Is it possible to get a users first name or surname from a freebase query?
For example, I have a person entry I have the id of, but I just want to extract their first name.
"id": "/en/paul_thomas_anderson",
"name" : null
How would I modify this query, its something I've found nothing about by googling or searching here on S.O.? I know this kind of thing is possible in dbpedia for most people entries.
No, it's not possible directly. The name is stored as a single unit. There are topics for given names and surnames (e.g., so you could split the name and see which list(s) it appears in, but that's indirect and doesn't tell you about the specific person you are querying.
When sending a request toВильнюс with an indication of cyrillic nothing comes and with a latin https: // all is well. Tell me what the problem is or what I'm doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong. Autocomplete is designed to give you addresses that contain (perfectly match) your input string, and the results are sorted by relevance.
When you make your query in russian and provide only "Вильнюс" as input, the service is finding a lot of results (street names) that it considers are more relevant than the city. The city name is also found, but since the service doesn't think that this is what you're searching for, it puts the city much lower in the results list. You don't see it because you're limiting your query to give you only the first 10 matches (with the maxresults=10 parameter), but if you change the maxresults parameter to 20, for example, you will see that Vilnius appears in the 16th place of the API response.
If you want the service to better understand what is the thing you're querying for, you'll need to provide additional information. For example, if you continue typing and your input string is now "Вильнюс " (with a space at the end) or "Вильнюс Л" (a space and another letter), the service will understand what you mean and will return the result you want.
Another way of providing more information to change the way the service ranks the results is by adding a spatial filter, like the country, mapview, or prox parameters mentioned in the API Reference section of the documentation. Alternatively, the resultType parameter can help you filter out all the results with street names and return only city names, if that's what you want. These are just some options available, the one that is right for you will depend on your use case.
I have a couchdb that stores nearly half million tweets. Each tweet has a screen_name. I use map reduce function in couchdb to list all unique screen names. But how can I know how many different screen names there are in this database? My JavaScript code:
function(doc) {
emit(doc.screen_name, 1);
You can answer the "how many" questions by using the group parameter. You already have a _stats reduce in place, all you need to do now is:-
Which will give you a result like
If you look in the value object in the result returned, you have a "count" key which holds a count of all the screen_names in your view. This should give you answer for "how many screen_names are there?"
If you do
to the same query url you should get a result like
which gives you _stats for unique keys. This should give you an answer for "how many unique screen_names are there?"
You can use group levels for complex keys. Bur for your use case I think group=false and group=true should be sufficient.
I'm trying to get list of Chinese universities and their adresses. The minimum being the City/Town name. I will use these addresses to populate a googlemap, fiddle here.
I saw interesting code such as:
SELECT ?resource ?value
?resource a <> .
?resource <> ?value .
FILTER (?value > 100000)
ORDER BY ?resource ?value
Since CitiesAndTownsInChina doesn't work,
1. Where to find the exact name of the class I'am targeting ? and
2. Where to find dbpedia's operators manual ?
Note: I'am a very active user on Wikipedia, I'am well aware of all the data available there, but the dbpedia ontology/syntaxe/keywords is quite hard to get.
Personal note: queries on , ,
(Expanding on my reply to How to find cities with more than X population in a certain country)
CitiesAndTownsInDenmark exists because people use the category in wikipedia. Wikipedia categories are pretty loose and as a result there's a lot of variation in style, so even if a useful category exists the name may not be guessable.
In addition categories are maintained manually, and may not be consistently applied.
A good place to start is looking at the data. Visiting I see yago:MetropolitanAreasOfChina which seems promising, but if you follow that link you'll see it's not well populated.
As a consequence avoid relying on the existence of such categories and directly querying for populated places in a country. This information comes from wikipedia infoboxes, and they're much more consistent than categories. Taking Beijing as an exemplar again I found:
select ?s {
?s a <> ;
<> <>
(The relevant properties and values for my query were found by copying link location in the Beijing page)
with the result:
... nearly 3000 results ...
You'll notice that position is encoded multiple times (geo:lat and long, georss:point, various dbpprop:latd longd things), and there seem to be two values excitingly. You can either simply deal with the multiple values in whichever format you prefer, or try picking just one using GROUP BY and SAMPLE.
As for a manual, almost everything I know of are academic papers, and not very useful. However the data is reasonably self documenting.
for your first question:
you can see possible classes by querying one member of your intended set of entities (ex: Shanghai).
PREFIX rdf: <>
<> rdf:type ?type.
FILTER regex(str(?type), ".*China", "i").
} LIMIT 100
which gives this result:
dbpedia:class/yago/MetropolitanAreasOfChina [http]
dbpedia:class/yago/PortCitiesAndTownsInChina [http]
dbpedia:class/yago/MunicipalitiesOfThePeople'sRepuBlicOfChina [http]
dbpedia:class/yago/PopulatedCoastalPlacesInChina [http]
they are CamelCase versions of the categories that you will find at the bottom of wikipedia pages. I was fooled for a while by the erroneous capitalization of RepuBlic and finally saw that it contains only 4 cities, so it is of limited use for you.
so I would propose to go with #user205512 answer and get the cities by linking 2 properties.
for your second question:
I would advice you to search/ask on
I need to search some data depending on whether user enters a postcode or a town. Since the town and the postcode is stored in different columns, how can I distinguish whether it is a postcode or a town and pass it on to query?
Can't see why you'd need to distinguish. Just check both columns.
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Postcode = #searchString OR Town = #searchString
You can use a regular express sentence to check whether it is a postcode or not, if not, treat it as a town name then.
How to valid a postcode? it depends on what language you are using, here is an example how to valid in PHP:
you can also find the scripts in javascripts and foxpro. good luck!
you should get user selection whether he want to search in postcode or a town. If you don't want that then you can run your query in both column one by one. ie search on postcode if found then ok else run on town. or you can join two columns result in one column and search accordingly. although first option is more optimized.
oops i missed or operator. my bad
I know this sounds like a very stupid question, but I've been trying to figure this out and I can't find anything on this, though it seems obvious that this should be doable.
I'm developing something that queries an OWL file through its API using the Manchester OWL Syntax and a HermiT reasoner. I alternatively also run queries on the DL Query tab in Protege 4 to check my query results on that file. The file is basically the Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) ontology with added data instances.
The problem: I can't find a way to query an instance by its unique identifier.
It's supposed to be the URI so e.g. for a Person object with URI, I tried to run the following queries:
Person and URI value ""
Person value ""
Person and URI value "Andrew_Kuchling"
Person that "Andrew_Kuchling"
none of these work. (The URI is constructed by prefixing to whatever string you enter and URI is not actually identified in the ontology as a property).
In FOAF, mbox_sha1sum is the sha1sum of a mailbox. Mailboxes are uniquely connected to individuals. So I tried the following query:
Person and mbox_sha1sum value "mbox_sha1sum-property-value-here"
However, it doesn't even execute this query because it feels the query is incorrect. The mbox_sha1sum value is the same that I've added for this Person. It exists in Individuals.
It does execute this query:
Person and firstName value "Andrew"
All data properties are not specialised data types. Treated as literals by default.
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can someone please please help?
I know this question has been posted more than a year ago, but I recently asked me the same question and found the following solution:
Just put the name of the individual/member you want to query for in curly brackets:
This way you can even query for more than one individual at a time:
Please note that these queries form class expressions of so called enumarated classes. This means, that the result of this query will not simply be a list of all super or sub classes of all the individuals you have named in your query. Instead it refers to an anonymous class that consists of exactly the individuals you have listed.
An anonymous class is a class that isn't available from outside of your ontology, because there is no referrable owl entity for this class (no IRI to refer to).
You can find more information on the OWL Manchester Syntax in the offcial W3C specification.