web Application" via REST API calls. Please find the graphical representation attached here.
Query 1)What and all the Plone programming documentation I needed to refer to design & develop such a solution in Plone? that is,access and perform actions on REST APIs, from a PLONE based Solution.
Query: 2) What all are the different technologies I need to refer to learn & program in PLONE and python to achieve this work using PLONE framework?
Please share your valuable inputs and suggestion to move in the right direction.
Please refer the attached block diagram of the proposed solution.
In a first step you could register a "view" for authenticated users in Plone. In the view's Python module you could call the restful api of the other web application.
Helpful resources are:
Creating a basic package (Plone Addon) with mr.bob and bobtemplates.plone:
Creating and registering a view:
Call a resful api with python: Making a request to a RESTful API using python
If you have to collect data from your plone site to transmit to the restful api f.e. user data, then plone.api is the standarized way.
Recently a very nice module developed, exactly for the purpose you mentioned here, in Plone. It's called "plone.restapi".
github link:

Spring MVC multi user application

I am developing a web application using Spring MVC. Since I am kind of done with the the basic functionality, I was going to add user management. By this I mean that I have to extend the logic of the application to support several users. However being new to Spring MVC I am lost... How and where to add session management? How to change my controllers? Could anyone please suggest a good resourse? Tutorials which I find on the Internet mainly deal with page access by using Spring Security. I need more than that. Thanks in advance!
This tutorial gives a good step by step direction on how to use spring security with a database based on user roles. I am not sure exactly what more you want that needs to be directly addressed in your question. The good thing with spring security is that you don't need to change your controllers. It uses a simple xml configuration and is independent of the platform you use.

Backbone.js, ASP.NET, WCF Service, JSON

I'm about to create a small web app on Asp.Net 3.5.
Thought this time maybe I should try using Backbone.js..
Is it practical/easy to implement?
I've just spent the whole day trying to set up a WCF Service to return Json without positive results.
I would love to hear the best path for implementation from someone who has already used Backbone.js with Asp.Net.
Alternatively I would love to hear of alternatives that are easy to integrate with Asp.Net.
I've just spent the whole day trying to set up a WCF Service to return
Json without positive results.
Take a look at this tutorial, is short and straight to the point.
Thought this time maybe I should try using Backbone.js.. Is it
practical/easy to implement?
Well... as usual, it basically depend on what you want to do. Backbone can help you if you want to implement the MVC pattern in your client-side code, but it requires some time to get into the APIs so if your goal for the moment is just to create and consume a WCF service using Javascript you could consider using jQuery or MooTools and then switch to Backbone if you need.
Here and here you'll find two quickstart backbone tutorials.
Use the REST Singleton Service template in the WCF REST Starter Kit Project Templates to get WCF with JSON support up and running quickly.

Flex, Grails Security over HTTP - How to example?

I'm writing an application, Flex front-end & Grails back-end, in which I need to integrate security. All the information around Grails gives me the impression to be well suited for when your client is written in HTML but how can I use Flex's HTTPService to integrate into it? Could anybody point me into the right direction?
Hi Lars
I'd suggest having a read of Mike Hugo's article on writing Grails plug-ins in Groovymag
This will give you an insight as to how to gain access to the application context etc.
Also have a look out for Sebastien Arbogast's blog and this article:
Combine this with some articles like this:
Also have a look at the Spring-Flex project.
Christophe Coenraets and Jeremy Grelle's blogs are worth taking a look at too.
This is probably what I'd look at first:
There are many options for returning XML from a Grails Controller, which can then be consumed by Flex's HTTPService.
For security, check out the Spring Security Core Plugin.

What is the best way to establish communication between silverlight controls and ASP.NET

I thought I ask the more exprienced Silverlight users about what they think is the best way to embed Silverlight user controls into an ASP.NET page - in special regards to stablish an easy way of communication between the conrols.
I have heard about services, query strings, etc. but I'd like to find out what has worked for you the best so far...
Take a look at WCF RIA Services. It provides a way for ASP.NET to expose methods and data entities and expose them to Silverlight automatically. RIA Services creates proxy objects on the Silverlight side and wires them up with WCF services without you having to do any work. It is pretty slick.
Here is a starting point. Beware: the learning curve is kind of steep. But it is rewarding once you get there.
Also, another thing to watch out for is that some of those articles refer to beta/CTP versions and some of the namespaces changed before it went to production.
take a look at the below article which uses event aggregation to communicate.. i found this useful..
