How do I get ESS to recognize a dynamic prompt in R? - r

I followed the suggestion here... R: Display a time clock in the R command line to make my R prompt display the last time I entered in a command. But now M-r and M-p are broken because ESS is no longer recognizing my constantly-changing command prompt as the start of a command-line.
Does anybody know what option to change so that for all purposes where a prompt must be detected, instead of matching the whole prompt string, ESS will match just the constant tail end of it, or better yet, a regexp like "^[0-9]{6} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} >"

My ess/ess-custom.el contains the following lines:
;; does it make sense to customize here, as we currently set this *directly*
;; in the FOO-BAR-cust-alist's ???
;; VS: Right. It only confuses users. It should be set in post-run-hook if
;; desired; inferior-S-prompt should be customized instead.
(defvar inferior-ess-primary-prompt "> "
"Regular expression used by `ess-mode' to detect the primary prompt.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-primary-prompt)
;; (setq-default inferior-ess-primary-prompt "> ")
(defvar inferior-ess-secondary-prompt nil
"Regular expression used by ess-mode to detect the secondary prompt.
(This is issued by S to continue an incomplete expression).
Set to nil if language doesn't support secondary prompt.")
;; :group 'ess-proc
;; :type 'string)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-secondary-prompt)
;; (setq-default inferior-ess-secondary-prompt "+ ")
;; need to recognise + + + > > >
;; and "+ . + " in tracebug prompt
(defcustom inferior-S-prompt "[]a-zA-Z0-9.[]*\\([>+.] \\)*[+>] "
"Regexp used in S and R inferior and transcript buffers for prompt navigation.
You can set it to \"[]a-zA-Z0-9.[]*\\(> \\)+\" if you want to
skip secondary prompt when invoking `comint-previous-prompt'.
:group 'ess-proc
:type 'string)
So I'd hope that customizing either of these variables will help. Probably starting with the customizable one, i.e. inferior-S-prompt.


Read the proper input to a variable

I would like to have a variable containing an integer, that came from an input of a user. It can't accept strings neither decimal numbers.
I would like some help to understand what I am doing wrong here.
My code until now:
I appreciate the help.
(format t "~%Enter a number: ")
(loop (defvar numb (read))
(cond (((rationalp numb)1)
(print "No decimal numbers are allowed, please enter an integer"))
(((stringp numb)1)
(print "No strings are allowed, please enter an integer"))
(when ((integerp numb)1) (return numb))
Working code
Here is how I would do it:
(defun ask-and-read (prompt)
"Prompt the user and read his input."
(princ prompt *query-io*)
(force-output *query-io*) ; flush the buffers
(let ((*read-eval* nil)) ; close the security hole
(read *query-io*)))
(defun request-object (prompt predicate)
"Ask the user for an object using prompt.
Only accept data which satisfies the predicate."
for object = (ask-and-read prompt)
when (funcall predicate object)
return object
do (format *query-io* "Alas, ~S (~S) does not satisfy ~S, please try again~%"
object (type-of object) predicate)))
> (request-object "Enter an integer: " #'integerp)
Enter an integer: 4.6
Alas, 4.6 (SINGLE-FLOAT) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION INTEGERP>, please try again
Enter an integer: 5/7
Alas, 5/7 (RATIO) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION INTEGERP>, please try again
Enter an integer: asdf
Alas, ASDF (SYMBOL) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION INTEGERP>, please try again
Enter an integer: 7
==> 7
> (request-object "Enter a real: " #'realp)
Enter a real: 4.5
==> 4.5
> (request-object "Enter a real: " #'realp)
Enter a real: 5/8
==> 5/8
> (request-object "Enter a real: " #'realp)
Enter a real: "sdf"
Alas, "sdf" ((SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 3)) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION REALP>, please try again
Enter a real: 8
==> 8
Please see the documentation for the facilities I used:
Your mistakes
Code formatting
Your code is unreadable because you have incorrect indentation.
Lispers do not count parens - this is the job for compilers and editors.
We look at indentation.
Please do yourself a favor and use Emacs - it will indent the code for you and you will often see your errors yourself.
Defvar is a top-level form
First of all, defvar is a top-level form which is used to define global variables, not set them.
Subsequent calls do not change the value:
(defvar *abc* 1)
==> 1
(defvar *abc* 10)
==> 1 ; not 10!
Use setq to set variable.
Prefer local variables to global variables
While Lisp does allow global variables, the predominant programming
style in Lisp is the functional style: every function receives its
"input" data as arguments and returns its "output" data as values.
To achieve functional style, prefer a local to a global variable.
You create local variables through let or
let* or, in loop, see
Local Variable Initializations.
Cond and When have very specific syntax
You have extra parens and 1(?!) in your cond and when forms.
Remember, parens are meaningful in Lisp.
Security first!
Binding *read-eval* to nil
before read is necessary to
avoid a nuclear war if a user enters #.(launch-nuclear-missiles)
in response to your prompt, because normally read evaluates whatever
comes after #..

How to change smart assign key ("_" to "<-") binding in ESS

In emacs ESS, how do I correctly change the keybinding for ess-smart-S-assign?
What I tried is adding
'(ess-smart-S-assign-key ":"))
to my .emacs, but that made weird things happen: When I press :, just a normal : appears. On the other hand, pressing _ once yields <- as usual, whereas pressing _ a second time then converts this to :.
The desired behavior would be to be able to use _ as a normal key, with : being converted to <-.
I am using the official emacs 24.3 for windows and the latest development version of ESS (14.06).
Here's the docstring for ess-smart-S-assign-key:
Key used by `ess-smart-S-assign'. By default bound to
underscore, but can be set to any key. If this key is customized,
you must add
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
after the line that sets the customization and evaluate these
lines or reboot emacs. The first call clears the default
`ess-smart-S-assign' assignment and the second line re-assigns
it to the customized setting.
So: put this in your .emacs file to get the desired behavior:
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ":")
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
Kind of ugly, but it works.
The accepted answer didn't work for me, but the following did:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " <- ")))
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
Insert your shortkey choice instead of C-;.
Another solution is
(eval-after-load "ess-mode" '(define-key ess-mode-map (kbd "C-;") "<-"))
(eval-after-load "ess-mode" '(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map (kbd "C-;") "<-"))
This allows to restrict the binding change to ess-mode. Note that the second line defines the binding for the inferior R process.

Emacs, Auto Complete Mode, CSS, pain. (illustrated!)

I've got Auto Complete Mode installed for Emacs.
First: When I'm typing declarations I get the normal auto-complete behavior:
So I hit Tab to complete — no problem. But then I hit ;:
It instantly tries to complete something! And I can't hit Enter because that'll accept the erroneous completion!
So I have to hit C-j. What a pain.
Second: Once I'm done with a declaration, I type }:
...but it doesn't get indented properly unless I type Tab.
What gives?
Update, settings:
I'm using Emacs 23. My css-electric-keys are } and ;. My Auto Complete configuration is as follows:
(setq ac-auto-start t)
(setq ac-delay 0.1)
(setq ac-auto-show-menu nil)
(setq ac-show-menu-immediately-on-auto-complete t)
(setq ac-trigger-key nil)
Here's a few suggestions:
(setq ac-auto-start t) starts autocomplete automatically. If you change that to (setq ac-auto-start 1) (or 2 or 3) then it will only start after that many characters have been typed. This might not solve your problem though if after you type the ;, it considers the entire preceding word as part of the current auto-complete search.
Maybe the problem is that it isn't recognizing the semicolon as a delimiting character (like whitespace), so it thinks you're still adding to the last word. Perhaps adding the semicolon string to ac-ignores would do the trick? (Not sure what the syntax for that would be)
Maybe you can prevent auto-completion via the enter key by adding: (define-key ac-complete-mode-map "\t" 'ac-complete) and (define-key ac-complete-mode-map "\r" nil). I'm not sure how this will interact with DWIM though (enabled by default).
Try adding semicolon as an auto-complete key?
My .emacs knowledge on a scale of 0 to 10 is like a 1.5, but maybe this will jog some better ideas.
Old stuff I know, but try the following:
(add-hook 'css-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(make-local-variable 'ac-ignores)
(add-to-list 'ac-ignores ";")))
From the manual

ESS: ess-request-a-process defaults to "S"

Quite often I find myself with bunch of R processes running in ESS buffers. There's a convenient Lisp function ess-request-a-process that asks for R process, and brings it to front. The only downside is that it somehow defaults to S, so each time I'm about to make a switch, I have to type R, ad nauseam.
I tried customising the ess-language variable, but even if I set value to "R", i.e. 4 for current session, or even if I save settings for future session, as soon as I type C-c C-k, automagically S appears once again. It's very annoying, and I really don't want to end up with C-x C-b and then C-s for desired R session! =)
I even tried setting (setq-default ess-language "R") in .emacs, but with no luck...
BTW, I'm running Emacs v. 23.1.1 on Linux Mint and Emacs v. 23.2 on Arch Linux, with ESS v. 5.12. If that's relevant, I run Emacs from terminal with -nw argument. Here's my .emacs:
;; start server
;; load ESS
(require 'ess-site)
(require 'ess-rutils)
;; set HTML help as default
(setq inferior-ess-r-help-command "help(\"%s\", help_type = \"html\")\n")
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(ess-help-kill-bogus-buffers t)
'(ess-rutils-keys nil)
'(show-paren-mode t))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
So... how to set R once and for all? (I don't use S/S+/SAS)
I did not know about this function so far. C-c C-k is bound to ess-force-buffer-current in ESS buffers.
[edit: C-c C-k is indeed bound to ess-request-a-process in iESS, in ESS it's ess-force-buffer-current]
In any case the variable you have to customize is ess-dialect
(setq-default ess-dialect "R")
It's buffer-local variable and some other stuff in ess-mode-hook might set it a different value.
Check it in each buffer with C-h v ess-dialect
Additionally, if you already running several processes then ess-switch-process (C-c C-s) might be the right way to go.
[edit: it will not jump to a process but just reset the associated process of the current ESS buffer]
[edit: After dwelling deeper on the issue it turned out that ess-request-a-process uses ess-language variable were the ess-dialect seems to be more appropriate. The problem is that each time an ess-inferior process starts it resets the global value of ess-language. This is why setting it in your case didn't work.
Here is a quick fix:
(defun ess-set-language ()
(setq-default ess-language "R")
(setq ess-language "R")
(add-hook 'ess-post-run-hook 'ess-set-language t)

How to stop emacs from replacing underbar with <- in ess-mode

ess-mode is "Emacs speaks statistics." This mode is useful for editing programs for R or Splus (two separate statistics packages).
In my buffer, when ever I type _ the character is replaced with <-, which is very frustrating. Is there an emacs lisp statement to turn off this behavior?
emacs: 22.1.1
ess-mode release (unknown)
From ESS's manual (look under "Changes/New Features in 5.2.0"):
ESS[S]: Pressing underscore ("_") once inserts " <- " (as before); pressing underscore twice inserts a literal underscore. To stop this smart behaviour, add "(ess-toggle-underscore nil)" to your .emacs after ess-site has been loaded
Since the feature is useful. You can assign it to other key which is less used by you in R it will automatically unassign it from underscore. I personally assign it to ";" by adding following line in .emacs file.
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ";")
My version of emacs is 24.3 All-in-one installation file by Vincent Goulet.(Installed on windows 7)
hope this helps
In emacs 25.2 above do not work instead add following in the .emacs file
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ";")
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
A more recent version which seemed to work for me, and is a lot less verbose (you essentially keep normal underscores, but can set your own key for this smart behaviour!):
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " <- ")))
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
Insert your shortkey choice instead of C-;.
From and
How to change smart assign key ("_" to "<-") binding in ESS
To assign ":" to "<-" and to stop the assignment of underscore (underbar) "_" to "<-" put the following in .emacs (yes, the repeated line is correct)
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ":")
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-underscore nil) ; leave underscore key alone!
Like Michał Marczyk and this R mailing list thread suggested, add this line to ~/.emacs:
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
Then reload it with M-x load-file and type ~/.emacs.
But if you load the file again, e.g. if you add another customization, then it toggles it back to the original state. So toggle it twice, the first one forcing it to the default:
(ess-toggle-underscore t)
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
That being said, I like Drummermean's solution better, but it also reverts back to default if you add it to ~/.emacs and load it twice. So force a toggle to the default before:
(ess-toggle-underscore t)
(global-set-key (kbd "M--") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " <- ")))
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
I bound the smart assignment to Opt-[minus] like RStudio (on a Mac).
As a follow-up on #mmorin answer. To set keybinding for the assignment operator the same way as in Rstudio add the following in your .emacs file
(ess-toggle-underscore t)
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
(define-key ess-mode-map (kbd "M--") (lambda () (interactive) (just-one-space 1) (insert "<-") (just-one-space 1)))
(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map (kbd "M--") (lambda () (interactive) (just-one-space 1) (insert "<-") (just-one-space 1)))
