WordPress Hide Page Editor Based on ID? - wordpress

Is there anyway to hide the post editor wysiwyg on a page based on the page ID?
I have a few custom meta boxes and dont need it on this specific page..
I've tried the following but it doesnt do anything, the page has the id of 75 but its still showing up?
function remove_pages_editor(){
if(get_the_ID() == 75) {
remove_post_type_support( 'post', 'editor' );
} // end if
} // end remove_pages_editor
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'remove_pages_editor' );
Any ideas..?

This can be done with an earlier hook, do_action('load-' . $page_hook);.
add_action( 'load-post.php', 'hide_specific_editor_so_15154969' );
function hide_specific_editor_so_15154969()
if( '75' == $_GET['post'] && 'edit' == $_GET['action'] )
remove_post_type_support( 'post', 'editor' );


Get WooCommerce products on sale with WC_Query

I know there are plenty of solutions on the internet about how to get WooCommerce products on sale, by doing a WP_Query. However, WooCommerce doesn't seem to work fully if it's WC_Query object is not populated. For example: filter or sorting
Both these templates call:
Which check's to see if the page is a taxonomy page (obvious false if you're using your own custom template):
if ( ! is_product_taxonomy() ) return false;
This is an example of a simple solution if you just want the products: WooCommerce: Display ONLY on-sale products in Shop
So, I there seems to be a couple of issues I need to solve here:
1) How to tell WC that my "Sale" page is a taxonomy page? Is there some sort of trick I need to do to force it into a taxonomy?
2) How do I get get WC_Query filled with the sales query (rather than just the WP_Query)
I have plugins that depend on:
being populated.
Any help is appreciated!
Well woocommerce_products_will_display() is pluggable, meaning you can define it in your own functions.php (or site-specific plugin) and alter it, having it return true for your specific template/page.
I think it could stand for some tweaking and a filter.
I played around with this a bit more. Typically changing the posts that you want to retrieve is done in the pre_get_posts hook. I took a look at what WooCommerce is doing. They are adding something to the pre_get_posts hook and calling their special query stuff from there.
But their special query stuff dies if you aren't on a WooCommerce page. So, it made me thing that maybe we could just call it ourselves from our own function. I put this together and coupled with a special page template for a page called "on-sale" (basically just a copy of the shop template), seems to show just the for sale items with proper sorting and pagination.
Your mileage may vary, but I hope it helps.
function kia_pre_get_posts( $q ){
// We only want to affect the main query
if ( ! $q->is_main_query() ) {
// Fix for verbose page rules
if ( is_page('on-sale') ) {
$q->set( 'post_type', 'product' );
$q->set( 'page_id', '' );
$q->set( 'page', '' );
$q->set( 'pagename', '' );
$meta_query = array( array(
'key' => '_sale_price',
'value' => 0,
'compare' => '>'
) );
$q->set( 'meta_query', $meta_query );
if ( isset( $q->query['paged'] ) ) {
$q->set( 'paged', $q->query['paged'] );
// Fix conditional Functions
$q->is_archive = true;
$q->is_post_type_archive = true;
$q->is_singular = false;
$q->is_page = false;
$wc_query = WC()->query;
$wc_query->product_query( $q );
if ( is_search() ) {
add_filter( 'posts_where', array( $wc_query, 'search_post_excerpt' ) );
add_filter( 'wp', array( $wc_query, 'remove_posts_where' ) );
add_filter( 'posts_where', array( $wc_query, 'exclude_protected_products' ) );
// We're on a shop page so queue the woocommerce_get_products_in_view function
add_action( 'wp', array( $wc_query, 'get_products_in_view' ), 2);
// And remove the pre_get_posts hook
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'kia_pre_get_posts' );

How to Display Custom meta field value insted of title on custon post list table?

I have created a custom post type "cinfo" and removed title and editor form the edit page. With the help of this code. Also displayed some custom meta fields which are relevant to my plugin.
function remove_box(){
remove_post_type_support('cinfo', 'title');
remove_post_type_support('cinfo', 'editor');
add_action("admin_init", "remove_box");
It looks something like this.
Now when i see the list page I still see the title with edit, view and delete button beneath it. which I don't want because the title field doesn't exist in the edit page So it looks a bit irrelevant in the listing page. Instead of that I tried to display the custom meta field "email" but I was only able to change the heading of the column. which looks something like this.
I just did some research and found one action and filter but they still didn't seems to be much of a help to me. Still for the better view of the problem. Also I tried to use a plugin Post List View Count but it also didn't accomplish my purpose. I hope You understand what I basically want to do. Thanks for your time to read my question.
add_filter('manage_cinfo_posts_columns', 'bs_cinfo_table_head');
function bs_cinfo_table_head( $defaults ) {
$defaults['title'] = 'Email';
return $defaults;
add_action( 'manage_cinfo_posts_custom_column', 'card_cinfo_table_content', 10, 2 );
function card_cinfo_table_content( $column_name, $post_id ) {
if ($column_name == 'title') {
echo "its working";
The action manage_cinfo_posts_custom_column will never be true. It's better to remove the defaults on manage_cinfo_posts_columns and do the regular custom stuff in the other filter.
I tried this with a fast class to test all together inside my setup:
class SO23467344
private $cpt = 'portfolio';
private $custom_field = 'video';
public function __construct()
add_filter( "manage_edit-{$this->cpt}_columns", array( $this, 'column_register' ), 20, 1 );
add_action( "manage_{$this->cpt}_posts_custom_column", array( $this, 'column_display' ), 20, 2 );
add_action( "admin_init", array( $this, "remove_box" ) );
function column_register( $columns )
$columns['my-col'] = 'My column';
# Remove default columns
unset( $columns['title'], $columns['categories'], $columns['comments'], $columns['date'] );
return $columns;
function column_display( $column_name, $post_id )
if ( 'my-col' != $column_name )
if ( $field = get_post_meta( $post_id, $this->custom_field, true ) )
echo '<br/><strong style="color:#0f0;font-size:4em"> • </strong>';
function remove_box(){
remove_post_type_support( $this->cpt, 'title' );
remove_post_type_support( $this->cpt, 'editor' );
new SO23467344;

wordpress moving publish metabox

I'm working on a plugin and I'm trying to:
1- move the publish metabox from side to the bottom of the page in the normal section.
2- force 1 column layout for the plugin custom post type edit page.
3- remove the screen options tab for the custom post type.
I'm using the next code block but it dont work:
function sds_do_meta_boxes() {
remove_meta_box( 'submitdiv', 'sliding_panel', 'side' );
add_meta_box( 'submitdiv', __( 'Publish' ), 'post_submit_meta_box', 'sliding_panel', 'normal', 'core' );
add_action('do_meta_boxes', 'sds_do_meta_boxes');
function SDS_init() { //The current user is already authenticated by this time
add_filter( 'screen_layout_columns', 'so_screen_layout_columns' );
add_filter( 'get_user_option_screen_layout_dashboard', 'so_screen_layout_dashboard' );
add_filter( 'screen_options_show_screen', 'SDS_remove_screen_options_tab');
add_action( 'init', 'SDS_init' );
function so_screen_layout_columns( $columns ) {
$columns['dashboard'] = 1;
return $columns;
function so_screen_layout_dashboard() {
return 1;
function SDS_remove_screen_options_tab() {
return false;
So, the 'publish' metabox is removed but it is not re-added. Also, the 1 column layout filters don't work. I need help:)
Changing the $priority parameter from core to high and setting priority of add_action to 0 should do the trick. I would also suggest using the dynamic add_meta_boxes_{$post_type} hook:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes_sliding_panel', 'sds_do_meta_boxes', 0, 1 );
function sds_do_meta_boxes( $post )
remove_meta_box( 'submitdiv', 'sliding_panel', 'side' );
add_meta_box( 'submitdiv', __( 'Publish' ), 'post_submit_meta_box', 'sliding_panel', 'normal', 'high', null );

Display custom meta box to the admin sidebar not working

I created a custom meta box to display some content inside the post display in the admin area and want it to show in the sidebar instead of below the wysiwyg editor. I added "side" to the context but nothing happens! I've been playing with this for many hours and haven't had any luck.
This is my code:
function add_custom_meta_box() {
add_meta_box (
'Custom Meta Box Title',
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'add_custom_meta_box');
function show_custom_meta_box() {
// here i have all the code
Adapted from this Q&A, the following will force the custom meta box into the second position in the side column.
Check the comments and note the caveat for admin_init.
It only works if the user hasn't rearranged the positions himself. When registering a new user, the position is set for him, as the hooks admin_init and user_register are attached to the same callback function.
// This fires at **every** page load, a better hook must be found
add_action( 'admin_init', 'set_user_metaboxes_so_14183498' );
// This fires when a new user is created
add_action( 'user_register', 'set_user_metaboxes_so_14183498' );
function set_user_metaboxes_so_14183498( $user_id = null )
// This is the metakey we will need to update
$meta_key = 'meta-box-order_post';
// So this can be used without hooking into user_register
if( !$user_id )
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
// Set the default order if it has not been set yet by the user.
// These are WP handles, PLUS our custom meta box handle
if ( ! get_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, true ) )
$meta_value = array(
'side' => 'submitdiv,custom_meta_box,formatdiv,postimagediv',
'normal' => 'postcustom,commentsdiv,slugdiv,revisionsdiv',
'advanced' => '',
update_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );

hide a woocommerce setting tab

I would like to hide a specific woocommerce setting tab by user role. Not the entire submenu, but just a tab(checkout to be specific).
I want shop managers to be able to access most of the settings, but be unable to affect the checkout settings.
How can I achieve this?
If you want to remove the tabs instead of hiding them using CSS, then you can add the following to yours theme functions.php:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_array', 'remove_woocommerce_setting_tabs', 200, 1 );
function remove_woocommerce_setting_tabs( $tabs ) {
// Declare the tabs we want to hide
$tabs_to_hide = array(
// Get the current user
$user = wp_get_current_user();
// Check if user is a shop-manager
if ( isset( $user->roles[0] ) && $user->roles[0] == 'shop_manager' ) {
// Remove the tabs we want to hide
$tabs = array_diff($tabs, $tabs_to_hide);
return $tabs;
This uses the WooCommerce 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_array' filter. For more information on all the WooCommerce filters and hooks you can look here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/hook-docs.html
This just has the added benefit that it is no longer in the HTML, so if anyone looks at the source, they won't find the elements.
You can still access the URLs. This is just a way of removing the tabs instead of hiding them.
I've figured out how to stop access to the URLs. Copy the following:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_array', 'remove_woocommerce_setting_tabs', 200, 1 );
function remove_woocommerce_setting_tabs( $array ) {
// Declare the tabs we want to hide
$tabs_to_hide = array(
'tax' => 'Tax',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'email' => 'Emails',
'api' => 'API',
'account' => 'Accounts',
// Get the current user
$user = wp_get_current_user();
// Check if user is a shop_manager
if ( isset( $user->roles[0] ) && $user->roles[0] == 'shop_manager' ) {
// Remove the tabs we want to hide from the array
$array = array_diff_key($array, $tabs_to_hide);
// Loop through the tabs we want to remove and hook into their settings action
foreach($tabs_to_hide as $tabs => $tab_title) {
add_action( 'woocommerce_settings_' . $tabs , 'redirect_from_tab_page');
return $array;
function redirect_from_tab_page() {
// Get the Admin URL and then redirect to it
$admin_url = get_admin_url();
This is pretty much the same as the first bit of code, apart from the array is structured differently and I've added a foreach. The foreach goes through the list of tabs we want to block, hooks into the 'woocommerce_settings_{$tab}' action which is used to show the settings pages.
Then I created a redirect_from_tab_page function to redirect the users to the default admin URL. This stops direct access to the different settings tabs.
Put this code in your theme/child theme functions.php or somewhere else:
if (!function_exists('hide_setting_checkout_for_shop_manager')){
function hide_setting_checkout_for_shop_manager() {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
//check if user is shop_manager
if ( isset( $user->roles[0] ) && $user->roles[0] == 'shop_manager' ) {
echo '<style> .woocommerce_page_wc-settings form .woo-nav-tab-wrapper a[href="'.admin_url('admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout').'"]{ display: none; } </style>';
add_action('admin_head', 'hide_setting_checkout_for_shop_manager');
The style will be output to html head only at wp-admin and the login user role is shop_manager.
For more about admin_head hook, please check https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/admin_head
