What is needed for using nested elements in CSS file? - css

Somewhere I saw this structure of CSS document:
header {
.navigation {
a {
text-decoration: none;
If I will try it in my CSS file, it doesn't work.
What is needed for ability to write this code?
Thank you

This looks like LESS CSS http://lesscss.org/
You have to import javascript file less.js into your page.

Now compile your css file and than apply Mr #ozkanozlu is right way
just do this
header {.navigation{a{text-decoration: none;}}}

The code you've quoted is not actually CSS, it is a language called LESS, which compiles to CSS; it is a CSS pre-processor. It is designed to make CSS easier to work with, but it needs to be converted to pure CSS before it will actually work in a browser.
LESS can be compiled to CSS before deployment -- ie so you work on LESS code, but the user sees standard CSS -- or provided to the browser as LESS, but with the less.js also compiler included in the page. For performance reasons, I would always prefer the first of those options.
Other similar languages also exist -- see SASS for example. You can see a comparison of SASS vs LESS here: http://css-tricks.com/sass-vs-less/


Is there anyway I can prefix over 1000 lines of CSS at once?

I have some h1, h2, h3 and a lot of bootstrap snippets that I want to apply only to a specific part of my site, I added a unique class, say .unique but it would take hours to prefix over 1000 of CSS lines
I use sublime text
Thanks in advance
You could use a CSS-preprocessor like LESS or SASS (there are more). Both can do what you want, by just doing this:
.unique {
// Old CSS goes here
The have many other advantages over normal CSS.
common I would like to give you some ideas, cause i think your question has something to do with control css overriding.
the Jost's LESS or SASS solution is very good actually to prefix cause can use nested css features, but it requires a compile process, their eventually compiled files are still css. cause the .less or .sass files can not be recognized for html to render styling.
Another thinking To avoid css conflicts and wrong overriding,
Instead of including global styling, see if you can embed them in part of the specific section/page where they can get higher priorities than the rest global styles.
even the same css, generally, !important > inline css > internal css > external css
or javascript can trigger css override after previous css finished rendering on the page.
Instead of using css priorities or script running priorities to override styles, making two external mobile.css, destop.css for example, then using javascript to reload page to include different stylesheet when device width are detected to have been changed in browser resizing behavior.(This is one pop way used in responsive view)
using IDE to locate css patterns and replace them with your prefix if it's simple to match all the patterns.

Importing & Extending raw CSS?

I have a preprocessor import problem. I have vendor css that i would like to copy functionality. Unfortunately, i don't control the html for this situation either.. so essentially i have vendor css & different vendor html, and i am trying to extend functionality of one css rule into another.
Now, the basic concept in many css preprocessors is to extend the rule.
// Vendor
.foo { font-weight: bold; }
.bar { text-color: red; }
// Mine
.bar { .foo }
In the above example, you don't have access to .foo or .bar, but with preprocessors, you can extend functionality from .foo into .bar, which works great for less/stylus/etc. The problem, is when the vendor rules are only defined in raw css.
So with that said, the most obvious solution is to have Stylus/Less import the raw css as stylus/less. However, neither seem to be able to actually do this.. that i've found at least. Less doesn't seem able to (#import "foo.css" directives are ignored) and while Stylus has an option to actually include the imported raw CSS, it did not seem to actually be processing it. That is to say, it would include the css, but #extend directives failed (perhaps i am wrong?).
The other option i could think of is simply renaming the .css files to the preprocessor language extension. Since we want to keep the vendor stuff out of our hands, allowing for proper versioning/etc, This involves a build process which copies the target css files and renames them into the target language extension, but this is error prone. Stylus ran into syntax errors immediately, and Less could just as easily (as not all CSS is valid Less. most is, but not all).
So.. any additional thoughts on this front? Hopefully there is an option i may be missing? Perhaps SCSS handles this better?
Currently, with what i have found is/isn't possible.. i feel the only stable way is to simply copy the raw css bits into my css code. If the vendor code changes, i'll have to update manually, but at least i don't run the risk of vendor stuff changing and all of a sudden the build process fails, because vendor introduced some CSS syntax not supported by less/etc. It is far from good.. but the worst that can happen is my css looks funny, and i need to update.
I'm going to try SCSS next.. we'll see how it goes. On the site, they claim all CSS(3 only?) syntax is valid SCSS
edit2: For clarity. My question is, give the above scenario, what would you do? Importing the .css files is not possible (See note below!), and renaming .css files to .less/.stylus can in turn be error prone, since less is not a perfect superset of CSS(namely due to proprietary features).
!Note!: I have since been digging around the less source to see what could be done to fix this problem, rather than work around it, and ran into a dozen support tickets on the matter. The main discussion of which seems to be taking place on #issue 1185, and more importantly, check out the changelog which *(i believe) addresses this issue! CHANGELOG 1.4.0 Beta
So with that said, the #import (less) "file.css" is likely the winning scenario here, even if it may have a few bugs due to the beta status. Yay :)
Your best bet is either what #Lee Olayvar said, or use the new ":extend()" feature in LESS. It sounds like you might have tried the extend feature, but you used the "SASS directive" syntax (which IMO is improper use of an at-rule), whereas LESS uses the CSS-like pseudo-selector syntax:
.foo:extend(.bar) {}
And if you are patient (in the coming days/weeks), you will see a new feature that is perfect for what you want to do, and it's unique to LESS. It will allow you to extend or mixin external "silent" styles. Meaning you will be able to "#import" and external stylesheet but the styles won't show up in your compiled code unless you extend them or use them as a mixin.
I'm on the core team for Less.js btw, so let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of further help.
It looks like all imported .css files won't be prepocessed by less but will just be added with an #import at the top.
You can import both CSS and LESS files. Only LESS files import statements are processed, CSS file import statements are kept as they are. If you want to import a CSS file, and don’t want LESS to process it, just use the .css extension
Source: http://lesscss.org/
The best thing you could do would be the renaming I believe.
While still in beta, the newly added #import (less) "file.css" syntax should properly handle all CSS files. Due to the "official" support, it can also be expected/assumed that any proprietary syntax that breaks LESS would be fixed (though possibly not "supported").
So in theory this is the best option! Barring SCSS, which i have not tried yet in this scenario. Stylus still has issues though, in my tests.
For more information, check out this issue or this changelog.

Prevent SASS parsing block of code but still output it to final css file

I've just started using SASS. Very impressed, however there is something I'd like to do but can't seem to find answer as whether or not it's possible.
I have a block of CSS that I don't want SASS to parse/compile but I would still like that block outputting to the final compiled CSS file. Is this possible?
My first ever SO question, normally provides the answer. Hope I've not missed it somewhere, tried every search term I could think of to find it.
Put it in a separate .css file and import it in your SASS file. File ending in .css are not parsed but are still included in the final output.
This question is a bit old, but, in the spirit of keeping things up-to-date:
The current version of SASS (3.4.22) does a pretty good job of only changing what it needs to. If what you've written is valid CSS, it should output as is.
The only times you should see SASS modifying your styles is if you've done something that looks like it's supposed to be modified. Based on their documentation, that would be things like:
Nesting styles
Concatenating strings
content: 'foo' + 'bar';
Using interpolation
left: calc(50% - #{$variable})
Using variables
width: $variable
Using #extend or nesting an #include
In most other situations, in my experience, SASS will happily spit out whatever you've written.
If you do need to output something that SASS insists on parsing when it doesn't need to, you can wrap the offending piece in quotes and remove them using the unquote function:
$family: unquote("Droid+Sans");
#import url("http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=#{$family}");
which compiles to
#import url("http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans");
Try to enclose your block in /* ..... */ in your scss file. Hope it helps.

Conditional CSS file doesn't override regular CSS

I am using conditional comments to link to a css file (let's call it "IEonly.css") if the IE version is less than 8. I am trying to override some properties in the regular css file. Strangely enough, IEonly.css will set new css properties correctly, but it won't override the properties in the regular CSS file!
(I am trying to make this work for IE7).
EDIT: I added an !important after the css style to see if it would help. It didn't.
Given multiple stylesheets (even if some are hidden from other browsers with conditional comments) then the normal rules of the cascade will apply.
Make sure your selectors are suitably specific, and that you apply the stylesheets in the right order.
If you are using the same selectors in both stylesheets then you should be fine as long as you place the conditional IE stylesheet after the regular stylesheet. If you do that and your IE sheet isn't taking then you might need to write more specific selectors.
#sidebar #nav li a { }
instead of...
#nav li a { }
li a { }
Don't forget that you can also use the !important rule to override CSS definitions. Here is the W3C documentation on that rule.
Perhaps you can reorganize the stylesheets to default to IE styles and use an if !IE conditional for "good browser" overrides.
Based on my own experience of similar problems I would guess that there are some bad or missing character lurking somewhere in your IEonly.css file. They can be a real pain to track down, so do the following:
Temporarily remove all CSS from IEonly.css, except for the part that you will use to override the normal CSS. Test to see if this works. If it does, continue to paste the code back into the file, in sections as you see fit. Hopefully you'll find the problem.
If your override did not work when only that part of the code existed in the file, make sure that you have the correct selectors and that the specificity is OK.
You can also try reading http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#important-rules for more information.
Can you publish some code for us to look at? That would help.
I added a class to the element and referenced it on the IEonly stylesheet with the class selector and the regular style sheet without. This caused the IEonly style declaration to override the regular one.

Wrapping ID's in CSS Classes?

I am relatively new to CSS and wondering whether its possible to "Wrap" ID's so you don't have to repeat them over and over ?
some stuff
#home .header {
some stuff
#home .sub_header {
some stuff
Is it possible to "wrap" the .header and .sub_header so I don't have to keep repeating #home all the time ? i.e. something like this so the ID can collectively wrap the classes?
some stuff
##home [
.header {
some stuff
.sub_header {
some stuff
Excellent question! This is not possible with native CSS I'm afraid. There are no real short cuts to take.
If you work with a lot of CSS, there are pre-compilers that allow you to use enhanced notation, and convert it into CSS on the fly.
There's for example
xCSS it can nest child elements.
Then there's LESS, it's written in Ruby so you need that installed (as far as I understand, I haven't used it myself yet) but it's perfectly suitable for editing CSS in any environment. Check the "nested rules" section on the front page.
If you are just getting started with CSS, you may want to stick with the native notation first, though. But the moment it gets really tedious, those tools are a great help.
Unfortunately this isn't possible in just CSS, you can however achieve this using CSS generators such as LessCSS which have their own syntax and have features like nesting and variables.
If you use PHP, consider using lessphp (http://leafo.net/lessphp/docs/), or http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/sfLessPhpPlugin for symfony
Another great CSS framework is CSS Scaffold
CSS Scaffold is powered by PHP, is easy to use
allows deep selector nesting
custom mixins (reusable pieces of css code)
implements a grid creation framework
caching of already parsed css files for production (+minify)
If you are not coding a big site, I would still recommend plain css
