Using CMakes qt_wrap_ui command - qt

I'm currently trying to change the build system used for a QT project from Visual Studio to CMake and I'm having trouble figuring out the correct usage of the qt_wrap_ui command. Currently, I'm using it like this:
macro(addQtForProject argLibraryName argSourceList)
qt_wrap_ui(${argLibraryName} ${argSourceList} ${argSourceList} ${varUiList})
As I handle the source and headers as a single list, I of course want the generated files to end up in the same list. varUiList contains the four .ui files used by the project.
When using CMakes visual studio 2005 generator with this macro, it adds four .h files, one for each .ui file, to the Visual Studio project file but the files themselves does to seem to exist at all so I must be doing something wrong. CMakes documentation is unfortunatly fairly sparse on this subject. This has been tested with CMake 2.8.10.

You probably want to use the more recent FindQt4 module which has much more documentation.
Specifically, it provides the QT4_WRAP_UI macro:
QT4_WRAP_UI(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...)
create code from a list of Qt designer ui files.
Options may be given to uic, such as those found
when executing "uic -help"


Project structure in Julia with clean separation

I am trying to correctly configure julia project.
The project had initially:
One module in its own directory
Another "kind of module" in another directory, but there was no module keyword and it was patched together with help of includes.
A few files in the root to execute it all by just running "julia run.jl" for example.
No packages, no Project.toml no Manifest.toml - there is "packages.jl", which manually calls "Pkg.add" to for preset list of dependencies.
Not all includes were used to put it all together, there was some fiddling with LOAD_PATH
Logically the project contains 3 parts that I see there and something as I would see as "packages" in for example python world.
One "Common" module with basic util functions shared by all interested modules.
One module A, which has dependency on "Common".
Module B, which has dependency on A and "Common".
What I did is, I created 3 modules in their separate directories and to put it all together. These modules make sense internally and there is no real reason to expose them "outside". The whole code is in the end executable and there would be exposed probably just one function, that executes everything. I created loader file, which included all 3 module files. That way I got rid of LOAD_PATH and references in IDE started to work. This works for our purposes, but still isn't ideal. I have been reading quite a lot about Julia structure and possibilities - modules, packages, but still don't understand fully. And Revise doesn't work.
Is it correct to have modules like this? I like modules as they clearly set boundaries between modules using export lines.
I would also like to make the code as compatible with IDE as possible (LOAD_PATH settings didn't work for VS code and references to functions were broken) and also with Revise.
What is the typical structure for this?
How to clearly separate code while make the development easy?
How to make this work with Revise?
I expect it's good idea to make a package for this, but should I make it for the whole project? Then it would mean one "project" module and 3 submodules A, B and Common?
Or should it be 3(4) packages per module?
Thanks for any output. Comparison of some of the principles to Python/Java/kotlin/C#/Javascript module/packages could be helpful.
In CubicEoS.jl I've made a single package which provides two modules: CubicEoS with general algorithms and CubicEoS.BrusilovskyEoS with an implementation of necessary interface to make CubicEoS works on a concrete case. The last module depends on the first. Revise works well. As a user (not developer) of CubicEoS, I have scripts which run some calculations.
So, in your case, I would create a single package with four modules. The forth module is a hood for the others: Common, A and B. The possible file structure maybe like this
examples/ # those may put out of here, but the important examples may be in test/
And, the possible module structure may be like this
# TheHood.jl
module TheHood
export bar
# Common/Common.jl
module Common
export util_1, util_2
using LinearAlgebra
util_1(x) = "util_1's implementation"
util_2(x) = "util_2's implementation"
# Module_A/Module_A.jl
module Module_A
import ..Common
export foo
foo(x) = "foo's implementation"
# Module_B/Module_B.jl
module Module_B
import ..Common
import ..Module_A
export bar
bar(x) = "bar's implementation"
Now, I'll answer the questions
What is the typical structure for this?
If the modules does not use independently, I would use the structure above. For small projects I've found "one package = one module" strategy painful when a core package updates.
How to clearly separate code while make the development easy?
In Julia, a module effectively is a namespace. In inner modules (like A, B, Common), I usually import the dev-modules, but use modules which a dev-module depends on (see above using LinearAlgebra vs import ..Common. That's my preference to clarify names.
How to make this work with Revise?
Turn the code into a package. That's preferable, because Reviseing of standlone modules is buggy (at least, in my experience). I'm usually using Revise like this
% cd where_the_package_lives # actually, where the project.toml is
% julia --project=. # or julia and pkg> activate .
% julia> using Revise
% julia> using ThePackage
After that I usually can edit source code and call the updated methods w/o restarting of the REPL. But, Revise has some limitations.
I expect it's good idea to make a package for this, but should I make it for the whole project? Then it would mean one "project" module and 3 submodules A, B and Common?
Or should it be 3(4) packages per module?
You should separate "scripty" (throughaway or command line scripts) and core (reusable) code. The core I would put in a single package. The scripty files (like examples/, CLI programs) should be alone using the package. The scripty files may define modules or whatever, but their users are endusers, not developers (e.g. running a script involves an i/o operation).
Just to end this.
The main thing I was missing and would save me a lot of time if I knew:
If you have your own package, it means the file src/YourPackage.jl will be "imported/included" once "using" keyword is being used and everything just works. No need to do any kind of import/LOAD_PATH magic.
just doing that fixed 95% of my problems. I ended up following patterns in accepted answer and also from the comment recommending DrWatson.
Only small thing is the fact that "scripts" don't work well with VSCode. "find all references" or "go to definition" and autocomplete don't work. They do work for everything within "YourPackage.jl" and it's imports perfectly and so does Revise. It's really tiny thing since scripts are usually like 3 lines of code.

Qt VS Tools Generating Incorrect MOC Command

I've been struggling all afternoon to track down an issue with the Qt VS Tools in Visual Studio 2013. I'm trying to update an existing .vcxproj file that used a home-grown mechanism for generating MOC, UIC, etc. files to use the Qt VS Tools mechanism instead.
The problem I'm having is in the MOC command that's getting generated for .h files that include the Q_OBJECT macro. A sample line (reduced for brevity) is here:
<Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">"$(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe" "%(FullPath)" -o ".\GeneratedFiles\$(ConfigurationName)\moc_%(Filename).cpp" "-I$(QTDIR)\include\QtGui" "-I$(NOINHERIT)"</Command>
The problem is that NOINHERIT doesn't exist, so the "-I$(NOINHERIT)" gets evaluated to "-I" without a value, and the MOC compiler complains and doesn't generate the MOC file. I've tried cleaning up inherited paths, checking and unchecking the "Inherit from parent or project defaults", and the only change I sometimes see is that it has "-I" without the NOINHERIT macro.
Completely starting over with a new .vcxproj file is beginning to feel like my only hope, but that's a much larger task than I'd like to take since there's a significant number of them with interdependencies that I'd rather not create again.
I'm using the latest Qt VS Tools, which is version 2.3.2. Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Naturally, five minutes after I post, I found the issue. An included property file had this:
Rather than this, which solved the problem:
Interestingly, and for what it's worth, this did not work:
<AdditionalIncludeDirectories />
Add the %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) at project->C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories.
%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) is added by default, but if for some reason, this is overwrite by mistake, then we will get an error as such.
Moc'ing XXXXXXX.h...
Missing value after '-I'.

Inheriting forms in Qt with CMake (multiple inheritance method)

I imagine this is fairly straight-forward, but I admit I'm not well-versed in CMake (or Qt for that matter), so here's the problem:
I have a form that was built in Qt Designer (with a .ui file). Two classes have been created that are based on this form. Both classes have a lot of duplicated code. So, I wanted to create a base class that inherited the formname.ui file using the multiple inheritance method to manage that common code.
The problem is that I don't know how to get CMake to build it correctly. Compiling gives me the error ui_formname.h: No such file or directory.
I've identified the following elements as necessary to get CMake to buld this correctly:
set (UI_HDR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/path/to/formname.ui)
include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) #Necessary here?
The difference between this and the other two cases is that this cmakefile is not building an executable, whereas in the other two cases, it was. It may be I'm missing something else, but the lack of an add_executable line is the most obvious difference that I can see, as the COMPONENT_UI_HDR variable would be included in that list, were it there.
Any suggestions on how to work around that?
Solved the problem. Indeed, I was right about the "add_executable" difference. Since this was a library and not an executable, I had to add a reference to the wrapped variable in the add_library call, i.e.:
add_library ( ${...} ${COMPONENT_UI_HDR} )
Compiled without a hitch...

How to get unix executable form of .a library?

I have a library which i want to use in my iphone project which uses cpp files as well ... in order to do so i need the unix executable form of .a file..>?
You need to write a program of your own with a main function which uses the functions in the library you want to use. The library doesn't contain any code to exercise its own functions (I won't reiterate what #Steve-o already wrote in the comment -- took the words out of my mouth). It is fairly common for the source code of a library to include a simple demo program, but this is rarely distributed with the binary library.

How does one compile single file Xcode 4?

While I used to compile a single source file with Cmd+K in prior versions of Xcode, how does one do the same in Xcode 4? (Note that this is different than preprocessing or showing the disassembly of the file.) If compiling from a command line is proposed then it must be such that the project's settings, include paths, preprocessor definitions, etc., are all included.
An example use case is where I make a header file change but only want to test the change's effect with respect to a single source file, not all of the files that depend upon that header.
The command has been moved to the Perform Action submenu. Look under
Product > Perform Action > Compile filename.cpp
To assign Cmd+K to it, go to
File > Preferences > Key Bindings > Product Menu group
and you'll find Compile File where you can assign a key. Cmd+K is assigned to Clear Console now by default, so be sure to remove that binding to avoid conflicts.
One way that I have found to do this is to using the following menu commands:
Product -> Generate Output -> Generate Preprocessed File
Product -> Generate Output -> Generate Assembly File
This may not be exactly what you want, but it will compile the single file.
When you build a project, xcode runs compilation command. You can check the log, search for your file and copy paste that command on Terminal. It'll compile only the file for which you copy/pasted on the terminal.
If your file is C (or C++) file, then simply open your terminal, go to the folder in which the file resides and type
gcc -o outputFile inputFile.c
I am not familar with Objective-c that much, but GCC might work since it's only a superset of C, just like C++.
Hope that was helpful :)
The keyboard shortcut Cmd+K on Xcode 3 and before has been remapped to Cmd+B on Xcode 4
Along the same lines, Cmd+Return was remapped to Cmd+R (in case you ever used that)
The common requirement for single file compilation is checking it for syntax errors. (atleast for me). Since xcode4 highlights syntax errors as you type. It seems apple removed that feature.
