Meteor: How can I tell when the database is ready? - meteor

I want to perform a Meteor collection query as soon as possible after page-load. The first thing I tried was something like this:
Games = new Meteor.Collection("games");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
This doesn't work, though (it prints "undefined"). The same query works a few seconds later when invoked from the JavaScript console. I assume there's some kind of lag before the database is ready. So how can I tell when this query will succeed?
Meteor version 0.5.7 (7b1bf062b9) under OSX 10.8 and Chrome 25.

You should first publish the data from the server.
if(Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('default_db_data', function(){
return Games.find({});
On the client, perform the collection queries only after the data have been loaded from the server. This can be done by using a reactive session inside the subscribe calls.
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
Session.set('data_loaded', false);
Meteor.subscribe('default_db_data', function(){
//Set the reactive session as true to indicate that the data have been loaded
Session.set('data_loaded', true);
Now when you perform collection queries, you can check if the data is loaded or not as:
Note: Remove autopublish package, it publishes all your data by default to the client and is poor practice.
To remove it, execute $ meteor remove autopublish on every project from the root project directory.

Use DDP._allSubscriptionsReady() (Meteor 0.7)

As of Meteor 1.0.4, there is a helper that tells you exactly when a particular subscription is ready: Template.instance().subscriptionsReady().
Since this question is a duplicate, please check my answer in the original question, Displaying loader while meteor collection loads.

You can also do template level subscriptions:{
var self = this;
const db = this.subscribe('publicationname', [,args]);
"You'll know it's ready here" .. do what you need.
This makes it easier to know inside the template too. you can just call
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{else}} Loading Screen may be

You could check when a result is finally returned if you know that your Games collection is never empty:
Meteor.autorun(function() {
if(Games.findOne() && !Session.get("loaded")) {
//Its ready..
You can also use this in your templates:
Client js:
Template.home.isReady = function() { return Session.get("loaded") };
<template name="home">
{{#if isReady}}
Yay! We're loaded!!
Hold an a second

Here is another tidbit of information for those who may be using userid or some part of user info stored in Meteor.users database. When the page first loads the Meteor subscribe, going on in the background, may not be complete itself. Therefor when you try to connect to another database to query for that, it will not pull the information. This is because the Meteor.user() is still null itself;
The reason, like said above, is because the actual Meteor users collection has not gotten through pulling the data.
Simple way to deal with this.
This will return true or false, to let you know when the Meteor.user collection is ready. Then you can go on about your business.
I hope this helps someone, I was about to pull my hair out trying to figure out how to check the status. That was after figuring out the Meteor user collection itself was not loaded yet.


Can I make all my subscriptions non-reactive in Meteor

Would it be possible to make all my subscriptions non-reactive?
This means, that once the inicial set has been sent to the client, server stops observing the cursors.
I found the following answer here: Are non-reactive Meteor db subscriptions possible?
This works, but I'd prefer a "global" solution.
Ideally, I'd like to have the option to choose which subscriptions would be reactive and which won't. For example, I'd like to have all logged in "admin" users to have reactive data, however, regular website visitors don't need this.
Thanks! :)
You can by simply adding {reactive: false} on your publication options.
// This code only runs on the server
Meteor.publish("company", function companyPublication(){
if (this.userId) {
return Company.find({userId: this.userId},{limit:1, reactive:
} else {
return this.ready();

Meteor publication with calculations

I have 2 collections: Meteor.users and Projecs.
Users collection have field "projects" which contains array of user's project's ids.
"projects" : [
Also I have a publication for user's projects:
Meteor.publish('projects', function() {
var userProjects = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId).projects;
return Projects.find({_id: {$in: userProjects}});
Everything works fine, but when I add new project (and update users ("projects" field) who are in this project) reactive publication doesn't works. Projects page doesn't contains recently added project. It works only when I refresh page.
Subscription made in router:
waitOn: function() {
return [
What should I do with this publication? Thanks a lot.
This is happening because Meteor.users is not reactive. I don't know what the reason behind but I saw many developers, specially developers who try to get famous by publish really cool articles about their awesome application, exposing the tokens.
So if some idiot publish the Meteor.users to the browser, it's a security flaw. It would be even worst if it was reactive because the token would be updated in realtime. Maybe this a block to newbie who don't really know that they're doing. Just my opinion about this decision.
This collection is design to be used for managing users and after the login, it makes no sense to use to store data, as it is designed.
Yea, this is a known "problem". Publish functions aren't reactive, so Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId).projects will only be evaluated when the client subscribes. You'll find a lot of information about this if you search for "meteor reactive joins", for example
In your case, the clients will always have access to their array of project ids, right? Then the simplest solution would probably be to do something like this on the client:
var user = Meteor.user()
So, when the client notices that the array of project ids has changed, it renews the subscription (I'm unsure if passing user.projects to the subscribe call is necessary, but I'm a bit afraid that the subscription isn't is renewed if it's called with the same arguments as before).
Using the reactive-publish package (I am one of authors) you can do:
Meteor.publish('projects', function () {
this.autorun(function (computation) {
var userProjects = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId, {fields: {projects: 1}}).projects;
return Projects.find({_id: {$in: userProjects}});
Just be careful to limit the first query only to projects so that autorun is not rerun for changes in other fields.

Meteor - idiomatic way of re rendering template

I have a simple template which has a search box in it:
<template name="search">
<input type="text" name="search" id="search" />
{{> search_results}}
and obviously, the search results template:
<template name="search_results">
{{#each results}}
There is an event for keyp on the search input:{
'keyup input#search': function (e) {
// fetch result from db
My problem is, where i have the comment: fetch result from db how do i get the search results template to auto update with the results from the db query?
To be clear: i can get the results fine, just cant see how to get the results template to update.
Essentially, something in the template you want to rerender (search_results) has to be reactive and register a changed event. Out of the box, that means it could be any of the data sources listed here. Since this isn't happening for you, I assume that when you "fetch results from db" you're not actually returning the result of a minimongo query, as this would be reactive by default.
If so, this kind of problem is often most easily solved by rolling your own reactivity using the Deps.Dependency prototype, which (as I understand it) underpins all the other reactive data sources other than the minimongo itself.
If you set var resultsChanged = new Deps.Dependency(), you get an object with two methods: depends and changed. Invoke the former in any computation you want to rerun when it changes and the latter to register a change. Session variables are basically just key/value stores with these Deps.Dependency methods attached to their get and set methods respectively.
So if you have resultsChanged initialised, you just need to make sure your search_results template depends on it, either by adding a new helper function (if results is in the data context as opposed to being a call to a helper), or amending the results helper itself. I'll assume the latter, but adding a new helper instead would be equally trivial.
results: function() {
// get your results from wherever
return results;
That will rerun every time resultsChanged changes, so you just have to add the appropriate code in your callback when you fetch the results:
'keyup input#search': function (e) {
// fetch result from db, passing "resultsChanged.changed()" in a callback
Obviously, if the result fetching is synchronous, you don't even need to pass a callback, you can just do it on the next line.
I hope that is vaguely helpful - please let me know if it's not. If my assumption that you're not just pulling something out of the database is wrong, then this is probably on totally the wrong track, so I would recommend posting your actual "fetch result from db" code in your question.

How to know when user document loaded in Meteor Accounts

I understand that when writing code that depends on the collection being loaded into the client minimongo, that you should explicitly subscribe to the collection and pass in the appropriate callback for when it is finished loading.
My problem is that I store a lot of important subdocuments that my page needs to access in the users collection. I am using Meteor Accounts, and am trying to figure out a similar way to wait until the entire logged in user document is available. When using this to test:
the logged in case, it seems like it first registers an object with just the _id, and then sends the other fields later (I know I have to explicitly add other fields to publish from the server beyond email, etc.).
Is there a way for me to wait for the logged in user document to load completely before executing my code?
Deps.autorun (previously Meteor.autorun) reruns when something reactive changes, which might fit your use case:
Client js
Deps.autorun(function () {
if(Meteor.user() {
//Collection available
If you're using a subscription you can also use its callback. Have a read about it on the docs as you might have to customize it a bit, and remove the autopublish package as well as get your other collections set up to subscriptions
Server js:
Meteor.publish("userdata", function () {
//You might want to alter this depending on what you want to send down
return Meteor.users.find({}, {}});
Client js
Meteor.subscribe("userdata", function() {
//Collection available

meteor: no page updates after updating collection

I have published and subscribed successfully two collections. On client side, i put the subscribe method into an autorun function and my collections updates every time i change some session variables. My data model looks like the following:
Topics: {
_id: ObjectID,
comments: [
Comments: {
_id: ObjectID,
When i create a new comment, i insert the comment in the Comments collection and update the Topics collection with a $push on the array. After this i expected, that meteor re-renders my page, but this happens only if i change my topic session variable and change it back or reload the page manually... Only then meteor renews the subscription.
Why is this so? I think i missed something... But the docs gave me no clues.
I guess, the reason is that you are performing database insertion on client side, but can't tell why it's not rendering page again.
One more way you can do that is, perform insertion on server side using as:
if (Meteor.isClient){
....'addComment', 'your_new_comment');
And on the server-side:
'addComment' : function(data){
//your insertion code here.
The same you can do for Topics also. This will update the relevant data on server-side, and because you have already published-subscribed those data, it will be automatically published on client, even though the session variable doesn't changes.
