Cannot receive messages wrong context connectionid -

So I was using SignalR version .5 and everything was working fine. But trying to upgrade to version 1 to use the connectionSlow method. Unfortunately it seems to have broken when I have upgraded. I have an mvc application, and I am trying to use signalr to push data to the client. I want the connection to be open forever.
The server will not send messages to the client. After some investigations using a LoggingPiplineModule i found that the context.Connection.Identifier is not the connextionID of the connected browser, its asif it is trying to send it to someone else.
My Hub only has a few methods:
public void JoinGroup(string groupID)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.User.Identity.Name) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupID)))
Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, groupID.Trim());
LoggerSingleton.Instance.Logger.Error("Error: Could not join group as user is not logged in or group is null");
public void LeaveGroup(string groupID)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.User.Identity.Name) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupID)))
Groups.Remove(Context.ConnectionId, groupID.Trim());
LoggerSingleton.Instance.Logger.Error("Error: Could not leave group as user is not logged in or group is null");
public static void SendCallLog(CallLog newCall, int groupID)
var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<CommandCentreHub>();
context.Clients.Group(groupID.ToString()).addMessage(CallLog.ToJson(newCall), groupID.ToString());
And my javascript:
conChat = $.connection.commandcentrehub;
// Push method for signalR, process the pushed message passed from the server
conChat.addMessage = function (message, groupID) {
var call = JSON.parse(message);
updateTableImages($('#groupContent' + groupID), call, groupID);
updateTableImages($('#groupContent' + 'All'), call, 'All');
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('.groupID').each(function () {
conChat.server.joinGroup("group", ""));
And my global.asax
protected void Application_Start()
GlobalHost.HubPipeline.AddModule(new LoggingPipelineModule());
I get no errors in chrome dev, and joingroup is working properly but when the server calls addMessage I get nothing.

Ok I fixed the issue.
It was with my javascript.
The below:
conChat.addMessage = function (message, groupID) { ...
should be:
conChat.client.addMessage = function (message, groupID) {
Hope this helps someone...


PushSharp HTTP/2-based Apple Push Notification service (APNs)

We use PushSharp 4.0.10 to send iOS Push Notifications:
Recently we recieved this email from Apple Developer:
"If you still send push notifications with the legacy binary protocol, it's time to update to the HTTP/2-based Apple Push Notification service (APNs) provider API. You'll be able to take advantage of great features, such as authentication with a JSON Web Token, improved error messaging, and per-notification feedback.
To give you additional time to prepare, the deadline to upgrade to the APNs provider API has been extended to March 31, 2021. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible, as APNs will no longer support the legacy binary protocol after this date."
My question is: Will PushSharp 4.0.10 still work after March 31, 2021?
There is a discussion about this but the thread was closed. But there are still some suggestions on this thread that you might want to try.
The Apple Push Notification service (APNs) will no longer support the legacy binary protocol as of November 2020
EDIT - 25th March 2021
The deadline is close and #Ashita Shah asked some code snippet so I hope the following can save your time.
Add the following class dotAPNSService to your project. You can customise this structure according to your needs. Also I didn't focus the best of best coding C# standards when implementing my own push notification service. You can implement LINQ, Tasks async etc. I tested this dotAPNS library and it works perfectly fine. For Android you can still use PushSharp.
Before you implement the dotAPNSService helper class, get the following from your Apple developer account. The ApnsJwtOptions values should be:
BundleId - your app’s bundle ID. Should not include specific topics (i.e. com.myapp but not com.myapp.voip).
CertFilePath - path to the .p8 certificate you have downloaded from the Developer Center.
KeyId - The 10-character Key ID you obtained from your developer account
TeamId - The 10-character Team ID you use for developing your company’s apps. Obtain this value from your developer account.
public class dotAPNSService : IDisposable
public event EventHandler OnTokenExpiredHandler;
private ApnsJwtOptions options = null;
public dotAPNSService()
options = new ApnsJwtOptions()
BundleId = "com.xx.xxxx",
CertFilePath = "../../certificate.p8",
KeyId = "The_Key_Id",
TeamId = "The_Team_Id"
public void SendNotifications(String[] deviceTokens, String title, String body)
if (deviceTokens == null || deviceTokens.Length <= 0)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
// once you've gathered all the information needed and created an options instance, it's time to call
var apns = ApnsClient.CreateUsingJwt(new HttpClient(), options);
// start the process
foreach (String deviceToken in deviceTokens)
var push = new ApplePush(ApplePushType.Alert)
.AddAlert(title, body)
Send(apns, push, deviceToken);
public void SendSilentNotifications(String[] deviceTokens)
if (deviceTokens == null || deviceTokens.Length <= 0)
// once you've gathered all the information needed and created an options instance, it's time to call
var apns = ApnsClient.CreateUsingJwt(new HttpClient(), options);
// start the process
foreach (String deviceToken in deviceTokens)
var push = new ApplePush(ApplePushType.Background)
Send(apns, push, deviceToken);
private void Send(ApnsClient apns, ApplePush push, String deviceToken)
var response = apns.SendAsync(push);
if (response.Result.Reason == ApnsResponseReason.Success)
// the notification has been sent!
Boolean removeToken = false;
switch (response.Result.Reason)
case ApnsResponseReason.BadDeviceToken:
removeToken = true;
case ApnsResponseReason.TooManyRequests:
// remove the token from database?
if (removeToken)
OnTokenExpired(new ExpiredTokenEventArgs(deviceToken));
catch (TaskCanceledException)
// ERROR - HTTP request timed out, you can use the deviceToken to log the error
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
// ERROR - HTTP request failed, you can use the deviceToken to log the error
protected virtual void OnTokenExpired(ExpiredTokenEventArgs args)
EventHandler handler = OnTokenExpiredHandler;
if (handler != null)
ISynchronizeInvoke target = handler.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
if (target != null && target.InvokeRequired)
target.Invoke(handler, new object[] { this, args });
handler(this, args);
catch (Exception ex)
These are the namespaces of the dotAPNSService helper class:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using dotAPNS;
In order to use the dotAPNSService helper on your project just pull the tokens from the database and then pass them to it. For instance, to send silent notifications:
public void SendScheduledSilentNotifications()
IList<User> users = _accountService.GetUsers(true);
if (users != null && users.Count > 0)
List<String> deviceTokens = new List<String>();
foreach (User user in users)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.DeviceToken))
if (deviceTokens.Count > 0)
using (dotAPNSService service = new dotAPNSService())
service.OnTokenExpiredHandler += new EventHandler(OnTokenExpired);
To remove the expired tokens from the database you can use the following:
private void OnTokenExpired(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (e == null)
if (e.GetType() == typeof(ExpiredTokenEventArgs))
var args = (ExpiredTokenEventArgs)e;
User user = _accountService.GetUserByDeviceToken(args.Token);
if (user != null)
user.DeviceToken = String.Empty;
Boolean success = !(_accountService.SaveUser(user) == null);
if (success)
// INFO - expired device token has been removed from database
// INFO - something went wrong
You can download the source code from here:
The API is now sending thousands of silent notifications at one time and there are no delays, crashes etc. Hope this code snippet helps and saves your time!

How to make a Blazor page update the content of one html tag with incoming data from gRPC service

So i'm testing with Blazor and gRPC and my dificulty at the moment is on how to pass the content of a variable that is on a class, specifically the gRPC GreeterService Class to the Blazor page when new information arrives. Notice that my aplication is a client and a server, and i make an initial comunication for the server and then the server starts to send to the client data(numbers) in unary mode, every time it has new data to send. I have all this working, but now i'm left it that final implementation.
This is my Blazor page
#page "/greeter"
#inject GrpcService1.GreeterService GreeterService1
#using BlazorApp1.Data
<h1>Grpc Connection</h1>
<input type="text" #bind="#myID" />
<button #onclick="#SayHello">SayHello</button>
#code {
string Name;
string Greetmsg;
async Task SayHello()
this.Greetmsg = await this.GreeterService1.SayHello(this.myID);
The method that later receives the communication from the server if the hello is accepted there is something like this:
public override async Task<RequestResponse> GiveNumbers(BalconyFullUpdate request, ServerCallContext context)
RequestResponse resp = new RequestResponse { RequestAccepted = false };
if (request.Token == publicAuthToken)
number = request.Number;
resp = true;
return await Task.FromResult(resp);
Every time that a new number arrives i want to show it in the UI.
Another way i could do this was, within a while condition, i could do a call to the server requesting a new number just like the SayHello request, that simply awaits for a server response, that only will come when he has a new number to send. When it comes the UI is updated. I'm just reluctant to do it this way because i'm afraid that for some reason the client request is forgotten and the client just sit's there waiting for a response that will never come. I know that i could implement a timeout on the client side to handle that, and on the server maybe i could pause the response, with a thread pause or something like that, and when the method that generates the new number has a new number, it could unpause the response to the client(no clue on how to do that). This last solution looks to me much more difficult to do than the first one.
What are your thoughts about it? And solutions..
##################### UPDATE ##########################
Now i'm trying to use a singleton, grab its instance in the Blazor page, and subcribe to a inner event of his.
This is the singleton:
public class ThreadSafeSingletonString
private static ThreadSafeSingletonString _instance;
private static readonly object _padlock = new object();
private ThreadSafeSingletonString()
public static ThreadSafeSingletonString Instance
if (_instance == null)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new ThreadSafeSingletonString();
return _instance;
_instance.number= value.number;
public int number{ get; set; }
public event Action OnChange;
private void NotifyDataChanged() => OnChange?.Invoke();
And in Blazor page in code section i have:
protected override void OnInitialized()
threadSafeSingleton.OnChange += updateNumber();
public System.Action updateNumber()
this.fromrefresh = threadSafeSingleton.number + " que vem.";
Console.WriteLine("Passou pelo UpdateNumber");
return StateHasChanged;
Unfortunatly the updatenumber function never gets executed...
To force a refresh of the ui you can call the StateHasChanged() method on your component:
Notifies the component that its state has changed. When applicable, this will cause the component to be re-rendered.
Hope this helps
Simple Request
After fully understanding that your problem is just to Update the Page not to get unsyncronous messages from the server with a bi directional connection. So jou just have to change your page like (please not there is no need to change the files generated by gRPC, I called it Number.proto so my service is named NumberService):
async Task SayHello()
//Request via gRPC
var channel = new Channel(Host + ":" + Port, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
var client = new this.NumberService.NumberServiceClient(channel);
var request = new Number{
identification = "ABC"
var result = await client.SendNumber(request).RequestAccepted;
await channel.ShutdownAsync();
//Update page
this.Greetmsg = result;
InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);//Required to refresh page
Bi Directional
For making a continious bi directional connection you need to change the proto file to use streams like:
service ChatService {
rpc chat(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessageFromServer);
This Chant sample is from the
The main challenge on this is do divide the task waiting for the gRPC server from the client. I found out that BackgroundService is good for this. So create a Service inherited from BackgroundService where place the while loop waiting for the server in the ExecuteAsyncmethod. Also define a Action callback to update the page (alternative you can use an event)
public class MyChatService : BackgroundService
Random _random = new Random();
public Action<int> Callback { get; set; }
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// Replace next lines with the code request and wait for server...
using (_call =
// Read messages from the response stream
while (await _call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(CancellationToken.None))
var serverMessage = _call.ResponseStream.Current;
var otherClientMessage = serverMessage.Message;
var displayMessage = string.Format("{0}:{1}{2}", otherClientMessage.From, otherClientMessage.Message, Environment.NewLine);
if (Callback != null) Callback(displayMessage);
// Format and display the message
On the page init and the BackgroundService and set the callback:
#page "/greeter"
#using System.Threading
<p>Current Number: #currentNumber</p>
#code {
int currentNumber = 0;
MyChatService myChatService;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
myChatService = new MyChatService();
myChatService.Callback = i =>
currentNumber = i;
await myChatService.StartAsync(new CancellationToken());
More information on BackgroundService in .net core can be found here:

Xamarin forms callkit integration

I am trying to develop a xamarin forms app in which user can make call
(Navigate to dialer) from taping on number showed on app.In android I accomplished this through dependency service.But in ios I am stuck.I heard about callkit.I saw the documentation of it in But how can I actually implement on this in my App? I added all the classes in that document to my app.But how I can make the call from xamal.cs to the ios specified code? By using Dependency service?
Edit: I know how to navigate app to dialer or phone app. Why I am using callkit is I want to get the call duartion.
I created an Instance
public interface IosCallerDialer
void StartCall();
Implementation on ios
class IosCallDial: IosCallerDialer
private CXCallController CallController = new CXCallController();
private void SendTransactionRequest(CXTransaction transaction)
// Send request to call controller
CallController.RequestTransaction(transaction, (error) => {
// Was there an error?
if (error == null)
// No, report success
Console.WriteLine("Transaction request sent successfully.");
// Yes, report error
Console.WriteLine("Error requesting transaction: {0}", error);
public void StartCall()
// Build call action
string contact = "8547085532";
var handle = new CXHandle(CXHandleType.Generic, contact);
var startCallAction = new CXStartCallAction(new NSUuid(), handle);
// Create transaction
var transaction = new CXTransaction(startCallAction);
// Inform system of call request
My xaml.cs
async void btnCall_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Apart this I added all the classes defined in the document.I want only outgoing call. Is this proper way? I cant find any tutorials regarding callkit on xamarin. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: I understand Callkit only for voip. So is there any other workaround like starting a timer when moves to phone app and stop timer when returns to app? Is it possible? Please provide any insights.
You can try the code below to detect the state of incoming call.
public partial class AppDelegate : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate
// This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
// method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
// visible.
// You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
public CTCallCenter c { get; set; }
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
LoadApplication(new App());
c = new CTCallCenter();
c.CallEventHandler = delegate (CTCall call)
if (call.CallState == call.StateIncoming)
//start the timer
else if (call.CallState == call.StateDialing)
else if (call.CallState == call.StateConnected)
else if(call.CallState == call.StateDisconnected)
//end the timer
//use messagecenter to send duartion
MessagingCenter.Send<Object>(new Object(), "Hi");
return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);
And any Where in Xamarin.forms:
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<Object>(this, "Hi", (sender) => {
// do something whenever the "Hi" message is sent
Note: I haven't test it on my side yet as I don't have enough device. You can test it and let me know if it works.

Asp.Net SignalR second tab does not fire onConnected event

I just created a sample project with signalR. I am just trying to test managing multiple connection. Everything works as expected when I open the first browser and load the page. It is going to fire the OnConnected event on the hub. But when I open another browser or different tab and load the page, it doesn't fire OnConnected event anymore. It shows $ though.
Here is the hub
public class Genie : Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hub
private static ConnectionManager _manager = new ConnectionManager();
public void AdminCommand(string command, string message = "")
var connetions = _manager.GetConnections();
Clients.Clients(connetions).onAdminCommand(command, message);
public override Task OnConnected()
return base.OnConnected();
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);
And here is the javascript code:
var proxy = $.connection.genie;
.done(function (state) {
proxy.on('onAdminCommand', function (command, message) {
if (command == "HappyGenie") {
} else if (command == "SadGenie") {
} else if (command == "CustomAnnouncement") {
dataService.setDataByKey("Announcement", message);
I establish a connection with the generated proxy.
Is there something I am doing wrong?

SignalR client in

I created a server hub in an application like below
public class Calc : Hub
public void CalculateSomething(int a, int b)
// start working in a new thread
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoCalculate(a, b));
// attach a continuation task to notify
// the client when the work is done
task.ContinueWith(t =>
private int DoCalculate(int p1, int p2)
// do some slow work on the input,
// e.g. call webservice or I/O.
int result = p1 + p2;
//int result = DoSlowWork(p1, p2);
return result;
Now in another application I created a client using SiganlR client. But it's not working correctly. I am looking to get data from server as it pushes to client
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SignalR;
using SignalR.Client;
using SignalR.Client.Hubs;
namespace WebApplication2
public partial class _Default : Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Connect to the service
var hubConnection = new HubConnection("http://localhost:3119/");
// Create a proxy to the chat service
var chat = hubConnection.CreateProxy("Calc");
// Print the message when it comes in
chat.On("addMessage", message =>Print(message));
// Start the connection
// Send a message to the server
chat.Invoke("CalculateSomething", 1, 2).Wait();
private async void Print(object message)
The console client application works fine. The main problem is with beacause it fails to the handle call back from server.
Looks like you calling the server side method wrongly, try this
chat.Invoke("CalculateSomething", 1, 2).ContinueWith(task =>
Console.WriteLine("Value from server {0}", task.Result);
