Setting {reactive: false} when searching a collection in Meteor still updates the template - meteor

I've got a news feed idea I'm trying out in Meteor, but I'm having issues with making the damn thing behave :) I want it to load up the news feed on page load / refresh, but not when the data changes. I found in the documentation that adding {reactive: false} to the find method of a collection should make it stick to the results generated on render, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Meteor keeps updating the template right away.
Here's the code I've got:
On the server side:
Meteor.publish("newsfeed", function () {
return Newsfeed.find({});
On the client side:
Template.feed.feed_data = function() {
var feed = Newsfeed.find({}, {
sort: {updated_time: -1},
limit: 10,
reactive: false
return feed;
In the template:
<template name="feed">
<div id="feed-wrapper">
{{#each feed_data}}
<div class="message">{{message}}</div>
If I then run Newsfeed.update({_id: 'some_random_id'}, {$set: {date_created: 'some_random_date'}}) in Dev Tools, the template updates the sorting of my news feed and changes it.
How do I make it not do that? :D

This is arguably a bug in Meteor. Passing reactive: false means that minimongo itself doesn't set up some code to say "observe and if it changes, invalidate". But #each has its own separate observeChanges call which uses the observe callbacks directly (not a reactive "invalidate and recalculate") to update the list. Probably we should not do this if the cursor has reactive: false on it. Track this in !

Thats a bit odd, it ought to work. You could also use preserve:
Try adding this line in your client js
Btw is the template name="feed" in another template? Does this template have any reactive variables in it?


Meteor not displaying data from collection in html

I am trying to get data from a collection in meteor and using a helper passing it to a template.
Here is my code in collection:
Meteor.publish('displayCustomers', function tasksPublication() {
return Customers.find();
Below code in template JS file
Template.customerlist.onCreated(function() {
displayCustomers :function(){
return Customers.find({});
<template name="customerlist">
<h1>All registered users</h1>
{{#each displayCustomers}}
It is only displaying HTML content i.e. <h1>All registered users</h1>
Check that your publication is returning values to the client with this MiniMongo chrome extension
Check to make sure Customers is defined on the server and that your publish block is running only on the server.
Also I would toss a debugger into your onCreated block to make sure that your subscribe is being initialized.
Other than that, your code looks fine. I would try installing MeteorToys Mongol for client pub/sub debugging.
You need to actually fetch documents in your template :
displayCustomers :function(){
return Customers.find().fetch(); //will return an array with all published documents

meteor iron-router with autopublish not getting prefilled fields in update form

probably that has nothing to do with autoform but since I am not entirely sure, I thought I'd put this information here, too. In my form I do not get any prefilled fields which I would expect of an update form and also there is some strange output in my console that I do not understand.
The corresponding router part is:
// app/lib/routes.js
Router.route('/assignment/:_id', function(){
var assignment = Assignments.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
console.log('ass w/' + this.params._id);
this.render('Assignment', {data: assignment});
}, {name: '',
waitOn: function(){
console.log('do the wait');
As you see, there is a lot of debug output in there already. The route seems to be called correctly because the template is displayed after click.
Publishing is made here:
// app/server/publish.js
Meteor.publish('assignments', function() {return Assignments.find();})
Now, this code seems to be called multiple times. The overall output after getting into this route is:
do the wait
routes.js:22 ass w/M2gtLf9vbbWCTgxze
routes.js:23 undefined
debug.js:41 insert failed: Access denied. No allow validators set on restricted collection for method 'insert'.
routes.js:27 do the wait
routes.js:22 ass w/M2gtLf9vbbWCTgxze
routes.js:23 Object {_id: "M2gtLf9vbbWCTgxze", title: "Neuer Titel", priority: "high", description: "just do it"}
(The insert error probably comes from some other place) There might be some other bugs in there, too, but I hope the output shows the problem. What I do not get is that I seem to not get the assignment at first but in the second call it is received, which is strange to me (why does this happen?). I am not so sure about folder structures, but isn't publish.js called after route.js, so that there might something unpublished? If yes, where to put my files then?
Probably not important but this is my assignment.html
<template name="Assignment">
<div class="panel panel-default" id="main">
<div class="panel-heading">Change Assignment</div>
<div class="panel-body">
{{>quickForm collection="Assignments" id="updateAssignmentForm" type="method" meteormethod="updateAssignment"}}
So, why is the router called twice, why is there no output at first and why do I not get any prefilled fields here? (all fields are just empty in my form)
Your route function is running before the subscription has returned data. You can simply put this in a data function and it will wait:
data: function(){
return Assignments.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
name: 'Assignment',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('assignments');

Meteor Iron:Router Template not Rendering

I have a main page which lists a few text items ("Ideas"), which are clickable links. Clicking on them should take you to a page where you can edit them. Here's my html:
<template name="Ideas">
{{#each ideas}}
{{> idea}}
<template name="idea">
<template name="ShowIdea">'
<div class="editable" contentEditable="true">{{text}}</div>
I've added Iron:Router to my project to allow for moving between the pages. Here's the javascript:
Ideas = new Mongo.Collection("ideas");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Router.route('/', function() {
Router.route('/idea/:_id', function() {
var idea = Ideas.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
this.render('ShowIdea', {text: idea.text});
ideas: function () {
return Ideas.find({});
I inserted a single idea to my Mongo DB using the Meteor Mongo command line tool. That single item shows up properly on my main page. Here's what the HTML looks like in my debugger for the main page:
The first idea ever
Clicking on that link takes me to a new page with an address of:
But nothing shows up on the page. In the debugger console I see this error message + stack trace, but it means nothing to me since it all seems to be pertaining to iron-router and meteor, not code which I actually wrote:
Exception in callback of async function: http://localhost:3000/Idea.js?2fd83048a1b04d74305beae2ff40f2ea7741d40d:10:44
And then it ends with this warning message:
Route dispatch never rendered. Did you forget to call in an onBeforeAction?
I don't have an onBeforeAction (I'm not even sure what that is)... so I don't think that message pertains to me?
I just started using Meteor the other day and just added iron-router not 24 hours ago, so I'm a bit lost here. Any pointers on how I can debug and fix this would be great.
Two things need fixing:
When you insert documents from the shell they are assigned _id values which are mongo ObjectIDs, whereas meteor defaults to using strings. This explains the weird URL. To avoid this problem, it's generally best to initialize your data from the server. Here's an example:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
if (Ideas.find().count() === 0) {
Ideas.insert({text: 'feed the cat'});
Now after a $ meteor reset you will always start with one cat-related idea.
If you wish to pass a context to your template, you'll need to use the data attribute like so:
Router.route('/idea/:_id', function() {
this.render('ShowIdea', {
data: function () {return Ideas.findOne({_id: this.params._id})}
See this example from the docs. After making those changes, the code worked correctly for me.

VideoJS with Meteor 0.8 Blaze

Previously I used the rendered function to initialize videoJS when the Video Changed.
Now in Meteor 0.8. the rendered is only fired once, when the template was created.
The problem is: the template is used in each page, I navigate through, so it is never rerendered and just changed the attributes.
Is there any way to get VideoJS working in Meteor 0.8?
Something like rendered function for template fields that fires always
or a way to force the complete template to rerender
or a way to run a callback when the content of a helper is inserted.
I have found a solution to force the behaviour of Meteor < 0.8:
Make 2 Handlers:
UI.registerHelper "handler1", (data) ->
Session.set("loading", true);
UI.registerHelper "handler2", (data) ->
if Session.get("loading")
Session.set("loading", false);
return true
return false
Define 2 Template:
<template name="videoPlayer">
{{handler1 seed="videourl"}}
{{#if handler2}}
Loading Player...
{{> videoPlayerInternal}}
<template name="videoPlayerInternal">
<!-- VideoJS-Player-Code -->
Now, I can hook the rendered method of videoPlayerInternal and this works like meteor < 0.8.
This works because:
In Initialization, only handler1 is called. This sets the variable "loading" to true.
After that I have a if-then-else that in the initial state shows a loading text. Because the condition is calculated by a helper that has a side effect (setting the session variable loading to false) it will be called immediatly after that.
So If I load another exactly same page with another video url, it needs to re run the handler1, wich sets the session variable to true again, that deletes the template from the dom and reinserts that. The rendered is called again and voila it works ;-)
Oh... and of course, the rendered method:
Template.videoPlayerInternal.rendered = ->
videojs.options.flash.swf = "/video-js.swf"
# Delete old players and reset.
if videojs.players.videoJsPlayer
# Initialize the player
$vid_obj = _V_ "videoJsPlayer", {}, ()->
console.log "video is ready.";
return true

Meteor template gets rendered twice

My template is getting rendered twice on first load. I notice this because in
Template.home.rendered = function() {
console.log('rendered'); // => this is printed out twice
console.log(Data.find({}).count()); // => this is initially 0, then 1 the second time
Furthermore, on the first load, no Data is available. Yet on the second load, the Data is there.
Does anyone know what this problem might be, and why the data only appears the second time?
You need to find a way to render the template when your data is available.
Using this template structure, the if block content, which happens to be the template displaying your data, will be rendered only when the myDataIsReady helper returns true. (thus triggering the rendered callback only once, with data immediately available).
<template name="displayData">
<p>This is my data : {{this}}</p>
<template name="home">
{{#if myDataIsReady}}
{{#each data}}
{{> displayData}}
You have to define a subscription handle (an object returned by Meteor.subscribe) in order to use it's reactive ready method : we'll reference it in the myDataIsReady helper to track data availability, and the helper will automatically rerun when the state of ready changes.
// this subscription should return your data subset
return myDataHandle.ready();
return Data.find({});
But that's quite annoying for such a simple task.
That's why I suggest using the Iron Router which makes things way simpler !
Add it to your project using "mrt add iron-router", then in a client/router.js and client/router.html, use this boilerplate code :
// we indicate which subscription has to be marked ready in order to load the template
return Meteor.subscribe("myData");
// the result of this function will become our target template data context
return Data.find({});
<template name="home">
{{#each this}}
{{> displayData}}
<template name="loading">
<p>Data isn't ready yet...</p>
As you can see, the Iron Router allows us to specify simply what we painfully achieved manually in the first code example (waiting on a particular subscription to render a template), and of course we get free routing, loading mechanisme, layout management, etc...
Search the web for a complete iron-router tutorial (my code is untested, but I hope it is ok and should get you started), it's so awesome that it's gonna be merged to Meteor ultimately.
I had a body.html in /client and a appBody.html in /client/templates, with, in iron router:
layoutTemplate: 'appBody',
Both body templates were rendered (and happened to be the same). Obviously, the body.html in /client needed to be removed.
