Can you set a QWidget to take up an entire column of a QTreeWidget? - qt

I have a custom QTreeWidget subclass that I'm using to display track names/etc. in my MIDI editor project ( I'd like to add another column to this tree widget, but with one widget taking up the whole column and not per-item widgets.
Is this possible or will I have to figure out some other solution?
EDIT: I'm trying to accomplish something like this: - see the last "column" in the header view (3rd after "L/R Balance") showing all the lines/notes (which is entirely custom, and written in VB.NET and closed-source anyway).
EDIT 2: You can't see it, but the last column scrolls without the other columns scrolling in the above picture. In their method, you have to scroll using the mouse. I want a scrollbar.

Looking at the Qt documentation, there seems to be a few options to accomplish this, however there are a few important factors to address before you can decide what approach best suits your needs.
Is the content being displayed in this custom tree column static or dynamic?
Is there a one to one mapping of rows from your QTreeWidget to your custom tree column?
If your custom tree column content IS static and there IS a one to one mapping of rows , use of the QTreeWidget::setItemWidget ( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column, QWidget * widget ) function should suffice.
However, if the content of your custom tree column is dynamic OR there is not a one to one mapping of rows, this will require a more complex approach.
As described in the documentation for QTreeWidget; "If you want to display custom dynamic content or implement a custom editor widget, use QTreeView and subclass QItemDelegate. "
QItemDelegate, and its sub classes, perform all drawing facilities for items inserted into Qt item views (like QTreeView, QListView, QTableView, etc..). This essentially allows you to control ALL drawing operations for any item inserted into a QTreeView class, letting you draw dynamic content in addition to being able to extend content across multiple rows.
Having implemented a similar approach for a QListWidget, I recommend using QStyledItemDelegate in lieu of QItemDelegate as it allows you to more easily integrate this widget with your application's style layout. As you did not detail the exact use of this custom QWidget, you also might need the additional facilities provided by QItemEditorCreator, QItemEditorCreatorBase and QItemEditorFactory. I would post the similar widget I developed here if I could, but sadly it is part of a proprietary software suite.

This is not completely pretty, because it got it's problems when the custom widget is in the right-most column and the column is made narrow, but it's a start:
#include <QtGui>
class TreeWidget : public QTreeWidget
QRect columnRect(int column) const;
private slots:
void repositionColumnWidget();
QPushButton * mColumnWidget;
: mColumnWidget(new QPushButton("Custom Column Button", viewport()))
const int COLUMN_COUNT = 6;
for (int row = 0; row < 400; ++row)
QStringList columns;
for (int column = 0; column < COLUMN_COUNT; ++column)
columns << QString("row %1, column %2").arg(row + 1).arg(column + 1);
addTopLevelItem(new QTreeWidgetItem(columns));
for (int column = 0; column < COLUMN_COUNT; ++column)
connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int,int,int)), this, SLOT(repositionColumnWidget()));
connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int,int,int)), this, SLOT(repositionColumnWidget()));
connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(repositionColumnWidget()));
connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(repositionColumnWidget()));
QRect TreeWidget::columnRect(int column) const
int itemCount = topLevelItemCount();
if (!itemCount)
return QRect();
int columnX = header()->sectionViewportPosition(column);
int columnY = visualItemRect(topLevelItem(0)).top();
int columnWidth = header()->sectionSize(column);
int columnHeight = visualItemRect(topLevelItem(itemCount-1)).bottom() - columnY + 1;
return QRect(columnX, columnY, columnWidth, columnHeight);
void TreeWidget::repositionColumnWidget()
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
TreeWidget treeWidget;
treeWidget.resize(800, 600);;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"

The though that has come to my mind after a week is to hijack the H-scrollbar for the QTreeWidget, and then make that scrollbar scroll only the final column. Because right now, all the columns fit when the window is 620x670px, and who has a screen that small anymore?
Unless anyone has a better solution or objections as to why this is a bad idea, this is the way I'm going to do it.


How to access QTextEdit "layout" to add "status bar"?

This a modified question I have posted on this forum.
It is not a repost, for two reasons - I cannot edit the other post and I am trying to
resolve this issue from another angle. Besides the other post got derailed by people who mean well but did not really read the post.
I have a working C++ code which is using (QT) QTextEdit class to collect and process text data.
The class - as its name suggest - was designed to collect and analyze text.
The text is displayed in "view " area.
My task is to select ONE word of text and drag it to another GUI object.
I like to put the text being dragged into QT standard "status bar".
Normal QT GUI widgets are designed using QTDesigner. Integral part of such design process
is "layout".
As it stands , QTextEdit DOES NOT HAVE / USE "layout" or use it but it is NOT visible / accessible when QTextEdit is implemented - there is no need for it.
In order to add "status bar" I need to MODIFY the view to hold the current text editing
"layout" and add "status bar " layout.
I am unable to figure out how to get access to the QTextEdit class GUI layout.
I am asking for help to accomplish that- how to add "status bar" to EXISTING QTextEdit.
Please read the post carefully _ I need help with how to add "status bar" to EXISTING QTextEdit.
I do have an option to replace the QTextEdit with basic "widget" class but it "breaks " the working code and I rather not do that.
I did look into setting multiple inheritance - Qwidget and QTextEdit but did not work.
PLEASE Mr Higgins , editing my post for proper English grammar and composition DOES NOT solve the problem. So , please - don't.
I'm not entirely sure but your question seems to imply that inheriting from QTextEdit would be acceptable. If that's the case then you can probably make use of the fact that QTextEdit itself inherits QAbstractScrollArea and use the viewport margins to create an area in which to show a status bar of some sort.
Consider the following code...
#include <QApplication>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QTextEdit>
namespace {
class text_edit: public QTextEdit {
using super = QTextEdit;
explicit text_edit (QWidget *parent = nullptr)
: super(parent)
, m_status(this)
m_status.setStyleSheet("background-color: gray;");
m_status.showMessage("Status text goes here...");
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *event) override
if (event->type() == QEvent::Show || event->type() == QEvent::Hide)
return super::eventFilter(obj, event);
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) override
void show_status (bool on)
if (on) {
setViewportMargins(0, 0, 0, m_status.height());;
} else {
setViewportMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
void update_status_geometry ()
* Calculate initial geometry of the QStatusBar based on its size hint.
auto s = m_status.sizeHint();
s.rwidth() = width();
QRect geom(QPoint(0, 0), s);
geom.moveTop(height() - s.height());
* Adjust the status bar geometry to allow for the scroll bars.
if (horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible())
geom.moveTop( - horizontalScrollBar()->height());
if (verticalScrollBar()->isVisible())
geom.setRight(geom.right() - verticalScrollBar()->width());
QStatusBar m_status;
main (int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
text_edit te;;
return app.exec();
Running the code above results in the following widget...

Qt, How can I sort QTableWidget column if the cells are widgets

I have a QTableWidget, some columns are filled with text, some with numbers, these columns are fine to sort. But I also have a column with custom widgets, how should I enable sorting for these?
My first thought was of course to overload the '<' method on the QTableWidgetItem, but there are no QTableWidgetItem. So what would be the best way to solve this?
QTableWidget is not ideal for this case, consider using QTableView. Anyway, I will show you how to sort a QProgressBar widget in a QTableWidget.
As you already said, you can overload the <() operator for this case. Let's say you have a QProgressBar in column number 4. You have to overload the <() operator.
You have to subclass QProgressBar and QTableWidgetItem.
class CustomTableWidgetItem : public QProgressBar, public QTableWidgetItem
CustomTableWidgetItem( QWidget* parent ) : QProgressBar( parent )
CustomTableWidgetItem(const QString txt = QString("0"))
bool operator <(const QTableWidgetItem& other) const
if(other.column() == 0 /* numeric cell */) {
return QTableWidgetItem::text().toInt() < other.text().toInt();
else if(other.column() == 4 /* progress bar */) {
const QProgressBar *p = dynamic_cast<const QProgressBar *>(&other);
if(p != 0) {
if(this->value() < p->value())
return true;
return false;
And then you can insert your QProgressBar like this in cell number 4.
Insert QProgressBar like this
CustomTableWidgetItem *pgbar = new CustomTableWidgetItem(this);
ui->tableWidget->setCellWidget(ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1, 4, pgbar);
ui->tableWidget->setItem(ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1, 4, pgbar);
Let's say you want to have simple text at cell 1 use QTableWidgetItem.
ui->tableWidget->setItem(ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1, 1, new QTableWidgetItem("Hello"));
If you want to sort numbers as well, for example in cell 0 use CustomTableWidgetItem, since we have implemented an if-statement as you can see above for sorting numbers and progressbar.
ui->tableWidget->setItem(ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1, 0, new CustomTableWidgetItem(QString::number(ui->tableWidget->rowCount())));
You can use this approach with other widgets as well, just subclass the correct widget, but in general it's better to use QTableView (MVC approach).
Here is a screenshot with QTableWidget and QProgressBar sorting.

Can you hide a QGroupBox frame but preserve it's content visible?

I have a QGroupBox. Depending on the context, it's title may be redundent (displayed in another place of the GUI), so I then need to make as if the QGroupBox was not here....but I must preserve it's content visible (so I don't want to call QGroupBox::hide())!
I need to do this dynamically at runtime and would like to avoid creating/destroying the QGroupBox + reparenting it's content....there must be an easier way to do this.
What I tried so far:
QGroupBox visible:
QGroupBox::setTitle("") removes the text.
QGroupBox::setFlat(true) makes the frame be a single line.
I end up with this:
Not too bad...but a line there a way to completely hide the QGroupBox frame but preserve it's content visible?
My option:
QGroupBox theBox;
//This removes the border from a QGroupBox named "theBox".
theBox.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox#theBox {border:0;}");
//This removes the border from the group box and all of its children
You can derive your own Group Box from the QGroupBox and reimplement the paintEvent() method. It should be very simple. Original QGroupBox::paintEvent() looks like this:
void QGroupBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStylePainter paint(this);
QStyleOptionGroupBox option;
paint.drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_GroupBox, option);
What you need to do is just to modify the style option right before the widget is painted:
void CMyGroupBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStylePainter paint(this);
QStyleOptionGroupBox option;
// This should disable frame painting.
option.features = QStyleOptionFrame::None;
paint.drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_GroupBox, option);
You can use QFrame + QGridLayout (or some more complex combination of layouts) + QSS instead of a QGroupBox.
Considering a QGroupBox only, a trivial solution via QSS could be:
static const char kSavedTitle[] = "_savedTitle";
void hideBoxFrame(QGroupBox * box) {
box->setProperty(kSavedTitle, box->title());
void showBoxFrame(QGroupBox * box) {
Here's an example that does it by swapping the widgets and reparenting the children. It works for any widget that has direct children, not only QGroupBox. It would require special case handling for widgets such as QScrollArea and QMainWindow that wrap children in a special sub-widget.
See this question for a related discussion of programmatically promoting widgets.
#include <QtWidgets>
/// Replaces the visible widget with a hidden widget, preserving the layout of the
/// children, and making the new widget visible.
void swapWidgets(QWidget * a, QWidget * b)
auto src = a->isVisible() ? a : b;
auto dst = a->isVisible() ? b : a;
/// Move the children to the destination
/// Replace source with destination in the parent
auto layout = src->parentWidget()->layout();
delete layout->replaceWidget(src, dst);
/// Unparent the source, otherwise it won't be reinsertable into the parent.
/// Only the destination should be seen.
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
QWidget w;
QGridLayout wLayout{&w};
QPushButton swapBtn{"Swap"};
QWidget noBox;
QGroupBox box{"Group"};
QGridLayout boxLayout{&box};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
boxLayout.addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Tr%1").arg(i)), i/8, i%8);
swapBtn.connect(&swapBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] { swapWidgets(&box, &noBox); });;
return app.exec();
Yes there is a alternative that you can Try.
You can morph into a QFrame which will keep the behavior But make the container boundaryless
You can simply right click on the Group Box in the QDesigner and Select the 'Morph Into' option to select from

How to make a Qt widget invisible without changing the position of the other Qt widgets?

I've got a window full of QPushButtons and QLabels and various other fun QWidgets, all layed out dynamically using various QLayout objects... and what I'd like to do is occasionally make some of those widgets become invisible. That is, the invisible widgets would still take up their normal space in the window's layout, but they wouldn't be rendered: instead, the user would just see the window's background color in the widget's rectangle/area.
hide() and/or setVisible(false) won't do the trick because they cause the widget to be removed from the layout entirely, allowing other widgets to expand to take up the "newly available" space; an effect that I want to avoid.
I suppose I could make a subclass of every QWidget type that override paintEvent() (and mousePressEvent() and etc) to be a no-op (when appropriate), but I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require me to create three dozen different QWidget subclasses.
This problem was solved in Qt 5.2. The cute solution is:
QSizePolicy sp_retain = widget->sizePolicy();
The only decent way I know of is to attach an event filter to the widget, and filter out repaint events. It will work no matter how complex the widget is - it can have child widgets.
Below is a complete stand-alone example. It comes with some caveats, though, and would need further development to make it complete. Only the paint event is overridden, thus you can still interact with the widget, you just won't see any effects.
Mouse clicks, mouse enter/leave events, focus events, etc. will still get to the widget. If the widget depends on certain things being done upon an a repaint, perhaps due to an update() triggered upon those events, there may be trouble.
At a minimum you'd need a case statement to block more events -- say mouse move and click events. Handling focus is a concern: you'd need to move focus over to the next widget in the chain should the widget be hidden while it's focused, and whenever it'd reacquire focus.
The mouse tracking poses some concerns too, you'd want to pretend that the widget lost mouse tracking if it was tracking before. Properly emulating this would require some research, I don't know off the top of my head what is the exact mouse tracking event protocol that Qt presents to the widgets.
#include <QEvent>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QApplication>
class Hider : public QObject
Hider(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent * ev) {
return ev->type() == QEvent::Paint;
void hide(QWidget * w) {
void unhide(QWidget * w) {
Q_SLOT void hideWidget()
QObject * s = sender();
if (s->isWidgetType()) { hide(qobject_cast<QWidget*>(s)); }
class Window : public QWidget
Hider m_hider;
QDialogButtonBox m_buttons;
QWidget * m_widget;
Q_SLOT void on_hide_clicked() { m_hider.hide(m_widget); }
Q_SLOT void on_show_clicked() { m_hider.unhide(m_widget); }
Window() {
QGridLayout * lt = new QGridLayout(this);
lt->addWidget(new QLabel("label1"), 0, 0);
lt->addWidget(m_widget = new QLabel("hiding label2"), 0, 1);
lt->addWidget(new QLabel("label3"), 0, 2);
lt->addWidget(&m_buttons, 1, 0, 1, 3);
QWidget * b;
b = m_buttons.addButton("&Hide", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
b = m_buttons.addButton("&Show", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
b = m_buttons.addButton("Hide &Self", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), &m_hider, SLOT(hideWidget()));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Window w;;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"
You can use a QStackedWidget. Put your button on the first page, a blank QWidget on the second, and change the page index to make your button vanish while retaining its original space.
I've 3 solutions in my mind:
1) Subclass your QWidget and use a special/own setVisible() replacement method witch turns on/off the painting of the widget (if the widget should be invisible simply ignore the painting with an overridden paintEvent() method). This is a dirty solution, don't use it if you can do it other ways.
2) Use a QSpacerItem as a placeholder and set it's visibility to the opposite of the QWidget you want to hide but preserve it's position+size in the layout.
3) You can use a special container widget (inherit from QWidget) which gets/synchronizes it's size based on it's child/children widgets' size.
I had a similar problem and I ended up putting a spacer next to my control with a size of 0 in the dimension I cared about and an Expanding sizeType. Then I marked the control itself with an Expanding sizeType and set its stretch to 1. That way, when it's visible it takes priority over the spacer, but when it's invisible the spacer expands to fill the space normally occupied by the control.
May be QWidget::setWindowOpacity(0.0) is what you want? But this method doesn't work everywhere.
One option is to implement a new subclass of QWidgetItem that always returns false for QLayoutItem::isEmpty. I suspect that will work due to Qt's QLayout example subclass documentation:
We ignore QLayoutItem::isEmpty(); this means that the layout will treat hidden widgets as visible.
However, you may find that adding items to your layout is a little annoying that way. In particular, I'm not sure you can easily specify layouts in UI files if you were to do it that way.
Here's a PyQt version of the C++ Hider class from Kuba Ober's answer.
class Hider(QObject):
Hides a widget by blocking its paint event. This is useful if a
widget is in a layout that you do not want to change when the
widget is hidden.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Hider, self).__init__(parent)
def eventFilter(self, obj, ev):
return ev.type() == QEvent.Paint
def hide(self, widget):
def unhide(self, widget):
def hideWidget(self, sender):
if sender.isWidgetType():
I believe you could use a QFrame as a wrapper. Although there might be a better idea.
Try void QWidget::erase (). It works on Qt 3.

How do I make a QVector of widgets?

How do I make a QVector (or some other container class) of a dynamic number of widgets, such as QPushButton or QComboBox in Qt 4?
I've used the following in my window class's constructor:
QVector<QComboBox*> foo; // Vector of pointers to QComboBox's
And now I want to fill it with some number of controls which can change dynamically:
for(int count = 0; count < getNumControls(); ++count) {
foo[count] = new QComboBox();
I've searched for hours trying to find the answer to this. The Qt forums mention making a QPtrList, but that class no longer exists in Qt4.
I'd later try to get the text value from each using array-style indexing or the .at() function.
I would really appreciate an example of declaring, initializing, and populating any data structure of any QWidgets (QComboBox, QPushButton, etc.)
here you go :)
#include <QWidget>
#include <QList>
#include <QLabel>
QList< QLabel* > list;
list << new QLabel( parent, "label 1" );
foreach( QLabel* label, list ) {
label->setText( "my text" );
If you are trying just to get a simple example to work, its important that your widgets have a parent (for context / clean up) purposes.
Hope this helps.
foo[count] = new QComboBox();
This won't affect the size of foo. If there isn't already an item at index count, this will fail.
See push_back, or operator<<, which add an item to the end of the list.
QVector<QComboBox*> foo;
// or QList<QComboBox*> foo;
for(int count = 0; count < getNumControls(); ++count) {
foo.push_back(new QComboBox());
// or foo << (new QComboBox());
Later, to retrieve the values:
foreach (QComboBox box, foo)
// do something with box here
