Qt Calling Another Ui - qt

I have created 2 *.ui using Qt Designer in my project, where one is the main screen and another one is a dialog widget. The dialog widget is called by one of the functions in main screen.
How can I connect the function in my main window to call the dialog widget?
e.g. If I click on [About > Author] in my main window's menu, I should be able to call the dialog widget.
Any help will be appreciated.

It depends on where you keep your dialog pointer. For example, you can create some signal on your main window and connect it with dialog show() slot(or exec() if you need it to be modal).
Or if you keep your dialog pointer in the main windows then you can just use it with show/exec method directly.
As to About->Author menu: for that you should create QAction and add it to the menu. And QAction has triggered() signal which you can connect to exec/show slot of the dialog.


Qt Widgets do not get showEvent() when tabbed in dock area of QMainWindow

In QMainWindow, when few widgets are tabbed together in dock area, how can I detect when a tab has been toggled by user? It is not a problem when I have an instance of QTabWidget created by myself and can attach a handler to currentChanged(), but what's about this case when the main window internally performs docking/tabifying operations? It normally would be showEvent() triggered but by some reason it doesn't work when tabs are switched. Also, a widget, not on active tab, has it's visibility state turned ON (isVisible() returns true) which is strange.
I found the answer. It is QMainWindow::tabifiedDockWidgetActivated() which is signaled when a tab on a docked widget changes. It was added in Qt 5.8. Without it there is no way.

Remap context menu call on qwidget

I have my custom widget inherited from QWidget, and I've connected the widget's menu-calling signal to my slot.
connect(m_ontologyView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(showContextMenuSlot(QPoint)));
Now I want user to be able to change button calling the context menu. Normally it's called with right mouse button, but how do I tell the widget to call the menu with a button of my choice?
I'm on Qt 5.4.0
Instead of using QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, you will need to reimplement the widgets mouse event functions, QWidget::mousePressEvent, QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent and QWidget::mouseMoveEvent. Inside of these events, you can then show you menu using QMenu::popup. (The point can be extracted from the mouse events).

Destroy QWidget returned from Plugin in Qt

My app loads a plugin which creates a window (QWidget), but I can not destroy it when I exit from QMainWindow, obviously because widget returned from plugin is not a child of QMainWindow. The issue is that if I make that window to be a child of mainwindow, I get a window on another window. But I need them both to be separated. I did them separated (but main window has no control over window from plugin), in my case I do not know how to close window from plugin when app quits. How can I achieve that?
Just delete it. If you don't assign it a parent, no other widget has ownership. So you should simply be able to destroy it yourself on exit.

qt creator to give control from one window to another

how to give control from one window to another by a pushbutton click
Both windows must be part of the same application. Connect the QPushButton clicked signal to a slot on the other window in which activateWindow() is called.

How can I insert a widget into a mainwindow generated by Qt designer?

I have a Main window build with Qt Designer and I also have a widget built with Qt designer (both in a separate ui file). How can I instantiate my widget into my mainwindow at runtime?
The easiest way (using Designer) is to open your main window, drag a QWidget into it, and position/name the QWidget like you would your custom widget. Once that is done, right-click on the QWidget, and select Promote to.... A dialog will show up with the widgets it can be promoted to. At the bottom of that dialog, you can add a new widget for promotion. Type in the class name and include file information, and add that widget. Then select the entry in the list, and click the Promote button.
At the end of this process, you should be able to recompile, and your custom widget will be where you placed it in the main window.
Can't you use QMainWindow::setCentralWidget function?
