Customizing Axis points in R - r

As you can see from the screenshot, the X-Axis points are all jumbled. Is there a way to make them appear vertically so that they can be read?
And is there a way to specify the interval in the Y-Axis?
I am using ggplot2's qplot.
qplot(merged[[1]], merged[[4]], colour = colour, xlab="Positions", ylab ="Salary", main="H1B Salary 2012", ylim=c(50000,300000))

Without sample data and your actual code it is hard to give exact answer.
Generally, axis texts formatting is changed using function theme() and argument axis.text.x= (for x axis). To set breaks for y axis, scale_y_continuous() should be used with arguments breaks=.
qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars)+
More information about theme() features is on ggplot2 site.


Set categorical axis labels with scales "free" ggplot2

I am trying to set the labels on a categorical axis within a faceted plot using the ggplot2 package (1.0.1) in R (3.1.1) with scales="free". If I plot without manually setting the axis tick labels they appear correctly (first plot), but when I try to set the labels (second plot) only the first n labels are used on both facets (not in sequence as with the original labels).
Here is a reproducible code snippet exemplifying the problem:
foo <- data.frame(yVal=factor(letters[1:8]), xVal=factor(rep(1:4,2)), fillVal=rnorm(8), facetVar=rep(1:2,each=4))
## axis labels are correct
p <- ggplot(foo) + geom_tile(aes(x=xVal, y=yVal, fill=fillVal)) + facet_grid(facetVar ~ ., scales='free')
## axis labels are not set correctly
p <- p + scale_y_discrete(labels=c('a','a','b','b','c','d','d','d'))
I note that I cannot set the labels correctly within the data.frame as they are not unique. Also I am aware that I can accomplish this with arrange.grid, but this requires "manually" aligning the plots if there are different length labels etc. Additionally, I would like to have the facet labels included in the plot which is not an available option with the arrange.grid solution. Also I haven't tried viewports yet. Maybe that is the solution, but I was hoping for more of the faceted look to this plot and that seems to be more similar to grid.arrange.
It seems to me as though this is a bug, but I am open to an explanation as to how this might be a "feature". I also hope that there might be a simple solution to this problem that I have not thought of yet!
The easiest method would be to create another column in your data set with the right conversion. This would also be easier to audit and manipulate. If you insist on changing manually:
You cannot simply set the labels directly, as it recycles (I think) the label vector for each facet. Instead, you need to set up a conversion using corresponding breaks and labels:
p <- p + scale_y_discrete(labels = c('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'), breaks=c('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'))
Any y axis value of a will now be replaced with 1, b with 2 and so on. You can play around with the label values to see what I mean. Just make sure that every factor value you have is also represented in the breaks argument.
I think I may actually have a solution to this. My problem was that my labels were not correct because as someone above has said - it seems like the label vector is recycled through. This line of code gave me incorrect labels.
ggplot(dat, aes(x, y))+geom_col()+facet_grid(d ~ t, switch = "y", scales = "free_x")+ylab(NULL)+ylim(0,10)+geom_text(aes(label = x))
However when the geom_text was moved prior to the facet_grid, the below code gave me correct labels.
ggplot(dat, aes(x, y))+geom_col()+geom_text(aes(label = x))+facet_grid(d ~ t, switch = "y", scales = "free_x")+ylab(NULL)+ylim(0,10)
There's a good chance I may have misunderstood the problem above, but I certainly solved my problem so hopefully this is helpful to someone!

Set ticks margin on one axis (ggplot2)

When plotting graphs with categorical variables (such as boxplots) with long names, the names have to be shifted using the theme command in ggplot2, then the distance between the axis ticks and the text can be set as well yet this distance is reflected on both axis when it is some time only necessary on one axis. Below some sample code:
df<-data.frame(X=rnorm(50,0,10),Y=c(rep("Some Text",25),rep("Some Larger Text That Takes Space",25)))
#classical boxplots
#the x axis labels need to be shifted downwards
#now they are shifted but there is unnecessary space on the y-axis
How can we set axis.ticks.margin to act on only one axis?
Try this for example :
So, the ggplot2 call becomes:

Remove "floating" axis labels in facet_wrap plot?

Using facet_wrap in ggplot2 to create a grid, but I have an uneven number of panels so the last row is incomplete. At the bottom of the last, blank panel is the axis ticks and text. Is it possible to shift this axis up (giving the last facet in each column the appearance of having applied free_x)? If not, can I remove it altogether as is seen below?
To clarify with examples, this is what I'm getting:
I desire something seen here (though, ideally with axis labelling on the facet in column 4):
Changing facet label to math formula in ggplot2
Thanks for any ideas or insight!
Using facet_wrap, when I do this in 0.9.1, ggplot hides the x-axes on the columns with blanks, as shown below.
movies$decade <- round(movies$year, -1)
ggplot(movies) + geom_histogram(aes(x=rating)) + facet_wrap(~ decade, ncol=5)

Customize Contour Labels in ggplot2

I'm relatively new to ggplot2, and I'm having trouble adding appropriate labels to my contours. I would love to be able to add the labels without the directlabels package, but I haven't found a way to, so if you know of a way to customize labels without directlabels, I would love to here it.
Using the classic volcano example, I can add labels to the default contour plot using the directlabels packet in the following way:
v<-ggplot(volcano, aes(x,y,z=z))
e<-v + stat_contour(aes(colour=..level..))
In the above example, the labels are added appropriately, but things become more complicated if I try to specify my own break points for the contours:
e<-v + stat_contour(aes(breaks=c(160, 170, 180), colour=..level..))
Now, the contours are specified by the breaks I have provided, but labels still appear for all of the default contours. How do I only plot only labels for the graphed contours?
A related issue, how would I plot labels for contour levels not included in the default? Say a break of 165:
e<-v + stat_contour(aes(breaks=c(165), colour=..level..))
Thanks for any help!
The current development version (directlabels_2013.6.15 with ggplot2_0.9.3.1) should fix your problem (as the author of the directlabels package explained to me). You can install it with:
install.packages("directlabels", repos="")
And then:
v<-ggplot(volcano, aes(X1,X2,z=value))
e<-v + stat_contour(aes(colour=..level..), breaks=c(165))
I noted several other limitations with simple workarounds:
the first ggplot call must contain the z aesthetic
this works only with the stat_contour (and not with the geom_contour)
the colour aesthetic must be defined in the stat_contour call and set to ..level..
Finally, if you want to control the label and contour line colours (black labels and blue contour lines for instance), you can achieved this as follow:
e<-v + stat_contour(aes(colour=..level..), colour = "blue", breaks=c(165))
e<-e + scale_colour_continuous(low = "#FF0000", high = "#FF0000")

R: multiple x axis with annotations

Is it possible to add more than one x-axis to a plot in R? And to put an annotation next to each scale?
Edit > here's the result of Nick Sabbe idea. For the annotation (a little text at the left of each axis), is it possible ?
You can use the line argument of axis() to place an axis higher or lower, this way you can make multiple axes. With mtext() you can then add a label to the side. Do note that the plot itself is only on one scale so you need to rescale the points and labels of the other scale accordingly:
# Plot and first axis:
mtext("Label 1",1,line=1,at=0.2,col="red")
# Secondary points and axis:
points(rnorm(10,50,20)/10, rnorm(10,5,2),pch=16, col="blue" )
mtext("Label 2",1,line=3,at=0.2,col="blue")
You can use ?axis for that. Parameter at is in the scale of the original axis of the plot, and you can pass labels to show other values.
You have to scale the axess labels yourself, though.
A very simple/silly example:
axis(side=4, at=c(3,7), labels=c(30,70))
Finally, note that most people consider adding multiple axes to a plot bad form...
