Slick2D KryoNet Applet - networking

I'm using Kryonet with Slick2d to make a java game.
It works fine when running as a java application, however when running as an applet I get the following error:
00:00 INFO: [kryonet] Server opened.
00:04 DEBUG: [kryonet] Port 9991/TCP connected to: /(ip):55801
00:04 DEBUG: [kryo] Write: RegisterTCP
00:04 INFO: [kryonet] Connection 1 connected: /(ip)
00:04 INFO: [SERVER] Someone has connected.
00:04 ERROR: [kryonet] Error reading TCP from connection: Connection 1
com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.KryoNetException: Error during deserialization.
at com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.TcpConnection.readObject(
at com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.Server.update(
at Source)
Caused by: com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Buffer underflow.
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.DefaultSerializers$
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.DefaultSerializers$
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.readClassAndObject(
at com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.TcpConnection.readObject(
... 3 more
00:04 INFO: [SERVER] Someone has disconnected.
00:04 INFO: [kryonet] Connection 1 disconnected.
The server is running locally as a runnable jar and the client applet in a HTML file locally aswell, which is running xampp to act as a web server.
I've tried different serializers, buffer sizes and sending just single String/Booleans etc, it just doesn't seem to like anything.
The client connects to the server perfectly fine, however when it comes to sending any packets, I get the above error, no matter what packet is sent.
Any help/advice would be really appreciated - I've been stumped on this for a while!

I believe I have the same problem or at least similar one. I am using Kryonet for server and client. The client is an applet and when I run it trough Eclipse's Applet Viewer it works fine. When I run it trough a web server I get similar errors. Client and server connect, server receives client's packets, but the client gives an error wherever it tries any deserialization. I found that the applet permissions are to blame. If you change the permissions of the Applet Viewer (if you are using Eclipse) to be the same as of a web page, you will get the same errors. The advantage is that you can then debug the problem.
To change the permissions for Eclipse:
Go to your project folder \bin\ and open "java.policy.applet". Inside you should have:
grant {
Change that to:
grant {
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write, execute, delete";
permission "*", "accept, connect, listen, resolve";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read, write";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "*";
permission java.awt.AWTPermission "showWindowWithoutWarningBanner";
With this change I had the same behavior for Applet Viewer as with an embedded applet. This is not a full solution, but can help in finding the cause of the problem.
I have found what is the problem in my case. The problem is in the FieldSerializer and the other serializers using it. When a class is registered, the FieldSerializer goes over it's fields and set's them all to be accessible. This operation is not allowed for an applet. The result is wrong registration and serialization/deserialization. I have found 2 workarounds:
1) Use of another serializer. The default one is a FieldSerializer and can be changed using
public void setDefaultSerializer (Class<? extends Serializer> serializer)
another option is to set the serializer when registering each class. Do not use serializers based on the FieldSerializer.
2) Try to fix the FieldSerializer. What I am doing is not fully correct, but it works in my case. We will make the FieldSerializer continue the registration if setting of the accessibility is causing an Exception. Another thing we need to do is set all fields of the classes we register to public. TO change the FieldSerializer you need the Kryo sources. Go to, mething rebuildCachedFields(). You will find the following code there:
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
if (!setFieldsAsAccessible) continue;
try {
} catch (AccessControlException ex) {
You need to change that to:
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
if (setFieldsAsAccessible)
try {
} catch (AccessControlException ex) {
The other thing that needs to be changed is all of the registered classes to have only public fields.

I have similar problem in gradle build. May be you need just increase memory (either heap or PermSize) for the applet JVM


Meteor - Accounts.forgotPassword triggers internal server error whil Email.send is working fine

I'm meeting an issue on Meteor with Accounts.forgotPassword method.
My email smtp is well set up as I can use Email.send() without any issue once app is deployed.
But strangely, accounts.forgotPassword return an internal error.
When looking at the logs I have this error :
Exception while invoking method 'forgotPassword' Error: Mail command failed: 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
I do not really understand why I would have mailbox unavailable error with Accounts.forgotPassword but not with Email.send()
Does anyone already met that kind of issues ?
I have already searched on the web for any clues but did not find anything :(
FYI I use ionos smtp
Since Email.send is working, I assume your MAIL_URL is set correctly, but your Accounts.emailTemplates is not. From
In addition to configuring the email package’s MAIL_URL, it is critical that you set proper values (specifically the from address) in Accounts.emailTemplates to ensure proper delivery of e-mails!

Realm Object Server file migration critical issue

I've just upgraded ROS from 2.7.2 to 3.4.2. And now it becomes interesting. Our users can't open their synced realms because of error.
[RLMSyncManager sharedManager].errorHandler = ^(NSError *error, RLMSyncSession *session) {
LogError(#"RLMSyncManager error %#", error);
if (error.code == RLMSyncErrorClientResetError)
[self backupBrokenData];
[RLMSyncSession immediatelyHandleError:error.rlmSync_errorActionToken];
RLMSyncManager returns Error Domain=io.realm.sync Code=8 "(null)" UserInfo={underlying_error=Error Domain=io.realm.sync.auth Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={statusCode=400}}
And that's fine seems something with our auth credentials on server. But server log tells me: HTTP response: be33008a-ae5e-4fa1-bab2-f11b40f11b55 {"type":"","title":"The type of the Realm file was invalid.","status":400,"code":619}
Which is basically You're trying to open partial file with non partial configuration. But client and server uses same full realms. And no modifications happened.
Seems this error returned as false positive.
I've tried to grand administrator permission to that user. It could open his database. But as soon I remove admin permission it sees same error chain.
New users is not affected by this migration issue.
Is there anything I could do to let my users connect to their data?
It appears that issue was caused by bug inside realm-object-server, that was successfully fixed in version 3.4.3.

SignalR negotiate fails (Bad Gateway)

Someone any idea, I’ve been struggling with this for some time.
I'm using SignalR ( 5). when I try to debug local (ISS 10.0 express) everything is working fine. SignalR is working (Long poll).
Now when I publish the app to Azure it I can access :
but I cannot access
it returns:
The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process.
When my web app calls $.connection.hub.start() it will fail.
GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway]
I’m running out of idea's. Don't know how I can get more debug information.
Small selection of my ‘already tried’ list:
Set $.connection.hub.url path manual to
Enable/Disable websockets
Removed forwardWindowsAuthToken from the web.config httpPlatform
Now getting more details on this error:
CryptographicException: The data protection operation was unsuccessful. This may have been caused by not having the user profile loaded for the current thread's user context, which may be the case when the thread is impersonating.
Still absolutely no idea how to solve this!
Solved by using appBuilder.UseAesDataProtectorProvider();
(from Owin.Security.AesDataProtectorProvider;)
I have no idea if this is the best solution.

reCaptcha validation with timeout exception

I am using reCaptch in my MVC 3 web app running in the localhost.
Things were working fine few weeks back but suddenly failing.
Suddenly getting this error.
if(!ReCaptcha.Validate(_config.RecaptchaPrivateKey)){ <-- times out here
//process other fields in the form
As soon as I fill the form and hot submit I get this error :
The operation has timed out
Description : An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current ...
Exception Details : System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
Is this a proxy issue?
Is this because my site on localhost runs on port 3316?
I saw some posts that suggests that reCAPTCHA expects port 80 but my app runs on port 3316
What can be the issue?
I got around this by creating proxy class that inherits IWebProxy.
Then specifying to use this proxy when internal, I had to transform it out for other environments that didn't need to use it.
See this question and accepted answer:
Is it possible to specify proxy credentials in your web.config?
The above link took some finding, so I favourited it for future use.

Graceful recovery from policy file load failure

First off: This is not another question about how to load a policy file.
I have an app in development that connects to a socket server, gets the policy file and works just dandy. However, when the socket server is down for whatever reason, I need to gracefully fallback to an alternative method of getting messages from the server (polling, basically).
This is not a problem, except for one thing:
Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://[ip]:4770 by requestor from http://[ip]/cooking/Client.swf has failed because the server cannot be reached.
There doesn't appear to be a way to catch this. I have these event listeners on my socket:
addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closeHandler);
addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connectHandler);
addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, socketDataHandler);
SecurityErrorEvent is what you might think fires, but it doesn't. The docs say it fires for these reasons:
Local untrusted SWF files may not communicate with the Internet. You can work around this limitation by reclassifying the file as local-with-networking or as trusted.
You cannot specify a socket port
higher than 65535.
In the HTML page that contains the
SWF content, the allowNetworking
parameter of the object and embed
tags is set to "none".
So none of those apply. It appears what I really want to catch is the failure of the policy file to load, but even doing an explicit Security.loadPolicyFile() won't help, since that load is deferred to the first socket request AND doesn't fire any events.
For completeness, I also surrounded the call to connect() with a try{}catch (e:*){}, no result.
There's got to be a way to sort this. Any ideas? I simply need a way to tell when the connection has failed because of networking issues and try an alternate path.
EDIT: Despite my previous tests and the docs, it appears SecurityErrorEvent does fire - only it does it about 20 seconds after the load fails, so it's not obvious. I guess that's as immediate as I'm going to get from Flash.
Don't forget to retry connecting :)
private function onIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
if( this.retryCount >= 12 ){
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'TIMIEDOUT' ) );
this.err = 'IO-ERROR-EVENT - ' + e.text + '\r\nAttempting to reconnect';
