White Labeling a TideSDK App - tidesdk

I'm in the process of building out my first TideSDK app by transitioning an existing AIR app and the client would like to white label the app. For the AIR app, we could point the application.xml file to the location of brand-specific HTML, but I don't see an obvious way to do that with tiapp.xml. Is it there and I'm just missing it?
In this case, white labeling mostly means a logo change and perhaps a few colors, so it's hardly anything intensive. What's the best way to do something like this using TideSDK?

TideSDK is no different than any web app for branding. CSS is used to style your HTML. Any default CSS you have in your base app may be overridden for branding of course.
Beyond the HTML, the native UI is controlled by the OS, and you have only the icon to be concerned with and replacing the default artwork (with your own branding) in the native installer we provide.
If you need to change the icon name, which is not a necessity, do this in the tiapp.xml and manifest. Just replace the image with one of your own. The same applies to the installer art.

U can modify the logo with the attribute image in manifest file:
change to


Use of Ant Design Icons While Offline

I am working on a reactJS application that uses ant design for the UI. Recently we released this application to production where the computers are pretty locked down. This application is an intranet application and these computers have no internet access. So, because of that, the ant design icons on the modals were showing up as empty boxes. I did some digging and saw that the icons are using CSS classes.
For example, this is the CSS class for the red error "X" on the error modal:
I'm not too familiar with the CSS content attribute so I went to www.w3schools.com and read up on it a bit and tested this particular content value on their Try It page for this attribute and I got the empty box that I got in my production environment.
Does anyone know what needs to be done to import these icons into my project so that they can be used offline?
What I think is happening is that Ant Design is defining the CSS font definition with a URL to the corresponding font-file. Since the computers are offline, it cannot find those definitions.
In the documentation I see that they also provide SVG Icons, which should work completely offline. I think this is worth a try. The steps to implement this can be found here and it should be available from version 3.9.0: https://ant.design/components/icon/#SVG-icons
Have you tried downloading the icon library into your project folder?
https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-icons/tree/master/packages/icons-react. Looks like they have assigned their own codes to their own icons so you'll need to have them offline.
You will nessd the css file tabler-icons.css and the woff file tabler-icons.woff and assign a font-family named tabler-icons within your style.css using #font-face

Flag-icon-css showing only square flags in Angular 2+ (8)

I would like to use the flag-icon-css library in my Angular 8 project. I've managed to import it and the flags are showing, however, they are only displaying as squares. How do I get them to display as rectangles?
I installed the library through npm and added this code to my global styles file (per this answer: Can angular cli use flag icon css?):
$flag-icon-css-path: '~flag-icon-css/flags' !default;
#import "~flag-icon-css/sass/flag-icon";
This is the code I use in my template:
<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-us"></span>
I am not using the flag-icon-squared class. Still, the flag is only displayed as a square.
EDIT (Added to clarify):
If I increase the width of the span, the span widens, but not the flag itself. I also tried using flag-icon-background, with the same result.
I checked the svg image itself, and it is a rectangle, however, I noticed that it also has a lot of whitespace on its left side. So that might be causing the issue - the span is displaying the whitespace and only part of the flag.
I'd appreciate any suggestions!
The reason this is happening is because the 1x1 and 4x3 ratio SVGs are being copied to the root folder after a build - you can see if this you view the style of the icon and hover over the background image URL. The 1x1 images are being used by the CSS which is why the flags are always square - I'm not sure why this was not an issue in Angular 7.
A work around is to manually copy the images into your assets folder and manually update the CSS to point to your assets folder. The downside is that you will have to manually update the CSS every time you update the npm package.
See here:
I've recently has the same problem.
I overcame this by renaming the SVG files and redirecting the paths referenced in the styling files.
Specifically, you can see the changes I made here: https://github.com/nunnsy/flag-icon-css/commit/2eabbda9daf6a53627a7d4952eae0d1164bb04fc
This is by no means a long-term fix, I just needed a quick hack personally and figured someone else may want some guidance.
I understand Angular was copying the files and overwriting the 3x4 with the 1x1 due to them having the same name (separated by folder), hence the renaming out of the folder with the size now in the file name: XY_xx.svg
Even trying to reconfigure image hashing did not solve my issue - if someone has a way of implementing this, I'd appreciate to know how you implemented it. Or, any other solution, I'll be watching this question.
I'm experiencing the same issue in debug mode but not for a production build. So if it's an issue you do not want to spend a lot of time on, know that it won't exist in a production environment, building with the --prod flag solves it.
If you don't need square ones
Fast ugly hack: change the names of folders 1x1 and 3x4
I think it is correct to download images bypassing npm

Nativescript: add icon and specify name

How would i add a custom icon with a given name to my nativescript project using the tns resources generate icons-command
$tns resources generate icons ~/myfolder/myspecialicon.png
Say i want the command to place the icon(s) in the correct folders maintaining the name myspecialicon.xxx instead of just overwriting the default icon.png?
That only generates the app icon. To generate other icons (and other image assets, really) I recommend the online tool http://images.nativescript.rocks/.
It generates assets for both Android and iOS. All you have to do is grab the result and merge it into your project's App_Resources. I know it is not ideal but it's the best workflow I found so far.

How to check CSS loaded size in Angular Application

Hope you all doing great.
I am using SCSS and Bootstrap in my Angular Application and as we know once Angular app runs, it converts these SCSS files to CSS version of it.
How can I check CSS file size generated as a whole for application as I need to show some reports for optimization tasks.
Any idea. I tried googling and here on Stack Overflow but couldn't find required solution. I can't even see any CSS file in Network tabs of Browsers.
Any Suggestion?
Assuming you are using Angular CLI for your project, which uses webpack internally...
Once you build a project. A dist directory is generated in the project root. Take a look into it and you'll find all the .js and .css bundles it might have generated.
Note - The size will vary based on what kind of build you do. For a production build, the sizes are going to be minimal, for other kinds of builds, if any, the sizes may differ.
You should go first in the Networks tab then reload the page. Once you reload it, click on CSS filter then you would see all the list of CSS included in your app, with the file size.
I didnt find any css generated in Network like above answer but I did a trick.
I went to webpack folder and there I found one generated CSS. ( Searched through a random CSS Selecto ).
I right clicked and saved it on desktop. If you check the properties of this CSS file, it shows the size in KB.

Style in SVG, not applied on the browser (React)

I'm trying to add a SVG into my webpage, I think the format is a bit odd.
https://gist.github.com/Vadorequest/c329dec26e39a586e96df5f74c1d7d29?short_path=d29c6c9 (you can see the source code and the rendering there)
The style part isn't correctly understood since I'm loading this file using React. If you save the file and open it in a browser, it'll work fine. But if I load it by react using react-svg-loader, it displays a dark image.
import IconBook from "-!react-svg-loader!../assets/couverture-eBook-VF.svg";
<IconBook height={250} />
Is it standard to put the style like this? Should I get a new SVG exported differently? I really don't know that format and all its possibilities.
Edit 1:
I found a working workaround for anyone interested: https://github.com/gilbarbara/react-inlinesvg
It basically loads the svg file over network and anything in it will be correctly loaded. (including <styles>)
On the bad side, it makes the app rely on something that must be available via CDN or alike. (you won't have the svg embedded in your app. If you wanted some kind of standalone app that can be built with everything in it, it's not really good)
On the good side, it doesn't require any change in the SVG file, you use it as it, load it over network, and it displays as in the browser.
Since I'm building a standalone app (basically, npm run build will generate a folder with my whole app) this isn't perfect because I need to host that file somewhere on a CDN. So I'll keep looking for another solution.
It is fine to have styles in your svg file, as specification says:
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe
the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML
dialects such as SVG or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be
rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.
