ibm rhapsody 7.6.1 generating a event in another class - rhapsody

I have two classes, a thermostat and a heater. The association is an aggregation between both classes.
Now when I generate an event in class heater from class thermostat I get a Java null pointer error (run time error).
The code I used was itsHeater.gen(new evHeaterOn()).

An aggregation generates a pointer. Unless you initialize that pointer then it will be pointing at null. Create a build class that instantiates your instances and initializes the pointers correctly.


MVVM-Light SimpleIoc: Can't create multiple instances dynamically

I am building an WPF application using the MVVM Light Toolkit and specifically SimpleIoc.
I have a parent viewmodel that dynamically creates child viewmodels. When doing this I am using "standard" dependency injection to pass a IConfigService as a parameter to the constructor. I want the IConfigService to be a unique instance for each child viewmodel. So I try this:
IConfigService service = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IConfigService>(key);
ChildViewModel vm = new ChildViewModel(service);
Where key is a unique identifier for each child viewmodel. According to the documentation of MVVM Light and SimpleIoc this GetInstance method:
...provides a way to get an instance of a given type corresponding to a given key. If no instance had been instantiated with this key before, a new instance will be created.
There is also a remark that the class must have been registered before, else it returns null. In my case it has been, in ViewModelLocator:
var configService = new ConfigService();
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IConfigService>(() => configService);
However, the GetInstance call returns the same instance every time.
What am I doing wrong here?
You registered an already instantiated object.
SimpleIoc does not create its own instances with this overload. It always returns configService. Either you need to perform the instantiation within the lambda, because you are using a factory overload, or you can do this more easily by just passing the ConfigService type. SimpleIoc will take care of the instantiation itself.

OCMock 3 Partial Mock: Class methods and the objc runtime

I'm running into an interesting issue when using OCMock 3 when partially mocking an object that defines class methods. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the dynamic subclassing that takes part as partial mocking or my misunderstanding of the objc runtime. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As part of running tests and other debug builds we do some runtime verification of method declarations using OmniFoundations' OBRuntimeCheck. One of these checks, in short, attempts to use the runtime to verify that type signatures match for class methods across inheritance and protocol conformance. This happens by listing the classes registered in the runtime and for each class the instance methods of the metaClass are copied. For each Method from the metaClass if it exists on the metaClass's superclass the type signatures are compared.
The problem comes when calling class_getInstanceMethod on the metaClass's superclass for one of the ocmock replacement selectors, ocmock_replaced_*. The test crashes EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION code=EXC_i386_INVOP subcode=0x0 and no class for metaclass is logged in the console. Example given:
class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, NSSelectorFromString(#"ocmock_replaced_classMessage"))
When partial mocking an object that defines a class method, it appears that the OCMock 3 framework generates a dynamic subclass, does some isa swizzling of the mocked object and also some isa swizzling of the dynamically generated class' metaClass.
This behavior and crash is new in OCMock 3 and I'm really at a loss of where to look next. Any runtime gurus have any idea what may be going on here? When looking through the code it did surprise me that the dynamically generated class used for the mock was having it's meta class swizzled out, but I don't necessarily think that is wrong. For ease in debugging I have created a simplified test case in a fresh fork of OCMock. The crashing test can be found here. Any help for guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I may be way off here, but I thought the superclass of a metaClass is NSObject (which is why you can normally call NSObject instance methods on class objects). I'm not sure you should be doing anything, normally, with the superclass of a metaClass.
In general, the metaClass stores all of the information about class methods. Therefore, getting an "instance" method on a metaClass is the same as getting a class method on the associated regular Class. The runtime can simply dereference the "isa" pointer of an instance to find a method list to find instance methods; doing the same on a Class object gets the meta class (of the same structure) and therefore the same process results in finding the class methods.
OCMock will create a magic subclass for any partial mock, and change the class on that instance to the new subclass, so all the instance method swizzling will be specific to that instance. For class methods though, I thought it had to modify the original class itself -- otherwise, calls to the regular class method in regular code would not be intercepted. It keeps a copy of the original implementation so that when you call -stopMocking on the mock it can restore the original implementation (the added ocmock_replaced* impl will still be there but should no longer be called).
You could simply ignore any selector which starts with "ocmock_replaced" since that really is not related to your actual code you are presumably checking. You might also have better luck changing "class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, ..." to "class_getClassMethod(regularSuperClass, ..."). I'm not sure why you would be getting a crash though -- I would expect class_getInstanceMethod(metaSuperClass, ...) to just return NULL in most situations.

BizTalk map not calling default constructor of helper class used by script functoid at start of transformation

I'm using script functoids in my map. I configured script functoids using external assembly helper method of serializable class. I noticed that when map executes first time then calls Serializable helper class constructor defined in external assembly and I'm init. default value of class members and works as expected.
In next/second run, class constructor does not get called by map and class members persist value set during last execution of map. I'm using map inside orchestration and my orchestration is not singelton. So, helper class always returning same value to script functoid every time after first execution of my map.
Please help me how to force biztalk to create new instances of map helper class during every map execution???
The BizTalk runtime caches the extension object instances for a given map type. The constructor will only be called once for each host instance that's using it.
You can, however, create a factory class for your map helper. Call this factory class from a scripting functoid and link the output to an inline C# functoid that stores the object in an instance field in the map. You can the reference that field in other scripting functoids that need to call methods on your helper.
See this post regarding Biztalk external assembly calls. You cannot have a static class - the helper method must be static, but you need to perform your initializations each time in the static method. This is done for state management during rehydration/dehydration.

Unity and constructors

Is it possible to make unity try all defined constructors starting with the one with most arguments down to the least specific one (the default constructor)?
What I mean:
foreach (var constructor in concrete.GetConstructorsOrderByParameterCount())
I don't want Unity to only try the constructor with most parameters. I want it to continue trying until it finds a suitable constructor. If Unity doesn't provide this behavior by default, is it possible to create an extension or something to be able to do this?
Edit 2
I got a class with two constructors:
public class MyConcrete : ISomeInterface
public MyConcrete (IDepend1 dep, IDepend2 dep2)
public MyConcrete(IDepend1 dep)
The class exists in a library which is used by multiple projects. In this project I want to use second constructor. But Unity stops since it can't fulfill the dependencies by the first constructor. And I do not want to change the class since the first constructor is used by DI in other projects.
Hence the need for Unity to try resolving all constructors.
Unity will choose the constructor with the most parameters unless you explicitly tag a constructor with the [InjectionConstructor] attribute which would then define the constructor for Unity to use.
When you state a suitable constructor; that is somewhat contingent on the environment. If for instance you always want to guarantee that a certain constructor is used when making use of Unity use the attribute mentioned previously, otherwise explicitly call the constructor you want to use.
What would be the point of Unity "trying" all constructors? It's purpose is to provide an instance of a type in a decoupled manner. Why would it iterate through the constructors if any constructor will create an instance of the type?
You could allow the constructor with the most params to be used within the project that does not have a reference to that type within its container by making use of a child container. This will not force the use of the constructor with a single param but it will allow the constructor with 2 params to work across the projects now.
You could also switch to using the single constructor across the board and force the other interface in via another form of DI (Property Injection), not Constructor Injection...therefore the base is applicable across the projects which would make more sense.

Fastest way to call a COM objects method without using a RCW

I'm trying to find the cleanest and fastest way for calling a COM objects methods.
I was using a RCW for the object but every time a new version of the third party COM object comes out its GUID changes which then renders the RCW useless, so I had to change and start using
Type mytype = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("MyCOMApp.Application");
so that every time a new version of the COM object comes out I don't have to recomplie and redeploy my app.
At the moment I am using refelection like mytype.InvokeMemeber but I feel it is so slow compared to just calling the RCW.
How does everyone else tackle the problem of changing 3rd party COM object versions, but still maintaining the speed of a RCW?
If you want to make the calls in reflection easier, you could use VB.NET, and make late calls on a variable typed as Object. VB.NET will help with the calls to reflection. You can also set a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and make the call to CallByName as well to help with the reflection calls.
However, is it the IID (the interface GUID) or the class GUID that changes? If it is the class GUID that changes, then you can define the interface once, and then get the Type through a call to GetTypeFromProgID. Once you have that, you can pass the type to the CreateInstance method on the Activator class and then cast to the interface, which won't change.
If the IID does change, however, you will have to use reflection every time.
