Depending source for drop down list -

I have one drop down list in my pages that its source comes of below code. Now I like to put 1 text box adjusted on my drop down list and when I type on that, source of drop down list (DocumentNo) depend on what I type in the text box and when text box is null drop downs list shows all the (DocumentNo) , please help how I have to change my code,
protected void ddlProjectDocument_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
var query = from p in _DataContext.tblDocuments
orderby p.DocumentNo
select p;
int maxs = 0;
foreach (tblDocument v in query)
if (v.DocumentNo.Length > maxs)
maxs = v.DocumentNo.Length;
foreach (tblDocument vv in query)
string doctitle = vv.DocumentNo;
for (int i = vv.DocumentNo.Length; i < maxs; i++)
doctitle += " ";
doctitle += " | ";
doctitle += vv.TITLE;
// Use HtmlDecode to correctly show the spaces
doctitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(doctitle);
ddlProjectDocument.Items.Add(new ListItem(doctitle, vv.DocId.ToString()));

First, I would highly recommend storing the result of that query at the beginning of the method into something like a session variable so that you don't have to continually query the database every time you hit this page.
Second, you should use the OnTextChanged event in ASP.NET to solve this problem. Put in the OnTextChanged attribute to point to a method in your code behind that will grab the query result values (now found in your session variable) and will reset what is contained in ddlProjectDocument.Items to anything that matched what was being written by using String.StartsWith():
var newListOfThings = queryResults.Where(q => q.DocumentNo.StartsWith(MyTextBox.Value));
At this point all you need to do is do that same loop that you did at the end of the method above to introduce the correct formatting.


SQL always returning same results

I'm trying to do a search on a table in my database where it returns the top 50 rows with a firstname like the search term being passed to the function, but its always returning the same 50 results
My sql looks like this:
Select TOP(50) *
FROM [database].[dbo].[records]
WHERE (A_1STNAME LIKE '" + #searchTerm + "%')
When I run this query in Visual Studios query window, it works as expected but when I run it through my ASP.NET application, it always returns the same 50 results, and only one of them has a first name close to the searchTerm I passed to it.
here is the page code that runs the function:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_migrated_data data = new _migrated_data();
DataSet ds = data.Search(Request.QueryString.Get("query"), "A_RECID", 50);
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
rpt_Data.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
and here is the search method of _migrated_data:
public DataSet Search(String #pSearchTerm, String #pSortBy, int #pRowCount)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection objOleDBConn;
OleDbDataAdapter objOleDBDa;
objOleDBConn = new OleDbConnection(ClearingHouse_OLEDDB);
string lSQL = "SELECT TOP(50) * FROM [database].[dbo].[records]";
lSQL += " WHERE (A_1STNAME LIKE #searchTerm ) ORDER BY #sortBy";
SqlCommand t = new SqlCommand(lSQL);
if (pSearchTerm != null && pSearchTerm != "")
t.Parameters.AddWithValue("#searchTerm", #pSearchTerm + "%");
if (pSortBy != null && pSortBy != "")
t.Parameters.AddWithValue("#sortBy", #pSortBy);
t.Parameters.AddWithValue("#sortBy", "A_RECID");
objOleDBDa = new OleDbDataAdapter(t.CommandText, objOleDBConn);
objOleDBDa.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
return ds;
Using locals to view the final CommandText of t, I get the sql results I gave above.
Any help is greatly appriciated :)
AS Rob Rodi said, first of all, to get the results begining with a value you will need % char at the end of the therm:
Select TOP(50) *
FROM [database].[dbo].[records]
WHERE (A_1STNAME LIKE '" + #searchTerm + "%')
Second, probably your searchTerm is empty, so it's grabbing always the same results.
Debug your app and watch the variable to see if it's receiving some value.
You are having SQL injection there. Also it looks like the %-signs are missing.
The fact, that the query works in a query window and not in your app means, that the error is not in your query! Did you think about that? Probably, you should post code of your ASP.NET app.
It sounds like your parameter isn't being correctly passed to your data layer. Easiest way to find out if that's the case is to turn on Sql Profiler and check to see if it's being passed. If it is, your sql's to blame. If it's not, it's your application. You can then use the debugger on your application to work your way up the stack to see where the problem lies.

grid View footer total in [duplicate]

protected void inderGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
decimal rowTotal = Convert.ToDecimal
(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "DC_No_Decimal"));
//grdTotal = grdTotal + rowTotal;
grdTotal += rowTotal;
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
Label lbl = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblTotal");
e.Row.Cells[3].Text = grdTotal.ToString("c");
//lbl.Text = grdTotal.ToString("c");
from the above code i m getting total for every page in the grid view. Instead of getting total to every page i need all page total at the end of the grid view footer. Help Immediatly.
Thanks in advance
If you want the total of ALL pages, and for the footer to only appear on the last page, then you can't calculate the totals how you are doing.
At the moment your looping through every row on the gridview. If you are using paging the gridview won't be showing all the rows, so the total won't be correct.
Are you paging with a PagedDataSource or are you limiting the records returned from SQL etc? If you are using a DataSet and a PagedDataSource you'll be able to find the total from the DataSet (as this will contain all the records). Otherwise, you'll have to create a second query to calculate the total.
Then in terms of displaying the values in the footer, you'll have to add an IF statement to your ItemDataBound event to only display this if its the final page.
If you trying to display the record summery, please look this one about Displaying Summary Information in the GridView's Footer
What I do is setup the following in the code behind (This is just an example column):
int totalCallsTaken = 0;
public int CallsTaken(int value)
totalCallsTaken += value;
return value;
public int CallsTakenTotal()
return totalCallsTaken;
Then in the ASPX page I put the following template field in:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Calls Taken" FooterStyle-Font-Bold="true">
I hope that helps, Ian.
Noddy but you can try one more check in the if condition.
if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer && inderGrid.PageCount == inderGrid.PageIndex + 1)
//code here.
// Try this
if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer && inderGrid.PageCount == inderGrid.PageIndex + 1)
for (int i=0; i< inderGrid.Rows.Count; i++)
var currentRowCellVal = Convert.ToDecimal(inderGrid.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text);
grdTotal += currentRowCellVal;
e.Row.Cells[3].Text = grdTotal.ToString("c");
Just to be certain I'm understanding, you're saying you have a grid with say 100 items, but only 25 are shown at any given time. Then you want the footer to only display the sum of those 25 items that are displayed on the page.
There's a couple of options that you can do here for this:
1) Use JavaScript to calculate the total after the page has been rendered.
2) use intelligent SQL to only return those particular rows that you're wanting to display on the grid--and then keep your grid the same
3) calculate the visible rows in your code, and only add them when you need them. Remember, you know in the code behind which Grid.PageIndex you're on as well as how many items each page has. With this knowledge, you should be able to determine via the row index if any given datarow will be rendered to the screen.
You need to generate all records total using the actual data.
If you are doing paging at the data-sire (database) side then you have total at the data-sore side - you may use the same SP that returns a page-full of records to return the total of all records. If you are retrieving all records and doing paging at the web server side then you may use the retrieve data-source to do the totaling.
From optimization perspective, you can compute the total once and store it in the view-state.
If you wish to show the footer on the last row then you can use ShowFooter - set it to true only on the last page.
All you need to do is check whether your row is in the current page and do the calculation.
For example, something like this:
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
decimal rowTotal = Convert.ToDecimal
(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "DC_No_Decimal"));
if (e.Row.DataItemIndex >= inderGrid.PageIndex * inderGrid.PageSize
&& e.Row.DataItemIndex < inderGrid.PageIndex * inderGrid.PageSize + inderGrid.PageSize)
grdTotal += rowTotal;
Try this,
using System.Linq;
dt.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field<decimal>("DC_No_Decimal")).Sum().ToString();
you can use the code like this for get sum at the footer
gv.DataSource = dt;
gv.Columns[2].FooterText = dt.Rows.Count > 0 ? dt.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field<decimal>("DC_No_Decimal")).Sum().ToString() : "";

gridview with footer row total in the final page of the grid

protected void inderGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
decimal rowTotal = Convert.ToDecimal
(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "DC_No_Decimal"));
//grdTotal = grdTotal + rowTotal;
grdTotal += rowTotal;
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
Label lbl = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblTotal");
e.Row.Cells[3].Text = grdTotal.ToString("c");
//lbl.Text = grdTotal.ToString("c");
from the above code i m getting total for every page in the grid view. Instead of getting total to every page i need all page total at the end of the grid view footer. Help Immediatly.
Thanks in advance
If you want the total of ALL pages, and for the footer to only appear on the last page, then you can't calculate the totals how you are doing.
At the moment your looping through every row on the gridview. If you are using paging the gridview won't be showing all the rows, so the total won't be correct.
Are you paging with a PagedDataSource or are you limiting the records returned from SQL etc? If you are using a DataSet and a PagedDataSource you'll be able to find the total from the DataSet (as this will contain all the records). Otherwise, you'll have to create a second query to calculate the total.
Then in terms of displaying the values in the footer, you'll have to add an IF statement to your ItemDataBound event to only display this if its the final page.
If you trying to display the record summery, please look this one about Displaying Summary Information in the GridView's Footer
What I do is setup the following in the code behind (This is just an example column):
int totalCallsTaken = 0;
public int CallsTaken(int value)
totalCallsTaken += value;
return value;
public int CallsTakenTotal()
return totalCallsTaken;
Then in the ASPX page I put the following template field in:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Calls Taken" FooterStyle-Font-Bold="true">
I hope that helps, Ian.
Noddy but you can try one more check in the if condition.
if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer && inderGrid.PageCount == inderGrid.PageIndex + 1)
//code here.
// Try this
if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer && inderGrid.PageCount == inderGrid.PageIndex + 1)
for (int i=0; i< inderGrid.Rows.Count; i++)
var currentRowCellVal = Convert.ToDecimal(inderGrid.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text);
grdTotal += currentRowCellVal;
e.Row.Cells[3].Text = grdTotal.ToString("c");
Just to be certain I'm understanding, you're saying you have a grid with say 100 items, but only 25 are shown at any given time. Then you want the footer to only display the sum of those 25 items that are displayed on the page.
There's a couple of options that you can do here for this:
1) Use JavaScript to calculate the total after the page has been rendered.
2) use intelligent SQL to only return those particular rows that you're wanting to display on the grid--and then keep your grid the same
3) calculate the visible rows in your code, and only add them when you need them. Remember, you know in the code behind which Grid.PageIndex you're on as well as how many items each page has. With this knowledge, you should be able to determine via the row index if any given datarow will be rendered to the screen.
You need to generate all records total using the actual data.
If you are doing paging at the data-sire (database) side then you have total at the data-sore side - you may use the same SP that returns a page-full of records to return the total of all records. If you are retrieving all records and doing paging at the web server side then you may use the retrieve data-source to do the totaling.
From optimization perspective, you can compute the total once and store it in the view-state.
If you wish to show the footer on the last row then you can use ShowFooter - set it to true only on the last page.
All you need to do is check whether your row is in the current page and do the calculation.
For example, something like this:
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
decimal rowTotal = Convert.ToDecimal
(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "DC_No_Decimal"));
if (e.Row.DataItemIndex >= inderGrid.PageIndex * inderGrid.PageSize
&& e.Row.DataItemIndex < inderGrid.PageIndex * inderGrid.PageSize + inderGrid.PageSize)
grdTotal += rowTotal;
Try this,
using System.Linq;
dt.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field<decimal>("DC_No_Decimal")).Sum().ToString();
you can use the code like this for get sum at the footer
gv.DataSource = dt;
gv.Columns[2].FooterText = dt.Rows.Count > 0 ? dt.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field<decimal>("DC_No_Decimal")).Sum().ToString() : "";

Insert a control before another control inside a ItemDataBound event

I tried to Solution suggested here, but it didn't work in my case. using Page.Controls.IndexOf() for any of the elements on my page, when called in the ItemDataBound event method, returns -1.
I need to insert a linebreak based on certain conditions for stuff generated by my Data repeater. Here is the method:
private String lastCharacter = "";
public void users_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
HyperLink link = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("micrositeLink");
Tuple<String, String> user = (Tuple<String, String>)e.Item.DataItem;
link.NavigateUrl = "/" + user.Item1;
link.Text = user.Item2;
// makes a break in the data when going from one bunch of data to another.
if (user.Item1.Length >= 2)
if (lastCharacter == "")
lastCharacter = user.Item1[1].ToString().ToLower();
else if (lastCharacter != user.Item1[1].ToString().ToLower())
HtmlGenericControl lineBreak = new HtmlGenericControl("br");
if (Page.Controls.IndexOf(link) >= 0)
Page.Controls.AddAt(Page.Controls.IndexOf(link), lineBreak);
lastCharacter = user.Item1[1].ToString().ToLower();
The bound data is a list of users in my system with names beginning with a particular letter. My goal is to further sub-divide this data with a line break between groups of data that have the same second letter. For instance:
AaPerson Aarad AaStuff
AbItem AbStuff
Acan Achandle
To me, inserting a line break before the elements where the second letter changes is the obvious solution, but other suggestions are also appreciated.
Try using e.Item.Controls.IndexOf instead:
if (e.Item.Controls.IndexOf(link) >= 0)
e.Item.Controls.AddAt(e.Item.Controls.IndexOf(link), lineBreak);

How to show pop up menu from database in gridview on each gridview row items?

How to show pop up menu from database in gridview on each gridview row items ?
Example of this is :
Move your cursor to Departure time and arrival time...a want this type of popup in gridview items....which fetch entries from database..
You can handle this with javascript/jQuery. The gridview itself has nothing to do with this.
If I was going to build what he has just by looking at it I would create the table dynamically. This way you could use a string builder and insert variable names in between each td tag. You retrieve all your data from the database and store in a List or even better use LINQ to SQL.
I wish I could give you a sample in VB, but here is an example of what I'm talking about.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
StoreDataContext db = new StoreDataContext();
var join = from b in db.Brands
select new
Brand = b,
c = b.Description.Length < 204 ? b.Description : b.Description.Substring(0, 204) + "...",
Sources =
from s in db.Sources
join xref in db.Brands_Sources on s.SourceID equals xref.SourceID
where xref.BrandID == b.BrandID
select s
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append( "<table class='tableStripe'>");
sb.Append( "<tr><th width='1%'>Active</th><th>Image</th><th>Name</th><th>Short Description</th><th>Source</th><th width='1%'>Date Created</th><th width='1%'>Data Modified</th></tr>");
foreach (var result in join)
string chk = (result.Brand.Active ? "checked='checked'" : "");
sb.AppendFormat( "<tr><td><input class='brandChk' value='{4}' type='checkbox' {0}></td><td width='1%'><img width='50px' src='{1}'</img></td>" +
"<td><a href='/admin/Catalog/Brand/Detail.aspx?brandId={4}'>{2}</a></td><td width='60%'>{3}</td>", chk, result.Brand.Image, result.Brand.Name, result.c,result.Brand.BrandID);
foreach (var q in result.Sources)
string srcname = (q.Source1=="Motovicity" ? "Motovicity":"Direct");
sb.AppendFormat("<img src='{0}' title='{1}'</img>", q.Image,srcname);
string date = string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy}", result.Brand.DateCreated);
string mod = string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy}", result.Brand.DateModified);
sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td></tr>", date, mod);
resultSpan.InnerHtml = sb.ToString();
As you can see I code the html for a checkbox and insert the brand id into the value attribute.
He is not fetching record on runtime basically if you see the structure he has the information in the tooltip attribute of anchor tag and using jquery cluetip to display it.
so you can use any jquery tooltip plugin to display same as he is doing.
