ASP.NET: Creating multiple printable pages and print them with one click -

I want to achieve the following: create a number of instances of the same web page, each of the the pages displaying slighty different data (like customer name, address, ...). These pages should be printable with as less effort for the user as possible. The problem is that if you call the javascript print-directive on every page, the user would get a ton of the PrintDialogs.
One solution to solve this problem would be to create those print pages dynamically during runtime and put them all on one page, separated by page breaks (so the user would only have to confirm the print dialog once). This solution has the huge problem that I can't use the Visual Studio designer to put my page together.
Another possible solution would be to build the template of the page in the designer, dynamically fill in the customer-specific data into the corresponding controls for every page, and then somehow chain all the resulting pages together to one long page; again separated by page breaks. But I dont really know how to do that....I tried to use the Render() event, get the HTMl code and then duplicate it, but I didnt have much success with it.
So, any guidance for the Render() approach or any other solutions would be very welcome!

Is your data in any form of list? Can it be put into one? Not necessarily all of it, but an ID per desired page, or something similar? Sufficiently that it could drive a data-bound control?
You could use a Repeater control on your page to build out your "pages" according to a template. Page breaks could be achieved with CSS styles. Then you'd have just one (long) page you had to print.
You could even make your "page" a UserControl to make data-driven variations in rendering easier to organize.


Asp.Net/Telerik Controls cannot have same Id in same page. Any alternatives?

Sorry in advance if this is not the right place to ask this.
I have a task of making a site into responsive. The site consists of various ASP.NET controls as well as Telerik ones. The problem is that the designs that i have for the mobile view do not comply with the current structure of site, so in many occasions i have to put the same control twice in the same page, and the hiding/showing depending on the width of the screen.
So i did my research and found that only unique IDs are permitted in same page. Is there any alternative to have the same control twice in same page?
No, there isn't. Controls' IDs must be unique.
Perhaps wrapping them in user control instances and using those a few times over and exposing public properties for what you need is one approach.
Consider using tools like RadPageLayout that help you hide/move unwanted controls/pieces of the page:
Or, create helper methods that get the needed user input/control depending on what is visible or not. These could even be properties in your page that return the currently visible control so you can set properties, data sources, get input, etc. With this you will reference the duplicated controls via this property rather then via their instance ID. Tough to maintain, but without completely redesigning your page and needing duplicates I am not sure there is much else you can do.

ASP.Net, how to put hyperlinks in datagrids.

Hi i have a datagrid I've put in on a aspx web form in visual studio 2010, I'm new to this so I've been following the ms tutorials.
One of the columns on my data grid contains a lot of information, is there a way i can add a "+more" option in the cell next to the entry that shows only the first few characters of that cell, but once clicked opens all the information on that particular entry but onto a new aspx form?
Thanks for any help!!
There are basically three different ways...
Structure your data object/query so that it returns a key and and abbreviation (i.e, first name, last name, id, bio) and use a template that turns id into a link.
Use the onrowbound event to manipulate the controls on the row, so that you have a href to your details page.
Use css to show the additional info on a hover/mouse over (I like this, but it doesn't play well with mobile devices, which don't have either event).
EDIT: Methods 1&3 would be done on your aspx page, method 2 would be done in the codebehind for your page. Method 1 is really dependent upon your being able to control the data object/ query results. If you are calling a stored proc that someone else controls, it may be very difficult to make it work.

How to make an SEO friendly DropDownList in ASP.NET WebForms?

I need to render a few DropDownLists on my page, allowing the user to select different Categories & Locations so as to return different result sets based on their selection.
However, I want each of the resulting selections to be crawlable. I know I could just render every possible Category, Location etc as standard HTML links on the page, which perform a GET request to the specified URL, but if possible I'd like to contain all these options within a DropDownList to keep things less cluttered.
If I were using MVC I would consider wrapping that small section of the page in a GET form, with each ListItem value being the destination URL (though I wonder if even this approach would be properly crawlable?).
I am using Web Forms though and am just having trouble trying to come up with a solution.
Some ideas to consider...render unordered lists of links, and then use a CSS / jQuery / JavaScript approach to style them as menus, using approaches such as That will ensure that they are still crawlable links, and will be presented to users in a drop down list style fashion.
Or another idea, possibly more lightweight would be to just use jQuery to dynamically render drop down list from your unordered lists. Then when a user selected a drop down list item, you would direct the user to their selected link on the client side.
No law says you need that old <form runat="server" /> at all.
Could also use some creative CSS to put the GET enabled form outside the content HTML-flow-wise but pull it to where you want for the users.

Crystal Report View page numbers

I am using the Crystal Report Viewer in an ASP.NET application. On the viewer it displays the page numbers along the lines of '1 / 1+' where the 1+ is dynamically calculated. I would like it to display the correct total number of pages from the start rather than 1+. Is there a way to do this?
I think a number of the examples online recommend that you navigate to the last page and then back to the first, but I don't think this is a good way of handling it. I have yet to have the need to do this for any of my projects so I haven't had to try to find a work around yet.
Ok, after looking at this just now I realized that if you add the "Page N of M" special field it does the dynamic calculation at runtime. In my testing it will do the dynamic calculation even if you choose to suppress the field by checking the suppress box in the field properties. Granted the dynamic calculation might be slower for larger reports, this is probably just as good as programmatically navigating to the last page and back to the first. Hope this helps.
Crystal Report's Page engine renders sections the first page as quickly as possible to give the perception of performance. You may have noticed field values rendering quickly, with place holders (spaces) for subreports and other resource-intensive objects. As the Rendering engine finishes processing these objects, the place holders are replace with values.
The page numbering situation is similar. The navigation control will initially read '1+', but will increment as the Page engine renders additional pages. When the whole report is rendered, the navigation control and the Page N of M field will display the total page count.
If you insist on altering the user-experience, you may be able to use the Viewer's BeforeRender or BeforeRenderContent event to set HasPageNavigationButtons=False and AfterRender or AfterRenderContent event to HasPageNavigationButtons=True.
I'm not certain that you will be able to do something similar with the Page-N-of-M field.
You have a property called TotalPageCount. If you put that in your report will show the page numbers correctly.
For example, I have a formula field like ToText(PageNumber,0) + "/" + ToText(TotalPageCount,0) to show current page from total pages.

Facebook Wall functionality using ASP.Net

I want to create something similiar to a facebook wall on my social site. I want to store the posts in an sql database and that should be rather simple. What I am looking for is a good way to display the posts? I guess I don't even really know where to start, as I can only think of using a loop to display asp:textboxes. Which obviously is not correct.
I want there to be multiple posts displayed on the page, which should include:
the user who posted,
the text posted,
the date posted,
and if I want to get crazy...a means of deleting/editing the post.
I really have no idea of how to implement this concept, so any ideas would help greatly.
To get started, view this article from on the Repeater control, or this great article.
The Repeater control lets you databind to a list of objects, and then define one template for how that object should be displayed. Then, ASP.NET will handle showing it as many times as necessary. You can write the code-behind for dealing with delete and edit as if there were only one instance on the page.
go ahead with jquery, use a lot of ajax. for the mark up, use a repeater control with all clean html mark up (instead of server side controls which would generate a lot of unnecessary mark up quickly creating performance issues)
only populate x number of items on initial load, and then using jquery pull data as required based on user action. you can serve this data via json, decode json on client side using jquery and perform a loop which converts this json into appropriate html and injects it into the correct html element
should be simple ;-)
ASP.NET gives you lots of ways to do this. A Repeater, DataGrid, GridView are the first that come to mind. If you'd rather use ASP.NET MVC, there's always the good old foreach loop.
Additionally, check out ListView too.
