Responsive web design - css

After a long time i got a new project, where i'm going to implement the RWD. Before getting project i was talking a lot the RWD, but when it comes to writing the code, i see lot of confusion. I really need your suggestions and ideas for proceeding further.
Here are my questions:
How to support support media queries stuff to the older versions of browser(ie6 ie7 ie8 etc) or what is the alternative way to do it.
Do i need to use the flexible layout within the fixed main layout (like percentage based widths)
What about using the Boilerplate or bootstrap etc which supports for fallback version also
What about using modernizer?

i recommend if you are stuck please look at conditionizr
for more information on media queries go here


Flexbox today - how can I use it

I'm really confused about flexbox. Is this good idea to use it for modern browsers? I'v heard that I should not use it for whole page layout but I dont know why. And where is good idea to use it and where not?
I'd say no if you need Internet Explorer support.
For Edge and other browsers i'd recommend using it ... See CanIUse for supported browsers.
If you do need older browser support, rather go with some css grid framework or include lower IE specific styles using conditional includes or take a modernizr-like approach.
Plenty of crossbrowser and browser-specific solutions to your problem ... you have too choose, can't say more since this is a very broad question which can trigger various types of responses depending on people's experience and personal taste.

Tool for converting a browser specific CSS to cross browser CSS

One of my development teams have written a couple CSS files that work flawlessly with IE. However, the UI is all messed up when rendered on other browsers.
Is there a tool that can take these CSS files and convert them into cross browser version? Unfortunately, these CSS files are too large and the expertise desirable to cook cross browser CSS and test it is lacking in the team at present.
The most recent versions of all prominent browsers need to be supported.
No, because that would require a tool to understand your design intent and then fix it. If it was so easy to create cross browser compatible css by just using a magic tool we would all be using it.
Usually I see this done the other way around. Get it to work in all browsers and then hack in fixes to IE. My guess is that a few simple simple things are grossly affecting the layout. I would fix it for a more standards compliant browser like Firefox and then hack in fixes to old versions of IE as necessary.
You might want to try Prefixr. It did help me with some CrossBrowser issues, but I programmed for Chrome. Don't know how great the compatibility is the other way around.

Media queries versus other methods / Universal Mobile support

I am building a mobile site and have looked into media queries but don't really like the lack of support. I'm really wondering what methods or approaches are commonly recommended.
On our site we are using head.js ( which adds classes into the tag about the client, notably: browser, width and supported features. What do people think about using this javascript method as a better supported way of handling different users and changing the design layout accordingly.
I do feel that perhaps this JS approach is used as our main method but that it might be worth using a number of others a fallbacks. Here is perhaps a chain of support.
1st: All universal styles plus layout for narrowest device window.
2nd: Use some method of CSS targetting to add a desktop style sheet if desktop viewing is assumed, possibly media=screen
After this we are handling the lowest and the highest denominator.
Finally: Use the styles (width etc) created by the javascript to fine tune the design for different layouts.

Benefits of using a CSS framework [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the best CSS Framework and are they worth the effort?
Would you recommend using a CSS framework for ASP.NET like the Blueprint CSS Framework vs building your own css styles? What are the benefits of using such a framework?
Abstraction is the keyword.
Like every framework it delivers you a code basis you can build on. You don't have to "reinvent the wheel".
Ever considered using CSS resets? They're much simpler and allow you to start from the ground up.
I have heard of CSS frameworks but don't really understand the level of complexity they introduce.
That said, I do tend to write standard CSS and expect browsers to conform to it. If not perfectly, then similarly across them all.
I think the benefits are:
1.Easier to follow web standards.
2.You code will be consistent across the projects, and for that reason much easier for maintenance.
And definatelly give a look to reset and fonts-reset
I don't see why using CSS Frameworks.
I always do my CSS from scratch, sometimes to remember sometimes i go back to my older CSS styles and look around. And sometimes i just do some testing until I've obtained what i wanted.
EDIT: Just read some of the web standards guidelines and do some experiment and you will get the hand of it..
I did the same and at my first times.. I had some cross-browser issues and other small stuff.
now i'm pretty happy to say that i do cross-browser css, with no big problem.
But if you just need CSS for a project, and you wont be needing CSS again, using a Framework might not be a bad idea.
In my opinion a CSS framework:
Aims at cutting down development
Standardization and consistency.
Solid foundation to build upon.
Guidance\guidelines to follow. Avoid white screen of death effect.
Proven "good looking" UI.
Extra complexity
Steep learning curve
PROS: Anyone can take it and produce a result
CONS: Not everybody will be able to fix what comes out of it...
I would defenitely use a CSS framework, simply because you can assume it has been tested in a lot of browsers. I you use something like and it looks correct in one browser, you can be quite sure it will do so in all the others.
And like Omega notes I would at least use a CSS reset file, like YUI Reset CSS.
I like to use CSS frameworks because it ensures that it looks (quite) the same in many different browsers. e.g. I'm sick of writing hacks for internet explorer 6. The framework take this part for me.
The con is that you have to learn how to use the framework of your choise, but once learned it makes fun to write new sites.
I'm using YAML btw.

Making website compatible across most browsers

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to ensure cross-browser compatibility. I have done a bit of research and learned a few interesting things such as the fact that Mozilla/Firefox can't handle a class that has a name starting with a number. Is there a way to make a CSS work for any browser or is it better to just develop multiple CSS and add code to choose which to use based on the browser being used?
You might consider using a CSS Framework such as Blueprint. It includes a CSS reset that should help.
Also, you might want to look at Yahoo's CSS reset
An aside to clarify a point:
... I have done a bit of research and learned a few interesting things such as the fact that Mozilla/Firefox can't handle a class that has a name starting with a number....
Sorry, but that's not a Mozilla limitation, it's in the CSS spec: class names must not start with a number. Any browser that allows them to isn't enforcing the rules properly.
Answered here on StackOverFlow. The relevant part of the spec is at (see the 2nd paragraph).
To answer your question: There is no way to make a page using just one universal css and have it displayed equally in all browsers, unless you only use an extremely small sub-set of all available css (selectors, values, etc.).
The way I work is:
Use a css reset
Develop for a browser that adheres to the standards pretty well (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera)
Patch things up for IE using conditional comments (because you'll probably need things that don't validate)
A good starting point would be to use CSS reset such as:
Your goal should be CSS that works on all browsers. If you start out with a CSS file per browser, where do you stop? Mobile Safari? Flock? Konqueror? Every version of every supported browser?
Eventually, you might need to compromise, but you can cross that road when you get there.
Regardless of your infrastructure/framework/etc you should test your code on all major browsers. If possible avoid using style sheets for browser specific problems. Browsers will change and adapt which means you might get stuck having to update a bunch of websites when new browsers come out.
CSS is a fickle beast and I haven't found any solution that covers all the quirks except for a lot of due-diligence and testing.
You might use a framework that does this for you, such as GWT, but keep in mind that you will still have some issues.
