How to get news from another website via RSS - wordpress

I have a blog and I want some automatically - generated news on it. I have found a few news websites which generate RSS feeds and I want to auto-post them to my blog.
I have done this using the WP-o-Matic plugin, but since the RSS feed's content is limited to some point, the entire news' text does not show up on my blog.
Is there a way to get the whole content of the post the RSS feed is linking to ?

You're going to have to code this yourself. Let's say you subscribe to an RSS feed for Google News. You can parse their feed to get the original URL of the summarized article, but then you're going to have to make a request to that URL and fetch the content on that page. Unless the source happens to make whole articles available via its own RSS feed (unlikely), you're probably in markup-scraping territory.
Have to say this: consider the ethical/legal implications of duplicating entire original content on your site (as opposed to summary snippets), even with proper attribution.

For people that need a solution to the problem I described ..
There are services like:
You can use them to do the job for you. They fetch the RSS feed, crawl the websites and extract the full articles for you. After that, they provide a RSS feed of their own with the extracted data.
You can combine the extracted data (the RSS feed the service provides you with) with a wordpress plugin like WP-o-Matic. That way the plugin connects to the RSS feed of the service and the service extracts the content from the original RSS feed.
Have in mind that those services are not perfect. Due to complex website layouts, these services might be unable to find the content, or include things that are not a part of the articles. A manual check of the output is advised.

To the services alrady listed at the top, you can also check , FeedsAPI brings to the table that it takes the process of posting the articles directly to your secret blog email for you, so all you need to do is manage the publication in the wordpress admin, and you can also get it targeting a specific feed to receive the results you want. Anothe alternative will be the combinations of one of those services with IFTTT . I hope this could help.


Automatically repost WordPress post on LinkedIn Articles

A client is asking for an option to automatically repost/copy a published post from WordPress to a LinkedIn article since there's a different audience watching both feeds.
Most created WordPress solutions only facilitate sharing a link to the website post on the standard feed and from what I can find at there seems no option to create articles through an API, only retrieve and delete them.
I was wondering if I missed something or if at the moment it's not possible to create LinkedIn articles through the API. Thanks.
so because you speak of a client. i will take this as a hint that the article needs posting on the company page.
you should read the following page:
this page contains all information regarding managing company pages including adding posts.
There are two methods for sharing content via the REST API. The API endpoint is the same, regardless of the method you choose — only the format of the request body differs.
Post a plain text comment. Note that if the comment includes a
fully-qualified URL in it, LinkedIn analyzes the included URL and
automatically identifies the title, description, image, etc., to be
used as part of the share. Share with specific values — You provide
the title, description, image, etc., directly in the body of the
you cannot use the V2 api's without a partnership with linkedin. the link i provided is for V1 api. this api is for free use. if you necessarily need the V2 then just post a comment and i will explain the proces of the partnership.

Modify what RSS feed brings into WordPress

(This isn't strictly programming so let me know if there's a better place I could be putting this.)
I'm using an RSS feed to import job listings into a WordPress site. For example, this feed listed here gives me the name of the institution and the salary. However, the site also gives more information in its own listings. Is there a way of bringing that in as well or is the nature of RSS that you can only take what you're offered?
N.B. I have Settings -> Reading > For each article in a feed, show set to Full text.
In your own feeds you can choose whether to publish your full content or not.
If the site you're referring to chose not to do so, you won't be able to access it. At least not via RSS

Get only one paragraph from post through RSS

I googled and googled try to find something relevant but no luck.
I'm setting up a 'daily tips' campaign for a client and I have to use RSS to do it.
In more detail I use MailChimp and I create a RSS-Driven campaign.
On the other side in the blog of the website there are daily scheduled posts.
I'm trying to find a way to only get the first paragraph of the each post to give it to MailChimp and include it in the email.
So that the structure ends up like this:
Post title
Post's first paragraph
Read more link
Any ideas?
I don't think this is possible within Mailchimp directly, but you you might try FeedsAPI if you have a specific feed, even perfect if it's a not so popular feed since they can create specific extraction patterns for cases like this, it's however a paid service.

How to use Yahoo Pipe to build a new feed based on a feed whose content is multi-paged?

Currently, I subscribe a feed. It's content has multi-pages, but the feed's item only points to the first page. So if I only subscribe this feed in google reader, I can only view the first pages's content.
So I think there might be some way to get the full content. But after I searched the web, I can't find any tutorial on what I'm looking for. So can anyone provide some information on how to do this?
You will need to fetch the web page from the url in feed and get the additional pages and add to the content. I can provide you with tutorial but will need the url of feed you are aiming at.

Can I have both full text RSS and an excerpt RSS in Wordpress?

I like giving my users the full text RSS feed, but I also have a few sites which pull the RSS feed and link to us from it. They want me to provide the excerpt/blurbs for the articles rather than the full text. Can anyone give me some direction on how to make this happen?
It should be possible. Wordpress has multiple feed types (see WordPress Feeds) and there are hooks for each feed type (see Feed Actions API). This suggests that you should be able to set up one feed type as a partial feed, and another as a full-text feed. Basically, you'd just be re-writing one of these feed types to ignore the setting you indicated on the "Reading Settings" admin screen.
I bet this could be done w/ a pretty simple plug-in.
