Flex 4.5: custom background for popups - apache-flex

In Flex, when you use PopUpManager for popup windows, there is a background rectangle appearing over the application and behind the popup window itself. What I need is to override that default overlay rectangle with the custom one (in order to round the corners, apply gradient fill, etc).
How can this be achieved?

You can only change transparency, color and blur with css. See example:
global {
modalTransparency: 0.7;
modalTransparencyBlur: 0;
modalTransparencyColor: "0x000000";
Second way (if you want own design with round the corners, apply gradient fill, etc)
Create custom popup window (like TitleWindow) and when popup created or closed, dispatch from window custom event like:
dispatchEvent(new Event('addPopup', true));
In main application listen event:
systemManager.addEventListener("addPopup", onAddHandler, false, 0, true);
And then you can display own layer with custom design.
protected function onAddHandler(event:Event):void
// show custom background layer


How to replace down arrow with text in a combobox in JavaFX

I'm trying to remove the down arrow from a combobox. All the solutions I have found just make the arrow disappear, for example this one.
Is there a way to remove completely the space where the arrow appears and fill the box just with the text of the selected choice?
If you want to completely elimnate the arrow & arrow button space, you can try with the below custom ComboBox.
The below code is setting the arrow button and arrow nodes size to 0 and asking to rerender the comboBox. The null check is to let this changes apply only once.
public class MyComboBox<T> extends ComboBox<T>{
Region arrowBtn ;
protected void layoutChildren() {
arrowBtn= (Region)lookup(".arrow-button");
arrowBtn.setPadding(new Insets(0));
Region arrow= (Region)lookup(".arrow");
arrow.setPadding(new Insets(0));
// Call again the super method to relayout with the new bounds.
Based on the suggestion of #kleopatra, we can get the same behaviour using css as well (without the need to create a new class for ComboBox).
.combo-box .arrow-button,
.combo-box .arrow{
The below image will tell you the difference of a normal combox box and this custom combo box. The left one is the normal comboBox, you can see the list cell when inspecting with ScenicView. The right one is the custom one. The list cell is completely occupied suppressing the arrow space.

Is there a way to prevent a Shape for being transformed?

That is the thing, i'm creating a shape that covers all canvas to act like a white background, i have a transformer and im listening to canvas clicks, inside it im adding objects into transformer nodes, but i don't like to transform the white shape that im using as a background.
Canvas white Shape
Just don't add transformer into it. I see several solutions:
Set listening = false on that background shape. In that case, it will not trigger any mouse/touch/pointer events
Or set a special name for it in just ignore in click callback
const background = new Konva.Rect({
fill: 'white',
width: stage.width(),
height: stage.height(),
name: 'nonSelectable'
stage.on('click', (e) => {
// ignore such shape
if (e.target.hasName('nonSelectable')) {
// else attach transformer

Changing the style of a leaflet cluster when pressing it

I have created a map with clusters created like so:
//create clustering markers
var markers = L.markerClusterGroup({
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false,
showCoverageOnHover: false,
zoomToBoundsOnClick: false,
singleMarkerMode: true, //makes sure that single incidents looks the same as clusters (but are still treated as single markers)
iconCreateFunction: defineClusterIcon
var layer_group = L.geoJSON(geoJson);
In the defineClusterIcon function, I create a SVG which then is converted to HTML and defines the icon:
return L.divIcon({
iconSize: new L.Point(40, 45),
html: html,
classname: 'leaflet-div-icon'
I now want to be able to change the style of the cluster (or marker, which also is styled as a cluster), when pressing it - and I want it to return to the original styling when pressed again.
Instead of changing the style of the actual svg elements, I am thinking that it might be easier to just change the style of the class:
.leaflet-div-icon {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
border: none;
Where I then want to have a border when the cluster/marker has been pressed. I do not know, whether it is possible to change the class within the on clusterclick or click functions, or if it can be done in another way.
My code, as it is now can be found here - where the wanted effect also can be seen on the controls on the right side: http://bl.ocks.org/skov94/f006cd45d2daa2bc67e4f514774fdd0d
Instead of switching the outline property of the leaflet-interactive div, i would toggle a class as you did with the controls on the right side (say a outlined class).
This class toggling has to be done in a "onclick" event handler. Leaflet clustering provide its own cluster click events (clusterclick).
The possible targets of the clusterclick event seem to be either the text, circle, or svg nodes of the cluster. We want to get the enclosing div with class leaflet-interactive to add or remove the outlined class on it. This will be made easily possible with Element.closest:
Javascript file
.on('clusterclick',function(c) {
Then, simply change the style of its circle descendants with css:
CSS file
.leaflet-interactive.outlined circle {
stroke-width: 2px;
stroke: blue;
Edit: If you're not familiar with css, the selector means: circle nodes that are descendants of nodes with classes leaflet-interactive AND outlined.

I want my buttons and BG to stay in one position as the view controller elements transition

I have been working on this for hours(today)/months. I just want my BG to stay permanent in all view controllers as well as the same buttons with the same commands for all of them.
It is only the foreground element that is transitioning around in the center of the viewfinder, from side to side.
I tried using a subclass, it did not effect my view controller at all. When it came to trying to get my buttons to stay, i tried to cheat and use a tab bar, but the tab bar controller is locked at the bottom and I can't move it up the y axis.
Is there an easier way? Is there a way to make a view controller have the main components and every other view controller has sub components that transitions, one from another using the main components controller.
When attempting to make a subclass, I made a touch class file and put..
import UIKit
class WallpaperWindow: UIWindow {
var wallpaper: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "BG.png") {
didSet {
// refresh if the image changed
init() {
super.init(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
//clear the background color of all table views, so we can see the background
UITableView.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
// draw the wallper if set, otherwise default behaviour
if let wallpaper = wallpaper {
wallpaper.draw(in: self.bounds);
} else {
and then put
var window: UIWindow? = WallpaperWindow()
into my AppDelegate...
the code was working find, just my background did not change at all...
Related in making the tab bar move up the y axis I had no luck, it was locked....counting even tough the UIcoding..

Changing the default color on flex validation errors

The examples I've seen seem to show how to change the color that shows when the user actually hovers over the textinput field.
However when the validation fails, a generic textInput border qill have a red line over it. My CSS file uses a border skin for the textInput, so I can't see this line.
I was hoping there was a way to highlight the text box when it failed validation, or re-enable the red line feature. I don't want to get rid of my CSS cos it'll totally blow my color-scheme, but any tweak allowing the error line to show would be much appreciated.
This is the CSS:
TextInput, TextArea
border-skin: Embed(source='/../assets/images/input_bg.png', scaleGridLeft=8, scaleGridRight=20, scaleGridTop=8,scaleGridBottom=9);
anything that extends UIComponent (both TextInput and TextArea do) has a style called errorColor. It defaults to red. You can change this to whatever you want.
Additionally, if you've got an image that you are using as a border, you should probably remove the pixels from the middle so that it is an actual border instead of an overlay.
The only way I've managed to find, is that Validator will change the component's borderColor style. I don't think it can be achieved using an image- you'll have to embed the image in a basic GraphicRectangularBorder subclass or similar. You can then add this to your skin class:
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void
if (styleProp == "borderColor")
if (getStyle("borderColor") == getStyle("errorColor"))
// show error outline
// hide error outline
