ASP.NET - Export formatted data in excel file -

I want to export a datable to excel file. The data should be formatted and in readable format.
Can anyone suggest me ways to do this ?
Also please suggest ready made free library which we can use in ASP.NET for formatted exporting.

Nowadays I work on exporting excel and this is the best I tried so far.
Easy to use.


Core Data SQLite File

I have an app that saves your data and retrieves your data under a ID number of your choice! The only thing is I have people asking for an excel document of all there saved data! Does anyone know how I would go ahead with this! I am using Swift and Xcode 6.1! I am also using a SQLite file that core data has made for me.
Creating native Excel is likely a PITA. You should export to CSV, though the format seems to be another PITA for one is liking comma, the other semicolon and the third tabs :-(

Export data to Excel Part By Part

I have a huge dataset value in JRDatasource object and am not able to export it to Excel as it will give me memory out of space error. So am planning to split the JRDatasource object and export the data part by part. Any idea or suggestion on how to implement this? Or any other way suggested also fine for me. Thanks in advance.
I dont know much about JRDataSource, but I'll offer another solution.
Take a look at Apache POI library which enables you to create excel files on-the-fly.
So you can read from the data source element by element and persist them on a excel file.

Automatic generation of RTF table

I need to export some information that exist in a Linux text file into Windows Word file containing a few tables.
Is there a ready made tool that will create a nice RTF table in Linux?
The input can be CSV, or maybe some other simple table format.
I've tried Googling, but most results are the vice verse (create simple txt from RTF).
I've tried to write something myself, (according to Using Tables in RTF)
but encountered some problems, and thought that maybe there is no need to re-invent the wheel...
You can create the table in html and convert it to rtf using unoconv. It requires a recent LibreOffice or OpenOffice with UNO bindings.

Export Excel from web, what's the BEST way?

About 3 years ago, I was looking for a way to allow a web app user to download table results to an Excel file. I knew that I didn't want to put Office on the web server and that I probably wanted to create the XLS file in XML format. The question was: what was the best way?
Now I am writing my resume and I am trying to recap the things that I did and I am concerned that I didn't take the best approach and I am wondering if somebody can tell me whether my suspicions are true.
Basically, I saved an Excel file as XML and then looked at the contents of the saved file and reverse engineered what I thought was a pretty cool SDK to create an Excel file in XML format. It was fairly robust with options , nice object model, etc.
But did such a library already exist? One that I could have used? I want to know if I will need to defend this "accomplishment"
Also, could anyone recommend me a good place where I can see actual resumes of people with .NET / SQL Server or general developer skills?
You can try SmartXLS (for Java or .Net), it supports most features of Excel (cell formatting, Charts, formulas, pivot tables etc), and can read/write both the Excel97-2003 xls format and the Excel2007 openxml format.
These people wrote a perfectly good one that you probably couldn't implement yourself for as cheaply.

List of objects to Excel Spreadsheet?

Anyone know of some code out there that does this already? I have a bunch of pages with data grids on them in an admin website they want to export them to Excel, was hoping someone had this written already - or if not I'll post mine when I am done.
Excel can open files in the format of CSV and XML - it can also generate the schema file.
if you have data grids then the chances are you have data sets.
There is a method on the dataset to output as XML.
you probably have to use an xmlWriter to save the file.
