nopcommerce payment plugin - nopcommerce

I have developed a payment plugin that works with redirection logic. I used as guide the Paypal standard and MyGateVirtual
My problem is that after the user confirms the order he is redirected to the paycenter site where he inputs his credit card data and the paycenter site returns to our site in specified urls for success and failure
In the success action of my payment controller,if the payment was not accepted for some reason, I want to redirect the user to orderdetails so he can resubmit his payment.
I use a view with the following code fragment for a button that is supposed to redirect the user to orderdetails
#{ var storeLocation = Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Core.IWebHelper>().GetStoreLocation() + Url.RouteUrl("OrderDetails", new {orderId = Model.OrderId});}
<input type="button" name="orderdetails" value="#T("Account.CustomerOrders.OrderDetails")" id="orderdetails" class="orderdetailsbutton" onclick="setLocation('#(storeLocation)'" />
But nothing happens if the user clicks the button.
The onclick event handler is not redirecting to orderdetails.
Please help with this issue

setLocation() is a JS function defined in public.common.js. I would take the following step to diagnose the problem:
Check if public.common.js is properly included in your page.
Check if the 'storeLocation' variable is generating the correct URL. You actually don't need the front part, just the part starting with 'Url.RouteUrl' will do, since you are already in your own site.
Set a breakpoint in the Developer Tool of your browser, and check if setLocation is properly called, and what's the error if it's not.
With a closer look at your code, it turns out that the JS code is not well-formed (less one parenthesis).
This is your code:


Submit form to both code behind and third party url?

I have a legacy app that I need to change to accommodate a new payment processor.
The app is Asp.Net.
Without reconstructing the app (not in the budget) I need to take the final form and save information from it in the code behind, like it currently does, then I need to submit that same form to a third party url. Ideally as one button push to the end user.
I'm drawing a complete blank on a way to do this. Any suggestions?
Forgot to mention that JQuery and javascript are both valid tools for a solution.
You could create a javascript function that's bound to the form submit button's click event, or the form's submit event. The function will need to prevent the default form submission from firing. Use jQuery to serialize the form data, and create a synchronous AJAX request to submit the data to the third party. After the ajax submission has completed, you can trigger the form submission to the code-behind. If the ajax fails to submit properly, you can optionally abort the form submission to the code-behind.
You may need to account for XSS security, so look into cross-origin resource sharing and the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
Another option would be to have the code-behind behave as an http client and submit the form data to the third party.
so currently it's saving the results via code? Well, you could hack it by putting some javascript on the page that read's the forms values and posts them (eg with jquery), before doing you actual asp post.
edit (something like this might help (in some cases):
//change the action of the form (you could just change in code or this
//override the default submit
//extract the form data somehow (depends on form)
var formObj;
$.each($('#myform').find('input').serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
formObj[] = field.value;
//post to old place
$.post('/old_current.asp', formObj).then(
//after posting to old place and getting response...
//submit form to new payment processor
// Cancel the actual form submit click to give time for post
return false;
Another way would be to have the legacy code (after submission) spit out a form with the data in it and some javascript to trigger submit on page load.
After the original process has completed, just take the submitted form data and push it to whichever URL you're working with. It requires minimal modification on the original app.
I have no code to go on, so I have no code to give. Hope that helps!

Track a login event in Google Analytics

I would like to track a login event on my website.
The user writes username and pass then clicks on login, the form is submited and server checks if password is correct then redirect to the home page if it is.
But how could I add a Login event to GA? If I add it to the login button it wont be totally accurate as it will count even the failed login attempts.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Great question!
I think what you want is the Custom Variables that google analytics offers.
Simply put, for each page your user visits you set a custom variable with it's username for example.
I don't think you are interested in the login event, rather you are interested in what a logged in user visits - and this solution solves your problem
The Custom Variables answer will serve your purposes as outlined below but if you want another alternative (or actually really want to use Track Events) you could also add in a parameter to a successful logon which you can then read and process as you wish.
So for example:
This will create a link to your login page. If the login is successful it will redirect back to the current page with the parameter login=true in the URL.
(You could check this parameter via JS for example and fire the Analytics track event call based on this).
One way to do this is let your login redirect to a page which says something like: "Thank you for logging in" and register this pageview to Google Analytics. And then have that page auto redirect you after 5 seconds to the page you were viewing. I've seen this done on a good amount of websites. If your login is using partial refresh you could even do it without having the user pass by a seperate page.
The simplest way is to use virtual pageviews (tutorial). It's a small piece of JS code, that you execute on any event you want. It makes GA think that there was a pageview. So you make a conditional statement like "if login == OK -> create a virtual pageview with URI "virtual/login/OK". Then you simply set this URI as a goal.
Custom Vars can be used for individual users but you need to set up a unique ID so that only you could recognise that once you pull the data out of GA. So in your dbase set a GoogleAnalyticsID against each user, then send that as a custom var to track users.

Back Button History: Skipping Page After POST

Move backward through history skipping the same page with different query string
The above is similar to my question, but I'll be more specific as mine concerns POSTs:
User is on Product Listing page. (Shorts.aspx)
User picks a product and navigates to product detail page (Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx)
User clicks add to cart which performs postback (POST) of form to same page. (Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx) -- this now shows Details page again, but with an Added TO Cart message at the top.
Current Behavior:
After the Add TO Cart form post; when the user clicks the Back button they navigate back to the "pre-post" version of the same page.
When a user clicks the BACK button, I'd like it to go to Shorts.aspx, NOT Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx, effectively Skipping the "pre-POST" page, or more accurately NOT STORING the 2nd POSTed page (Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx).
Furthermore, I always want to avoid that "Page Content Expired" message. I just never want the POSTed version of the page in history. In this way, the following could also be true.
Shorts.aspx > Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx > Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx [POST] > Cart.aspx
If on cart and BACK button is pressed, I want the browser to navigate to Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx (without the POST).
Is this possible with C#? Furthermore, is there a non-javascript solution?
One common way of handling this is the Post-Redirect-Get pattern.
In essence, the target of a POST request always responds with a 303 See Other (if HTTP 1.1) or 302 Moved Temporarily (if HTTP 1.0) status code redirecting the request as a GET, and usually eliminating the expired POST page from history. Potential downsides include the form parameters possibly remaining attached to the GET as a query string, and I've no clue how well it would (or wouldn't) integrate with ASP.Net Forms, MVC, or other web frameworks.
Generally, you should be using the post-redirect-get pattern, i.e. after the user adds the item to the card using POST, redirect him to Best-Cargo-Shorts.aspx with 302.
Now to your question, I would use Ajax for the post. I cannot think of a cross-browser way to achieve the desired behaviour using only server side code.

How do I remove a page from the browser history?

I have an have an ASP.Net page which contains a button. This Page contains a ServerSide Paypal button.
When pushed my server does various clever things on the back end and then rewrites the response as a form and some javascript which posts this form to paypal..
This all works great.
However, if the user then elects to click back, they will arrive at my generated self-posting form and that will forward them again to Paypal.
I thought if I could find a way to have my generated form page not exist in the history, then this will solve my problem. but I have no idea how to correct this.
How can I remove my page from the history or just have it never appear?
Update: Thanks to all... Those are some great answers. Upvoted all good ones but went with splattne on account of clever use of hidden field rather than cookies for basis of decision.
Replace the current document with the
one at the provided URL. The
difference from the assign() method is
that after using replace() the current
page will not be saved in session
history, meaning the user won't be
able to use the Back button to
navigate to it.
I'm not sure if that can be done. But here is an idea how you could prevent that resubmit of the form.
You could insert a hidden input in your form which at the beginning would be empty. On submit you'll write a value in that field and make sure you check on every submit attempt if this field is empty.
If it is not empty on submit you know that the form was previously sent and you could warn the user.
As a web application, you'll never have full control of the user's browser. Even if there was a way to instruct the browser to not store the page in history, which I doubt, you can't be sure it'll work. For example, a clever user could tweak an open-source browser to store every page in history, no matter what.
I think you should try to approach the problem from another angle. You could, for example, detect that it's the same form which is being forwarded and not send it to paypal the second time. The important thing is to do it server-side.
Perhaps you could set a cookie before submitting the form.
When the page is loaded, check for the existence of that cookie (meaning the form was already submitted). If found, instead of automatically submitting the form, automatically go back (window.history.back()) again.
I'm not sure if you can do this easily with PayPal integration, but the
"Post / Redirect / Get" pattern can be used to address this problem
A useful Hint for some might be this...
particularly in the advent of a load failure warning popup.
You could simply programme your page not to submit, or to do something / navigate somewhere else, if window.referer is the Paypal page you are trying to avoid invoking a second time.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("", "<script>if(history.length>0)history.go(+1);</script>");

How to: Cross-Site posting and redirection in ASP.NET webforms

The task I have at hand is to enable a single-signon solution between different organizations/websites. I start as an authenticated user on one organization's website, convert specific information into an Xml document, encrypt the document with triple des, and send that over as a post variable to the second organizations login page.
Once I have my xml data packaged, how do I programmatically perform a post to the second website and have the user's browser redirected to the second website as well.
This should behave just like having a form like:
action="" method="post"
... and having a hidden text field like:
input type="hidden" value="my encrypted xml"
This is being written in 2.0 webforms.
Edit: Nic asks why the html form I describe above will not work. Answer: I have no control over either site; I am building the "middle man" that makes all of this happen. Site 1 is forwarding a user to the page that I am making, I have to build the XML, and then forward it to site 2. Site 1 does not want the user to know about my site, the redirect should be transparent.
The process I have described above is what both parties (site A and site B) mandate.
Send back a document that contains the from with hidden input and include an onload handler that posts the form immediately to the other site. Using jquery's document.ready() solves the issue of whether the DOM is loaded before the post occurs, though there are other ways to do this without jquery. You might want to include some small message on the screen to the effect that the user will be redirected shortly and provide a link which also does the post
...headers left out...
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready( function() {
<form action='othersiteurl' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' value='your-encrypted-xml" />
You are thinking about this too process oriented, it would take you a month of sundays to try and work out all the bugs and moving parts with what you suggest.
You are already doing a post to another server so you really don't need to do anything. The form you have is already perfect, and when the other server intercepts the request that is when it makes the decision to either allow to user in and continue in through the site, or redirect them back to their Referer (sic) in the header. When redirecting back to the Referer they may want to tack on a message that says what was wrong, such as ?error=no_auth
I wrote on this for another question a while back. Hope this helps:
How do you pass an authenticaticated session between app domains
