Qt Creator: distribute an app - qt

I'm new to Qt - please, can someone tell me how to build an app so I can run in on other computer without Qt?
I downloaded Qt for Mac, I can run the provided examples. Now I would like to distribute the resulting application in a self-contained package so that users don't have to install or do anything. What do I have to do?
I have the very latest 5.0.1 version.

This is documented in Qt's documentation:
Note that currently, a static build of Qt 5.0 does not work. (4.8 works.)


Google NaCl with Qt on Windows

I have a project which is using Qt 4.7.4 version (also I can't rebuild it using qt4.8 or qt5 – there are a lot of errors appears, project is big and not mine so fixing issues would be even harder than erasing the whole code and write new code). So I need to make this project, well, working on NativeClient.
Is it even possible? I use Windows and Visual Studio, I was trying to google instructions about qt+nacl on Windows but just can’t find nothing.
Also which pepper version should I use if it depends on it?
Is your qt build supporting native client?
Please check out this
The Qt-Nacl is not support, for now, in Windows.
By the way, here is the github repository dedicated for it -> https://github.com/msorvig/qt5-qtbase-nacl
In the file nacl-readme it is written :
[...] Windows is not supported as a host platform.
If you want to compile in Linux, I have made a script that will compile Qt5.4 with NaCl with all the dependencies needed.
I also made a video that will show the different steps and a showCase at the end :

Installing Qt Creator with MinGW

So it looks like with Digia taking Qt over from Nokia, that it's quite a mess to get a few simple downloads.
If I now go to the downloads page (http://qt-project.org/downloads), I see that there's a single Qt Creator 2.6.2 download for Windows. When I download this and run the installation, it seems that MinGW is no longer packaged along with it.
I tried to install MinGW 4.4 separately and then add a toolchain, but nothing runs when I try to compile my CMake-based project.
I then came across the Nokia website that is offering Qt SDK 1.2.1; however it now looks that they require you to create an account to be able to download the installer.
Downloading the full set of Qt libraries is probably what is going to be suggested, but that's not the best idea, because I'm basically writing up an installation procedure for a CMake-based, open-source set of libraries that I've been working on for a while (http://tudat.tudelft.nl).
Users aren't happy with having to download all the Qt libraries, since we're not using any of them.
I've completely run out of solutions now (and mind you, this only seems to be a problem for Windows, since when I install Qt Creator on Linux and Mac, GCC auto-detection seems to work fine).
So, in short, does someone have a simple install routine to install Qt Creator and get it to work with MinGW to compile a CMake-based project?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I know there are plenty of threads on Qt Creator + MinGW, but they all seem to be outdated now with the recent changes on both the Digia and Nokia websites.
I should add that the problem specifically is not that the toolchains can't be auto-detected under Windows. I've managed to get both MinGW and CMake auto-detected by Qt Creator by adding both to the system path. The problem is that when I then try to open the CMakeLists.txt file for my project, I can't select any generators.
Straight forward:
Install Qt Framework
Install MinGw
Install CMake
Install other stuff, e.g. git
Install Qt Creator
As you already mentioned, the chances are good that Qt Creator gets everything via auto detect. Nevertheless, you should check the Qt settings if everything is in place, e.g. the debugger.
The first time you open a cmake project, Qt Creator (should) ask for the tool chain to use. If you want to change the chain afterwards, delete the build files and cmake directories.
More details to Qt Creator and cmake: http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.7/creator-project-cmake.html

Link to Qt SDK? [duplicate]

I haven't used Qt on Windows in a while. I know that now we're supposed to download the open source version from the Qt Project website.
But the page at http://qt-project.org/downloads has separate links to installers for Qt libraries and Qt Creator. I remember being able to just download the full SDK and get started, but now I have t separately install MinGW, the libraries and Qt Creator.
Can I still get the libraries and Qt Creator in a single bundle, and if yes, where should I look?
Digia distributes the SDK now. Not sure if it's still free. http://qt.digia.com/Product/Qt-SDK/
I just downloaded Qt SDK from http://download.cnet.com/Qt-SDK/3000-2069_4-75305206.html
It seems to be working, although windows says the installer is unsigned.
There is a installation guide plus full SDK (1.2.1), both LINUX/WINDOWS including supplemental files. No non-functional Windows-MinGW installation is required here.

add qt and qt mobility to my project

I've been reading about qt for some time now and would like to use it to write application for Nokia devices. But there is one thing unclear for me. Let say my aplication uses qt and qt mobility so anyone who would like to install it would have to install qt and qt mobility manually first. Am I getting it right? Or maybe there is a way to add them to my project as static libraries or something...thanks for any help
Nokia Smart Installer eliminates the need for Symbian apps to bundle the Qt framework in distributed SIS files. When an app packaged with Smart Installer is installed, a check is made for the presence of the required Qt packages. If any Qt packages are not present Smart Installer downloads and installs them.
You need download the qt-mobility source code and compile it,
See QtMobility 1.2.2: Installation Guide

Qt create executable

Is there a quick, straightforward way to make a Qt application into an executable? I attempted to follow the instructions at http://doc.qt.digia.com/4.1/deployment-windows.html but have been unsuccesfull thus far; I'm unable to Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I always use CMake to build Qt projects, it's easy, free and cross platform. Guide : Compiling Qt4 apps with CMake. CMake also come with CPack to easly make installer for Windows, Mac and Linux.
I agree with chmod700 about the Qt Creator suggestion, it's not my favorite IDE but it's still really nice and easy.
Do you mean an installer package? I assume you are able to compile, link, and run your app and you mean how do you package it up for others.
http://installbuilder.bitrock.com/ <-- special handling of Qt based projects but costs $
http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php <-- my personal favorite and it's free (can be rough to learn advanced features though)
Though if you mean how do you build your app, you may want to try the new Qt Creator (http://www.qtsoftware.com/products/appdev/developer-tools/developer-tools#qt-tools-at-a) which will setup build targets for you and really makes desktop Qt dev a snap. Also if you're still using 4.1, you can now use 4.5 under the LGPL on all platforms making it almost a no-brainer to upgrade.
I'm not sure if I understand your problem. Assuming you're using MinGW, it's really easy and quite straightforward:
get the Qt sources and unpack them to some folder (f.e. c:\Qt\4.5.0-static)
install MinGW. Make sure the MinGW executable folder is in the %PATH% variable.
open a cmd windows, go to the Qt sources and run configure -static. You can add other config options if you like to, but usually you don't need that.
when building Qt finished, go to your application sources, open a cmd window and run the qmake of your built Qt installation -- i.e. c:\Qt\4.5.0-static\bin\qmake in the example given above.
run make
you get a statically linked binary in the end (you might want to check it with Dependency Walker).
Doing the same using Visual Studio is pretty similar.
Or do you want to build dynamically and create an installer package?
