Fixed column, under navbar - css - css

Behance has a column on the right side of the page, that once you scroll past a certain point, becomes fixed.
i.e. go to this page then scroll down to see example
Does anyone know how they do this? Is it with CSS and AJAX?
Thank you.

It can be done in the jquery way. Check this Stopping fixed position scrolling at a certain point?.
Or you can go with a jquery plugin jQuery-Stickem.


How can I achieve this 'WOW' scrolling effect

A client of mine saw this awesome scrolling effect when clicking on a menu item:
I'm talking about the grey/purple overflow between the two anchor menu items.
I've been Googeling around for hours and can't find anything like this. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
It's singlepage application with disabled scrolling. I haven't experience with singlepage, but here are ideas which looks like it could work:
Create two divs between content one gray and second purple (or one with two colors in the background). Then create scrolling via js (jquery) on button click.
If it's ajax loaded, there could be only 3 divs: one with current content, one with gray/purple background and third with new content and js should place the divs to required places. But first solution should be easier.
Implementation is up to you.

Ionic fixed tabs menu doesn't work on tabbedSlideBox

I need to show different Ionic lists in a tabbed menu. The problem was include those tabs with the slide option. So i found this: tabbedSlideBox.
Made it work, edited it's styling to go with my app. But I can't get the tabs menĂº to stay fixed and don't move.
I made a pen to show you my problem:
Line 21 you can see the style inline with the fixed property that doesn't work. It keeps moving with the content, which is the opposite of what I need, I need to be able to move the list up and down and the tab menu should remain in it's place, but it should be able to move to right and left.
I believe it has something to do with the translate3d, but I can't figure out how to solve it without breaking the whole thing.
Tried to modify it's directive but I ended up breaking it..
Hope someone can help me.
Thank you.
I've been reading about fixed positioning and absolute3d transitions, and they don't get along, the fixed element behaves as it was absolute positioned because it takes it's container as reference for the positioning:, but if anyone comes with a solution to this i'll be grateful.

CSS 3 animated fixed position sidebar

I was wondering if there is a way to achieve an effect similar to Chris Coyier's: Scroll/Follow Sidebar using CSS3 animations?
I have a sidebar that scrolls down with the page as the user scrolls (simply using a fixed position div), but I would like to animate that sidebar to sort of bounce down and/or play catch up with the page as the user scrolls down.
Take a look at Chris' jQuery technique to see what I'm talking about.
The main thing I would like to know is if it is possible to achieve this effect using only CSS3 and no javascript.
Thanks in advance for any help!
No its not possible to get that effect without JavaScript unless you have some other sort of mechanism that allows you to check how far the user has scrolled, and change CSS properties of elements accordingly.

Sticky Footer in HTML5 Boilerplate

I am trying to implement a sticky footer in boilerplate but I can't find a way for this to work. I have tried solutions posted by Michael Gorman and Steve Hatcher but both do not work for me.
I have researched and found that Sticky Footer is not supported by Boilerplate. Have any of you had any luck with this issue.
To see a page where I really need a sticky footer, please go here
Thanks for helping. Cheers
To ensure that the footer is always at the absolute bottom of the page you can use the answer accepted in this question: Make div stay at bottom of page's content all the time even when there are scrollbars
You will prob find that it requires a little fine tuning to work exactly as you require for your design.
If you just want a piece of HTML that stays on the same position of the screen regardless of the scrolling, you can use position:fixed on the element. This will create an effect similar to what you see on facebook, where the blue bar at the top, and the chat window at the bottom stay visible.

absolutely positioned divs that don't move when page is scrolled

I've done this in the past using a method similar to this:
but I don't like the "flicker" effect as the page is scrolled and the div needs to move with the scrolling. Lately I've seen a lot of site that have an element (a div or the like I presume) that don't move when the page is scrolled but it's seemless...they're just there and it's a beautiful thing.
Unfortunately I can't seem to recall where I've seen it lately to view the source and try to figure it out so I figured I'd turn here and see what all of you experts can provide as far as assistance / suggestions.
Try setting "position: fixed" to the element.
I think this does not work with some IE versions, you'll have to us JS for that.
That site you linked to still mentions thing such as IE 4 on it, better no rely on it. It's outdated.
You can position an element to a fixed position with CSS, by doing position: fixed;.
Take a look at google reader.
It has a fixed header and a fixed side bar.
