Retrieve data tables from database with stored procedure -

Let me explain you in details the scenario that I am having and the solution I am looking for.
Firstfully, I created a stored procedure that outputs simple things such as 2 tables and a message 'don't stop here'"
USE [mydb]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[BackupDatabase] Script Date: 2/26/2013 11:29:10 AM ******/
create PROCEDURE [dbo].[testing]
select 'A' firstname, 'B' lastname;
print 'dont stop here'
select 1 final
Up until now I used to retriew the tables in a single manner by using datarowcollection class, and my static method looked like this:
public static class DataMan
public static DataRowCollection SelectData(string sql)
SqlDataSource DS = new SqlDataSource(CS, sql);
return ((DataView)DS.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)).ToTable().Rows;
public static string CS = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
where I can easily get what i needed like here, and locate what evver row I wanted:
DataRowCollection people = Util.SelectData("Select * from students")
But now I am planning to create a stored procedure Like I mentioned above and do somthing like this, for instance:
**DataTableCollection** people = Util.SelectData("exec dbo.Testing")
so I can locate the specific table from my storedprocedure.
I have tried to use DataTable, DataSet, DataTableCollections but no success.I can't use them in proper way.
Please help me
Thank You

Although it can be used in code-behind as you're illustrating here, the SqlDataSource is more typically used in a declarative manner on an ASP.NET markup page. However, given what you've started, when calling a stored procedure, you should set the SqlCommandType to StoredProcedure, supply the name of the procedure to SelectCommand, and return a DataReader. The DataReader, in turn, supports a NextResult() method that you can call to retrieve each discrete result set your procedure provides. Here is a framework of pseudo code that tries to illustrate how you might leverage this:
// pseudo code
void stub()
SqlDataSource d = new SqlDataSource(*connection string*);
d.DataSourceMode = SqlDataSourceMode.DataReader;
d.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure;
d.SelectCommand = "dbo.Testing";
// set some parameters
d.SelectParameters.Add("Parameter1Name","Parameter1Value"); // must be tailored to your proc!!
d.SelectParameters.Add("Parameter2Name","Parameter2Value"); // must be tailored to SqlDataReader r = (SqlDataReader) d.Select();
while (r.HasRows)
while (r.Read())
// do something with each row
// advance to next result set


Using InMemory table as a form datasource in Dynamics 365 f&o

I'm obtaining data from an external service and inserting it into an inMemory table (Table_movieTemp), which I use as a datasource on a form (Form_MovieSearch_ds):
[FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(Form_MovieSearch, FormCommandButtonControl1), FormControlEventType::Clicked)]
public static void FormCommandButtonControl1_OnClicked(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e)
FormDataSource Form_MovieSearch_ds = formRun.dataSource();
System.Collections.IEnumerable data = ClassLibrary1.Program::CallRestService();
var enumerator = data.getEnumerator();
MovieRentalService.TmdbMovie item = enumerator.get_current();
Table_movieTemp.Description = item.Description;
Table_movieTemp.ReleaseDate = today();
Table_movieTemp.Title = item.Title;
Table_movieTemp.Rating = item.Rating;
Table_movieTemp.existsAlready = Table_Movie::exist(item.Title);
while select Table_movieTemp
info(strFmt("Name: %1,", Table_movieTemp.Title));
The while loop I used purely to prove the inserts were succesful.
Afterwards I figure I can call the executeQuery on the form which has my temptable as datasource:
This did not work and when I searched google I found a solution where I have to pass the TempTable buffer so that I can link it using 'setTmpTable'.
So I added the following call before calling executeQuery():
Function on my form:
public void BindTable(FM_MovieTemp _movieTempBuffer)
Now my code compiles and does not generate runtime errors either, but I still don't see any data. Could someone advice what I miss or do wrong?
The use of in-memory tables in forms has been around for 25 years, and you will find several uses in the standard application.
From the CustVendAgingStatistics form:
void calcAgingStatistics(boolean _research)
CustVendAgingStatistics custVendAgingStatistics = CustVendAgingStatistics::construct(linkedCustVendTable, graphData.loadDefName(), graphData.perInvoiceDate());
if (_research)
Another nice example is found here.
The method:
Insert the records in a separate method, return the local buffer.
In the calling method call setTmpData with the return value.
Research the datasource
In your code I see the use of InsertRecordList, do not use that on in-memory temporary tables, it makes no sense.
Also _movieTempBuffer.setTmpData(_movieTempBuffer) does not do anyting useful as it operates on itself.
Also good style is not do a lot in onClicked methods and other event methods, call proper methods to do the hard work instead.

SQL statement's placeholders that is not replaced leads to "Cannot update '#columnName'; field not updateable"

I'm writing some code updating database with a SQL statement that has some placeholders . But it doesn't seem to update these placeholders.
I got the following error:
Cannot update '#columnName'; field not updateable
Here is the method:
public void updateDoctorTableField(string columnName, string newValue, string vendorNumber) {
sqlStatement = "update Doctor set #columnName = #newValue where `VENDOR #` = #vendorNumber;";
try {
_command = new OleDbCommand(sqlStatement, _connection);
_command.Parameters.Add("#columnName", OleDbType.WChar).Value = columnName;
_command.Parameters.Add("#newValue", OleDbType.WChar).Value = newValue;
_command.Parameters.Add("#vendorNumber", OleDbType.WChar).Value = vendorNumber;
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
Not all parts of the query are parameterisable.
You can't parametrise the name of the column. This needs to be specified explicitly in your query text.
If this is sent via user input you need to take care against SQL Injection. In fact in any event it would be best to check it against a whitelist of known valid column names.
The reason the language does not allow for parameters for things like table names, column names and such is exactly the same reason why your C# program does not allow for substitution of variables in the code. Basically your question can be rephrased like this in a C# program:
class MyClass
int x;
float y;
string z;
void DoSomething(string variableName)
this.#variable = ...
MyCLass my = new MyClass();
my.DoSomething("x"); // expect this to manuipulate my.x
my.DoSomething("y"); // expect this to manuipulate my.y
my.DoSomething("z"); // expect this to manuipulate my.z
This obviously won't compile, because the compiler cannot generate the code. Same for T-SQL: the compiler cannot generate the code to locate the column "#columnName" in your case. And just as in C# you would use reflection to do this kind of tricks, in T-SQL you would use dynamic SQL to achieve the same.
You can (and should) use the QUOTENAME function when building your dynamic SQL to guard against SQL injection.

Temporary table at runtime

Is it possible to set table as temporary table at run time in ax 2009?
You mark a record buffer as temporary using the setTmp method. Also remember to call the doInsert method instead of the insert method if you want to avoid the any other updates made in the insert method.
To have a second record buffer refer to the same temporary table use the setTmpData method.
This test job illustrates the use:
static void TmpTest(Args _args)
CustTable custTable, custTable2;
custTable.AccountNum = "123Tmp";
custTable.Name = "Temporary?";
select custTable2 where custTable2.AccountNum == "123Tmp";

programmatically change table names in .net strong typed dataset

I've developed an application using strong-typed dataset with .net framework 3.5.
is there a way to change the source table for a tableadapter programmatically?
There are a couple of ways that you can do this. First you could just add a new query that pulls from the different table, and then execute the method for that query, as long as the columns match it will work.
If you need to dynamically change the one of the statements you can access the command collection of the table adapter, it is protected though, so the easiest way to do this is to create a partial class to extend the one generated by the designer. Once you do this you can add your own method to return the data. You can use adapter.CommandCollection[0].CommandText to get and set the SQL for the the default GetData command that is created.
Once you do this you can change it, clear out the parameters, add new parameters or whatever you want to do, then you set the CommandText with the altered SQL, and call GetData or whatever you named the command and it will execute and return as usual.
Here is a code example:
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DataTableAdapters
public partial class Data_ItemTableAdapter
public Data.Data_ItemDataTable GetDynamicExample(string SearchValue)
using (Data_ItemTableAdapter a = new Data_ItemTableAdapter())
SqlCommand cmd = a.CommandCollection[0];
string SQL = #"Select Data_Item_ID, Data from Data_Item where
SearchValue = #SearchValue";
cmd.CommandText = SQL;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SearchValue", SearchValue);
return a.GetData();

How to return multi-table join value from BLL

This question is regarding the ASP.NET webservice that i am creating using the DAL-BLL architecture for my final school project.
I have a stored procedure, which is a select query with an inner join for 2 tables. Hence the stored procedure returns multi-table value. One of my DAL tableAdapter methods accesses this stored procedure. How do i retrieve the return value in the BLL? Do i have to create a class structure similar to the one supposed to be returned by the stored proc? or is there a direct way to achieve the same? Help greatly appreciated. Please let me know if someone needs code applet to get a better understanding. Thanks
Here is some more information:
I am using the SQL dataset (.xsd) in DAL. So i have a datatable called "Insurance", which has a tableAdapter. One of the queries in the adapter references to a stored procedure, which has an inner join. So my SP looks like:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetInsurancesPaged
#startRowIndex int,
#maximumRows int,
#patientID int
select * from
SELECT Insurance.insuranceID, Insurance.memberID, Insurance.groupID, Insurance.accountType, Insurance.comments, Insurance.patient,, InsuranceCompany.companyID, InsuranceCompany.companyName, InsuranceCompany.address,, InsuranceCompany.fax, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Insurance.dateModified DESC) as ROWRANK
FROM Insurance INNER JOIN InsuranceCompany ON = InsuranceCompany.companyID
WHERE Insurance.patient = #patientID
AS DataWithRowNumbers
WHERE ROWRANK > #startRowIndex AND ROWRANK <= (#startRowIndex + #maximumRows)
So this SP returns a datatable which will be a combination of the 2 tables in the inner join. Please correct me if i am wrong.
Now in my BLL, i have:
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public mySys.InsuranceDataTable GetInsurancesPaged(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, int patientID)
return insAdapter.GetInsurancesPaged(startRowIndex, maximumRows, patientID);
where insAdapter is an instance of insuranceTableAdapter
This gives an error on execution. I can execute the SP successfully, so i think the problem is only bcz i am trying to return a wrong datatable from the BLL.
Please help me solve this.
If using ADO .Net dataset. The wizard will definetly create a table for the same. now from the dataaccess layer, do the following steps
1. Create a object of dataset. (DLL)
Private YourCustomeDataSetDatatable DataAccess()
YourCustomDataSet ds = new YourCustomDataSet(); // also called strongly typed dataset
YourCustomeDataSetDatatable dt = ds.YourCustomeDataSetDatatable ()
YourCustomeDataSetTableAdapter ta = new ds.YourCustomeDataSetTableAdapter (); // table adapter that will be invoked
ta.Fill(dt); // or if you have set to return only you can also use GetData()
2. Now in business layer
Private YourCustomeDataSetDatatable DataAccess()
// create a object of DLL.
MyDAL myDal = new MyDAL ();
return myDal.DataAccess();
Catch this on your UI page by following the creating object of BLL and call the method. Here in BLL you can also do various operations to lowered the codes in you ui and keeping it clean from various manipulations.
Found a solution :)
Finally got it working.
I created a new table adapter using the Dataset designer, and called the SP as one of the queries there. The datatable thus created, has all the fields (from Insurance and InsuranceCompany) included. Now, ASP.NET can detect that the return type is the newly created datatable.
Works like a charm.
If there is a better way to solve this, please comment.
Thank you all for your time.
