C++ pointer is initialized to null by the compiler - pointers

So I've been stuck on a memory problem for days now.
I have a multi-threaded program running with c++. I initialize a double* pointer.
From what I've read and previous programming experience, a pointer gets initialized to garbage. It will be Null if you initialize it to 0 or if you allocate memory that's too much for the program. For me, my pointer initialization, without allocation, gives me a null pointer.
A parser function I wrote is suppose to return a pointer to the array of parsed information. When I call the function,
double* data;
data = Parser.ReadCoordinates(&storageFilename[0]);
Now the returned pointer to the array should be set to data. Then I try to print something out from the array. I get memory corruption errors. I've ran gdb and it gives me a memory corruption error:
*** glibc detected *** /home/user/kinect/openni/Platform/Linux/Bin/x64-Debug/Sample-NiHandTracker: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x0000000001387f90 ***
*** glibc detected *** /home/user/kinect/openni/Platform/Linux/Bin/x64-Debug/Sample-NiHandTracker: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000001392670 ***
Can someone explain to me what is going on? I've tried initializing the pointer as a global but that doesn't work either. I've tried to allocate memory but I still get a memory corruption error. The parser works. I've tested it out with a simple program. So I don't understand why it won't work in my other program. What am I doing wrong? I can also provide more info if needed.
Parser code
double* csvParser::ReadCoordinates(char* filename){
int x; //counter
int size=0; //
char* data;
int i = 0; //counter
FILE *fp=fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL){
perror ("Error opening file");
while (( x = fgetc(fp)) != EOF ) { //Returns the character currently pointed by the internal file position indicator
size++; //Number of characters in the csv file
rewind(fp); //Sets the position indicator to the beginning of the file
printf("size is %d.\n", size); //print
data = new char[23]; //Each line is 23 bytes (characters) long
size = (size/23) * 2; //number of x, y coordinates
coord = new double[size]; //allocate memory for an array of coordinates, need to be freed somewhere
num_coord = size; //num_coord is public
//fgets (data, size, fp);
//printf("data is %c.\n", *data);
for(x=0; x<size; x++){
fgets (data, size, fp);
coord[i] = atof(&data[0]); //convert string to double
coord[i+1] = atof(&data[11]); //convert string to double
i = i+2;
delete[] data;
fclose (fp);
return coord;

Corrupt memory occurs when you write outside the bound of an array or vector.
It's called heap underrun and overrun (depends on which side it's on).
The heap's allocation data gets corrupted, so the symptom you see is an exception in free() or new() calls.
You usually don't get an access violation because the memory is allocated and it belongs to you, but it's used by the heap's logic.
Find the place where you might be writing outside the bounds of an array.


Can I have boolean buffer in OpenCL and change its value during kernel execution, example to break while loop

I want to do some experiments in OpenCL and I want to know possibility to change states during kernel execution from host code using buffer.
I attempted to alter the state of a while loop in the kernel code by modifying the buffer value from within the host code, however the execution is hung.
void my_kernel(
__global bool *in,
__global int *out)
int i = get_global_id(0);
while(1) {
if(1 == *in) {
printf("while loop is finished");
printf("out[0] = %d\n", out[0]);
I call second time the function clEnqueueWriteBuffer() to change state of input value.
input[0] = 1;
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, input_buffer,
CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(int), (void*)input,
At least for OpenCL 1.x, this is not permitted, and any behaviour you may observe in one implementation cannot be relied upon.
See the NOTE in the OpenCL 1.2 specification, section 5.2.2, Reading, Writing and Copying Buffer Objects:
Calling clEnqueueWriteBuffer to update the latest bits in a region of the buffer object with the ptr argument value set to host_ptr + offset, where host_ptr is a pointer to the memory region specified when the buffer object being written is created with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined behavior:
The host memory region given by (host_ptr + offset, cb) contains the latest bits when the enqueued write command begins execution.
The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the write command has finished execution.
The final condition is not met by your code, therefore its behaviour is undefined.
I am not certain if the situation is different with OpenCL 2.x's Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) feature, as I have no practical experience using it, perhaps someone else can contribute an answer for that.

Need help in understanding Pointers and Strings using stack and heap memory

I was trying to understand underlying process when pointers, strings and functions are combined along with heap/stack memory. I was able to understand and learn, but I ended up with two errors which I failed to find out why.
My problem lies here:
// printf("%s\n", *ptrToString); // Gives bad mem access error if heap memory used
// printf("%s\n", ptrToString); // Output is wrong if stack was used for memory, and prints some hex values instead
Can anyone explain what am I missing here ? Also, I would like to ask some feedback about my code, and suggest any improvements we can make.
Full code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char* NewString(char string[])
unsigned long num_chars;
char *copy = NULL;
// Find string length
num_chars = strlen(string);
// Allocate memory
copy = alloca(sizeof(copy) + num_chars + 1); // Use stack memory
copy = malloc(sizeof(copy) + num_chars + 1); // Use heap memory
// Make a local copy
strcpy(copy, string);
// If we use stack then it returns a string literal
return copy;
int main(void)
char *ptrToString = NULL;
ptrToString = NewString("HI");
printf("%s\n", ptrToString);
// printf("%s\n", *ptrToString); // Gives bad mem access error if heap memory used
// printf("%s\n", ptrToString); // Output is wrong if stack was used for memory, and prints some hex values instead
if ( ptrToString ) {
return 0;
The first print reads the value where the pointer points to. It interprets this value then as a pointer to a string. This means the first value of your string will be interpreted as the address where the string would be.
The second print is wrong for stack memory because the memory you allocate with alloca is automatically freed as soon as your NewString method returns.
From the man page of alloca:
The alloca() function allocates size bytes of space in the stack frame
of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed when the
function that called alloca() returns to its caller.

C functions returning an array

Sorry for the post. I have researched this but..... still no joy in getting this to work. There are two parts to the question too. Please ignore the code TWI Reg code as its application specific I need help on nuts and bolts C problem.
So... to reduce memory usage for a project I have started to write my own TWI (wire.h lib) for ATMEL328p. Its not been put into a lib yet as '1' I have no idea how to do that yet... will get to that later and '2'its a work in progress which keeps getting added to.
The problem I'm having is with reading multiple bytes.
Problem 1
I have a function that I need to return an Array
byte *i2cBuff1[16];
void setup () {
i2cBuff1 = i2cReadBytes(mpuAdd, 0x6F, 16);
/////////////////////READ BYTES////////////////////
byte* i2cReadBytes(byte i2cAdd, byte i2cReg, byte i2cNumBytes) {
static byte result[i2cNumBytes];
for (byte i = 0; i < i2cNumBytes; i ++) {
result[i] += i2cAdd + i2cReg;
return result;
What I understand :o ) is I have declared a Static byte array in the function which I point to as the return argument of the function.
The function call requests the return of a pointer value for a byte array which is supplied.
Well .... it doesn't work .... I have checked multiple sites and I think this should work. The error message I get is:
MPU6050_I2C_rev1:232: error: incompatible types in assignment of 'byte* {aka unsigned char*}' to 'byte* [16] {aka unsigned char* [16]}'
i2cBuff1 = i2cReadBytes(mpuAdd, 0x6F, 16);
Problem 2
Ok say IF the code sample above worked. I am trying to reduce the amount of memory that I use in my sketch. By using any memory in the function even though the memory (need) is released after the function call, the function must need to reserve an amount of 'space' in some way, for when the function is called. Ideally I would like to avoid the use of static variables within the function that are duplicated within the main program.
Does anyone know the trade off with repeated function call.... i.e looping a function call with a bit shift operator, as apposed to calling a function once to complete a process and return ... an Array? Or was this this the whole point that C does not really support Array return in the first place.
Hope this made sense, just want to get the best from the little I got.
This line:
byte *i2cBuff1[16];
declares i2cBuff1 as an array of 16 byte* pointers. But i2cReadBytes doesn't return an array of pointers, it returns an array of bytes. The declaration should be:
byte *i2cBuff1;
Another problem is that a static array can't have a dynamic size. A variable-length array has to be an automatic array, so that its size can change each time the function is called. You should use dynamic allocation with malloc() (I used calloc() instead because it automatically zeroes the memory).
byte* i2cReadBytes(byte i2cAdd, byte i2cReg, byte i2cNumBytes) {
byte *result = calloc(i2cNumBytes, sizeof(byte));
for (byte i = 0; i < i2cNumBytes; i ++) {
result[i] += i2cAdd + i2cReg;
return result;

Memory leak, Pointer changing reference

I'm writing some signal processing routine, using the PortAudio library. I'm using a
stucture which contains a pointer to float which is intended to be used as a buffer. I then pass it to an audio callback function.
My problem is that after callback processing is finished, my pointer has changed reference and thus cannot be freed. This is not such a big deal but the thing is that I don't understand when and how the pointer reference is changed and I'm getting a feel like I'm missing something important.
Here is a simplified version of the code :
typedef struct{
float* tmp;
//other stuff
} Data;
Data data;
data.tmp = NULL;
data.tmp = (float*) calloc(N,sizeof(float));// N is the size of the buffer
Pa_OpenDefaultStream(some args, //opens a PortAudio stream and passes tmp to callback
&data );
A stream is then started in another high priority thread and the callback is being executed as many times as needed. During callback tmp is being used as a ring buffer and is constantly being copied new data to.
static int callback(args,void* data){
Data* x = (Data*) tmp;
x->tmp = update();
where update() returns a pointer to a float which is initialized the same way as tmp is (calloc).
float* update(){
//do stuff
return m_tmp2;
float* m_tmp2 = (float*) calloc(N,sizeof(float));//same N as before
But after the stream is closed I get an error when calling free before quitting.
free(data.tmp);//throws a SIGABRT error
Some breakpoint debugging showed me that the reference of the pointer is being changed during the callback processing, but I don't get when and how it happens because everything else runs smoothly. It must be something during the callback execution, but I'm sure update() returns a pointer that is the same size as tmp. Or is it link with PortAudio ?
Please, any clues ?
Not really sure if I understand it right. You allocated the float (x.tmp) every time the callback function is called..
static int callback(args,void* data){
Data* x = (Data*) tmp;
x->tmp = update();
I assume the above is typo, you actually mean
static int callback(args,void* data){
Data* x = (Data*) data;
x->tmp = update();
Well, you're actually change the pointer value of tmp by assigning it update() because it's reallocate a new memory location in heap and changed the pointing location of the tmp..
float* update(){
//do stuff
return m_tmp2;
The data.tmp must have pointed to a new location every time the callback function is called.. So, I don't see why it doesn't behave as you described..
That's the correct behavior already.. Maybe I miss anything?
and maybe you should provide a mechanism to keep track of the buffer.. so all tmp (float *) you allocate for your circular buffer can be freed (not just the first one before the first callback is called..

dereferencing c-pointer in LabVIEW

My .DLL function outputs a C-pointer to a string which I need to dereference. I realized that I need to dereference the pointer twice, and I know there should be a built in function in LabVIEW which does just that. But I can't seem to find it.
In my experience, any memory that will exist in LabVIEW needs to be allocated in LabVIEW. So allocate a char buffer in LabVIEW and pass it in as a String and CStr Pointer in the Call Library Function.
Do everything you can in C and toss the results back out into Labview in a CStr.
WARNING: If you memcpy() outside the bounds of the allocated memory, Labview will most likely crash and you won't be able to catch the error. So either use try / catch with secure version of memcpy, over allocate in Labview, or test sizes.
void TestDLL(char Name[], int SizeOfLabviewMemory){
char *StringInC = "Hello World!";
int SmallerStringSize = 0;
if(strlen(StringInC) < SizeOfLabviewMemory){
SmallerStringSize = strlen(StringInC);
SmallerStringSize = SizeOfLabviewMemory;
memcpy(Name, StringInC, SizeOfLabviewMemory);
