Display 100% Child Width when Parent is only 50% - css

Is there anyway to make a a child element 100% width of the screen while it's parent is only 50%?
For example, I need to make the black footer for this site extend the full width of the screen while maintaining the integrity of the rest of the site. msdnw.com/
I created my custom div of #blackback and have tried various ways to make it work and just can't. Any ideas? P.S. Yes I've already tried placing the div below the footer code as apposed to wrapping the footer. But perhaps the code I was using was not working how I needed.
Thanks for any help :)

Update your #blackback css to:
#blackback {
width: 100%;
height: 300px;
background-color: #000;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
should do it.

You want to go and use Absolute positioning:
.child {
left: 0;
right: 0;
position: absolute;
hope that helps


Background does not take the whole page Angular CSS

A simple question that might help me to ask a more complicated problem that I will not explain here now.
Do you know why the red color does not take all the background of the page?
Of course in my problem I do not want to modify the files 'index.html' and 'style.css'
Thank you in advance, have a nice day
Your background-color: red only applies to your div, which has a height of whatever total height of the elements within it by default. In order to take place of the entire page you just need to set the height to 100vh
.back {
height: 100vh;
background-color: red;
The parent block element, in this case <body>, does not have a 100% height. It also has by default a certain margin. The body element's block parent also has no height set. This is the <html> tag. You can fix this in two ways if you don't want to edit a global css file:
Add this in your component css, which is pretty ugly and so much frowned upon
::ng-deep body,
::ng-deep html {
margin: 0;
.back {
height: 100%;
Another way is to make the position absolute. This work because the relative parent of the element is the <html> element viewport:
.back {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;

Move main content over header photo

Design question here. How can I make the #main-wrapper slide over the #single-carousel on the following page: http://duijnisveld.wpengine.com/
Right now it moves up when scrolling, I need the carousel to stay put and make the main wrapper slide over it when scrolling down.
giving .header-foto-wrapper position: fixed and #main-wrapper position: relative gives unexpected behaviour for me, I'm clearly missing something important.
*note, in the url, the .header-foto-wrapper does not have the position fixed as it breaks the layout and it's a live site for the client to see.
You'll need to apply width. Things go a little wonky when a container calculates width once you pull it out of the content flow. A width:100% will fill the page width. You'll also want to move the content area down and apply a background color.
.header-foto-wrapper {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
#main-wrapper {
position: relative;
top: 100%;
background: #fff;
By setting the position as absolute.
.wrapper {
position: absolute;
left: 100px;
top: 150px;

full background and responsive

please see link below
as you can see there's a text on header (header is an image)
the text is:
mail#yahoo.com (this text is a part of image)
I convert that part of header image to link with below code
<div id="hw"><div id="header"><img src="test.jpg" /></div></div>
and this is #link
#ResponsiveLink {
width: 267px;
how can we make that link be responsive in other devices? for example when browser is narrow position of the a tag with #ResponsiveLink id changes but i want it be fixed over my text.
The best way I know, is not to put a big part of your screen as an image. On the other hand you probably don't want to cut the image into several separate images. So, I suggest using CSS Sprit.
After separating the image, you can put the parts beside each other using float, clear, and percentage widths, or use a framework like bootstrap.
If you still want to use the image as a whole header, in a single HTML tag which don't recommend at all, using percentage top for your #ResponsiveLink would work. You should just add width: 100% to all its parents: header, hw, and wrapper.
Following the comments:
#ResponsiveLink {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FF0000;
display: block;
height: 0;
left: 58%;
margin-left: 0;
margin-top: 7%;
padding-bottom: 3%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 25%;
This will fix the problem because of the difference between percentages of position and margin, top percentage is calculated using first absolute parent's height but margin and padding percentages are calculated using parent's width. There's still a problem caused by the max width which you can fix adding a wrapper inside your #head with a width of 100% and no max width.
The other try of using floats and separated images have too many problems to write here, sorry.
What you're currently building isn't a sustainable solution and you should definitely see other replies on how to improve your site layout.
However, if you need a temporary solution, the following CSS changes will work on your current page:
#header {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 980px;
position: relative;
#ResponsiveLink {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FF0000;
display: block;
height: 30%;
left: 60%;
position: absolute;
right: 12%;
top: 37%;

Fixed position buttons appearing in incorrect area depending on browser

I am trying to make a simple html site:
The problem is the buttons, which are png's and I am trying to position over the various areas of the background image, using css like this:
.but1 {
However I have noticed in different browsers and depending on the zoom factor the buttons can be way off their intended mark. Any advice on this would be appreciated,
Set your .content container to position: relative and change each button div from position: fixed to position: absolute. The relative position on the container will make the absolute position relative to your div, rather than the browser.
.content {
padding: 10px 0;
background-color: #5a5958;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
position: relative;
I would probably add another class to each, so you could do something like this:
<div class="but but1">
<div class="but but2">
.but { position: absolute; }
.but1 { top: 463px; left: 36px; }
Normalize.css might help, it contains default CSS for all browsers. Be sure to include it before your main CSS. Sorry, as the other answer states the problem is that you are positioning relative to the browser window, not the parent element.

How to make a DIV fill the whole screen after page loading

We are making a website for the TEDx in our city and we're stuck..
Here's a draft copy of it: tedx.mozerov.ru
We have a div id="section-event" which we want to be for the whole page on loading. We added the height:100%; and width:100%;, but the block is still does not fill the whole page :(
Please help!
Well, not sure how you are going to use this div, but:
position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%;
I still cannot comment on other people's answers so here is my answer and it's only a simple addition to uotonyh's that may work.
Make the position absolute and add an arbitrary z-index. As long as the z-index is higher than the other absolute/relative DIVs, then it should take up the entire viewport. If you see a space on the top and left side, then add margin: 0px; to your body css tag.
#section-event {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
z-index: 99;
Apply height:100% to both the html and body elements.
I just tested in FireBug and I think it achieves the effect you want.
It depends on your website layout, sometimes you have incompatibilities. But in general something like this works:
#redoverlay {
background-color: red;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
I've seen this being used in some sites where the <div id="redoverlay"></div> element exists at all times, but is with its visibility disabled. When its needed its set to visible by JavaScript.
What you probably need is margin: 0px in body
