Get full name of binary from Razor Template, including extention - tridion

I'm using a technique I found on SO (here) to publish binaries from a Razor template. It works great except for one minor shortcoming.
I want to push an item with the file name that was uploaded to Tridion. I can use the title for most of that, but how can I determine the file extension? In this case I need to know the name of the file in the template because I am going to do some javascript manipulation with it.
Again, everything works fine, but I'd like to do something other than just concatenating a ".jpg". It looks like I can parse the WebDavUrl property. Is that my only option?
var item1 = TridionHelper.Package.CreateMultimediaItem(#Fields.closed.ID);
TridionHelper.Package.PushItem(#Fields.closed.Title + ".jpg", item1);
string closed = #Publication.MultimediaUrl + "/"+(#Fields.closed.Title) + ".jpg";

You have full access to the TOM.NET API from Razor Mediator, so you can also access the filename from the Component's BinaryContent field. Assuming #Fields.closed is a Multimedia Component Link you can do:
Note that this will be the original path/filename that was uploaded. You also have access to System.IO.Path, so you co:
You'll have to be careful if you have a custom TBB that publishes binaries, as this TBB could actually change the filename that is published, and the Filename property of BinaryContent will only contain the original uploaded path and filename.

Related mvc - get full file name of uploaded file

Is it possible to get full file name of uploaded file in mvc?
The data contains only the file name, but doesn't the file path! See the attached image for details.
It depends on the browser.
Most browsers (FF, Chrome, Safari) do not send this information, primarily for security reasons. However, it appears as though some versions of IE do send the full client path.
This value will be stored in the FileName property of the HttpPostedFile.
The documentation for FileName should help. It says:
FileName: The name of the client's file, including the directory path.
In the following code, postedFile.FileName will vary based on the browser. Therefore, it's important to always extract just the filename, and you might also get lucky and get the clientPath too.
public ActionResult UploadFile(HttpPostedFile postedFile) {
var clientPath = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(postedFile.FileName);
var filename = IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);
... Save the file, etc ...

Kentico - Pass MemoryStream file to MediaFileInfo API

I have created a iTextSharp PDF file that is created to a MemoryStream. But I now need to pass this file to the Kentico media library.
I would be grateful if anyone could show my how to do this. The code I have currently is:
//Media Library Info - takes Media Library Name and Website Name
MediaLibraryInfo libraryInfo = MediaLibraryInfoProvider.GetMediaLibraryInfo("MyLibrary", CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);
//Folder in Media Library where Item will be Inserted
string mediaLibraryFolder = folder;
//create media file info item - takes the relative path to the document, the library ID, and the folder name where the document will be located within the media library
MediaFileInfo fileInfo = new MediaFileInfo();
fileInfo.FileLibraryID = libraryInfo.LibraryID;
fileInfo.FileBinaryStream = file;
fileInfo.FileName = title.Replace(" ", "").Trim();
fileInfo.FileTitle = title;
fileInfo.FileDescription = description;
fileInfo.FileExtension = ".pdf";
fileInfo.FileMimeType = "application/pdf";
fileInfo.FilePath = String.Concat("/", folder, "/", title.Replace(" ", "").Trim(), ".pdf");
// Save media file info
I keep getting database errors due to nullable columns e.g. FileSize, FileExtension, etc. Since I am using a MemoryStream I can't find a way to supply all that information.
Am I using the MediaFileInfo API incorrectly in conjunction with a MemoryStream file?
Actually, I don't think that you need to do anything that RadekM said. You can simply stream the file to disk to save it, and then call the import method you're using to import it into the media library.
For example, a Media Library called "Site Images" for the site "MySite" will have a folder on disk at /MySite/media/Site Images/. Drop your file into there (you can use sub folders if you want). At this point the file is "in" the media library, but it hasn't been imported yet, so you wont be able to use it. You can see this is true by viewing the Media Library in the CMS Desk interface. However, this file has not yet been imported into the Media Library and you should see an exclamation point inside a yellow triangle next to your new file.
So after you get the file in the right location, you can use that file information to populate the MediaFileInfo object and Import the file.
Could you adapt this code and pass the bytes of the PDF from here?
programmatically adding files to the Kentico Media Library
Regrettably, MemoryStream class does not contain these informations, so you can’t gain them from this object directly. Anyway, if you want to supply FileSize property, you can use ms.Length property as a workaround. Basically, this particular property is not important, so it can be even some dummy number.
As for extension – are you saying that you are receiving error saying this property is null, although you set it like „fileInfo.FileExtension = ".pdf";“? Can you clarify?
Also please note that you need to set some other properties, FileSiteID, FileCreatedWhen, FileGUID and FilePath (path inside given media library). If you have full source code of Kentico API, you can get an inspiration from constructor of MediaFileInfo object in \MediaLibrary\MediaFileInfo.cs class.

storing the files in a web application in

I have set of components that i wish to let the users download from my web application.
Now the question is where should i place the files in app_data or create a separate folder in web application as shown here or is there any other optimal solution for this ?
What i mean by components is you can take a look at this ! So what is the best way to do store the components ?
Right now what i'm doing is: i'm storing the files in a external folder outside the application more specifically in documents folder of my c drive, and i'm storing the path to a component as a data element of the table, when ever user clicks on a particular row's button (in the grid view) i'm getting the title of that particular clicked row and querying the database table for the filepath of that component title using these lines of code:
String filePath = dr1[0].ToString(); //GETS THE FILEPATH FROM DATABASE
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM";
String disHeader = "Attachment; Filename=\"" + filePath + "\"";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", disHeader);
System.IO.FileInfo fileToDownload = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
Am i doing it properly ? Is there a better/optimal way to do it ?
A user simply needs read access to download a file, so you can simply create a directory claled "Downloads" and place them in there.
You can ensure that people can't "browse" that directory by disabling Directory Browsing and not placing any default docs in there (index.html, default.aspx for example)
What you are currently doing looks like a fairly standard way for providing downloads off your site.
I can't think of something more "optimal".

ASP.NET localized files

I've got a web page with a link, and the link is suppose to correspond to a PDF is the given user's language. I'm wondering where I should put these PDF files though. If I put them in App_LocalResources, I can't specify a link to /App_LocalResources/TOS_en-US.pdf can I?
The PDF should definitely not be in the App_LocalResources folder. That folder is only for RESX files.
The PDF files can go anywhere else in your app. For example, a great place to put them would be in a ~/PDF folder. Then your links will have to be dynamically generated (similar to what Greg has shown):
string cultureSpecificFileName = String.Format("TOS_{0}.pdf", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);
However, there are some other things to consider:
You need a way to ensure that you actually have a PDF for the given language. If someone shows up at your site and has their culture specified as Klingon, it's unlikely that you have such a PDF.
You need to decide exactly what the file format will be. In the example given, the file would have to be named TOS_en-US.pdf. It you want to use the 2-letter ISO culture names, use CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName and then the file name would be TOS_en.pdf.
I would store the filename somewhere with an argument in it (i.e. "TOS_{0}.pdf" ) and then just add the appropriate suffix in code:
string cultureSpecificFileName = string.Format("TOS_{0}.pdf", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
Does the PDF have to have the same file name for each of the different languages? If not, put them all into a directory and just store the path in your resources file.

How can I query a Word docx in an ASP.NET app?

I would like to upload a Word 2007 or greater docx file to my web server and convert the table of contents to a simple xml structure. Doing this on the desktop with traditional VBA seems like it would have been easy. Looking at the WordprocessingML XML data used to create the docx file is confusing. Is there a way (without COM) to navigate the document in more of an object-oriented fashion?
I highly recommend looking into the Open XML SDK 2.0. It's a CTP, but I've found it extremely useful in manipulating xmlx files without having to deal with COM at all. The documentation is a bit sketchy, but the key thing to look for is the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.WordprocessingDocument class. You can pick apart the .docx document if you rename the extension to .zip and dig into the XML files there. From doing that, it looks like a Table of Contents is contained in a "Structured Document" tag and that things like the headings are in a hyperlink from there. Putzing around with it a bit, I found that something like this should work (or at least give you a starting point).
WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(Filename, false);
SdtBlock contents = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<SdtBlock>().First();
List<string> contentList = new List<string>();
foreach (Hyperlink section in contents.Descendants<Hyperlink>())
Here is a blog post on querying Open XML WordprocessingML documents using LINQ to XML. Using that code, you can write a query as follows:
using (WordprocessingDocument doc =
WordprocessingDocument.Open(filename, false))
foreach (var p in doc.MainDocumentPart.Paragraphs())
Console.WriteLine("Style: {0} Text: >{1}<",
p.StyleName.PadRight(16), p.Text);
foreach (var c in p.Comments())
" Comment Author:{0} Text:>{1}<",
c.Author, c.Text);
Blog post: Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML
See XML Documents and Data as a starting point. In particular, you'll want to use LINQ to XML.
In general, you do not want to use COM in a .NET application.
