Detect Customized Twitter Bootstrap Settings (CSS, Variables, & Plugins) - css

I have built a site using Twitter Bootstrap.
When I customized my Bootstrap download I set custom values for colors, gutter widths, etc.
Two months later, I would like to upgrade to Bootstrap Version 2.3.0 but have forgotten what values I set for these custom values.
Rather than going through all of my code and searching for these values and plugging them into my new customized download package, is there a way to "Import" my current bootstrap.css file, detect the settings, and then upgrade to the new version?
I have seen functionality such as this on the jQuery Mobile Themeroller whereby you import your CSS by copy & paste, and the site performs the upgrade for you.
Is there anything similar for Twitter Bootstrap? Or is there a way to do this without comparing hundreds of lines of code?

git clone the repository. Then git checkout <your original version>, then copy your changes over top and do a diff. This will allow you to see only the changes you made to the version you originally used without seeing all the changes in the new bootstrap version. You can then update to the HEAD and proceed to copy your changes into it.


Multiple bootstrap themes with webpack

I am building an app with theming requirements that can only be determined at run time. At build time it is possible to have theme variables available for all themes.
Is it possible to get webpack to build node modules - in this case bootstrap - with different variables file? I guess at build time I would want it to build multiple versions/themes of bootstrap. Then at run time I could reference the correct css file based on some prefix.
I am using bootstrap 4, with webpack 2.
Is possible with webpack and how can I achieve this?
Definitely. I'm assuming you are determining the themes based on a user profile type system. Take a look at below and add an if statement to look for the variable in sql then simply apply the css. simple. Try creating it and if you run into trouble post the code you have on here and i'm sure someone can help. Add stylesheet to Head using javascript in body script-in-body. also if you aren't using already bootstrap allows for theme file so you can keep the overall style loading and simply apply the color scheme you want so that you only need to load the bulkier script once.
You can use the webpack plugin themes-switch, put all your theme files in a directory, the plugin would compile themes to individual files. Then use function changeTheme to switch themes at runtime.

Full instructions for Meteor Semantic-ui integration by a frustrated n00bie?

I wish there were better instructions for installing and getting started with Semantic-ui on Meteor....please see below.
Any improvements/feedback welcome.
I just decided to post these because of some difficulties I had getting semantic-ui to work with Meteor. I figured out the few things I was not getting from various answers across various forums:
Install via CLI: meteor add semantic:ui flemay:less-autoprefixer (You don't need to worry about LESS)
Create an empty custom.semantic.json file in /client/lib/semantic-ui/custom.semantic.json. (Note this is NOT the lib folder that is outside the client and server folders - make a new lib folder. Putting it in the original lib will cause your app to crash because jQuery hasn't been loaded
Start meteor - the custom.semantic.json file will populate and all the semantic-ui files will be added to your project in the same folder.
Edit the file custom.semantic.json to select only the definitions and themes you want
If you are happy with the default values you will need to remove .custom.semantic.json to generate Semantic UI - in all likelihood you will want to delete this file.
Save the file and it will generate Semantic UI
It hasn't been an issue for me yet but it appears that if you are changing theme you still need to leave the default theme setting as true. This seemed to be causing people confusion.
I wanted to use the accordion and couldn't figure how to get it working. The HTML from the docs is very straightforward but I needed this JS to get me going:
Template.yourTemplate.rendered = function() {
If anyone knows a better way, please jump in.
Hope this helps someone avoid the minor frustrations I had earlier today.

Can I have customized versions of boostrap 3 in the same site?

I downloaded a customized version of bootstrap 3 from the web (I changed the number of columns to 7), but my website uses zf2 which comes packaged with bootstrap 3. How can I have a page of my website use this customized version and have the rest of the site use the standard build?
Will I have to do something with LESS? I'm just unsure of how this would work or if it can work at all.
I tagged this with zf2 because that is my specific use case, but this is more a general boostrap, css question.
If you only want ONE page to use it, why not just output the customized Bootstrap CSS files on that one page, and the standard CSS files on everything else?
No, since both versions of bootstrap use the same class names, you can not use multiple instances of bootstrap on the same page.

meteor: how to change include order of packages

in this post on stackoverflow, the autor recommends to include the bootstrap.js before the jquery.js. in other circumstances he wrote, that the bootstrap modal won't work properly. So i had a look at the sources of my startpage, and i saw, that meteor includes bootstrap after jquery.
And now my question: How can i change the order of the included packages in meteor?
The reason, why i ask, is that i have problems with bootstrap modal. For example modals disappears when i press a button inside or type something into an input...
The order the packages are added depends on their filenames.
The default order should be fine, I also use the modal with both the jquery and bootstrap packages without issue. Are you adding these script tags yourself? You don't really need them.
Why not install the packages with meteor:
meteor add bootstrap
meteor add jquery

Using Twitter Bootstrap together with Wordpress

How do I use Wordpress together with Twitter Bootstrap? I know how to set up a Wordpress page and I've already worked with Bootstrap, but now I want to use these two together for the first time.
For my Wordpress projects I normally just installed Wordpress and started from scratch with creating a new theme. For my Bootstrap projects I always used Initializr to build a template.
Now using Google I found various "Bootstrap themes" and plugins , do I need one of those? I want to customize the bootstrap look with my own colors etc. using LESS, that's why I am asking. I am just having trouble to understand how these two will work together and I haven't found any good resource for it.
There will be a few ways to tackle this, but here's what I've been doing...
Take a copy of your favorite starting point theme
Download the full bootstrap repo (less and everything) and pop it into your theme folder.
Create a folder called 'css' inside the bootstrap folder and set this as your location to output your compiled 'bootstrap.css' file.
Then up in the theme root, open 'styles.css', change the theme name etc as you would if you were creating a new theme, delete all the styles and add just one line of code #import url("bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css");
You should now be able to select this new theme from your 'appearances' menu in 'wp-admin'.
It'll obviously look horrific, but once you add a few of your theme classes/IDs into 'layout.less'. Then run through 'variables.less' to add you base theme you'll be getting somewhere.
Other than that you'll have to go through each template file and consider all the classes/IDs, sometimes edit the theme to make better use of existing bootstrap classes, but other times you'll need to add you're own custom classes to bootstrap.
It's quite time consuming, but once its done it can obviously be re-used to speed up future projects.
Incidentally, I've also been building a theme using this same principle but based on both great projects. I'd recommend seeing which best suits you.
You could always us the Twitter Bootstrap WordPress plugin. It's completely free on here:
There's also lots of shortcodes included so you can include Bootstrap elements within your pages and post - there's a demo page of it all here:
Hope that helps you get started!
I answered the same question before here at stackoverflow. I feel like it's kind of late sharing but for those who are looking for such tutorial just click the hyperlinked title given: Using Twitter Bootstrap in Wordpress.
There is a quick way to do it, using composer in your theme:
"config": {
"component-dir": "lib/composer",
"vendor-dir": "lib/composer",
"bin-dir" : "bin/composer",
"cache-dir" : "var/cache/composer"
"require": {
"twitter/bootstrap": "3"
Note: I removed the other composer's section and requirements and phing integration to reduce complexity.
composer install
And then in your theme, add /lib/composer/twitter/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css with this sentences
$bootUri = get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/composer/twitter/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
wp_enqueue_style('sindy_bootstrap', $bootsUri);
et voilĂ ! :)
